Rebirth of the Ruined Noble

Chapter 57 The Aftermath(2)

Three days had passed since the Oldman, Aralion Stromblade, rescued me and Zephyr from exile, but it took me a while to fully comprehend the magnitude of what had transpired. As the reality sunk in, I realized that our escape wasn't the only event that unfolded. The disciplinary committee, led by the formidable Professor Joshua, wasted no time in investigating our case, uncovering our illegal trespass into the forbidden grounds of the academy.

The forbidden grounds, also known as the Black Forest, were shrouded in an aura of mystery and danger. The dense foliage and ancient trees hosted innumerable monsters, which were both powerful and cruel. The branches of the towering trees reach out like gnarled fingers, warning intruders of the consequences they would face. And the academy had made the black forest into a forbidden zone to ensure the safety of the students.

Zephyr and I had trespassed into such a place, so the repercussion of such actions wasn't small.

The consequences of our actions were displayed before me in a magic powered projection, and my heart sank as I read the words.

[Due to trespassing into the Forbidden grounds of the academy, i,e the Black forest without the consent from any of the instructors or academic staffs, Zephyr, (Rank - 1) Kshatriya Class) and Eren Pendragon (Rank - 248) Kshatriya class are demoted into the lesser class.]


The weight of the word "demoted" crushed my spirit. Being stripped of my upper-class status was a colossal humiliation, particularly for someone of noble heritage with an immense sense of pride. However, the punishment didn't stop there. The projection revealed an even more devastating blow.

It felt like the academy had conspired against me, using my misstep as an opportunity to tarnish my reputation, which was actually not the case since it was professor Joshua who handed out the punishment.

However, the punishment didn't stop there. The projection revealed an even more devastating blow. The holographic display flickered, and the words materialized once again, driving the dagger deeper into my wounded pride.

[And Hence, the ranks of the said accused are decreased by 250]

[Updated Ranking -> Zephyr - 251, Eren Pendragon - 498]

[The above is just a warning if any students were to repeat such actions more severe actions will be held.]

The numbers burned into my consciousness, branding me as a failure. Dread enveloped me as the updated rankings appeared before my eyes. Zephyr, now held the rank of 251, while I plummeted to 498.

But that wasn't the end. The holographic projection continued to relay the grim consequences of our actions.

[And Due to being absent to the ranking battle, according to the academic rules, both the student's rankings ranks are decreased by 10]

[Updated Ranking -> Zephyr - 261, Eren Pendragon - 508]

[Newly assigned classes: Zephyr - Vaishya, Eren Pendragon - Vaishya.]

"Rank - 508…."

My world crumbled around me. Just one incident had caused my ranking to plummet by a staggering 260 places. And if it hadn't been for the presence of high-ranking students joining the Brahman class for exclusive studies, I would have been relegated even further, to the lowest rung of the hierarchy, the Shudra class.

"What the hell am I going to do?"

Desperation and frustration coursed through me as I realized the consequences of my actions.

"My plans are ruined!"

Desperation and frustration coursed through me as I realized the consequences of my actions. My meticulously crafted plans to ascend within the top 100 ranks during the upcoming ranking battles were shattered. The event I had pinned my hopes on, exclusive to the elite Kshatriya class, was now beyond my reach.

Soon the academy is going to conduct an event.

I had planned to increase my ranking and join the event that was going to be held next month, which was exclusive to the top 100 rankers of the Kshatriya class, but now my plans were ruined completely.

"What should I do?"

It was a very important event that I must attend no matter what..

As I contemplated my next move, another projection materialized, catching my attention. This time, it wasn't the academy's magic-powered display but rather a projection emanating from the artifact within me.

[The host is confirmed to be back in consciousness.]

[Displaying the unread notifications.]

Unread notifications??

I furrowed my brows in confusion, my curiosity piqued. I had barely scratched the surface of the artifact's capabilities, and now it seemed to hold even more surprises in store for me.

