Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 16

   Xilin, as a red dragon, likes the feeling here, but the environment is a bit poor.

   “It’s so annoying~”

   Katelina said, looking at the big sun above her head and the desolate desert below.

   “It’s really a desert of death, there really isn’t a creature that can be seen.”

   Xilin looked down, and there were all arranged monster bones underneath, and it seemed that he had been dead for some time.

   “Brother, I’m hungry~”

   Katelina said what Xilin wanted to say now, her belly was already empty.

   “Go, go down and take a look.”

   Xilin took Katelina to fly below and landed in the endless desert.


   The hot gale blew over them, Xilin felt refreshed, and Katelina was extremely uncomfortable.

   But fortunately, there are dragon scales. Katelina can barely accept the high temperature here, but Olena, a human being, is miserable.

   Now Olena’s little face is red from the sun, like a shy flower.

   “Master, Olena is so hot.”

   Olena just feels that she needs a glass of water now to relieve the current heat.

   “Look, brother! Desert woods!”

   Katelina excitedly pointed to the green woods ahead.

   Desert woods are the woods that are still growing in the desert. This is the greatest wealth in the desert.

   “Well, go and see.”

   Xilin nodded, and at the same time he was a little puzzled, why didn’t he see this forest in the sky.

   You need to know such a large forest, as long as you are not blind, you can see it clearly from high above.

   What’s more, Xilin is a dragon, and the sight of the dragon is among the top ten existences in the Western Fantasy Continent.

   Two red and one silver dragons walked into the desert woods.


   As soon as she entered the desert forest, Katelina felt the breath of the long-lost mountain forest.

   In the middle of the desert forest, there is a huge lake.

   “Mother, your humble servant me, I… I want to drink water.”

   Orina cautiously asked Katelina.

   “Understand the servant, now your mother master will take you to the lake for a good show!”

   Katelina looked at the lake and couldn’t wait.

   After getting the consent of Xilin’s eyes next to her, Katelina jumped out quickly.


   Katelina’s huge body smashed into the lake, causing a wave of more than ten meters high.

   “Hoo~ It’s so cool.”

   Katelina spit out a small stream of water from her mouth, and now she just feels unstoppable.

   “Help! I can’t swim!”

   Olena’s two short legs thumped in the water, but her body kept sinking.

   “Humble servant, let the great master save you.”

   Katelina pretended to be noble, and easily supported Olena with her tail.

   “Cough cough cough~”

   Olena choked a lot of water from her mouth, and she almost scared her to death just now.

   Xilin looked at Katelina and the others, who were so happy, and squatted on the shore watching.

   The red dragon hates water, and Xilin does the same.

   It’s just that Xilin is not afraid of water, he just doesn’t want to get in the water.

   The real giant red dragon entered the water, and the temperature erupted from the body surface was enough to evaporate the entire lake.


   Xilin breathed out on the shore, the only bad thing about being a dragon was that he wanted to sleep too much.

   But after flying for a full three days, it’s normal to get a little sleepy.

   It was a joy to see Katelina playing with Olena in the water.

   So Xilin simply lay on the shore, his body was C-shaped on the ground, and the dragon’s tail was placed in front of him.

   As the eyelids got heavier and heavier, Xilin fell asleep directly.

   I don’t know how long it has been~

   “Where is this?”

   After Xilin opened his eyes, he found that he was actually deep in a palace.

   The entire palace is made of sand, all of which are more dazzling than gold.

   reveals nobleness and mystery everywhere, as if it is an ancient ruin, it has been asleep for a long time.

   “Little Red Dragon~ This is all the treasure in the Desert of Death! Come on! Find it! Let it be the most dazzling part of your dragon-born treasure!”

   Ancient and mysterious voices echoed in the desert palace, seducing Xilin all the time.

   Just as Xilin was about to walk into the palace to take a look.

   “Ah! Brother!”.

Chapter 27:

   Katelina’s shout suddenly appeared in Xilin’s ear.

