Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 46

   After all, Alekto’s lies are really too much trouble.

   has become something that every intelligent body in the Western Fantasy Continent knows.

   “Mutu, is it possible that this is Alekto’s lie?”

   Xilin always felt that the dragon in the Ionian Forest was fake.

   “Alekto lie? Your Majesty, this should be impossible. I heard that many monsters in the Ionian Forest have witnessed a giant dragon.”

   Mutu felt that the dragon should exist, otherwise no monster would say that he had seen the dragon.

   “Monsters have witnessed it with their own eyes? Then I ask you, since many monsters have seen giant dragons, why didn’t even the color of the dragon appear.”

   This is what Xilin most questioned.

   The monsters all said they had seen a dragon, so why didn’t it reveal what kind of dragon the dragon was?

   Just like myself, when the Noxus monster fights, they will shout: For the great red dragon!

   “This…” Mutu didn’t know what to say.

   As your Majesty said, all the descriptions from the monsters’ mouths are huge monsters, not even colors.

   “Then… Your Majesty, are we going to attack the Ionian Forest?”

   The thoughts in Mu Tu’s heart were also shaken by Xilin.

   Could this really be an Alekto lie?

   “No, all of this is just a guess. We need a 100% accurate result.”

   “Clean up Noxus for a week, and then fight the small human city-state.”

   “Since there are giant dragons in the Ionian Forest, he shouldn’t just sit back and watch.”

   The corners of Xilin’s mouth rose slightly.

   This is not just a war, it is also a temptation.

  If it is really a giant dragon, he can’t tolerate an attack on the forces near him. This is also a kind of provocation.

   “I understand, Your Majesty!”

   Mutu nodded solemnly, isn’t it a dragon? We also have our own Red Dragon!

   One week is enough time for Noxus to regain his strength.

   During this week, Mutu led five hundred desert werewolves to the Ionian Forest to exchange supplies.

   And still not making a provocative action, peeing leaves an odor mark.

   It turned out to be dissatisfied with a few monsters claiming to be members of the dragon, and no dragon came out to keep them.

   This made Mutu more convinced that he was fooled!

   This is a new century Alekto lie at all!

   However, Xilin’s order was not to act rashly, Mutu still endured it and led the desert werewolf back to Noxus with weapons and supplies.

  Because there are too many supplies this time, even goblins can’t come up with so many weapons and equipment.

   resulted in more than 8,000 troops, only more than 5,000 can wear armor and equipment, and more than 3,000 can only fight empty-handed.

   But this is also their lack of strength.

   Monsters who want to wear equipment must use their strength to prove that they are worthy of the equipment.

   The loser can only be a cannon fodder honestly, standing at the forefront of the team, testing the enemy’s strength.

   “Your Majesty, the dragon in Ionian Forest Lee still has no response, and the goblins who traded with us seem to be aware of the atmosphere of war.”

   “I also asked our Langya tribe if they want to start a large-scale war recently.”

   “My answer is that I am preparing to conquer other tribes in the desert of death.”

   Mutu reported to Xilin what happened during the trip to the Ionian Forest.

   “Hmm.” Xilin closed his eyes and replied.

Pepys next to    also immediately said: “All the fighters in Noxus are ready to attack at any time!”.

Chapter 77:


   Xilin opened his huge dark red eyes, slowly got up and stood up.

   The thirty-meter-long body is full of sight, exuding domineering, making all the surrounding monsters kneel and surrender.

   Countless arrogance beating on the dragon scales, like a fire spirit, volatilizing its own hot aura.

  The curved and swept dragon’s horns are beginning to be sharp, like a crown made of rocks.

   “Noxus! Conquest!”

   Xilin’s roar spread throughout the empire, finally!

  After a week of training in Noxus, a new war began.

   “Noxus is invincible!”

   “Long live Noxus!”

   “Where I have been, is it Wangtu!”

  Countless monsters cheered, no monster had fear in their eyes.

   They are the chaotic evil species, yearning to fight and fight!

