Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 63 Aura Training (2)

The sun began its slow descent, casting long shadows across the training grounds, as if nature itself acknowledged the weight of the students' aspirations. The scent of crushed grass mingled with the metallic tang of sweat, creating a unique fragrance that permeated the air.

The training grounds of the Freljord Academy were abuzz with activity as the students sparred, honing their skills in preparation for the upcoming ranking battles. The crisp evening air carried the clashing of blades and the determined shouts of students, setting the stage for the arduous battles that lay ahead.

Amidst this vibrant backdrop, I found myself standing at the center of it all, where the energy was palpable. My eyes never wavered from Evan, who had agreed to teach me the art of aura manipulation at my request.

The sun's golden rays cast a warm glow upon the training grounds, illuminating the intense atmosphere. Evan stood before me, his figure commanding and confident, exuding an air of expertise.

"Alright, Eren, let's begin," he said, his voice filled with confidence, cutting through the sounds of the training grounds. The excitement and anticipation welled up within me, but so did a sense of doubt. The beauty of the surroundings was momentarily overshadowed by my own uncertainty.

'I don't know if I could learn Aura from him,' I thought, furrowing my brows in concentration as I observed Evan standing in front of me.

"To wield aura, you must first establish a connection between your mana and your weapon," Evan instructed, his words resonating with purpose. I listened to him attentively, realizing the importance of absorbing every bit of knowledge he could impart. It became clear that Evan's guidance was my sole lifeline in unlocking the mysteries of aura manipulation.

"Visualize the flow of energy, as if a river courses through your veins and pours into your blade," he continued, his voice carrying a hint of poeticism. The concept he described seemed elusive, like trying to grasp a fleeting memory. I nodded eagerly, my gaze shifting between Evan and the sword in my hand, hoping to find the key to unlocking this power within me.

Closing my eyes, I attempted to visualize the metaphorical river of energy. But as I delved into my imagination, memories of Virlisle, the serene river that ran beside the Pendragon barony, flooded my thoughts. The gentle sound of the flowing water, the warmth of the sunlight dancing upon its surface—I was momentarily lost in nostalgia.

'What the hell am I doing?' I reprimanded myself, shaking my head vigorously to clear the distractions. I refocused on Evan's words, determined to banish the wandering thoughts and concentrate on the task at hand. The serene river and childhood memories would have to wait for another time.

However, the more I listened, the more perplexed I became. Evan's instructions were shrouded in metaphorical language and abstract concepts that did little to guide my poor understanding ability. Frustration welled up within me, tugging at my voice as I confessed my struggles.

"I...I don't quite get it," I admitted, my frustration palpable. "What do you mean by 'visualize the flow of energy' and 'river coursing through my veins'? I can't see anything!"

Evan blinked, taken aback by my words. He seemed genuinely surprised, perhaps because he had always excelled effortlessly in wielding aura, never having to dissect the process or analyze its intricacies. The realization that even someone as talented as Evan struggled to provide clarity left me despondent.

But I wasn't going to give up. Taking a deep breath, I gathered myself, refusing to be defeated so easily. "Okay, let's try a different approach," I suggested, hoping to find a new way to bridge the gap between his understanding and mine. "Instead of visualizing the flow of energy, can you explain the physical sensations or movements that accompany the use of aura?"

Evan furrowed his brows, contemplating my suggestion. Scratching his head in thought, he admitted, "Hmm...I've never really paid attention to that. It just...feels right, you know? Like an extension of my body. I can't really describe it any other way."

My frustration mounted, and for a moment, the idea of whacking Evan on the head in exasperation crossed my mind. But I held back, recognizing that he was genuinely trying to help. However, it seemed as though Evan's explanations were trapped in the realm of instinct and intuition, unable to be translated into comprehensible guidance.

"Just...keep trying, Eren," he urged, his voice tinged with a hint of guilt. "I'm sorry I can't give you clearer instructions. Maybe if you keep practicing, it will start to make sense."

I nodded, determination burning within me once again. I couldn't afford to dwell on the lack of clarity or succumb to self-doubt. I needed to find my own way, to bridge the gap between my current understanding and the elusive art of aura manipulation.


As the days passed, I dedicated every spare moment to practicing, my sword becoming an extension of my arm. The training grounds became my sanctuary, and I observed the movements of my fellow classmates with meticulous attention, hoping to glean any hints or insights that might aid me in my journey.

However, with each observation, I realized that every individual had their own unique style and approach to wielding aura. There was no one-size-fits-all method, no universal guide to unlocking its power. It was a deeply personal and individualized endeavor, tailored to each knight's strengths and inclinations.

Frustration threatened to consume me as I grappled with my own limitations. Doubt gnawed at my resolve, whispering tales of inadequacy and failure. But deep within, a fire burned, refusing to be extinguished by the shadows of uncertainty.

A week has gone by.

There was no visible progress in learning Aura.

It was currently evening, when the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of pink and orange, I found myself back at the training grounds, sword in hand. The air was tinged with a sense of tranquility, and the empty expanse echoed with the rhythmic sound of steel meeting steel, a testament to my unwavering determination.

In that moment, something within me shifted. I let go of trying to emulate the techniques of others and instead embraced the uniqueness of my own experience. Closing my eyes, I shut out the distractions of the world and listened to the whispers of my own intuition.

Instead of focusing on my past successes, I turned my attention to the movements of my failures

The movement when I felt so helpless standing in front of the ashes which were the only thing that was left of my family.

The countless dreams where I watched the clean sword blade slashing off my right hand.

The instance of my master's death when I silently watched her walk into the monster horde despite knowing her impending doom.

The movement when my long time companion's head rolled to my feet.

With each swing of my sword, I tapped into a wellspring of raw emotion. The weakness and helplessness that I experienced in each such situations empowered me, creating a fire inside which helped me swing my sword repeatedly.

I concentrated on the physical sensations that accompanied my movements—the slight vibration of the hilt, the weight of the blade, the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. And then, as if a veil had been lifted, I felt it—a flicker of something intangible, a spark of connection between my mana and my weapon.

It was fleeting, ephemeral, but it ignited a newfound hope within me. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by a slight black aura energy that covered my sword, a sign of progress.

A radiant smile stretched across my face, mirroring the colors of the setting sun.

It served as a reminder to the uncertainty that had plagued me for so long which now seemed like a distant memory. I had glimpsed a glimmer of what it meant to wield aura, and I was determined to nurture that spark into a blazing flame.

"Thank you, Evan," I whispered into the evening breeze, my voice filled with gratitude. "Your guidance may have been unclear, but it led me to discover my own path."

As I stood there, feeling refreshed by the setting sun, a pleasant message appeared before me, illuminating my vision.

[You have acquired 'The Aura of Vulnerability'.]


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