Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 77 - Sentencing

Last night, Feibao swam in the sea for more than an hour. It was also very tired. It was as exhausted as Su Qin, and also thought about giving up.

But it understands that in the vast sea, once you relax and close your eyes to rest, you will never have the opportunity to open your eyes again, and you will never see Boeing and the puppies.

It did not dare to close its eyes and did not want to die. It wants to go back and brag to the children, boast that it has saved Li Chuan and Su Qin, and let the puppies know about its heroic deeds.

The ears of both dogs were numb, and the throat and eyes were burning like fire. It feels that it can’t hold on anymore, and even has hallucinations, but it still doesn’t want to give up.

It wants to go back and brag with the kids.

It saw a group of puppies surrounding it, and saw Boing lying in the kennel far away, looking at it with tender eyes. Boeing is quiet and gentle. Its body suddenly surged with strength and continued to dig and swim in the sea.

Fortunately, the sea was not windy and there were no waves last night, otherwise they might have really explained it here.

If it does die, Boeing is a widow and the puppies lose their father.

Fortunately, it persisted to the end, and it successfully landed with Su Qin Lichuan.

Last night, Flying Leopard slept dead on Li Chuan, woke up in the morning by the first ray of sunlight, got up and went to find water and food.

He went to find some fresh water in the jungle on the island, and after wetting his dry throat, he went to find food. It smelled that special enticing smell of dogs and came to the depths of the island.

There was a big old factory there, and there were still human voices and barking dogs.

The special smell attracted Feibao to walk around the factory. In the southeast of the factory, a pile of dead people were dug out in a sullen soil. Due to the climate, the smell is foul and there are maggots on it.

Flying Leopard scratched its paw, and the maggots crawled on its paw, and it flung it away with a look of disgust.

These little bugs are disgusting.

Flying Leopard walked a little further and saw something similar to a bone protruding from a pile of soil. It scratched it with its claws, dragged the human skull inside with its mouth, and ran away with it in its mouth.

It took the human skull and returned to Su Qin and Li Chuan, who were still sleeping. It ran back and dragged two people’s arms, intending to fill their stomachs.

After it went back for a while, Su Qin woke up, threw his arms aside, and ran to lick Su Qin’s face.

Su Qin lay down on Li Chuan to have sex, but it went to the side to lick the human skull and began to grind his teeth with the human skull, completely ignoring Su Qin and Li Chuan.

Su Qin roared at it inexplicably, and was fierce at it. It was wronged, licked the human skull held by a pair of dog claws, and looked up at Su Qin with a confused face.

Su Qin got up, dragged his aching body and walked over, slapped his dog on the head, and scolded: “Let go! Do you know what this is?”

Flying Leopard: “????”

Su Qin snatched the human skull from its mouth, held it in his hand, goosebumps all over his body, and threw it out in an instant, poked his head and said, “This is a human skull!” and poked its head again: ” Equivalent to your dog’s skull!”

Feibao seems to understand, but he also knows that this is not a funny thing. The two Zhao Fenger lie down aggrievedly, their little eyes very pitiful.

Su Qin exhaled and sat down. He glanced at the arm of the person thrown by Feibao not far away, his face turned pale with fright, and he got up and returned to Li Chuan.

Li Chuan sat up, coughed twice, grabbed Su Qin’s shoulders, and asked her in a low voice, “How are you?”

Su Qin shook his head: “My whole body is sore, very tired, very hungry, very thirsty.”

Li Chuan glanced at the dense forest on the island and said, “There should be a water source inside, let’s go find some water inside.”

They brought spare food from the life kayak, but there was not enough water.

Su Qin glanced into the jungle, grabbed the man’s arm and said, “Mr. Li, don’t, these things should have been picked up by the flying leopard from the jungle. Looking at the scary people, there might be beasts inside.”

“If there were really beasts, how could the Flying Leopard be unscathed? Look at the big pit over there, with so many household necessities and garbage piled up, someone should be on the island.” Li Chuan glanced at the human skull, frowned and said, “Yi Judging from the current situation, we are not safe on the beach, let’s go in, there is a hiding place anyway.”

“Well.” Su Qin asked him, “Can you still go?”