   In addition, I heard that this time it was a small human city-state that was going to be attacked, and all the monsters were excited.

   The monsters can already imagine what happened after they conquered the small city state.

   I’m about to explode if I think about it!

   Xilin nodded with satisfaction. He hoped very much that the monsters’ fighting spirit would be the only way to survive the war.

   “Brother, I want to go too.”

   Katelina came to Xilin and rubbed the dragon scales on him, begging Xilin to agree.

   In order to be quick and efficient this time, Xilin decided to lead the team himself.

   A total of 6,000 monsters set off with him.

   After he left, Noxus would definitely fall into emptiness.

   At this time, you need a trusted and powerful person to guard Noxus.

   After thinking about it, Xilin decided to let Katerina guard Noxus.

   Other tribal leaders must follow him in the battle.

   And Olena is not strong enough, and she is still a human, even if she is strong, the monsters will not necessarily listen to her.

   So, the best candidate is Katelina.

   “Katerina, you have to carry heavy responsibilities on your shoulders.”

   Xilin refused Katerina’s request.

   Just kidding, a dragon is watching and guarding Noxus, more at ease than anyone else.

   Although Katelina’s strength is not outstanding among giant dragons, it is also a giant dragon.

   “I understand, I just find it boring to stay in Noxus.”

   Katelina sighed.

   In her opinion, how could anyone with a short eye invade Noxus.

   “Be obedient, and Akfer will be your deputy.”

   Xilin raised his sturdy paw and touched Katelina’s young dragon horn.

   Ackfer is Noxus’s strongest combat power besides Xilin.

   If it weren’t for Akfor not suitable for land combat, Xilin would definitely take him out.

   “Yeah.” Katelina nodded listlessly.

   Xilin didn’t say much, the child’s temperament disappeared after a while.

   “Then brother! Why is Olena going too? You don’t know her strength.”

   Katelina stopped Xilin, who was about to turn around and leave, and looked at the young figure beside Xilin, Olena.

  Orina heard that Katerina pointed the finger at her, and immediately buried her head nervously.

   “Orina, she is destined to go to the battlefield. It happens to be a small human city-state this time. It can give her a little experience and exercise her courage.”

   Xilin didn’t lie to Katelina, he was talking about his own inner thoughts.

   Olena’s magic can be compared to the three-ring magician, but she is too timid.

   The three-ring magic is displayed, and sometimes it is not as big as the second-ring magic.

   It happens that the target of this attack is humans. You can train Olena from the basics, so that you won’t encounter that kind of ugly and terrifying monsters on the battlefield.

“……All right.”

   Katelina has nothing to say, the main reason she wants to follow Xilin is still Olena.

  If Olena doesn’t follow, she won’t complain so much.

   Seeing Katelina settled down, Xilin gave Mutu a look next to her.

   Mu Tu understood, his sturdy hind legs bend slightly, and then it shoots out like a spring, jumping to the high starting horn.

   The horn of advancement is the highest point made by monsters with boulders.

   Whenever there is a war, the horn can be used to play its role.


   Mutu stood on the forward horn, raised his head, and howled at Sirius, expressing the meaning of offensive battle.




   The monsters responded to Mutu Wolf Howling one by one and headed northeast.

   Xilin left the last party, and after a few words to Katerina, he flew to the sky with Olena.

   only the flame belt still burning along the route was left.



   In fact, it is supposed to be on the shelves. Everyone should have noticed that my update is slower. It is not that the codeword is slow. I have nearly 20 chapters saved. But now because of the epidemic, the contract will be slower.

   cannot be changed to contract status, so it cannot be put on the shelves.

   I hope everyone will support me when I put it on the shelf later

   Thank you for your support! Thank you!.

78.Chapter 78

   on the sky

   “It looks like Olena, your fear of heights has been cured a lot.”

   Xilin found that Olena no longer shivered and screamed as she used to, but calmly looked down at the ground.

   “Hee hee~ Thank you, Your Highness Katerina, for helping me eliminate the influence of fear of heights.”

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