Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 95 Situation After The Attack (4)

Two days had passed since the incident at the Royal Museum, and all the students from Freljord Academy had returned to campus after tending to their injuries. However, two individuals remained absent: Eren Pendragon, who still lay unconscious, and Princess Aurora, who was deeply shaken by the attack.

It was understandable considering her young age of 14, despite her physical strength surpassing that of ordinary adults, her mental strength was that of a teenage girl. The recent assassination attempt had left a significant impact on the princess.

And the emperor has ordered for both of them to be treated at the royal palace itself until they are fully healed, so they both were granted the absence from the academy for an indefinite amount of time.

Anyway, except for those two and professor Iris Peacefinder who was summoned by the royal court to discuss the matters regarding the rebel's attack, everyone else was back on campus, and classes resumed as usual.

As for Professor Lloyd was also badly injured in the rebel attack, he was tending to his injuries in the academy itself by the help of the principal herself and his classes were also dropped for an indefinite time.

The incident on a whole has shaken the whole academy and all those who were hurt in the royal museum were provided treatment by the academy.

Nonetheless, even amidst such turbulent times there was one thing which induced the curiosity of the students and lightened the mood.

The Sleeping Pendragon!

The rumor about Eren has spread all throughout the academy and even the seniors who rarely interacted with their juniors became interested in him.

The fact that he stopped an 8-star knight just with one bullet seemed like an exaggeration for them but it only increased their interest in Eren as the matter was officially announced by Professor Isabella who was personally at the scene.

She went on and on about explaining about the bravery of the young man who faced the leader of the rebels who was numerous times stronger than himself with fearless resolve and how he severed her arm and peacefully slept amidst the chaos.

It was a tale which seemed too good to be genuine but they had no choice but to believe it since the professor of the prestigious academy of Freljord herself accounted for it.

Anyway, ignoring that matter, the classes in the academy resumed as usual.

As the evening approached and classes concluded for the day, the students began making their way back to the dormitories.

Unnoticed by most, a certain girl embarked on a journey toward the Shores of the Island, housing the Freljord academy.

No one paid much attention to her as she had always been somewhat of an outcast among her peers, and her aloof and unfriendly demeanor had kept her isolated.

Arriving at the shores to the south of the academy, facing the Black Forest, she stood at the water's edge where gentle waves caressed the land, creating a serene and undisturbed atmosphere.

Esmerald cast a cautious gaze around her, ensuring she was alone. Satisfied with her solitude, she raised her hand in the air. As she moved her hand, a blue crack materialized before her, and she slipped her hand into the fissure.

It was her unique subspace.

After a moment, she retrieved her hand, now holding a blue whistle.

Without hesitation, she placed the whistle between her lips and blew with all her strength.


However, no sound escaped the whistle. Nevertheless, she returned it to her bag, confident that she had done what she was supposed to do. With unwavering patience, she gazed out at the endless ocean, waiting for something to happen.


It was when more than 5 minutes had passed, a splash broke the silence. A figure emerged from the water– a dolphin, no, it was not a dolphin but a doll resembling one. Esmerald stepped forward, her attention fixed on the doll.

Approaching it, she once again reached into her subspace, retrieving an item that had caused quite a commotion within the royal court—the mana heart of the evil dragon Byrve, which she had stolen from the royal museum.

Without hesitation, Esmerald held the mana heart in front of the doll, and in the blink of an eye, the doll engulfed the artifact before regurgitating a letter onto Esmerald's hand. It happened swiftly, and before she could see the doll again, it had vanished, swimming back to its master.

Turning her gaze to the letter, Esmerald eagerly opened it. Inside were only two words: "Good work."

Yet, the expression on Esmerald's face as she read those words surpassed mere happiness. Her excitement overflowed as she held the letter close to her pounding heart. A twisted smile formed on her lips as she savored the satisfaction of being praised by her master.



To the south of the Mauryan Empire, where lush greenery thrived and the people lived in blissful harmony, lay the Pendragon Barony. It was a land of peace and tranquility, untouched by the chaos of the outside world. The serenity of this idyllic place was abruptly interrupted when a soldier on horseback arrived, carrying a message from the royal palace.

"I bring a message from the royal palace. It is to be delivered to the baron himself, on orders from the emperor," the soldier proclaimed, halting at the fortified wall that protected the Pendragon Barony. He addressed the guard captain stationed there, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency.

"A message from the royal capital?" the guard captain echoed, his curiosity piqued. Without hesitation, he ordered the soldiers to open the gate, allowing the soldier entry into the Pendragon Barony.

As the soldier rode through the gate, he marveled at the sheer size and impenetrability of the walls that encompassed the barony. The solid structure, measuring four to five meters in thickness, gave the impression that the countryside barony was in no way inferior to the fortified walls of the capital city. The soldier couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he navigated the heavily guarded region.

Upon entering the barony, the soldier found himself thoroughly inspected by the soldiers stationed there. His weapons were confiscated, ensuring a peaceful encounter

"So, what message do you bring from the royal capital?"

Inquiring about the nature of his message, the guard captain raised an eyebrow, eager to learn more.

"I am ordered to deliver the message directly to the baron. I cannot disclose the details here," the soldier replied hesitantly, aware of the guard captain's intimidating presence.

The Guard captain was a huge man with a deep scar running though his face which intimidated the soldier without the Guard captain trying to do anything.

Seeing the sweat dripping down the face of the soldier , the guard captain smiled knowingly, amused by the soldier's unease. "Very well, follow me. The baron is likely in the field at the moment," he said, trying to suppress his laughter.

He led the soldier away from the protective walls, unveiling the inner region of the Pendragon Barony.

As both of them traversed through the vibrant landscape on horseback, the soldier caught sight of lush green fields, freshly planted and thriving. The Pendragon Barony appeared even more prosperous than the rumors had suggested. The soldier, however, remained silent, merely observing and following behind the guard captain.

To his surprise, instead of heading toward the grand castle typically associated with a baron, they arrived at an expansive field where rice was being diligently planted by hard working farmers.

"Let's see…where the hell is he?"

the guard captain mused, scanning the field from one end to the other. The soldier grew increasingly nervous as he observed the guard captain's peculiar behavior. Numerous questions swirled in his mind, but he restrained himself from speaking out.

"Ah, there he is! Hey, brother! A messenger from the capital is looking for you!" the guard captain exclaimed, his gaze fixated on a figure standing amidst the field.

The soldier followed the guard captain's line of sight and locked eyes with a man dressed in typical farmer attire. Despite his soiled clothes and mud-covered hands, the man possessed an undeniable charm. His jet-black hair beautifully complemented his dark eyes, and a faint beard adorned his face, adding to his captivating presence.

"A messenger?" the man inquired, wiping his hands clean before making his way toward them.

"what is it?"

Lord Pendragon asked as he approached the soldier and Guard captain but there was no replay from the soldier.

'He is the lord???'

He was busy trying to comprehend the whole situation!.


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