“Okay, it’s almost recovered, and the stamina of the anesthetic is almost over.” Li Chuan got up and moved his muscles and bones, but when Su Qin got up, he felt that his condition was not very good.

I exercised too much last night, my body was sore and weak, and it was difficult to take a step. Li Chuan helped her into the dense forest, went to sit down in the dense grass, and began to massage her limbs muscles to relax her muscles as much as possible.

He asked, “How did we get here last night?”

Su Qin told him what happened last night, and joked: “I have never felt in my life that my willpower is so strong, I feel that I can’t hold on any longer, and I think that’s all, I’ll sink to the bottom of the sea. But when I thought about the bag, I persevered again. We don’t have children yet, what if the bag can also appear in this life? With this hope, I persevered.”

She paused, let out a sigh of relief and said, “Xu Hang and the others don’t know what’s going on. If no one comes to save us, how should we go back?”

Li Chuan stopped, looked around, looked at Feibao, and asked it, “Brother Leopard, where did you find your human skull? Take us there.”

“Wang!” Feibao got up and ran forward with its tail wagging.

Su Qin’s recovery was not good enough, and he followed the flying leopard Li Chuan forward. As long as you get used to that muscle soreness, it doesn’t feel so uncomfortable anymore.

Flying Leopard took them outside a factory, and there was a human voice barking inside.

Li Chuan squatted down with Su Qin subconsciously, blocked his body with the grass, and first looked around to see if there was any surveillance. Except for the surveillance around the gate, there are no other three walls. The walls of the factory are built five meters high, and there are high-voltage power grids for protection, just like a prison.

They followed Feibao from the side to the back of the factory and saw the place where the dead were buried.

A dead corpse was already in a semi-rotten state, and maggots poured out from the rotting flesh of the human body. Su Qin saw goosebumps for a while, turned around, and vomited on a small **** more than ten meters away.

There was nothing in her stomach, and all she spit out was water, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Even though it was more than ten meters away, she still smelled a stench of carrion. Su Qin always felt that he had hit something, kicked a layer of soil with his toes, and found a pale human hand.

She was so frightened that she took a few steps back. The touch under her feet was very strange. She turned around and saw that there were about a dozen human heads and a dozen pairs of hands in the sunken dirt pit behind her.

Su Qin let out a cry, covered his mouth subconsciously, and stepped back again and again.

Li Chuan walked over with Feibao, saw this tragic scene, and subconsciously pulled Su Qin into his arms and told her not to watch it again. He closed his eyes, took a deep breath and said, “Get out of here first.”

Flying Leopard took them to find the water source again. After both of them drank the water, they ate some compressed biscuits. Feibao disliked the unpalatable compressed biscuits, and ran to the woods to catch a plump hare. It used sharp teeth to separate the hare’s head and body, kept the head, and threw the body to Li Chuan and Su Qin.

Su Qin saw the **** rabbit, and when he remembered the scene just now, his stomach was tumbling again.

Li Chuan took out a sharp blade from his waist, sliced ​​open the rabbit, and washed it. The handle of this short knife is equipped with a flashlight with a lighter. He unscrewed the handle of the knife, took out the torch with a lighter, lit the fire, and began to roast the hares.

After a while, the hare burst into oil, and the smell was fragrant. Li Chuan pulled a fat hind rabbit leg to Su Qin, but she shook her head and refused, her face ugly.

Li Chuan said sternly: “I have to eat. I don’t know how long I will be trapped here. Only by maintaining physical fitness can we be less dangerous.”

Su Qin took the rabbit’s leg from him and nibbled it reluctantly. In addition to the greasy mouth, there is no other taste, and it is extremely difficult to swallow.

Seeing that she had difficulty swallowing, Li Chuan reached out and rubbed the back of her head, and said with relief, “Forget it for now, fill your stomach, and wait for rescue.”


They do not have any communication equipment on them, and they are completely disconnected from the outside world.

Su Qin still couldn’t forget what happened just now. After swallowing a mouthful of rabbit meat, he said, “There are so many dead bodies behind that factory. What kind of place would it be?”

