Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 6 - smash people

Qiancuner beat gongs and drums, lively and lively. Several men from the Houcun walked up the mountain with four girls who had been abducted and sold.

Su Qin behaved very well, and took the initiative to help hold the quilt and carry the burden. Her face was wrapped in a cloth, which fell down a little due to the great movement, exposing the skin under her eyelids.

It was illuminated by the fire, clearly and clearly.

Along the way, Zhang Erwa stared at the girl. It was he and his mother Zhang Feng who abducted her here. This girl is so beautiful that he wanted to touch her and sleep with her along the way. However, in order to sell Zhang Xing a high price, his mother Zhang Feng did not let him touch it.

When he touched it, Zhang Feng hit the back of his hand with an iron stick. But it made him hungry.

He was still thinking that he could take this opportunity to go to the mountain temple and **** her again. But this time, seeing the unknown brown objects under her eyelids, her scalp tingled with fright.

Like a dried-up face of a zombie, and like an old bark.

It seems that Zhang Xing is right, she is indeed suffering from a strange disease, and her appearance is so disgusting. Holding the torch, he quickened his pace and moved away from her.

Su Qin walked behind with the burden and the quilt, and he was relieved to see Zhang Erwa speed up her pace.

She subconsciously raised her hand and touched her face, feeling that the herbal “mask” of Feifei was useful. She suddenly missed the seaweed mask a little bit. If she applied that, she might be scared to death.

There were 4 girls and 3 men who went up the mountain together.

The three girls, including Su Qin, walked with their own quilts and burdens. The other girl was carried on a sliding pole by two men.

Because the light was too dim, Su Qin could not see clearly.

After waiting for the temple on the mountain, a torch was inserted into the room, and after a burst of light, Su Qin saw the woman on the slippery pole, and his face turned pale with fright.

Not only Su Qin, but the other two girls also screamed “ah” in fright, and their conditioned reflex shrank to the corner.

That’s not human anymore.

The girl is naked, and the quilt that wraps her body has slipped to her chest, exposing her breasts.

Her legs and feet were cut off, her eyes were hollowed out, her head was tilted with a dull expression, her long hair fell over her shoulders, and her body was half-covered.

Zhang Erwa took another man down the mountain, leaving an old man to watch the door outside.

In the room, the other two girls looked at the girl who was tortured like a human, her legs were weak, and she slumped on the ground.

Su Qin closed her eyes, the veins on her forehead were prominent, and her chest was full of anger. She even wanted to kill the thin old man who was sitting outside the door and set the whole village on fire.

But even if she had this ability, she couldn’t. The reason why this place is **** is that there are no laws and no one obeys the laws. There is no law here, and the people here have lost their humanity. If she also becomes like that, what is the difference with these beasts?

Su Qin walked over, pulled up the quilt for the girl, and covered her body. He spread the quilt on the ground and carried the girl to a warm place.

The girl was speechless and could not see.

She was disabled, dumb, and blind.

After settling the girl, Su Qin took a breath and planned to sleep, but the other two girls started to cry. A girl picked up a broken tile from the ground and slid her wrist vigorously. Su Qin rushed to hold her hand and stopped her, “Are you crazy?”

The girl looked up at Su Qin with a calm tone: “I’m not crazy, I just want to die. I don’t want to go back to that house.”

The girl’s name is Wenmei. A year ago, she was working in a garment factory in a coastal city. On her way back to her dormitory after get off work, she met an elderly couple. It was very cold in winter, and the old man was ragged and hungry, and begged her to buy them a bowl of hot wontons.

Wenmei was soft-hearted, and was led by the old man to the so-called backstreet wonton shop. Entering the wonton shop, the boss immediately pulled down the shutter door and grabbed her.

After that, she was abducted here. She regretted her kindness. If she called the police first, and then handed the money to the police to buy Chaos, there would be nothing behind it.

But where is the chance to do it again?

Su Qin held her wrist, lowered her voice, and said word by word, “If you really want to leave, bear it first, save your life and limbs, go out and start over.”

“Leave? Are you kidding me? If you can leave? Are you still here? Look at her, do you want me to be like her?” Wenmei raised her hand and pointed at the crippled girl.

