Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 51

   Before Alisa could feel the rest of her life, a little sun appeared behind her.

   The red dragon is here!

   “You run fast, Alisa.”

   Through the words of the knight in front, Xilin has already learned the name of this princess, Alisa.

   “You! How dare you enter here, are you not afraid to start a war between giant dragons?!”

   Alisha’s eyes widened unbelievably, she never expected this red dragon to be so reckless.

   This is the territory of another dragon.

   “You may have mistaken Alisa, the noble red dragon is never afraid of challenges.”

   Xilin dismissed it.

   “Yes…you are a red dragon.”

   Alisa fell to her knees helplessly. The red dragon is one of the most arrogant creatures. How could they be afraid of this.

   They like to provoke war the most.

   “Huh~ are you here?”

   Xilin sensed a group of creatures approaching here.

   “What?” After hearing Xilin’s words, Alisa was a little confused, what’s coming?

next moment

   “Get out of the red dragon for me! This is the territory of the Lord of Ionia!”

   A group of goblins walked out from around, wearing well-equipped weapons, holding spears and broadswords in their hands.

  It can be seen that the Ionia Forest is rich in resources.

  Even the equipment of this cannon fodder goblin is so good.

   “Huh~ Who will give you these guts, dare to greet me like this!”.

Chapter 84:


   The powerful Longwei wave spread from Xilin and swept towards the Ionian Forest.

   The goblins were suddenly terrified and their hair horrified.

   The vast dragon might press on them like a tide, crushing them all on the ground, kissing the earth.

   How dare this red dragon do this!

   To release Longwei on another dragon’s territory, that means directly declaring war on the opponent.




   Goblin wanted to say something, but he didn’t expect Xilin’s Longwei to suddenly increase.

   The bones on the body were pressed and displaced, and the bones creaked and collided.

   “Dare to bark in front of me, who gave you the courage?”

   “Dirty stray dog ​​Ge Faith?”

   Goblin, God of Goblin faith, his predecessor was also a goblin.

   It was just by chance that he acquired a godhead and became the first and only goblin god.

   Since then, many goblins have believed in Gophis.

   I hope Goofes can give them the opportunity to become gods.

   Xilin dared to call Ge Faith’s name so directly, but he didn’t put Ge Faith in his eyes at all.

   Such a trash god, even the Nether projection can’t do it.

   Xilin naturally need not be afraid of him.

   What’s more, there is a five-color dragon queen Tiamat on top of his head.

   Need to be afraid of a Gooface?

   Goblin was trembling with fright and dared not make any rebuttals at all.

   The other red dragon dared to insult even their **** of faith.

   What can these humble goblins say.

   “Hmph~ You said, do I need to get the consent of the others to enter the Ionian Forest?”

   Xilin’s flame-emitting forelimbs were in front of the goblins.

   The hot breath has already scared the goblins.

   There are even some goblins who have been scared to death.

   At this moment, a deer man in armor walked out.

  The fascinating deer man, a rare powerful monster in the forest, walks upright.

   is three meters tall, has a huge body, a deer head, and an omnivorous monster.

   The Milu Ren glanced at the goblin who was kneeling on the ground. Just when he wanted to speak, the mountain of Longwei came down on his shoulder.


   The Miluren naturally couldn’t hold on to kneel down, this time Xilin’s Longwei was fully fired.

   “Ant, who allows you to stand and watch me, crawl for me~”!”

   Xilin roared.

   Since this time is a test, I might as well make a big deal.

   “Respectful… the dragon, we… our Ionian Lord said, you can take this woman away, but don’t continue to show your power in… in the forest.”

   “No… Otherwise, the Lord of Ionia will come to challenge you immediately!”

   The Miluren gritted his teeth and confided the news he wanted to convey with difficulty.

   “Challenge? Red dragons are never afraid of challenges, is the Lord of Ionia? The conversation between giant dragons, you let such a humble monster come out!”

  Xilin’s sentence has used enough energy, and it almost spread all over the forest.

   I was so provocative.

   If this dragon can bear it, he will immediately lead the monster army to fight over without a word.

   “Roar! Young red dragon! Don’t go too far!”

   Sure enough, the dragon here could no longer bear it, and the terrible dragon might be heard from the depths of the forest.

   Two strands of Longwei crossed together, and a wave of energy fluctuations came out of the collision.

   The goblins in the center of the fluctuations are the most miserable, all of them are squeezed into mashed flesh.

   “You finally came out. I thought the owner here was a giant dragon with a shrunken head.” Xilin mocked recklessly.

   “I think you were humbling you when you were young, but in the end I didn’t expect you to be so arrogant!” A voice came from the depths of the forest.

   “Huh~ Qian Rang? Why, now this time, don’t you plan to show up to see you?”

   Xilin’s deterrent dragon pupils widened, as if they wanted to see the depths of the woods through the dense woods.

   “Meet? Hahaha! You are not qualified enough. Only if you have the ability to call the flame dragon mother Dannier, she is qualified to meet me, as for you? Huh!”

   Long Wei, who was originally equal to Xilin, instantly overwhelmed Xilin.

   reached the level of the young dragon.

   Xilin frowned, but he didn’t expect that the other party looked really capable.

   And the other party even uttered a wild word, only the flame dragon mother is qualified to meet him.

   Dannier is an ancient dragon. If you can meet her, isn’t it also an ancient dragon?

  ”¨ “Really? Danielle is my mother. Since you want to meet her, I will contact her immediately. It only takes some time, and the mother will be back soon.”

   Xilin grabbed the sluggish Alisa on the ground, spread the dragon wings and soared into the sky.

   glanced at the depths of the forest from high above, and then left the Ionian Forest.

   It is hard to guess whether the other party is Gu Long Xilin, if he guesses wrong, he will really capsize.

   Just in case, Xilin decided to withdraw first.


   He is still full of doubts about this giant dragon.

   Never has an ancient dragon’s temper so good.

   A young dragon provoked you for no reason, and you even let the opponent go.

   It’s just that this long prestige is real again.

  After thinking about it for a while in the sky, Xilin returned to the city-state of Akeria.

   At this time, the Akelia city-state war has ended.

   The broken sword of the remnant ran across the ground, and several bones lay on the ground attracting (Qian Wanghao) mosquito bites, and they were all desolate to the eye.

  The blood stains on the stone walls of the houses, the flowers have been trampled on and mutilated, and their vitality is extinguished.

   Evening is coming, and the wolf howling of the desert werewolf gradually rises.


   in the sky and rain


   Alisha couldn’t believe her eyes, and she burst into crystal clear tears as big as peas.

   This drop of tears wants to irrigate the earth like rain, and bring a touch of life to the earth.

   “War is like that, see blood.”

   Xilin waved his hand, and a fire dragon loomed in the sky, and the flames shone on the battlefield below.

   The monsters who had been looting quieted down.

   put the surviving humans into custody and put them in the animal cages.

   The monster army knows that their carnival has passed. .

Chapter 85:

   Xilin said before the battle.

   When the monster sees this fire dragon signal, you have to stop no matter what you are doing.

   can no longer continue to burn, kill and snatch.

   Seeing that the monster below is very obedient, Xilin nodded in satisfaction.

   If you are not obedient, stay in this battlefield forever.


  The desert werewolf walked among the wreckage of the city, using his sensitive nose to sniff for any hidden humans around him.

  The attackers piled up corpses on the ground.

   The companions are buried directly, but the humans are piled up together, waiting for Xilin’s opinion.

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