Rebirth of the Phoenix God

Chapter 59: Garden for the two

"Aahhh, it's finally over…"

Stretching his legs after sitting heavily on the biggest and most comfortable couch in archarity garden, Fen closed his eyes in order to not get depressed over the look of distress in Kaisha's eyes.

"Hey… Ano… Listen?"

Not sure how she was supposed to approach him, the girl had some clear problems to come into terms what she had to hear or witness before. While it was true that she acted differently even since Fen started its act against Basil, but the change that happened in the short window of time after Fen entered the archarity and before she was finally allowed to follow him inside, was far greater than anything that the young man could expect!

Sitting down beside the young-man and cuddling into his shoulder, Kaisha's initial attempt at saying something fell short of the mark by a huge margin. Rubbing her soft cheek against Fen's arm, it seemed as if she was trying to spark some fire with this kind of skinship, that would ignite all the loads of her courage that were currently hidden.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

Only after a long moment of gathering her wits did Kaisha finally manage to squeeze the words out of her mouth. Attracted by the sound of her silent words, Fen looked down his body, instantly catching her longing stare.

Her eyes were already wet from the tears that she was most likely holding back for the entire day. Her lips trembling. At this point, Fen would have to cut his penis off if he were to be dense enough to not notice what was going on!

But was that reall so wrong?

Kaisha's outburst during the meeting in front of the tournament area was enough to confirm that just like Fen, she had some kind of background and achievments that she strived for that in turn, grew out of her background. Just like Fen wished to escape this place where every corner could be hiding a lethal threat of being discovered as heretic, Kaisha was bound to her own reasons behind her actions, making judgment of her joices all the harder.

At the same time, the fact that she was struggling with something just like him, made Fen feel a sense of familiarity with her, as if just the fact that the two of them both stood against a power that was far greater than themselves, was enough to turn them even closer than the family, changing them from just friends or class partners, into true brothers in arms.

"Not really, and I won't be able to be perfectly honest."

Instead of running around in circles in some kind of silly attempts of coming up with a story both close enough to what was already said to not arise any suspicion and realistic enough, to be taken seriously in the first place, Fen decided to act straightforwardly here.

After all, that was the minimum that Kaisha could expect from him, given how she struggled just like him!

"So, what can you tell me?"

Lodging herself more comfortably in Fen's side, Kaisha placed her head right on top of his shoulder, keeping her stare right on his face.

"Let's say, that the story that I told back in the colosseum… Is only partially true. What I can tell you already, is that I know that this man, Basil, actually killed… my brother."

Taking a while to even begin this sentence, Fen still had to take some breaks while speaking in order to make sure his words were revealing just as much as he intended. Given how Kaisha knew that what he could tell her was only partially a truth, those kinds of breaks would also help her realise what were the points that were most likely changed.

"Wait, what?!"

Suddenly exclaiming and rising on her arms, Kaisha levelled her face right to the height at which Fen held his own face. With their eyes now so close, the young man could feel a slight blush appearing on his face. That was actually quite strange. When Kaisha was cuddling to him as if there was no tommorow just a moment ago, he was somehow able to keep his expression enact. Yet, as the two of them happened to have their eyes separated only the the few lenghts of their nose, this moment of the two stares connecting at such a close distance felt somewhat… intimate.

"Ah ahahaha…"

Suddenly raising to the back, Kaisha quickly freed herself from the confiness of Fen's embrace, quickly starting to pace around the area. Stopping just as suddenly as she stood up, Kaisha looked at her classmate once again, this time with determination filling her eyes.


Placing her hands on top of Fen's shoulders, Kaish'a kept her new habit of looking him directly int the eyes, not allowing him to turn his head around or do literaly anything else that would result in the eye contact breaking up.

"We both know that the other one is full of secrets. But I don't think that changes anything in how I feel about you…"

While her message was full of ambiguity for now, Fen wasn't as stupid as to miss the meaning behind Kaisha's complicated words. If she wasn't confessing her love or at least willingness to go out with him right now, then Fen's creative limits of imagination would be broken.

"You do realise that I won't stay in this country?

There was no good moment to bring that matter up. Even with how Fen saw Kaisha getting all excited over which side Fen would pick, most likely assuming that just like her, he woudl decide to just live the life of comfort, her disappointment had to be inmesurable right now.

"Well… Is it that bad?"

Hearing her response, Fen raised his eyes rapidly, only to stare into the abyss of worry that was present in her eyes.

"You know, I'm not as stupid as I sometimes might like to appear as. The choice that we were given is quite simple. Either stay and become rich, hoping to have a shoot of entering the high society or doing your beast to create a completely new society for your own use. That's the choice given to those who are willing to pretend to lose against the royals."

Stating the obvious fact, Kaisha suddenly mounted Fen's lap, entangling her hands behind his neck and bringing her own face dangerously close to the young man's head.

"On the other hand, those who just want to keep growing properly or are too pressed to leave the country to care about anything else, are bound to chose to give up. Given how I do not consider you to be someone with such simple and naive ambitions as in the first group I mentioned, I can only assume that you need to actually run from this place."

At this point, there was no stopping this energetic girl. As if her energy that was missing before returned all at once, she didn't hesitate anymore as her face closed on Fen's before their lips connected.

From this moment, it was only a mess.

Without a care in the world about how the entire garden was accessible to anyone who would ever bother entering it, the pieces of clothes started falling all over the place, as the two young people immersed themselves in the heat of their respective partners.

"You are so… soft…"

Feeling his classmate's breasts in his hands, Fen couldn't stop himself from commenting. After the insane fail that he went through with Galia, to tell that he didn't feel any anxiety when getting close with any woman would be nothing short of a huge and obvious lie.

"Thank you… But you don't need to be so fixated on those!"

Closing in for yet another peck on his lips, Kaisha used the opportunity to bully him a bit before her breath was interrupted by a wave of sweet giggles.

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