Su Qin swallowed and continued: “Do you know why they sent us up the mountain? Because there are three volunteer teachers in the village. And these three teachers live in Zhang Xing’s house. Stay for two days, someone will go up the mountain to deliver me bedding and clothes tomorrow, and I will find a way to get her to help me deliver the news.”

After she finished speaking, she looked out the door.

Another girl, Meng Sisi, is only 14 years old this year. Seeing what the two of them were saying in a low voice, they squatted down and came over to listen.

Hearing the second half, he yelled out, “What? You—”

Su Qin quickly covered her mouth.

The old man outside the door heard the movement, came in to see them, and said with a sigh, “Girls, go to bed early, it’s cold in the mountains in the middle of the night, and you can’t sleep even if you want to.”

It was too cold in the mountains, and it was too painful for him to stay outside for the night. He thought that the three girls were not so courageous and dared to run down the mountain. Even if they ran down the mountain, they could not escape the village.

The old man took a sip of the hookah and went to sleep in the only bedroom in the backyard of the mountain temple.

Su Qin and the others can only lay the ground floor in the main store of the Mountain Temple.

When the old man left, Su Qin heaved a sigh of relief, frowned and said angrily, “So loud, are you afraid that others won’t know that we want to escape?”

Meng Sisi hurriedly shook her head: “No…no.”

Su Qin let out a breath and said, “If you want to go out, listen to me. You can’t trust any of you except me, you know?”

Wen Mei’s eyes were slightly suspicious: “Why do we believe you?”

“You don’t have to believe me, but you can’t tell anyone what I said tonight,” Su Qin said with sharp eyes and a serious tone: “My current ‘mother-in-law’ trusts me very much. If any of you dare to tell the truth, I can bite back. One bite. When the time comes, you can try it, who do the villagers believe more.”

Su Qin’s eagle-like eyes clearly frightened the two girls, one was still a child and the other was only 18 years old.

There was a dog barking outside the mountain temple, and someone turned back.

The three girls immediately got under the covers.

The mountain temple was ventilated from all sides. Su Qin was afraid of the cold, so he didn’t take off his headcloth, but he was still tightly wrapped.

Zhang Erwa walked halfway and turned back, feeling that she couldn’t miss this good opportunity tonight. He pushed open the door and came in, and saw the four girls lying on the ground obediently sleeping, and the sperms were on their heads in an instant.

He closed the door and fastened the door into the backyard, then took off his shirt, got into the girl’s bed, and pressed Wenmei on top of him.

Wen Mei screamed in horror, and was covered by Zhang Erwa’s big hand, “Don’t scream, I dare to ask Lao Tzu to kill you and throw it out to feed the blind bear!”

Wenmei bit her lip and cried, but the man still took off her clothes.

Meng Sisi, who was in the quilt next to her, grabbed a tile subconsciously when she got into the quilt. At this moment, she closed her eyes and bit her lip, unable to fall asleep. Zhang Erwa’s movements were very large, and her elbows touched her waist.

The sensitive girl immediately sat up and smashed Zhang Erwa on the back of the head with her eyes closed.

The man was at the weakest defense. Being smashed like this, he was dizzy, and before he had time to resist, the girl smashed him on the head like crazy.

Su Qin reached out of the quilt and just touched a brick. When she sat up, Meng Sisi had knocked the man unconscious.

For a moment, the room was dead silent.

Wenmei sat up, pulled up her clothes, and kicked the man, who stopped moving.

Su Qin subconsciously probed Zhang Erwa’s breath, heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to look at them and said, “Not dead, alive.”

Meng Sisi threw the tile in her hand, her heart was already in a mess, and she cried out, “What should I do? If I hurt him, he will definitely cut off my hands and feet.”

Wenmei was also anxious, but Meng Sisi beat Zhang Erwa because of her.

The two were flustered.

If it was left in the previous life, the 15-year-old Su Qin would be as flustered and helpless as they were. But after all, her soul is an adult woman in her thirties. At this time, although she panicked, she tried her best to restrain her emotions, calm herself down, and find a way.

After a moment of silence, she said: “Meng Sisi, you are the smallest, stay and look at the old man. If the old man wakes up in the middle, you pretend that you don’t know where we are and that you just woke up. We will come back soon. “

Meng Sisi asked her, “Where are you… going?”

