Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 180: The Exhaust Valve

With the Typhoon's Realm Raider coming online, several changes were occurring on the outside of the super sub. The Lantian dome's soul steel spreads through the ship. Interwoven into the hidden sub structures of the super sub. Two wings grew out of its sides like a warbird stretching it wings. This is more than a decoration. Similar events are taking place with the Regenerative hull, the menacing silver, high challenging reds and impressive golds flow over the ship the colours making the ship even imposing as if the hum of one of its engines was not enough. 

It is a living ship power is giving it a chance to regrow systems that had been looted. The Soul Steel acts as the nervous system of the ship. Every parts is in one or antihero connected to it. Especially Myocardial Motor Generator which is a mixture of Alchemy, Apothecary and Smithing. The systems relies on almost no magically power at all. Using only machinal potential to drive the systems. 

The Synthetic Sea has replicated itself into the key component currently sitting in the Dragon's Jaw Dungeon. SKY Ocean Hunter signs, " Lets go clear out we have to clear out that blockade in the exhaust valve." 

BABYMAKERXCREAM signs, " Its great we cut loose in here most rooms and hallways are tier five entities." 

MagmaHeart signs, " Im still exacted for tier one. Level one hundred is suppose to our first proper shift into becoming super beings." 

Calypso signs, " The focus right now should be on the here and now." She has an idea that what they are heading towards is probably a mob of sort. The only is that they would have slaughter over a thousand of these guys. 

X2CU signs, " Bin that, what ever this is we can handle it." She really wants to explore the access that SKY Ocean Hunter has given them to the ship is amazing. She is even liasing with Black Ocean Chapter. The information missions on ships systems pays a nice bonus. It will make the two weeks going back to the Red Iron less boring.

McQueen signs, " Yeah I will blast them away with my lightning." From the Myocardial Motor room to the starboard exhaust port is not very far. The large halls make the swim a pleasant experience. With the currents restored the ways of the ship would even allow any of them to go from one side of the ship to the other in minutes.

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, " SmittenKitten69 with me, we hit hard and we hit fast. We Clear the way for the others." He has taken them as a hostile otherwise why would the ship show them as red. The friend or foe systems internally uses a Lightwave security devices. This is linked to some thing all Gorgon's can do which is bioluminescence. Which is why he was sure it is not the Isekal as they are barely Naga. 

SmittenKitten69 nods and Calypso moves to the back from where she can provide support. The Exhaust port doors are locked by a special protocol added when they put the ship on lock down. With the all the activity the many of the scavenger forces have already moved. 

SmittenKitten69 deactivates the protocol several runes on her back lighting up from the effort. The seamless connection to the ship is supported by the sonar however rthe frequency is even too high for them. 

SmittenKitten69 signs, " On your go boss," The doors separating the area lights up like the rest of the Starboard exhaust port too life. 

A subtle rolling green starting at SKY Ocean Hunters tail signals SmittenKitten69 who follows him. The exhaust is almost three wider than the normal hallways. 

Hakagure signs, " Where are they?" 

MagmaHeart signs, " We don't know what they are they could be invisible for all we know." The exhaust ports are not as pristine as the rest of the ship its parts will take longer to fully grow. Though the now familiar sound if fabricated flesh and molded muscles being interwoven with the soul steel is like a gentle hum to them. 

X2CU signs, " What do we do?" As SKY Ocean Hunter flashes for them to move forward. A figure not seen in the Barren Ocean for over ten millenia is looking them straight in the face. This one looks old his jellyfish dome of a head murky and degenerated, he has lobster claws for hands, his lower half is a strange mix fish and shark and some other kind of finned life. 

Krillin uses a form of one way psychic link. His head glows as they bombarded by silent words thats sounds like crushing. " Low to you, great sea slayer, we are fellow kin slayer." 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, " Does anyone understand what exactly he said." It is no joke to say that they are a little overwhelmed by the information they are receiving. A pyshcic link sends all the information he means to say, his emotional state, and state of mind. 

It muddled his intention, to him though they look stunned so tried something else. Krillin thinks, " Harrow Death Fallow Fright." 

Calypso signs, " Cant we just kill him?" She really is excited to get going this will remove the Isekal from the Political Equation. She wants show off this prize of theirs. 

BABYMAKERXCREAM signs, " No! You can't look at him maybe he is quest. He checks off six of the twelve traits that guide gives. One he is behind a locked..." In reality Tatiana has made an exhaustive list of triats, BABYMAKERXCREAM only studied those she never thought about. She wouldn't expect a hermit to give missions to her they are just old prevents meant as flavour text. 

McQueen signs, " Think about it his people will probably swarm us. Remember how many of those red dots we saw. " McQueen is buzzing whether quest or slaughter she is ready. 

Hakagure signs, " im pretty sure we are being rude. What if he is a king or something." 

Calypso signs, " Does it matter we don't know how to talk to him. His pyshcic link is oppressive and I think he would have said something if he could sign. 

Hakagure gets an idea at that moment, like the Isekal girl can use the language of waves, old as the ocean itself. The reason she speak Pacifica is because can perform the root pulse. Hakagure speaks in Bedlim almost like a whale song. The vibrations are seen in the water and as they hit everyone is flashing different colours. 

Krillin lifts a lobster claw making it pop in the water the pulses slam into one another before something barley familiar to Bedlim. " Low to you," 

Hakagure isn't sure and signs, " Guys he said low to you again. Does anyone have a hint maybe of what it could." 

SmittenKitten69 signs, " We are technically obsessed with the ocean floor all our myth is about how we live either the shallow sea and we have to search out the true Ocean Deep." The colours flow amongst of them as they discuss the myth taught in Grogon society. 

Calypso signs, " We have to think more like true gorgons, Remember how they name the waters of world. Lakes are Separated Seas, the rivers are Shallow Seas and the ocean is separated into seven separated sea. We have now true Ocean it probably a hint to something." 

MagmaHeart signs, " How does that help us with the old man?" 

Calypso signs, " Just throwing it out there, I don't really know much about Gorgon society but this peaked my interest. There is obviously something there I just don't know maybe one of you might find a clue. " 

X2CU Signs, " Yeah it is odd, we also have this thing amongst us. About the deep and sunken places. The deep waters are scared to us, even as lake born have heard the stories of the deep. Maybe like us he means it like it has something to do with the our connection to the ocean floor." 

SKY Ocean Hunter has a strange series of memories enter his head. Tyr had once loosely explained the importance of the Barren Sea by calling it the Low Sea. Tyr tends to ramble especially when talking about all the lore he has incovered and it is really dry sometimes. Like SKY Ocean Hunter for no reason knows the names of each luminary body in the sky and how they are actually different parts of the Supreme beings body. He rubs his head trying to focus on the specific memory, he tries to recall the meeting they had just before they went to the temple. 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, " Hakagure try repeating it to him. Thats might do something. Maybe we are over thinking it." SKY Ocean Hunter can't remember what Tyr said but he does remember his advice. " When answering in a new just repeat what the npc says it an easy to not offend someone, especially when you are not sure about them." 

In here best Bedlim she says, " Low to yee" She can't create the exact pulse required but it should get the job done...

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