After pondering for a moment, Li Chuan said: “It should be a seafood factory. Thailand is the largest exporter of seafood, and the slave trade in the seafood market in Southeast Asia is almost an open secret. The phenomenon of illegal human trafficking in Thailand’s fishing industry as free and cheap labor has been criticized by many countries. , but the market keeps resurging.”

The more in-depth contact with these, Su Qin felt more and more astonished. She took a deep breath and asked him, “Mr. Li, do you think that after this time, the old ghost Achak will die completely?”

Li Chuan said in a low voice: “In our own country, the police and us are a united front. With them as the main force, we are not afraid of threats. But here, the military and political forces are corrupt, and we have no main support. We don’t know the situation now, and now we can only pray that the balance of Akak’s forces can be better than we imagined.”

Su Qin held Li Chuan’s hand and was relatively speechless.

This island can’t stay long, and they can’t sit still and wait for a way to contact the outside world. But they have no communication equipment on them and want to communicate with the outside world unless they enter the factory.

Li Chuan just proposed to enter the factory, but Su Qin sternly rejected it: “No, it’s too dangerous. No matter how good you are, you’re just a mortal body. There are high-voltage power grids around the walls. How can you get in?”

Li Chuan laughed: “You can walk in from the main entrance.”

“Are you crazy? You are so big, go in? Are you sure you won’t be hacked to death by the guards inside?”

Li Chuan: “But what if it’s an agile animal? I just paid attention to the gate of the factory. There is a big gap below. Although we can’t get in, Feibao can.”

Flying Leopard was holding the rabbit bone and biting it, drooling all over the place. Hearing the mention of “Flying Leopard” in Li Chuan’s mouth, his sharp ears trembled, he stopped biting the rabbit’s bone and looked at Dad Li.

Li Chuan hooked his hand at it: “Come on.”

Feibao reluctantly dropped the rabbit bone, got up and walked towards Li Chuan, stopping in front of him.

Li Chuan touched its dog’s head, held its dog face and said, “Flying Leopard, how did you steal your mobile phone at home before, do you remember?”

Flying Leopard: “Wow!”

Why don’t you remember? When they were at home, the two owners would play with their iPhones when they got home from get off work, ignoring it and Boeing at all. In retaliation, it would secretly hide their phones, dig a hole in the yard, and bury the phone in the pit.

Li Chuan stared at it and said, “Your next task is to enter that factory and steal a mobile phone, you know?”

“Wang Wang!”

Feibao was half-understood, and probably knew that he was going in and stealing his mobile phone.

After understanding the battle plan, Su Qin and Li Chuan brought Feibao to the factory, and carefully lay down in the grass to watch Feibao perform tasks.

Flying Leopard is already a qualified combat dog. He has performed jungle missions with special forces and armed police forces, and has rescued many hostages. It took advantage of the darkness to cover up and quickly drilled through the gap under the gate to enter the factory.

Next to the gate of the factory is the security room, and the man guarding it is watching a movie without noticing its existence.

This is an isolated island, and even if someone runs out of the factory, they cannot leave the island. Therefore, the security in the factory was not as strict as Li Chuan thought, and there were also people patrolling with German Shepherds.

The three German shepherds followed behind the security guards, while the guards were watching movies with their mobile phones and headphones in their ears.

Someone came from behind the rock where the Flying Leopard was hiding, and it immediately ran behind the three German Shepherd butts, pretending to be the patrol dog of the factory, and followed the patrol with its head held high.

A German shepherd in front of the flying leopard noticed it, turned around and looked at it with a confused look, and found that it had an unfamiliar smell, and barked its teeth at it. And Feibao has a straight face.

On the other hand, the Flying Leopard had a straight face, barked its teeth at it, and let out a low voice like a lion in its throat. It was aggressive and aggressive, and the De Mudon in front of him continued to walk with his tail tucked in, not daring to provoke it again.

Feibao just swaggered around in the factory, and soon, left the team and ran into the factory.

The smell of seafood in the factory is very strong. There are women, men, and children. They squat on the ground to clean fish and shrimp, and the floor is wet. A guard was sitting at the door, watching a pornographic film on his laptop.

The man pressed the gear with his hand, stared at the screen with wide eyes, and focused on it.

Feibao sat in front of the man and watched with him, coveting the phone that the man placed beside the computer.