“Tie up Zhang Erwa first, drag him to the mountain to hide. Anyway, no one saw him turn back to us.” Su Qin swallowed and continued: “Tomorrow morning, we will pretend that this incident will start from the Never happened, never hit him, you know?”

“But… where are we going to hide him? If the villagers find him, we will die horribly!” Wen Mei’s voice was crying.

Su Qin lowered his voice and scolded angrily: “Why panic? You are not afraid of death, but you are afraid of this? You are all dead, why not go upstream and fight to the death? Listen to me, hide him first! I know a cave, if Not surprisingly, no one should find out.”

Wenmei bit her lip and nodded: “Okay, I’ll go with you.”

They tore a sheet into strips, tied the man’s limbs and gagged his mouth.

The sliding pole that lifted the disabled girl was still sitting outside, and the two girls carefully lifted the man onto the sliding pole and continued to walk up the mountain.

They lit a small torch and tied it to a sliding pole with the man.

The villagers often walk on the mountain road, and the road is still smooth. With the light of the fire, with wide eyes, they can barely detect the path under their feet.

After all, the two girls were thin, and they were too tired to breathe after carrying them for a while.

Usually, on this kind of mountain road, a person is exhausted with a backpack on his back, but now they are carrying a man who weighs more than 140 pounds, and he is already sweating without taking two steps.

In the middle of the journey, Wenmei kneeling on the ground with a soft leg behind her, screamed “Ouch” in pain. Su Qin stopped and asked her, “Would you like to take a break?”

Wenmei asked her, “How far is it?”

Fortunately, Su Qin just drew a map today and is familiar with the terrain. She has a good memory, even after so many years, she still remembers that road clearly.

She glanced at the trees and the rock wall beside her, and said, “It’s about an hour away. I can still hold on, how about you?”

Seeing that a girl who was thinner than her could still hold on, Wenmei gritted her teeth: “I can too, let’s go!”

In order to survive, the two girls were burning with blood at this moment, forgetting their exhaustion, as if infinite potential was pouring out of their bodies.

At around four in the morning, the torches were about to burn out, and they were blocked by a huge mountain range.

In front of them was a bare rock face with no vegetation and no way out.

Wenmei looked at this rock wall and was about to collapse: “Su Qin, we are not going the wrong way, are we?”

“It’s here.”

Putting the sliding rod down, Su Qin ran to a large rock two meters away, pushed it away, and revealed a hole about one meter behind.

Su Qin held a torch, stood at the entrance of the cave, and hooked at her: “Drag him over.”

The man was still dizzy and didn’t wake up.

Wen Mei followed Su Qin and dragged the man into the cave with a short body. The further you go inside, the wider the entrance of the cave becomes. Ten meters later, it turns out to be a huge natural cave with a stream and a cliff waterfall at the end.

The surrounding rock walls are white, and the water is natural pure blue, like a fairy cave, not like the mortal world.

Wenmei was shocked by the beauty and was stunned.

The man woke up, opened his eyes and saw the two girls, struggling with wide eyes, a “woo woo woo” sound came from his mouth blocked by the cloth ball.

Su Qin kicked him in the face: “shut up.”

The man moved more and wanted to struggle more. But his limbs were covered with cloth strips, and he couldn’t break free at all, so he simply gave up.

Su Qin patted Wenmei on the shoulder: “it’s getting late, let’s go quickly, we have to go back before the old man wakes up.”


The two had just taken two steps when they saw a fire approaching the entrance of the cave.

The hearts of the two contracted instantly, and they held their breath as they looked at the hole, and subconsciously stepped back.

Su Qin took Wenmei’s hand and retreated to the water’s edge, intending to jump into the water at a critical moment.

The fire gradually entered. The two girls looked at the thin and long figure, their hearts in their throats.

There is only one shadow, which means that there is only one person coming.

Su Qin picked up the watermelon-sized pebbles at his feet and prepared to attack.

And the man suddenly jumped out with a “ho”, holding a fire stick, also in an offensive state.

After the two sides looked at each other for a while, Su Qin looked at the boy holding a fire stick in front of him, and sighed: “Why are you here?”

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