Rebirth of the Tech Frenzy

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 : Professor Ivan

“What are you talking about? The origins are not right. The project that Zheng Qiaomin and Wang Feng are doing together is not right? I think you don’t want to get involved in the science and technology circle, right? What are they? Do you know the authority? Do you understand authority?” Cheng Bojun roared angrily, and Cheng Zhi hurriedly said: “I didn’t mean that, Dad, I said Liu Ruoxin was afraid to do something secretly. She probably bought some technology!”

Cheng Bojun whispered: “Buy technology? Where did she get so much money? A foreign technology can easily cost hundreds of millions, even if it is cheap, it costs tens of millions of domestic prices. How could I not know such a big movement?”

“The key is… Dad, I suspect that Liu Ruoxin bought the stolen technology. They are just doing reverse imitation in China.”

“You mean reverse imitation?” Cheng Bojun asked suspiciously. Cheng Zhi hurriedly said: “Let me tell you, I have long discovered that there is a kid in this school that is abnormal. He, a soil bun, knows about lithium batteries. He is a major in electronic control. They can use this technology for no reason. I have inquired about how to make it, and I also asked someone to ask for help. It was said that it was a test of lithium batteries. There was iron phosphate in the shopping list. I suspect they are doing the most advanced lithium iron phosphate ion battery synthesis experiment. This project At present, only foreign countries have it. Zhongying is also in the laboratory stage. Baiying’s laboratory is still a bit worse! Let me tell you, there must be a problem with this matter! Can Huaxia people go in front of Zhongying and Baiying? Why don’t you believe it?”

Cheng Bojun thought for a while, then whispered: “The news is reliable?”

“Reliable, Dad, this may be an opportunity! Liu Ruoxin went to the wrong way, she is digging her own grave! You can threaten her and let her surrender the technology at that time, won’t you be able to control Huayan at that time!”

“Well, I’m imagining, you should also reflect on it! What do you do!”

When the Cheng family’s father and son were studying these things, Xiang Qiang’s laboratory project went well, and all the project data had passed. Zheng Lao and Wang Lao looked at the data in surprise, and the two elderly people reviewed the verification data separately. Other experts from the school also followed in to observe, and there was another expert from Ermao.

His name is Iwan, and he is an expert in electrochemistry and batteries. Ivan came from Ermao and one of the experts that the country paid a lot of money to invite back to China. Now he teaches at the University of Science and Technology. Ivan frowned when he looked at the plan. After being arrogant Feng Changzheng took the plan and looked at it, he asked in a low voice: “Old Zheng, is this plan a bit too big? It feels a bit hard for experts to see. It’s uncomfortable. This advancement is neither an expert nor an authority. Who would look at it if you submit such a proposal?

“Huh, this is what you are. The layman is watching the excitement. The professional plan can be simple, simple, and straightforward. The key is to be concise and concise. We are doing academic work, and every word must be correct and independent at the time. Sex, what you want is conclusive, there must not be any ambiguity, and the ambiguity can only be put into inference. If you don’t understand, don’t express your opinions here, it’s embarrassing.”

“You said that this thing Chungakura hasn’t been developed until now. You come up with this plan now, so you are not afraid of making foreign experts laugh? Mr. Zheng? You should also consider the overall situation! This makes our work hard to do. ?”

“I care about the overall situation? I tell you Lao Feng, if this project is completed, it will bring at least 15 years of technological progress to the country, which means that we have kept up with the battery! Do you know? This thing can be used in large-scale On equipment, such as conventional submarines! AIP technology, are you stupid?” After Zheng Lao finished speaking, Feng Changzheng asked in surprise, “Really?”

“Nonsense, why do you think Crazy Wang is begging to plug in? Isn’t it because you want to have one more technical circuit? There are routines for battery life abroad. If you don’t understand, don’t say anything. After Zheng Lao finished speaking, Ivan coughed. He glanced at Feng Changzheng with a bad look, and then whispered a few words to the translator on the side. The translator walked over quickly, and he whispered, “Principal, Professor Ivan. Please keep quiet. He said that he should take a closer look at this plan and don’t disturb him. If you don’t mind, you can adjourn for 30 minutes first, and Professor Iwan must take a serious look.”

