Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 59 - watch the show

Wang Lin continued to look, because the distance was too far and it was too dark below, she couldn’t see Teacher Li’s expression.

Flying Leopard and Boeing also stuck to the glass and looked down. Boeing’s tail flicked to Flying Leopard’s tail, and Flying Leopard bared its teeth at it, with an expression of “stinky **** get away”.

Boeing’s heart was broken like a knife, and he rushed at it. It decided…to go on a blind date with the pony downstairs tomorrow.

Su Qin was still hanging on the man, hugging the man’s neck tightly. Li Chuan was worried that she would fall off, so he held her buttocks in his hands. Since there was no sense of security standing in the middle of the road, he took Su Qin into the shade and pressed her whole body against the sturdy banyan tree.

Su Qin pressed his back against the tree trunk, and was held by the man, which saved a lot of energy.

The strong man held the girl with ease. He stared at the girl’s eyes as thick as ink. This time, he took the initiative to hold her lips, licked them lightly, opened her lips and teeth, and entangled each other.

This kiss, full of lovesickness and lingering, is domineering and aggressive. Su Qin raised his face, his eyes were dazzled by the street lamp, he simply closed it and enjoyed the man’s kiss.

The sweet smell spread between her teeth, and the man’s breath wrapped her tightly.

Su Qin was so sweet with the kiss that his ears were red. After stopping, he hugged the man’s neck, put the tip of his nose against the tip of the man’s nose, and said, “Mr. Li, are you ashamed? You’ve spoiled minors.”

“A minor worth tens of millions? Huh?” Li Chuan held the girl like this, not too tired, his forehead pressed against the girl’s forehead.

Su Qin was startled: “What did you say?”

Li Chuan said slowly: “I got two rounds of financing by myself, and you want to hide it from me? What? Are you really stupid as Teacher Li? I don’t know what the people close to me have done? You As soon as I asked Mr. Zhao about the situation, everything was clear.”

Su Qin has repeatedly instructed Mr. Zhao to help her hide from Li Chuan. It seems that she still can’t hide it?

She hesitated for a while before she honestly explained: “When the Taobao meeting started, you kept giving me supplementary lessons. I was afraid that you would think that I was not doing my job properly, so I didn’t dare to tell you. Later… I just let it flow and hide it from you Now. You… won’t be angry, will you?”

“Angry, very angry.”

“Don’t.” Su Qin tugged at his ears and said, “Don’t, Mr. Li, I was wrong… Then can I invite you to dinner tomorrow? You can slaughter me hard.”

“There’s no need for that.” Li Chuan laughed and tapped her lips with his teeth, “It’s a punishment.”

Su Qin rubbed his lips and said “tsk”, “Mr. Li, I used to think you were a serious person, but I didn’t expect you to be so serious.”

Li Chuan let her down and asked her, “Do you plan to open another branch? I can also invest. I am very optimistic about your project.”

“I don’t want to share a share with Teacher Li for the time being.” Su Qin landed on his feet and was a long way short of him.

Li Chuan sighed and sympathized with himself and said, “Hey, our little girl has grown up, has her own ideas, and learned to speak and speak in business.”

When the cold wind blew at night, Su Qin shivered and almost forgot that he only wore a pair of slippers to go downstairs. Her hands were numb and red from the cold, she rubbed them in place, and stomped her feet: “Mr. Li, it’s so late that I’m going upstairs first, it’s so cold.”

Li Chuan grabbed her hand, rubbed her, just breathed on his lips, then released it again: “Come on. I will celebrate the New Year with my family tomorrow, and I won’t be here. Next year, try to celebrate with us. “


Su Qin went upstairs to react to Li Chuan’s words… It seems that there is something in the words?

New Year’s Eve together next year? Do you mean to open it up to her? What do you mean by taking her home? Thinking of this, Su Qin’s heart beat faster and continued to run upstairs. The moment he opened the door and returned to the living room, the atmosphere at home was a bit strange.

