Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 189: Place holder

Memnon, Shokai, Anubis and Oshun are walking through the stone ruins of Darmok. Over the years the Feral Goblins have been removing the embellishments that use to be on the walls of Darmok. They used materials like and emeralds to decorate their city walls. The level one party is in a formation that Sokai recommends with him in front of Oshun in the middle and Memnon in the rare.

They come across a level five feral Goblin. Goblin is about as tall as normal people and besides the fact that there are no skinny orcs one would be hard-pressed to find the difference between the two races. Like Orcs, Goblins have joined the forces of the evil gods and are enemies of all Mythial aligned forces.

Shokai had sent Anubis to scout ahead. Anubis so far by following his order they have avoided fighting any large groups. However, the only way past this goblin is through.

Shokai says, "Okay we will go with the strategy we discussed." Memnon sees no problem with this once they get used to the goblins they should be able to farm them. While he finds the legendary item. In fact, they could farm with just Shokai and Ashun if they were more skilled. As long as they are a party and are all in the small map they will all gain experience.

Memnon says, "don't heal me at all I should be okay. Just focus on keeping Shokai alive. Remember to time your heals for when he has less than half health others wise you should be attacking." The Feral Goblin has light green skin. A face that looks like a pug smashed in by a loving brick and large teeth that don't fit into their mouths. This particular Feral Goblin is a warrior his basic club giving him away.

[Feral Goblin]

level 5

Hp: 300

Shokai uses •Shield Bash• To close the distance between him and the feral Goblin. The feral Goblin roars with itss stinky breath when it is impacted by the shield. Anubis attacks as intended right after Shokai.

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The Feral goblins higher level means it has a slightly higher defence. They will have to coordinate well to not die.

•Shield Bash• has a five-second cooldown. Anubis had also used a skill called  •Concealed strike• which has a chance to stun the enemy. This time thou it didn't trigger. Shokai is already holding upfield. The Feral Goblin launches its •Blunt Strike•


Everyone is surprised except Memnon the fact Shokai was damage. Having only a hundred health at level one means he can only survive about five to eight shout depending on the damage. The damage is from the fact that the goblin deals more damage than his shield can tank.

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Memnon has chosen the ice element to start with. His favourite skill in the ice oath is the Forst trap skill that traps an enemy for ten seconds. He doesn't use it her because he needs them to able to fight with him but he does launch his normal ice attack from his staff.


Goblins don't have high magic resistance so they receive more damage from Memnon. Oshun attacks again her basic attack only has a one-point-five second cool down.

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Shokai attacks to prevent the feral goblin from focusing on Memnon after all aggro management part of the Knights skill set.

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Seeing low damage, Shokai counts one second then launches his •Mighty strike• The second is to allow Anubis to attack.




The trio has finally attacked in a pattern. Memnon is happy. Now if only they could time their skills properly. This is something he hopes they discover while he went otherwise he will instruct them painfully. The feral goblin has only two hundred health left. When it swings its club again this time Shokai sidesteps having noticed its attack this time.

Inside he is jumping with joy, the Feral Goblina are not as hectic as he thought. It seems that he then uses •Shield Bash• again on the Feral goblin Anubis follows with a •Concealed Strike• this time the stun does proc. The Feral Goblin stands there with a dazed look for about three seconds.






The Oshun is able to attack twice because she issuing a basic attack, Memnon deals a whooping twenty-five damage lucky for him though the aggro is locked with Shokai who also manage to deliver one blow. After using a skill in there is a one-second period where a player can't use another skill or attack. They can dodge move around drink but they can't attack that's why Anubis only landed one hit. As a soft target, he has to move back to prevent from being attacked.

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Oshun manages a third hit on the Feral Goblin. Coming out of stun in a mad rage The feral goblin swings at the only person in range Shokai. Tries to tank it with his but the shield is hit on the top forcing his shield into the ground. Anubis attacks too this time.


The attack had hit a joint so dealt slightly more damage. Not that Anubis knew. The Feral Goblin stats limping around the battle with just over a hundred life left it starting to look really ragged.

Shokai having Kept one eye on his skill and another on the health of the Goblin says, "Everyone attack now!" They should in his estimation be able e to kill it. Memnon knows that Shokai jumped the gun a bit but decides to help out this time.





-22 troll attacks Shokai

- 22 •Mighty strike•

- 24 •Concelaed Strike•

Memnon smiles the boss only has eight health left and Oshun is swinging her staff for a basic attack. The Feral Goblin comes crashing to its knees and drops dead.

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The body of the goblin is sparkling and everyone receives 100 exp for killing the Feral Goblin. That means the others only have to kill four more to get a level up.

Memnon says, " Okay guys that was good here is a link. This is one of the best guides on battle techniques. Im going to hunt on my own." The link he has given them is from an old streamer who played a lot of Path of Freedom. Most people just show how to raid, she teaches the techniques behind the raiding method. This means that her teaches don't apply to any specific raid. This will allow them to adapt her teachings to fit their game play style and class.

Oshun says, " You brought us here to play together and now your are going to abandon us?" She is pretending to be hurt but also speaks a bit of truth.

Memnon says, " Not at all I think you guys just won't be able to follow." He points at a wall. It wall has scratches in a spiral pattern. This is the entrance to hidden for Memnon it is shining brightly and he can feel a strong mana pulse from the portal.

Shokai says, " Isnt that just a scratching post or something." He even touches the wall trying to see if their is a hidden lever or something else he missed.

Memnon says, "Guys I think it special instancd remember on the forum they spoke about them." Special instances is the general term used in Mythic to describes special areas.

Anubis says, " Wow really i can't feel anything its just a stone. What about you Oshun?" Using his sharp vision  he tries to find a hidden button on the wall.

Oshun says, " How do you know its not a trap or something else." She is suspicious since the only person who seems to be having a reaction to the rock is her brother. As a magical she too should have a reaction.

Memnon says, " Im hoping their are traps  since traps are a prelude to treasure." He is smiling showing a greedy gamer face.

Oshun says, " Fine do whatever you like we will keep leveling." She folds her arms she really likes spending time with him .They hardly get to hang out much. Even though she is only a year younger than him they have had a massive divide between them.

Memnon with a cheeky hug says, " Thank you my dear sister. I know you always support me." He touches the wall and his body. Starts to become clear and the like smoke he is pulled into the scratches on the wall. leaving his friends behind.

Oshun says in a huff, " Lets go by the time he comes we will be level ten!" The boys laugh and go deeper towards the ruins of Darmok. Slaying All manner of goblins while waiting for Memnon to return.

The team is using the link he has sent them. The videos are separated by techniques such pulling, aggro management, city development etc. Their is almost a video for anything you think. Anubis even stumbles upon a method to woo npcs.

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