Rebirth of the Phoenix God

Chapter 61: At the coloseum

"... and for the sake of draconis, do not stir up any more trouble, okay?"

So far, Fen has never experienced this kind of great encouragement from others before in his life. Even when he went to the forest to deal with the beasts that Beyar trapped for him, outside of a simple pat on the shoulder, he was left entirely to his own devices.

On the other hand, after nearly an hour long lecture from Mark, thirty minutes of nagging from Hekarion and deadly stare of Nadia accompanying the process all together, rather than being happy with the change, Fen actually realised that it was nothing but a bother.

Compared to them, this single gesture of his master actually held a lot more meaning and weight to it. From the unspoken trust, hopes and faith in the young man's abilities all expressed with a simple gesture, Fen now had to swallow the long hours of useless banter that combined, amounted to something that the young man could summarise in just a few words.

Don't act spoiler or entitled, do not stir trouble, for Draconis's sake, do not stir trouble. And lastly, the most important point. Do. Not. Stir. Trouble.

Only when Firo's turn to send him off to the tournament came, did Fen' notice any form of familiarity with the way she sent him off.

Maybe it was in her bloodline, slightly altered by the fact that she was a female, but instead of fawning all over him in the short intervals between constantly nagging him to keep his cool, Firo limited herself to just a few words.

"Take care."

Officially speaking, today all the top contestants from both the classes would partake in the fight with the royal guests. Those who wanted to live comfortably were already reported to the other's side headquarters, allowing them to properly prepare for the event.

After relatively gently winning over Fen's classmates that decided to go with the easier path, the humiliating part would begun. For the young man, this moment would come right after Kaisha would be done with her duel.

For at least a short moment, Fen's name would be announced in public, and only after triple calls for presence would fall short, would the young man's walkover would be announced.

Thinking about this, Fen wouldn't really get that much time to enjoy the tournament, as after just two simple fights, his name would be spoken out loud for the public shaming.

"And most of all, do not cause any trouble!"

Suddenly turning her solemn face into one full of smiles, Firo jokingly repeated the single sentence that was present in the entire archarity for the past two days.

Given how my both Mark and Hekarrion did for the young man in those two days, it wouldn't be a lie to tell that Fen was already completely different to who he was just two days ago.

Ever since Firo helped him to unlock the potential of his bloodline, whenever a new kind or bit of knowledge would enter the young man's mind, a memories correlated with it would quickly appear, cutting Fen away from the real world for what could seem at most as a second for the onlookers, but what was in reality often timespans that exceeded weeks for Fen inside his newly awakening memories!

"I wil be going then."

Burdened by a huge backpack that the archarity inside of Fen bringing with him, the young man quickly reunited with the one girl that he hoped to met on his way to the colosseum.

"How are you today? Well rested and mentally prepared?"

Given how Kaisha already knew about Fen's decision to resignate from the fight, all the while proving that she understood the true meaning and aims of those who picked the option, then unless this tournament could somehow go smoothly without any idiots trying to make his life harder, then the following months would finally see the young man flourish!

"Well, with how rough you were with me a few days ago, I still can barely handle myself on my own!"

Exclaiming with a huge scene, Kaisha appeared as if she was on the verge of losing her consciousness, before she quickly dived only to appeared all cuddled to Fen's arm with a big smile brimming on her face.

"Once this shit is over… It will be my turn to wring you dry!"

Standing up as far as her feet' fingers allowed, Kaisha whispered those words directly into Fen's brain, instantly invoking a huge wave of tingles all over his body.

This kind of small flirting between the two of them lasted all the way till both of their groups reached the vicinity of the colosseum area. Given how both of their groups were openly in opposition to each other with Fen siding with the archarity while Kaisha clearly decided to go with the church.

Right now, with only the silent accompaniment of the ever-present guard, Fen finished making his way up to the colosseum.

Upon enering the vast premises of the building, the young man was initially puzzled about where he should head off to, before one of the classmates of his that just happened to be passing by, helped him to take his designated seat.

Located in the special area for the candidates, Fen could see the people from the other class all sitting down as if they were awaiting execution. It seemed like prospect of either covering oneself with shame during the fight, or avoiding it all together, weighted down on their consciousness just as heavily as it did on Fen.

Thankfully, there was a lot of things that one could look at in the colosseum, allowing the young man to quickly turn its attention somewhere. Starting with the structure of the magnificent building in the first place, through all sorts of decorations that filled tha place, at the orderly presenting rows of the envoy's group people presenting themselves in a single part of the tribunes.

But what Fen didn't expect to see there, was his former friend Basil starting daggers at him, all the while his lips never stopped the tireless work of coaxing Galia into something!

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