Rebirth of the Phoenix God

Chapter 66: No holding back

Still quite overwhelmed by the devastating message behind the last set of memories that he received due to Draconis intervention, if not for everything that was happening to him all at once, the young man could very well just sit down, curl into a ball and start crying.

But his body no longer listened to his commands.

As soon as the young man allowed the ignition of his bloodline, he realised that he made a single mistake. Instead of focusing himself a bit to ignite his talent from within his body, Fen actually was careless enough to start with the blood that was currently drying up all over his face, torso and hands!


All at once, the fires that covered both his skin and his clothes erupted in fires. Just the shockwave of this sudden explosion was enough to create a small depression under the young man's feet, condensing around three meters wide layer of earth into half of its usual size. At the same time, as the shockwave spread in all directions, even Basil with all the skills and cheat abilities that he was bound to learn in the inquisition was unable to withstand its prowess!

With the young man falling down, the real mayhem finally started. Despite Fen's vision slowly fading away into the endless swaths of redness as the fires spread from the outside of his body to the shallow level of Fen's innards, including his eyeballs!

Yet, that didn't stop him from noticing how several things happened simultaneously. Far away on the tribunes, the inquisition leader was standing up as his hand was slowly reaching the state of pointing directly at him. At a closer distance, Basil was desperately attempting to stand up, with the long burn marks on his skin indicating how devastating this accidental shockwave of Fen was. 

But all of that, along with the reactions of the crowd, despite how stretched in time they all appeared to Fen, was nothing when compared to the revolution happening within his own body!

The progress of his fires igniting was akin to some kind of fuse, slowly crawling up towards the explosives. One by one, deeper and deeper parts of his skin and flesh were giving up and immersing themselves in the open flame, instantly exploding with energy. But the worst has yet to come, as those crawlings finally reached Fen's veins.


Just like when the reality continued to shatter whenever the young man would experience his bloodline visions, the same thing appeared to happen to him now. Once his entire bloodline properly ignited, Fen didn't really need to do anything of what Firo attempted to teach him. 

In one instant, his flow split apart, with its major part trying to burn his body from within, while the minor part created something that felt like a light breeze cooling entire Fen's body down at all times. 

The feeling of the power coursing literally through his veins was exactly the same as back when he was exerting his entire self, trying to grow stronger with that desperate method. But only now, when those internal flames of his were counteracted by Fen's counterflow did the young man realise how futile those earlier efforts of his were.

Firo was perfectly right about the dangers of igniting one's body without properly creating the counter spin for his flow. Even though Fen could reach the point where he could sustain the fire consumption for several seconds straight, right now, not only this young man could feel that the power constantly fed into his muscles was far greater, but he didn't have to suffer any backlash from it no matter how long it lasted!"


This single note seemed to grow from the most silent voice possible, all the way to a powerful and magnificent bass voice that Fen has ever heard. Taking a moment to calm himself down from all the distractions, Fen raised his eyes to look at the source of this strange voice.

Only to see Basils face twisted with a mix of hatred and terror.


Seeing his fake friend jump towards him as if he was confined by some kind of incredibly thick liquid, Fen could only sneer at the situation. Given the context of the situation, it was obvious what this fucker wanted to say.

I will kill you. Or maybe, I will execute you? It didn't really matter, as Fen finally had the chance to execute his own vengeance. 

Moving at what he perceived to be a normal pace, Fen took less than a second to appear right before the body of Basil, moving through the air as if it was extremely dense water.

"So that's how it ends."

Without any hurry, Fen reached for Basil's neck, before grasping it with his fingers. Maybe it was another strange feature of this strange state that he was in, but his skin and flesh, that were supposed to give any form of resistance, were no different from the cheap cheese that Fen had the chance to try a few times during his life in the village!

Melting under the touch of his fingers, it seemed as if the perspective of coming into the contact of Fen's burning flesh was enough of a threat for Basil's body to kill itself before Fen would have the chance to do it yourself!


Just as another shout came to Fen's ears from the general direction of the Inquisition, he simply ripped Basil's head off. 

Tightening his grasp on his fake friend's neck at a rate faster than it could melt away, all that Fen had to do… was to pull up. As disgusting as it was, to feel the inner matter of Basil's head to press against the skin of his fingers only to evaporate the next moment, this action had some kind of relaxing feel to it as well.

Yet, as Fen's head turned around to see just where exactly did that scream came from, this vibrant reality that was housing the young man, started to crack. One by one, huge ravines appeared within Fen's vision, with the ugliness of the real and natural world seeping from them.

With a sudden notion appearing in his mind, Fen looked down on his hand, the same one that he just used to turn Basil's head into a messy piece of burned brain matter stuck on top of his spine.

And just as he expected, there wasn't even a single droplet of blood on his skin!

'Could the dragon's tribe blood be the reason behind…'

Just as Fen's thoughts finally managed to form at least a skeletal theory behind the sudden change in Fen's disposition, this insane energetic state that he was in broke off completely, as if the addition of the energy contained within Basil's blood managed to upset the balance that allowed Fen to enter this state in the first place.


Before he could even blink, with Fen's perception of time returning to its usual rate, everyone else in the vincity finally had got the opportunity to react. And the first one to do so, was no one but Inquisition leader himself!

But rather than panicking, a strange wave jolted through Fen's body, as if repelling all the foreign energy from his system, that broke his focus earlier on. Yet, instead of entering the same state as before, the single part of Fen's vision suddenly took over his entire mind, changing the direction in which his natural reflexes guided his internal energy. 


WIth the man shouting as he jumped out of the tribune while pulling out a strange cane, his trajectory made it obvious that he intended to land directly on top of the young man.

Treating this matter as nothing really worth his attention, Fen was in yet another episode of his mind turning strange. From one side, he could still think like he always did with nothing impairing his mental capabilities. Yet his body moved according to the instincts and muscle memory that he never grew to have!


With the Inquisitor's cane flying directly towards Fen's head, in any other situation, only death would await the young man. But right now, instead of panicking, Fen simply raised his hand up, not even towards the incoming weapon, but a little bit to its side. 

And just as the inquisitor was about to finish his life, a glorious sword made out of the extremely thick flames appeared in Fen's hand, blocking the attack that would otherwise doom him!

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