Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 : Acquisition of Snow Store

After Xiang Qianjin said this with a smile, many people were confused.

As long as you are not stupid, you can understand the meaning of this sentence. As long as you are not stupid, you can hear it. The purpose of JK·WANG is to learn about the scientific research of Huacheng. Those who dream suddenly seem to be a lot awake. .

JK. WANG said with a smile: “After the company is acquired, it should be decided by the board of directors.”

“Hehe, too. But I want to remind you that technology companies are used for development, not for hiding. Generally speaking, many foreign companies like this. After acquiring local companies, they will be left behind. It fends for itself, and then quickly cuts the market in the country where it is located. Whether it is Baiying or Shigeying, we have done too much in China. It is almost enough. Don’t go too far. If it is too much, it will be moved sooner or later. He shot himself in the foot.” Xiang Qianjin said with a smile, and JK WANG said with a smile: “Ha ha ha, if I don’t want to sell, I have no opinion, after all, we still don’t have such a strong purchase intention. ”

Xiang Qianjin shook his head and said, “No, of course we want to sell it. At least I want to tell you that you don’t have the technical capabilities of China’s folk sciences today. Your money has brought us new life.”

Liu Ruoxin smiled and handed the contract to JK·WANG. To be honest, this sentence is really disgusting.

It was revealed that the other party was still beating the other party in the face, Xiang Qianjin was really insensitive.

When Liu Ruoxin handed the contract to Liu Ruoxin, Cheng Bojun gritted his teeth and said, “You just gave up like this?”

“It’s not that we gave up, but you gave up. Didn’t you find these people too?” After Liu Ruoxin finished speaking, she resolutely signed, and then handed the contract to JK·WANG. JK·WANG felt awkward in her heart. She took a deep look at Xiang Qianjin, and Xiang Qianjin also looked at her. JK WANG didn’t know if it was her own illusion. She always felt Xiang Qianjin seemed to know herself, but she couldn’t remember where she had seen Xiang Qianjin. After Liu Ruoxin signed the contract, Huacheng Scientific Research ended today. When Liu Ruoxin walked out of the office, she looked at the company she had struggled with, and said in a low voice: “It seems that I really want to say goodbye to the past.”

Lin Kexin smiled, and she whispered: “When we came here, you said that this company is someone else’s. We are just here to fulfill our own dream. From now on, we will be called Huayan Technology. The establishment belongs to both of us. My little uncle is willing to pay for a company of my own, and the two of us add Xiang Qiang. As he said, we have been stagnant in the past. We will never run fast if we don’t let go of these heavy burdens. If we want to run If it is fast, then we must go lightly! And starting from today, our company will become the best technology company in China, and in the future, it will become the best in the world.”

Liu Ruoxin looked at Lin Kexin with a faint smile, then nodded slightly and said, “Yeah!”

All the plans were completed within Xiang Qianjin’s expectations. Liu Ruoxin really withdrew her capital. She took out all of her money. With this money plus the money invested by Wang Shiqian, plus the money invested by the state, she can do her best Going forward to throw away the previous bad debts, and then concentrate on the battery project.

Thinking of this, her feet speeded up unconsciously. As a result, when Liu Ruoxin walked to the door of her office, many employees stood in front of her office. The secretary first said, “Mr. Liu, you will take us in when we come. This company, now that you are gone, we have to follow you, and we have to follow you wherever you go.”

Liu Ruoxin said with a smile: “Well, but if you come to a new company, it will be very bitter in the early stage, and it will be very tired as before.

“It’s okay, just come over again!” The employees smiled, Liu Ruoxin glanced at Xiang Qianjin, Xiang Qianjin smiled: “This is also your wealth.”

Liu Ruoxin nodded, and she calmly said: “I will report to the new company building tomorrow. I will notify the secretary in the afternoon. When you sign up with the secretary, I will notify you of the temporary office location tomorrow.”

After Liu Ruoxin finished speaking, Lin Kexin said with a smile: “As far as the location is concerned, I will be a good place in the future. Our family has a small three-story old building. It used to be an old guest house. It is said that it is my father’s property. Now it is. The guest house is not made, and the family plans to sell it. Now we are just using it. We will temporarily change the old guest house into a company, and we will work there. The key is that it is very close to the University of Science and Technology.”

“Okay, let’s go to work there first. Let’s have a bit of trouble first, and we will be looking for a new office building for the headquarters building later.”

“I can’t use it. Let’s use the money for development first. Just have a place in the office!” The employees immediately expressed their opinions. Liu Ruoxin said with a smile: “Well, then go to the guest house now. Let’s clean up! ”

Cheng Bojun was completely dazed by Liu Ruoxin’s departure.

He found that this move completely halted himself. The people Liu Ruoxin took away were the pillars of the company. Although there were not many, they were the backbones of various departments. Basically, they came in with Liu Ruoxin for the cultivation of talents. Above, Liu Ruoxin is still very attentive.

Now it can be seen that Liu Ruoxin is still Liu Ruoxin, and all these people followed when she left. Although these people accounted for a quarter of the company, the backbone elites were basically gone.

His son is left in charge of the scientific research building, but doesn’t Cheng Bojun know how capable Cheng Zhi is? After so many walks, the first thing JK·WANG did was layoffs!

It seems that Xiang Qianjin really got the point. Cheng Bojun originally planned to put Liu Ruoxin in the army. Unexpectedly, Liu Ruoxin will be okay, but will be given a new life!

The company changed places. Everyone packed up their things and left. When they arrived at the new place, Liu Ruoxin deliberately put Xiang Qianjin’s office in her own office. Xiang Qianjin is still working as a technical consultant for Lin Kexin and directly obeys Lin Kexin’s orders.

However, Xiang Qianjin has his own scientific research office. Moreover, it was not far from the college. After everyone came in, Xiang Qianjin took advantage of the heat and put the lithium-ion battery production project on the agenda as the company’s first production project.

As the first production direction of mobile phone battery production, Xiangqian’s design is still very bold and advanced, but it is not a delusion, because there are detailed production steps, and the first batch of production equipment lists have been listed.

The problem now is the venue, equipment, and the venue for R&D and testing.

The R&D experiment site can be borrowed from the school. The production R&D project is still very fast. Xiang Qianjin has already completed the design in this area. When you see Xiang Qiang’s plan, they find that there is nothing to discuss at all. According to the design Just execute the plan. The problem now is the equipment…Many equipment is blocked, it is impossible to buy it, and the price of the other party is also very expensive. It is an astronomical figure, and a small company like Huayan is definitely not able to handle it.

The blockade is still there, and it is very serious.

Wang Lao looked at Xiang Qiang’s design book, and he whispered: “Go ahead, it’s not that I pour cold water on you. We can’t buy many of these equipment. The foreign blockades on us are too serious. These equipments Some prices may be over 100 million yuan.”

Xiang Qianjin said in a low voice, “I know, but it is necessary to clarify if the equipment is changed. At least get it first and see what equipment is missing.”

“I think ultrasonic equipment is very difficult to make, and diaphragm machines are not easy to work with. Unless we re-purchase the equipment into parts and components, in that case, it is equivalent to redesigning ourselves.” Xiang Qianjin thought for a while. , And then smiled: “Old Wang! You have a great idea!”

Old Wang was stunned. He looked at Xiang Qiang, and then said in surprise: “Your kid has a brain problem, right? You really want to do this? Can it work?”

“Why not? If we want to break through the blockade, this is the joint we have to break through now. And we can’t be blocked like this all the time. As long as we break their blockade, we will be less blocked. Give it a try, bike Become a motorcycle. Mr. Wang, this is worth a fight!”

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