The man noticed Feibao, scolded “I scared me to death”, and then reprimanded: “Little beast, why did you come here? Go back to the kennel.”

There are more than 20 German Shepherds in the factory, and these dogs almost all look the same. It is difficult for the guards in the factory to distinguish them.

Feibao put his mouth tube on the man’s thigh, wagged his tail cheerfully, moved his ears, watery eyes, and looked at the man with a cute face.

The man couldn’t hold back, rubbed the dog’s head with his hand, ignored it, and continued to watch his own movie.

The man stared at the screen with all his attention, Feibao scratched his mobile phone on the table with his paw, took it to the edge of the table, held it with his mouth, and walked out with the phone in his mouth.

The man was still watching porn, but he didn’t realize that Feibao had stolen his mobile phone.

Feibao turned back on the original road, quickly got out of the iron gate, ran back to the grass, and threw the phone in front of Li Chuan.

Li Chuan took the mobile phone and checked it. The power was sufficient and the network was smooth. He immediately brought Su Qin Feibao back to the original hiding place.

After returning, Li Chuan contacted Xu Hang first, and the phone was connected there. He was very pleasantly surprised to receive his call: “Boss! You are still alive! Where are you?”

“I don’t know.” Li Chuan asked them, “How are you now?”

Xu Hang’s voice was heavy: “Bai Yu was seriously injured and in a coma in order to save a child. The people on the yacht have been rescued, and the Thai military and police have intervened. Achak’s conspiracy was exposed, and while on the run, we thought you and Su Qin were arrested… Our special forces unit Also participated in this rescue operation. Boss, wait for us.”

Li Chuan said solemnly: “The situation here is not very friendly. There is a large factory here. We also found more than a dozen dead bodies on the island. We suspect that this is related to a transnational human trafficking group.”

Xu Hang’s cell phone was seized by the captain who led the rescue of the hostages. He instructed Li Chuan to protect his own safety first, not to provoke the people on the island, and wait for them to come.

This time, the special forces have been approved to enter Thailand to save people. There is a time limit. They must complete the task within the specified time. The location of Li Chuan was quickly determined here, and the rescue helicopter flew to the sea immediately.

Li Chuan and the others were stranded on a private island whose owner, Bamba, was a former senior official in the southern province of Thailand. Due to the involvement of the Thai government, the captain immediately contacted the Thai military and police and went to the rescue together.

About an hour later, the Chinese special forces rescue team arrived, and helicopters circled over the island. Li Chuan Su Qin was on the beach, turning on his flashlight and waving it towards the sky.

The helicopter gradually descended and stopped on the beach.

Xu Hang took the lead in rushing down from above, hugged Li Chuan, and finally heaved a sigh of relief: “Boss.”

Li Chuan patted Xu Hang’s shoulder: “I’m fine.”

Xu Hang released Li Chuan and looked at Su Qin again. He also wanted to give her a hug, but was punched by Li Chuan.

The Thai police then arrived and encircled the island.

The helicopter took off, and Li Chuan looked down through the window. The light of the factory on the island was the only light in this sea area.

The Southeast Asian seas are huge and there are countless islands. Besides this one island, how many other islands have the same nature? Li Chuan didn’t know, probably no one knew.

Arriving in the city safely, Li Chuan, Su Qin and Feibao were taken for a detailed physical examination.

Bai Yu was in the intensive care unit. Li Chuan and Su Qin did not leave Thailand. Everyone stayed in the hospital here, waiting for Bai Yu to wake up.

Achak was arrested, and Thailand’s largest transnational human trafficking group was dismantled. The day the sentencing was made public, the case caused quite a stir internationally.

Achak blew up the yacht and tried to kill and kidnap Chinese entrepreneurs, which made the Chinese people angry. China’s Hong Ke Alliance attacked the Thai Internet, and exposed the crimes of the Achak Group in places where Thai netizens could see.

The China Hongke Union, also known as HUC, is an organization that fights back against foreign hacker attacks. They have organized counterattacks on the White House website in the United States, and because the Supreme Court of Japan has ignored historical facts, they have organized attacks on Japanese networks many times.

