Rebirth of the Red Dragon: Self-discipline Becomes Stronger

Chapter 14

   “There is no way to hide, you are relatively small, plus the human girl Olena as a bait.”

   “You can bring out some big guys, and then you can have a full meal.”

   Xilin turned around and explained to Katelina.

   His figure and fire light are too arrogant, especially the sulfur smell from his body is too heavy.

   Before the monster came close, he could smell his deadly smell, and hid.

   Secondly, some small things that can’t hide from Xilin’s paws are not enough to eat.

   All Xilin simply used Katelina and Olena as bait to see if he could catch a big guy out.

   “I understand brother.”

   Katelina took Olena and landed underneath. Just do what the brother said.


   As Katelina landed, a small dust was raised.

   “Go down.”

   Katelina unceremoniously fell Olena off her body.


   Olena’s immature **** fell on the hard ground, subconsciously hurting.

   A few tears appeared at the corner of his eyes, looking very pitiful.

   “Cowardly human, just this pain is enough for you to shed tears.”

   Katelina was disdainful of Olena’s behavior.

  Orina silently wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and said: “Great…Your Excellency True Dragon, what are we going to do next?”

   Olena is a little puzzled, where is the red dragon just now, won’t you come hunting together?

   The words that Xilin said to Katelina just now were in dragon language, and Olena didn’t know what Xilin and the others were talking about.

   “What are you doing? Just stand still and just shout when you are in danger.”

   Katelina asked Olena to hide among the surrounding woods.

   “What does it mean to not move…”

  Orina looked at Katelina and the gloomy woods that disappeared in front of her eyes, her legs trembled again in despair.

   She seems to have many eyes watching her around her, and murderous intent is hidden in the jungle.


   Olena swallowed, staying on the spot for a long time, and finally decided to take a few steps forward.

   After trying to walk for a few steps, Olena began to sneak around slowly.

   About ten minutes later~

   “I said how did I smell a strange breath, tusk tusk~ it turned out to be a human!”

   At this moment, a group of jungle monkeys came out from the depths of the jungle.

   Jungle Monkey is the most common type of monster in the Western Fantasy Continent. Basically, there are such monsters in the mountains and forests.

   is a low-level monster, and its strength is equivalent to that of a junior warrior.

   There are only a few outliers, such as Jungle King Kong will be more powerful.

   The whole body has green skin, his eyes sunken in as if shrinking, and the tail behind him seems to be broken.

   “Let me guess little girl, how did you get here?”

   The jungle monkey leader showed his three-inch fangs, and his sunken eyes lit up with a dark green light.

   This is the action of the jungle monkey before it prepares to prey!

   “Ah! Lord Dragon, help!”

  Olena saw such a scene, she turned around and screamed, and then Sa Yazi ran away.

   “Monkey cubs! Chase me! Remember! I want to eat her lower body!”

  The leader of the jungle monkey wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and shouted to Olena’s back.

   “Woo woo woo! I want hands!”

   “I want a brain!”

   “I want her body!”

   Dozens of jungle monkeys jumped out and hunted in Olena’s direction.

   These jungle monkeys are like hungry wolves when they are hungry. Their eyes are glowing with glistening green light, and they are about to catch up with Olena in the blink of an eye.

   Hidden in the dark, Katelina almost moved, and it turned out the next second.


   A five-meter buck-toothed pig rushed out and knocked out all the jungle monkeys that were about to pounce on Olena.


   The jungle monkey flew out screaming, and a hole appeared on the front chests, with green blood flowing, and it seemed that there was no vitality.

   “Damn boar! This is our jungle monkey site!”

   The jungle monkey leader took out a mace from nowhere, pointed at the bucktooth pig in front of him and roared.

   “Yours? Even if you look so thin, you dare to say that it is your territory?”

   Huyazhu disdainfully exposed his ten one-meter-long fangs, which were already covered with green blood.

   “Don’t be too arrogant, stupid pig!”

   When the jungle monkeys spoke, they greeted their companions and surrounded them, and hundreds of jungle monkeys surrounded the buck-toothed pig.


   Huyazhu took a step back, and five of its companions appeared behind him, one of which was seven meters long.

   Huyazhu also has a group of gregarious beasts, but their group has only six or seven heads, and the extra will be driven out to establish their own group.

   “Wild monkey, get out of here for me, I want this prey.”

