Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 175: The Control Room

The pod moves out of the temple after securing the part of the key. Small irritation appears, the keys slot into one another but much like a Rubix cube, they have to spin it around until it all slots into place. The thing is it doesn't follow any known puzzle configuration that they know. 

SmittenKitten69 sings, "I would like to give it a try since we are just passing it around." She had hesitated at first but as SKY Ocean Hunter had told her Magmaheart to tey speak up she felt a little easier now throwing her head in the proverbial ring. She gets a thumbs up and a golden glow from Magmaheart who understands how hard it is to speak up in front of SKY Ocean Hunter.

With all eyes on her SmittenKitten69, she works at one part at a time she shuffles them about trying to get an idea of each key move. This takes a few hours of work and nobody disturbs her because she is intensely focused. 

Calypso signs, "I don't understand the water shouldn't move like that simply by us fighting." She is questioning SKY Ocean Hunter about the Culling Current. 

SKY Ocean hunter signs, " I think it similar to how when we are in a fight some can be instanced. However underwater it would be visible if they a bubble that prevent other players from interfering. So they probably thought incorporating it like an ability making it easier to explain in-game." It is the best explanation he can come up with. Some battles on the surface prevent players from interfering for various reasons rather than an invisible wall they need a plausible explanation. 

X2CU signs, "It is probably also to restrict the area we can fight in think about we have the whole ocean to use. If someone just swam above a creature and camped their way to a victory it would make fights dull and our biggest enemy is the Crustaceans who are seafloor creatures." Everyone flashes agreement with her she made a really valid point that got a lot of them thinking about the various ways being in the ocean could be exploited and how hard the dev's must of worked to prevent that. 

Hakagure signs, "Yeah plus what about Seafolk they would be unbeatable in the open ocean then." Being half dolphin, shark, whale or Orca fighting one in open water could be suicide. 

BABYMAKERXCREAM signs, "Bossman, so you're saying this is like a way to control fights." 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "it's more than that without it, how would we know who is in a team for example. or how would we fight a swordfish who are ridiculously fast if you think about it properly? The number of sea creatures who would have an unassailable advantage if they were completely free would make fighting in the ocean meaningless for us as we would never be able to beat them." 

Calypso signs, "Alright but then we have to make sure we know how to control the Culling current, I can only imagine what would happen if we came across an enemy able to seize control of the flows we create."

They discuss a number of strategies they could use in future to seize a current SKY Ocean Hunter even giving them pointers on how to fight in an enemy current. His experience with Majesty was always from that disadvantage so he knows all too well the pain of fighting in a hostile current. The pods spend their time bonding and talking. Though real-world topics is brushed but never really spoken about in depth. The Pod is, of course, curious as to what the girls are doing but beyond paying a debt SKY Ocean Hunter doesn't sign much. 

SmittenKitten69 after a hand numbing amount of failure brings out a completed key. The process had been a great brain teaser and she is mentally exhausted from the effect. The key is now a small three-sided key each key forming one of the slots needed for the lock. Unlike what he expected the Isekal were nowhere to be seen. The body of the Preist is the only thing reaming as any sign they were there. 

They head back towards the door hidden under the thermal vent. SKY Ocean Hunter lets SmittenKitten69 open the door to the disappointment of BABYMAKERXCREAM but alas she didn't want to mess with the group harmony. The control is a massive open area, some old lights start going on they approach deeper into the room. It has a weird construction at its centre that no one is sure what to make of exactly. SKY Ocean Hunter moves closer to it. The spiral construct is gaurded by a force field. 

A thrash of water comes from behind them. It is Rina Brine Sanious she looks extremely pleased with herself. "Why don't you just hand over the key and we will let you leave. Sorry I mean live." She chuckles as she looks at the pods flashing deadly colour at her. Her men standstill behind her the ten remaining Isekal are all that is left f her one hundred man force she arrived with. 

Calypso signs, "No!" Her bright flash was an additional warning to the woman. She is unnaturally stiff and ugly to calypso's eyes and the pale in Rina Brine Sanious unsettles her it is different somehow it is not from the colour it's rather a lack of something essential to all beings. 

Rina Brine Sanious signs, " Silly girl we are not speaking with it. Control your breeders or will take from them from you." The threat is filled with an increase in magic power filling the sea. She means to do what she says. SKY Ocean hunter moves forward flowing in between his pod flashing disgust and a hint of pity. 

SKY Ocean Hunter sings, "why to do this huh!? YOu know we will never have the key to you." SKY OCean hunter is ready to start a Culling Current the moment Rina Brine Sanious unleashes her magic. His pod is all moving in a similar fashion. He knows Rina Brine Sanious would fight even if she is at a disadvantage she calculates things differently and is anything but rational to him. 

Rina Brine Sanious sings, "I do what must be done to save the oceans. To do what you are afraid to do to make the sacrifices that you will never be able to make. I am Rina Brine Sanious and will save us all." 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "I told you before your methods are will destroy all of us our way of life the oceans will never be the same." 

Rina Brine Sanious signs, "You are a small man this is a big world the monsters you fight are nothing compared to the demons I am preparing for. They will ruin everything if do things your way, just hand it over now and live. You are still needed no reason for all of you to die here today."

The pod pops bubbles at her weapons are drawn and violent colours flash a whip of the tail and there. Rina Brine Sanious eyes them unimpressed in full control of everything around her especially her still men.

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "I'm tired Rina Brine Sanious of your self-righteous cause of saving the world. The world will always be here it's the people that need to be saved and killing them will leave us with nothing that is why I won't follow you." 

Rina Brine Sanious signs, "At least some of us will survive my way your way we all die. I won't let that happen Skara! Hear me I will be this worlds saviours and the people that remain will worship me and mine you all be nothing but bones forgotten at the bottom of the ocean. 

SKY Ocean Hunter signs, "Then so be it!" 

Rina Brine Sanious sings, "Fine have it your way you know the law of this land prevents me from killing you right now but I promise you once you open the blockade we will seize it for ourself and your efforts will still be for nought." 

The Isekal sit and watch as SKY Ocean Hunter and his pod enter the forcefield around the strange spiral construct sitting in the centre. Now that he is a little angry he sees that the imprint of naga is needed. He lies down on the controls, it comes alives stream of lightning shooting into the places where the runes are not. SKY Ocean Hunter squirms in pain unable to do anything Calypso rushes to his side in concern. As soon the lightning started his health started falling. 

She wanted to heal him only to be caught in the lightening herself but as soon as she did the health drop slowed down. The pod moves after her they all noticed it as soon as it happened their runs. The lightning dances flowing through all of them from head to tip its wakes the runes in them. Which in turn spiral about the room creating a hud for SKY Ocean Hunter.

  1. In video gaming, camping is a tactic where a player obtains an advantageous static position, which may be a discreet place which is unlikely to be searched. ... In other cases, players may wait in an area to gain access to items or perform actions before other players who are not camping have the chance to do so

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