Boeing was lying in the corner, far away from Flying Leopard. Bobo and his mother sat on the sofa without turning on the TV, sitting there silently.

They watched half of the situation downstairs just now, and they couldn’t see anything until Teacher Li took Su Qin to the shade. Su Qin finally ran into the unit building, so what they had in mind was… With Teacher Li’s gentle personality, it may be that she used very harsh language to criticize Su Qin, which caused the girl’s self-esteem to be seriously damaged.

When Wang Lin saw the girl come back, she still had a smile on her face, and she was so distressed. She patted the vacant seat next to her, asked her to sit in front of her, took her hand and said, “Susu, it’s understandable that you like Teacher Li. But… you’re too brave, you’re a girl anyway. What do you do now? ? Teacher Li will definitely not see you again in the future.”

Su Qin felt amused: “Did you see it?”

Wang Lin cried and said, “Don’t pretend to be strong, just cry if you want to. Susu, you are also very good. You will always meet the right boy in the future, so don’t feel bad.”

Su Qin smiled and said, “Mom, why should I cry? Teacher Li and I are fine. This year is already a new year. Although I haven’t celebrated my 18th birthday yet, according to custom, I’m already 18 years old. Now. Mom, you don’t think I’m in a puppy love and don’t let me fall in love, do you?”

Wang Lin and Bobo looked at each other, dumbfounded: “What… what’s the situation?”

“The situation is, Mom, I fell in love with you on my back.” Su Qin got up, stretched, and yawned, “Okay, Mom, I’m going to bed, good night.”

“Night, good night.” When Su Qin walked into the room, Wang Lin stopped her again: “Get up early tomorrow, your Uncle Lei will take us to exercise.”

“Okay, okay, I know.”

After Su Qin had an accident with Feibao last time, Wang Lin told Lao Lei next door about it. Lei Hong used to be a bodyguard for celebrities and politicians, but she has no skills. Recently, Wang Lin has been learning boxing from Lei Hong, and she has also learned some self-defense methods from him. I feel that it is necessary for my daughter to strengthen her body and learn some self-defense techniques.

Su Qin originally thought that her mother was joking with her, but the next morning, she and Bobo were pulled up by their mother, changed their clothes and went out for a run.

Mother wore a thin spring and autumn sportswear, as did Su Qin and Bobo. So as soon as the two of them went out, the cold wind blew outside, causing them to shrink their necks and shiver.

Uncle Lei next door came out of the house wearing short sleeves, Su Qinguang looked at his exposed arms and couldn’t help shivering.

Is he really not cold? Really good health.

Bobo also shuddered: “Uncle Lei, are you not cold?”

Lei Hong shook his head and said, “It’s not cold. Let’s go girls, warm up with me first.”

The three followed Lei Hong downstairs and did a warm-up exercise in the open area downstairs. Bobo was exhausted and out of breath, and Su Qin also felt that the warm-up exercise was tired enough. As a result, Lei Hong said, “Okay, let’s run five kilometers next.”

Su Qin: “…Huh?”

Bobo: “??”

With a whistle in his mouth, Lei Hong led them to run in front, Wang Lin followed closely behind Lei Hong, while Su Qin had good physical strength and followed closely behind his mother. Because of his poor physical fitness, Bobo fell behind them for a long time.

Wang Lin followed Lei Hong in good spirits, ran three kilometers and turned around, and found that her daughter had fallen for a long time, and Bobo had become a small black spot. She stayed where she was, raised her legs, inhaled and exhaled, and shouted at her daughter, “Susu! Come on! There are two kilometers left!”

Su Qin: “…” Omg, there are still two kilometers! !

She looked at her mother and thought she was crazy. What made a woman who used to run out of breath after two steps turn into the way she is today, running three kilometers and still feeling refreshed?

Is it my mother’s love?

After running five kilometers, Su Qin and Bobo were leaning against a tree in the community, and their throats seemed to be accustomed to the icy smell of blood. She and Bobo were pale and could not wait to come over. Lei Hong beckoned them to go upstairs: “Go. my home.”