   The fang pig leader is also unwilling to show weakness, their size is there, much larger than the dwarf creatures like jungle monkeys.


   How long has it been, how long has the Geroka Mountains been without humans coming in.

   Now Olena is the first human they have seen in the past ten years, of course they have to fight hard.


   “It is indeed a lucky lamb, there will always be more powerful creatures on the stage at critical moments.”

   Xilin can see clearly from high in the sky, now that the prey is drawn out, then he is about to start! .

Chapter 24

   The jungle monkey looked at the five bucktooth pigs behind the leader of the bucktooth, and his heart had already retreated.

   If the opponent only has two buck-toothed pigs, then the jungle monkey leader will definitely attack without hesitation.

   But now the bucktooth pigs are a race, and the jungle monkey leader doesn’t want to take a big risk, grabbing food from the bucktooth pig’s mouth.

   “Go! Monkey cubs!”

   The jungle monkey leader waved the mace in his hand, and left with the unwilling monkey cub on his face.

  As soon as the group of jungle monkeys left, the fang pig ate the dead jungle monkey carcasses on the ground.

   The crisp sound of broken bones sounded in the mouth of the buck-toothed pig, and it was accompanied by the constant arching of a wild boar.

   “It’s time to enjoy the fruits.”

   The fang pig leader turned and looked at the skinny Olena.

   Although this human being doesn’t even have the qualifications to stuff his teeth, he can try something new.

   “Roar! Get out of you humble boars! This is the treasure of the real dragon!”

   At this time Katelina finally rushed out and stood in front of Olena.

   This is the first time Katelina has faced an opponent of this size. In the past, there was a Xilin standing next to her.

   “Silver dragon? Or a young dragon?”

   The fang pig head took the lead for a moment, and then showed an evil smile.

   If it were an adult dragon, then the leader of the bucktooth pig would never even dare to fart.


   Katelina looked like a baby dragon. His whole body length was only 6 meters by visual inspection, and her body length was 7 meters.

   Not all creatures are afraid of dragons, on the contrary, many creatures want to eat young dragons.

  In the cruel nature, the big ones will always eat the small ones. Who cares if you were a child?

   If an ordinary beast eats a young dragon, its aptitude will leap several levels.

   The leader of the ya pig looked around and repeatedly confirmed that there was no adult female dragon nearby.

   “It just so happens that I haven’t tasted the taste of dragon meat yet~”

  Dragon meat is a more attractive delicacy than human beings, and it is the lifelong pursuit of many monsters.

   “Shut up the wild boar! Every word of you defiles the real dragon!”

   Katelina was angry for the first time, revealing sharp but slightly immature minions.

The dragon tail on    sprang out, covering the entire surrounding buck-toothed pigs, giving them a lot of pressure.

   It’s a pity that the coercion of the young dragon is too weak, and it is basically unnecessary in front of the adult bucktooth pig.

   “Is this the legendary Longwei? It’s no big deal.”

   Huyazhu smiled when he felt the pressure on his body, something insignificant, I really don’t know why the parents boast about how powerful Longwei is.

   Katelina stopped talking, her mouth let out a low roar, the whole dragon was like a cat with blown up fur, ready to fight at any time.

   “Let me try the legendary Silver Dragon, how powerful it is!”

  The little brother who was standing next to the leader of the buck tooth pig rushed out suddenly, carrying his long fangs.

  The running of the buck-toothed pig started to tremble on the ground, and a dusty yellow smoke was raised behind the thighs.

   “Stupid and humble wild boar!”

   Katelina grew up with her mouth, and an extremely cold white gas condensed in her mouth, when it reached a limit.


   An extremely cold breath erupted from her mouth, and the ice flow turned into a river and hit the buck-toothed pig’s body.


   When the tusks’ fangs hit the ice stream, they quickly formed into ice cubes and broke apart, but this still couldn’t stop him from moving forward.


   Katelina looked at the bucktooth pig close at hand, revealing her dragon claws without saying a word, and patted the bucktooth pig’s head fiercely.

   The powerful force caused the buck-toothed pig to fly out like a cannonball and land on a big tree trunk.

   The fang pig lay under the tree and gradually twitched, his face was covered with ice scum, and then his eyes lost their look.

One hit kill!

   “It’s really a dragon~”

   The leader of the ya pig was not afraid, but was even more excited.

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