  At this moment, the surrounding scenes seemed to be regressing, and the desert palace disappeared into dust.


   Xilin opened his vertical pupils, only to realize that everything just now was a dream.

   And Katelina, who was originally playing in the water, was caught by two big tentacles similar to octopuses and was dragging into the lake.


at this moment! The dragon is awake!

   The bonfire on Xilin’s body swelled, and the blazing sun bursting out around him swept toward the big tentacles.

   “firering (blazing sun fire ring)!”

   A circle of flames crossed the big tentacles, and a fierce flame burned.

   The big tentacles were also cut off by the ring of fire at that moment, and Katelina was freed.

   Katelina quickly returned to Xilin, and said anxiously: “Brother, Olena has been dragged down.”

   “What the **** happened?”

   Xilin was not in a hurry to save Olena, with the lucky lamb talent, Olena should not die in the hands of this kind of beast.

   “I and Olena were splashing water with each other just now, but a tentacle directly grabbed me.”

   “I quickly dived into the lake and grabbed the tentacle, and then I just wanted to take Olena to the sky.”

   “As a result, I was caught by two tentacles in mid-air. Olena also fell from my arms and was pulled down by the tentacles.”

   “By the way, brother, when I dived underneath, I could see a pair of big glowing eyes.”

   Katelina quickly explained what happened next.

“I see.”

   There was a hint of alert in Xilin’s eyes.

  The dragon’s vigilance is very high, even when it is sleeping, any wind and grass can’t be hidden from his ears.

   Unless it is a deep sleep to improve his strength, he will definitely wake him up.

   And Xilin himself was just taking a nap, how could he not hear these movements.

   Is it related to the mysterious palace just now?

   Just when Xilin was a little confused, Katelina said anxiously: “Brother, if you don’t go down to save Olena, our only servant may die.”

   “Don’t worry, she won’t die so easily.”

   Xilin regained consciousness and comforted Katelina, and then flew to the middle of the lake, watching the movement underneath.

   At this time, the lake fell into silence again, as if nothing had happened before.

   The sharp Long Tong stared at the lake intently, he wanted to see the situation directly through the surface.



   Three big tentacles came out of the lake directly, and tied Xilin’s legs and a paw respectively.

   Then the tentacles started to drag Xilin into the invisible lake.

   “Lianlong’s idea is so dare to fight! I want to see what you are!”

   Xilin did not choose to compete with the tentacles, but actively let the tentacles drag him into the lake.

   “Katerina, stay on top and don’t move!”

   This is a word that Xilin left for Katelina when she entered the lake, and then Xilin disappeared in front of Katelina.

   Katelina was very anxious in her heart, but her brother’s instructions were persuading her to act again.

   “Damn it!” Katelina hovered anxiously on the shore.

   She wanted to go down to help her brother, but she was afraid of making trouble for her brother.

   Knowing about Xilin’s strength, she knew that Xilin was only dragged down deliberately.

   But his elder brother is a red dragon, and underwater combat is not his battlefield, but instead limits his strength everywhere.

  Under the lake

   As soon as Xilin entered the water, the flames on his body shrank into the dragon scales.

   This is the instinct of the red dragon’s body. The raging fire in the water will actively return to the body to ensure the fire of life in the red dragon.

   In the dark water, Xilin is like a faintly glowing firefly, barely able to see ray of red light.

   The big light bulbs in front of Xilin are different, like searchlights in the deep sea, illuminating everything around him.

   In order to find out who the owner of the tentacles is, Xilin lost a system illustration book.

  【Name: Akef】

  【Creature: Deep Sea Stalker (Chaotic Evil) Youth】

   [Attack: (Ordinary Young Red Dragon 300)]

  【Defense: 301 (Ordinary Young Red Dragon 200)】

   [Speed: 100 (Ordinary Boy Red Dragon 150)]

   [Physique: 500 (Ordinary Young Red Dragon 350)]

  [Item: Small Treasure Pile]

  【Magic: None】

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