Bobo shuddered and widened his eyes: “What are you doing, Uncle Lei?”

Lei Hong: “The warm-up is over, let’s practice self-defense.”

Su Qin: “?? What?? We ran five kilometers just now to warm up??”

Lei Hong nodded and hummed, and led the three ladies into his home.

Lei Hong’s house has three bedrooms and one living room. He opened up the large bedroom and the balcony and turned it into a training room with facilities for practicing boxing. Lei Hong took a mat, spread it out in the middle, and said, “Boxing relies on strength, it really has to be self-defense, it’s not suitable for you girls. I can teach you some practical tricks. Arlene, come up. Su Qin Bobo, Back off.”

Lei Hong and Wang Lin stood in the middle. Wang Lin, who had been practicing for a while, had some attacking skills, but her strength was still not enough. But her skills and movements are also very standard, enough to demonstrate. Lei Hong slowed down to catch her attack, and at this moment, the petite Wang Lin came to the back of the strong man, used the naked twist in Jiu-Jitsu, and used his arms to tightly twist the man’s neck.

Su Qin and Bobo watched their demonstration and felt terrifying. She was obviously a thin woman. She could use this trick, but she always had the illusion that she was going to break Lei Hong’s neck.

After the demonstration, Lei Hong explained the technique to them: “This trick, after your arms have strength, once you lock the opponent, it will be very fatal. You should also be careful when practicing, not to accidentally injure your partner.”

Su Qin tried Lei Hongjiao’s movements, and it was quick to get started, but after all, her strength was relatively small, and it was very difficult to lock Lei Hong. Su Qin was suddenly very interested in strengthening himself, and felt that he could practice both hands for self-defense.

At noon, Su Qin and Bobo had a sore back and collapsed on the sofa. Lei Hong and Wang Lin are making dumplings in the restaurant.

Wang Lin complained to Lei Hong about the poor physique of the two girls, Lei Hong teased and said, “You weren’t much better than them back then.”

Wang Lin was a little embarrassed: “cough…why are you always breaking the stage?”

Su Qin was busy with his studies and work, so he seldom cared about family affairs. She looked at the pair of elderly people in the restaurant and asked Bobo with a puzzled expression, “My mother and Uncle Lei, what’s going on?”

“That’s it, there’s only one layer of window paper left to pierce.” Bobo stuffed a candy in his mouth and asked Su Qin gossip: “Su Su, what’s the matter with you and Teacher Li? Ah? Teacher Li really agrees to be with you? Teacher Li didn’t scold you?”

“Why are you scolding me?”

“Well… Aunt Wang and I both don’t think it’s realistic. Why does Teacher Li like you? Since when did he start liking you? I thought he had always treated you as an apprentice, an object of aid and public welfare. Like, You do this to me.”

Su Qin put his arms around Bobo’s neck and said, “Bobo, at first, I might have used you as a rescue and charity object, but not now. Me, my mother, Feibao, and Boeing all treat you as family. .”

Bobo was startled, his eyes were red, and he said with a choked voice, “Flying Leopard doesn’t take me as his home now. It has no one else in its eyes except you.”

Su Qin looked at Boeing and Feibao, also sad. It was a headache for the two dogs to fight each other when they were not at home.

The Spring Festival Gala in 2008 began to warm up the Olympic Games on August 8. The Li Chuan family decided to watch the Olympics together that day. After the New Year’s Eve dinner, the family began to sit and chat in the living room.

Sitting together at home to keep the year old, grandma held the hand of the eldest grandson and asked him: “Xiaochuan, I heard from your aunt Bao that when Zhang Zhang was hospitalized, you brought a little girl over there. She is very beautiful, isn’t it…”

Li Chuan did not deny it, but smiled and said, “Grandma, you are very concerned about your grandson’s life-long affairs. Don’t worry, I will bring her back to show you when the time is right.”