Come to think of it, what was that black energy that appeared on my sword? What had transpired for me to awaken such powers? These questions swirled in my mind, eager to be answered.

As I delved deeper into the notifications, a barrage of pop-ups materialized, filling my vision.

[The desperation inside the host has led to forceful promotion.]

[You have ascended to Pseudo 3-star knight]

[All your stats except vitality are permanently increase by 1]

[The forceful promotion is affecting the vitality of the host.]

[Your Vitality has permanently decreased by 1]

The words on the screen sent shivers down my spine. It seemed my despair had triggered an unexpected metamorphosis. I had ascended to the rank of Pseudo 3-star knight, my stats permanently boosted, albeit with a decrease in vitality.

But there was more to come. The notifications continued to unfold, each revelation more astounding than the last.

[Your desperation exceeds the current power.]

[The forgotten god stirs in his slumber.]

[The desperation of his Apostle has reached the Forgotten God.]

[The Forgotten god, blesses his apostle]

It was the forgotten god once again, who remained a mystery.

[The blessing of the forgotten god is embracing you]

[Technique : "Sword dance of the Death God - ?????" has been learned]

"A 5-star technique?"

I exclaimed, disbelief coursing through my veins. The magnitude of such a skill was beyond anything I could have imagined.

[Skill: "Black Sun - ?????" has been learned]

"A 5-star skill?", I muttered, my voice filled with awe and wonder.

I rubbed my eyes in disbelief as I tried to confirm I wasn't seeing things.

The Skills and techniques are divided into 5 stages based on their power and potential.

1-Star skills and techniques were like grains of sand on a beach, easily accessible to anyone willing to pay the price. These were the basics, the foundation upon which aspiring warriors and mages built their repertoire. Though common, they still held value, forming the building blocks of more advanced techniques.

2-Star skills and techniques, on the other hand, were far less attainable. They resided within the domain of low-ranking noble families, serving as a mark of their heritage and lineage. Passed down through generations, these skills were the pride and privilege of these families, tightly guarded secrets that set them apart from the masses.

But it was the realm of 3-Star skills and techniques that truly captured the imagination. These were rarities, possessed only by the chosen few who hailed from powerful high-ranking noble bloodlines. The power and prestige that accompanied these abilities were awe-inspiring, elevating their wielders to positions of influence and respect within society.

However, even among the elite, there existed a realm beyond reach, a realm that housed the treasures of 4-Star skills and techniques. These were legendary, whispered about in hushed tones. Few could claim mastery over these elusive arts, as they required a unique combination of talent, opportunity, and fortune. The possessors of these skills were revered, their names etched in the annals of history.

And then, there were the 5-Star skills and techniques—the pinnacle of mastery, the stuff of legends. To possess such an ability was to transcend the mortal realm, to wield power that surpassed comprehension.

"Am I still dreaming?"

I had such thoughts as I read through the messages, but the messages didn't end.

[The power of the forgotten god is strengthening your physic.]

[All the stats has been permanently increased by 1]

[Ability: "Death's embrace." Has been learned.]

[Your sword is filled with the power of Black sun.]

[The proficiency of the class is severely lacking.]

[The skill is temporarily demoted to 1 star.]

[The Sword dance of the death god has been activated.]

[Proficiency is severely lacking.]

[The technique is temporarily reduced to 1-star.]

[Your body has failed to withstand the power of the death god.]

[Caution! You are in a terrible state.]

It seemed that was the reason why I collapsed all of sudden.

Then the old man appeared and killed the demon in one blow.

[The king of Oni's, Shuten Doji, has been defeated with external help.]

[The exile is reacting to the absence of its master.]

[The exile has started to disintegrate.]

[The energy of the exile is seeping into your body.]

[All your stats have been permanently increased by 1.]


[The ability, "Death's embrace" has detected the follower of a forgotten god.]

[The ability, "Death's embrace" has been activated.]

[The soul of the king of oni's, Shuten Doji, has been successfully embraced.]

"What in the name of f*cking god is this…..!!"


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