This time, the China Hongke Alliance attacked the Internet in Thailand, causing many social networking sites in Thailand to be paralyzed.

China Hunker demands: Thailand must return justice to China, otherwise it will not give up.

There was national outrage over the Akak incident, and Thai netizens called for Akak to be executed.

On the private island where Li Chuan and Su Qin were trapped, 300 illegal workers were rescued, and nearly 30 bodies were dug up outside the factory, which was appalling. The border police followed this line to investigate, destroying two private islands that were used as “transit stations”, and successfully rescued thousands of abducted people.

Among these abducted people, there are workers trapped in fishing boats, black factories, and people trapped in red light districts and forced into prostitution… The youngest of them is only seven years old.

Thousands, it is simply appalling.

Due to the pressure of public opinion, the Thai government publicly tried Akak and others.

This is the largest human trafficking case in Thailand’s history. In addition to a general of the Thai army, the people involved in the case also include police and government officials.

As a general in the Thai military, Akak used his position to participate in transnational human trafficking. He was convicted of transnational human trafficking, detention causing death, and rape. Sentenced to 45 years in prison.

The verdict was criticized by the international media.

Chinese netizens jumped over the wall and came to Thailand to curse:

“Did your mother blow up? This stinky shit, there are hundreds or thousands of people who died, right? It’s just 45 years? You’re going to be executed at a long time!”

“Fuck, I suggest Ling Chi to take a thousand knives, and the knife to avoid his vital point. He is a fairy, and the labor and management want to rush to Thailand to **** people!”

“You still want to kidnap me, Lishen? Damn your father, you can kidnap Laozi Lishen too? Haha. I’ll give you two big knives. I suggest Thailand and Empress Lu to study hard. It’s better to make him a human.”

“My top ten tortures in China, will you go through them one by one? Come on! Go to my guillotine!”

“Dog head guillotine? Ah bah, insulting the dog head, right?”

An anonymous reporter called China posted three photos of the abducted people on the Internet.

The first photo is in the black seafood factory in Thailand. More than a dozen naked, dark-skinned laborers were locked in cages, waiting to go to work. The subtitle of the photo reads: You eat Thai seafood, smeared with their blood.

The second photo is of a little girl under the age of 14 in a red light district in Thailand, wearing adult clothes, sitting in the room to pick up guests.

The third photo is of thirty corpses. These people were beaten to death and abandoned in the wilderness for resisting and escaping.

The photos angered netizens around the world.

Not only the Chinese Hongke Union, but also foreign hackers have begun to organize attacks on the Thai government network, which has paralyzed the Thai government network.

Due to public grievances, Archak was eventually commuted and sentenced to death.

This incident seriously affected the reputation of the Thai government, and people across the country questioned the corruption of the army.

The Prime Minister of Thailand denied to media reporters that the army is corrupt. Although the leader of this criminal group is a member of the military, the entire army cannot be considered corrupt because of Achak’s feces!

Akak cannot represent the entire Thai army, nor does Akak have the ability to corrupt the entire army. The public judgment of Achak represents Thailand’s determination to combat human trafficking!

The netizens sneered: “God is determined, when he was sentenced for the first time, he was only sentenced for 45 years. What a fool.”

Su Qin and Li Chuan have been in Thailand for two months, and Bai Yu is still in the intensive care unit.

Tang Jue stood outside every day, looking at him through the glass for several hours at a time.

When Su Qin came to see Bai Yu, Tang Jue was still standing outside the intensive care unit, staring inside. She patted the girl’s shoulder with her hand and comforted: “He will wake up.”

Tang Jue looked inside and said with red eyes, “If it wasn’t for Lao Bai, I might have explained it at sea. Lao Bai probably doesn’t want to wake up, he thinks he is a sinner.”

Su Qin also looked inside and whispered, “He is a hero.”

The author has something to say: The China Honker Alliance is a real, very powerful organization. As for attacking the network, they have indeed done attacking foreign networks.

In the future, the flying leopard can brag with the puppy, and I sneaked into the enemy camp by selling cuteness!

It is said that when I went to Sichuan and Tibet for a self-driving tour last year, I went to the river to relieve myself, and I saw a human skull with my friends, which scared people to death. _(:з」∠)_

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