Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 177: Typhoon

Rina Brine Sanious watches as right before her eyes, he disappears and with that every ounce of hope she had to save him. She mouthed SKY Ocean Hunter's name like every else, he is no Ska'ara. A figure appears next to her, he erupted out of one of the Isekal soldiers literally using that naga as a blood portal. She does a simple bow nothing too formal and not even bothered by her man split into two uneven halves. 

He looks much the any Isekal except that he has two legs instead of a tail though his gorgon feature marks him out as one. he speaks without moving the ocean water almost as if nothing he says is real. "You failed, Have I chosen incorrectly?" He swims around her slowly looking for an emotional response. 

Rina Brine Sanious signs, "No! enough of with your taunts I'm am the Last Queen, you will show me the respect I deserve or you will die alongside the rest of them. I didn't come here for a simple trinket, let me show you why I am the only one who will succeed in the end." Her skin pales even more now looking like a being completely devoid of life. Her magic explodes throughout the entire Kings passage. 

The underground facility or what is left of it without the control system is shattered into dust. Her power doesn't stop there. SKY Ocean Hunter had done exactly what she wanted him to do. In order to be able to teleport, he had brought down the defensive barrier around the King's Passage. The Arrival of The Shani told confirmed what she had only supposed. 

Her power shatters the entire Kings Passage with time leaving behind only a large ship. The ship is shaped like a globe having a half ring around it that is the engine and also host other utilities like the entrance. The order is gone not even a shredded cloth remains, the passage is also just a dust field in which the ship lies. 

Rina Brine Sanious signs, " I see even a Shani can be surprised, didn't your god tell this was here." The Shani can only shrink back, biting his lip at what he is looking at a complete and intact world ship. It is a thing of legend even in the ocean a moving self-sustaining city. However, most importantly is its ability to navigate the Realm Rivers allowing it to move between worlds in an unseen way...She continues, " I only have myself..."Her colour pops for a moment before she smothers it, choking it last gasp for last time never to return..." now. Go back to the master report my great find and see if he thinks I have failed. I am going to claim my prize." strangely for the time, the Isekal soldiers chuckle while the Shani might think they are laughing at him but instead they are happy. 

Rina Brine Sanious leads her men forward she only has to secure this ship and she can leave find the power strong enough to save the world... 

Calypso swims into SKY Ocean Hunter delightfully rubbing on his chest to chest. She signs brightly excited and relieved, "We did it! we really got away from that horrible witch." She isn't sure how they teleported to the palace but they are here and she is glad they made it. The Isekal are a lot like undead somehow but also worse at the same time. Even Hakagure agrees though that cam more from her fear of ghosts than her hate from the Isekal.

MagmaHeart also joins her rubbing scales, " That was insane do you think we will see her again? She looked so crazy when we left. " She had looked into the eyes of Rina Brine Sanious and saw nothing she liked it was like looking into an abyss. 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Yes we did only hope she doesn't take it out on the people."

SmittenKitten69 signs, "Don't worry boss we will come back and destroy her if she tries anything. Plus we have a political tool that the Shallow houses can't argue against. This control system basically ensures that The SUNken Ocean House is the future ruler of the Barren Sea and you will be King of it all. " 

McQueen signs, " Yeah boss time to show everyone there is only one real crown prince now." She is happy the court life she experienced during the festival has piqued her interest. The devs haven't ignored the political part of the game and she can't wait to explore it. 

BABYMAKERXCREAM signs, "I think they are here already." Their arrival had caused quite the commotion as they had broken through several protection barriers around the Palace. The first to enter is Solkor SUN Striker and Majesty as they were in the closest. SKY Ocean Hunter immediately moves toward Solkor SUN Striker.

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, " Thank you I would not have made it out of there without your help." 

Solkor SUN Striker signs, "Shit dude I didn't know you could do that." 

SKY Ocean hunter signs, "One of these people hunting used a similar thing, and hijacked someone else's magic to make a connection. Copying was easy because you allowed me in and that isn't easy I know I haven't been the most trustworthy person." 

Solkor SUN Striker signs, "Ha! Not Trustworthy you gave up a Sea God Seal like it was nothing and you think you are untrustworthy even with only one seal. I am able to do things most Supreme beings can't even imagine. NO thank you, brother, you have done more in three days than any one of us has been able to do in a month. " Unlike him, SKY Ocean hunter is as much a symbol as he is an actual leader. The people love and respect him and the rumours have brought the masses to the palace. 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Still thank you really without the coordinates of from your teleport spell we would probably have been sent to some distant part of the world, filled with powerful monsters." That sends shock all around they haven't thought about that par the pod believed that the creator would have set some coordinates for them or something. 

Solkor SUN Striker signs, " I leave it there so that we can meet again, found a clue to the final location of the third seal and this please take it and don't say anything weird I still don't like you." Solkor SUN Striker hands him a Synthetic Sea.

[Legendary Item Acquired!]

[Synthetic Sea]

Info: Created during the Third Realmic era by legendary SynthSmith,

Description: An endless power source made to from the first realmic era, archaeological sea engines that can power any number of ancient superstructures. 

[compatiabae: all high/old/ancient/lost technology]

number of uses 2/3 

SKY Ocean Hinter puts his shoulder on his brother they share colours and emotions an unspoken understanding flowing between the two of them. 

Majesty signs, "How bad is it?" The way SKY Ocean Hunter is smiling at her means that he once has done something that will lead to many. They greet as they should showing happy colours her defences will take a while to come down so she can't properly greet her favourite son.

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "It depends on her reaction, we still have our own problems. What can we do to help." 

Majesty signs, " Like I told Solkor you are meant to grow stronger, these small-town problems are mine to handle. Go find the Typhoon that ship is more important than you know having it in your hand will further cement your position. Then Once you are ready I will abdicate the thrown and the competition will begin. I'm sure she is already planning for that. "

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "what about the Orcini?" The People of the Ordian Sea are a mystery they have to deal with soon. With the borders open it is only a matter of time before the Seafolk arrives in the Barren sea. The first Major waterway leads to the Ordian Sea. Her colour looks bright which immediately flow to him and his pods filled with warmth and optimism. They are glad by her response to her this single control system is a tool that has basically turned them into a royal family similar to the surface folk. Only she won't ever let them know. Her mind is already working on new.

Majesty signs, "Boyi of you don't get your butt out into that ocean and bring that ship. I will make sure your engagement goes through." 

SKY Ocean Hunter sings, "The house of Isekal is now our sworn enemy until one of us is dead there will never be peace. " majesty is a little more than surprised usually SKY Ocean hunter is more controlled than that an all out war. 

Majesty signs, "You could have just said no, it's not like I was forcing you or anything." She signed that with some cheeky colours along to go with it. Soon she ushers in her people SKY OCena Hunter has pod going to the location on his waterway map where the Typhoon is located. The journey took a few seconds because Solkor SUN Striker teleported them with the aid of Majesty. As a pod she handed them a necklace that allows them to share experience points equally even if they are different teams they are bonded by their individual spirit seas. Solkor could abuse this connection much like how SKY Ocean Hunter did to register his pod as one person. 

They arrive at the edge of the dead Sea, The source of Corruption in the BArren Ocean that destroyed a large part of the fertile ocean floor. Close to the centre is the Typhoon a ship so big... 

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