Ivan continued to look at the plan seriously and carefully with his glasses. There was nothing to vent the gun in this plan. It was dry, with a few words, and the narrative was straightforward and concise. The analysis is also very straightforward, and the inference and reasoning are correct!

And there is also laboratory data that proves that Ivan took a closer look with glasses, then slightly shook his head and said: “My God, what kind of person is this plan? Can he see the future? ?”

Ivan couldn’t help but exclaimed with the information.

Zheng Lao and Wang Feng have rarely heard of someone who can make Ivan so admired, especially the arrogant Feng Changzheng who looked at Professor Ivan with surprise.

He has seen the plan. It is indeed very good and detailed, but he did not expect to be so appreciated by Ivan, which shows that the professor has seen what they can’t see.

Liu Ruoxin and Lin Kexin, who were sitting aside, had smiles on their faces, but did not dare to speak. Professor Ivan shook his head forgettingly and said: “China is really a place full of miracles and mysteries. Unexpectedly, you have surpassed us in battery research and development. Congratulations. President Feng, Professor Zheng, Professor Wang. You really It’s so powerful, it makes me look at it with admiration!”

Faced with Ivan’s strong praise, everyone in the room was shocked. Ivan can be said to be authoritative, and his words are even more effective than many experts and professors.

“Professor Iwan, this project was not completed by us.” Professor Wang held the thermos cup with a smile, and he said calmly.

Ivan looked at Professor Wang suspiciously. Professor Wang said with a smile: “This project was completed independently by my students. Professor Zheng and I were only responsible for the review and inspection for him. We did not participate in the completion of the project, including the laboratory. During the project phase, President Liu and Director Lin personally assisted Xiang Qiang to complete. You can ask them to know this.”

“Yes, Professor Iwan, I can prove that this project was almost completed by Xiang Qiang alone, and we only did some simple work during the laboratory project. Basically, the project was completed by Xiang Qiang alone. , Especially the experimental plan, he did it alone.” At this point, Ivan couldn’t help but shook his head and said, “My God, I really can’t believe it. This is really a miracle. How about Xiang Qiang? ”

“Uh… Xiang Qianjin is a student, we didn’t let him come.”

“What is this? This project is a project done by Xiang Qiang. I doubt your attitude towards scientific research. President Feng. What you are doing is preventing China’s scientific and technological development. You will become a sinner on the road of scientific and technological progress! ”

Ivan excitedly accused Feng Changzheng in his imperfect Mandarin, and Feng Changzheng was confused. Ivan is a kind person on weekdays. Why is he so excited?

Ivan’s excitement is because the advanced technology is adding a terrible technological improvement to the future, which everyone can see. Whoever becomes a stumbling block in technological progress will become a sinner of history. This is a big hat for Feng Changzheng! Feng Changzheng can’t afford this hat!

What Ivan said made Feng Changzheng really embarrassed. If it was spread, he would stop doing it. Old Zheng smiled and said, “Haha, Professor Ivan, Xiang Qianjin is in the process of developing a new experimental plan, so We did not dare to disturb him, but this time period is estimated to be a break time. I asked him to come over, but still don’t delay his time too much. His project was merged with Professor Wang Feng’s project and is continuing now. .”

“Okay, trouble him, I really want to see this person.” Ivan said with a smile, and Zheng Lao called someone to invite Xiang to come over. Xiang Qiang was really in the laboratory at this time, but he was doing research on lithium titanium. Now that the cathode material for lithium iron phosphate is available, the best choice for anode material is lithium titanate.

Both lithium iron phosphate and lithium titanate have a characteristic that they do not deflagrate or explode. Moreover, the fast charging effect of lithium titanate is good. The disadvantage is that the density is lower than that of lithium iron phosphate, so the density is small and the volume is large, and the energy density gap will be more serious. To put it bluntly, the lower the energy density, the less power a battery can supply. You charge faster and use faster! Like a battery of the same size, if someone can generate 1 kilowatt-hour of electricity, then yours has only half a kilowatt-hour. Is the advantage obvious? This is the direction that Xiang Qiang needs to solve now…

Once this direction is resolved, lithium battery technology can be considered relieved…

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