The relatives who were watching TV on the side heard the words and fixed their eyes on him one after another.

The aunt said, “Xiao Chuan, are you playing a friend? Which girl? When will you bring it back for us to see?”

The second aunt also said: “Xiaochuan, your sister told me last time that my brother is so powerful, you have to keep your eyes open when looking for a girlfriend in the future, or you will be deceived by women outside. Not to mention that you are now Your career is booming, and the Li family alone is not bad in Yunyang City. Xiaochuan, which girl are you looking for? When will you bring it back and let the eldest aunt and the second aunt take care of you.”

Grandma also said with a serious face: “Xiaochuan, your second aunt is right, those girls outside now have a lot of hearts and minds. You are the only boy in our Li family. As for grandma, I hope you don’t share with the Sun family and Wan family. Just like a kid, playing with girls’ minds and bodies is used as a show off capital. Which female star is opening a house with today, and which female star will go to sea tomorrow… That’s all wrong. We are richer than the average person, but we can’t become playboys, grandma I hope you, when talking about friends, have a good talk, talk seriously, and go for marriage. Since you have chosen someone else’s girl, you must treat it well, you know?”

“I know.” Li Chuan held grandma’s hand and said, “It’s not that I don’t want to bring it back to show you, but she is still young, and I’m afraid you will scare her.”

Auntie: “…”

Second Aunt: “…”

Even the uncle, who was sitting on the side and didn’t speak, was choked by a sip of tea: “Xiao Chuan, we don’t like to hear what you say, we can eat people?”

Grandma also said angrily: “Yeah, Xiaochuan, grandma is so hideous in your heart?”

“Grandma, you should know that I didn’t mean that, right?” Li Chuan put his arms around grandma’s shoulders and said softly, “I’ll take her to grandma when I get a chance.”

“Young people these days, talking about a friend and hiding it from us.” Grandma complained to the eldest aunt and the second aunt.

The eldest aunt said: “Hey, it’s different now. Young people now have their own ideas. How can we listen to what adults like us have to say? But then again, we Xiaochuan have good eyes. Fortunately, he refused at that time. That Lin Xiaoyin, otherwise, how could our family be implicated now? I played cards with Lin Xiaoyin’s aunt that day, and I heard that she was in prison, deaf and blind, and they applied for execution outside prison for her. It’s not that she has no family. Is it? Her aunt accepted her in the eyes of her parents. And guess what?”

Second Aunt: “What’s the matter?”

Auntie: “She was deaf and blind at first, so she was pitiful enough, but she, a blind man, somehow got to the kitchen, got a knife, and wanted to slash her aunt! Rottweiler, the protector of her aunt’s house, rushed Going up and biting, ten fingers, eight were bitten off! Tsk tsk tsk, it’s really self-inflicted and can’t live, the Lin family is all guilty.”

New Year’s Eve, it sounds weird and bloody. The second aunt shrank her neck: “God, there is still such a thing? Then this girl, this life is over, right?”

The aunt sighed: “No, her aunt threw her to the farm and slept with the pigs. I heard that every day when I was hungry, I fumbled to eat pig food. It’s scary to think about it.”

Hearing this, my grandmother also felt a chill, and she was very scared when she thought about it. She got up and yawned, and Li Chuan also got up to support her.

Grandma remembered something and asked him: “Xiaochuan, I want to reminisce with Ms. Si Bojia for the show on the 20th. What do you think grandma looks good in? The black cheongsam, or the light-colored cheongsam? Which shawl? nice?”

“Grandma looks good in anything.”

“You kid, sweet mouth, okay, help me upstairs to rest.”

“Your eldest grandson will only tell the truth.”

Lin Xiaoyin’s current situation is worse than what they heard. Because she was unable to take care of herself in prison, she had her family executed outside prison. Her so-called family originally wanted to take good care of her, at least not to let her starve and freeze. After all, her aunt had been taken care of by their family.

But my aunt’s family didn’t expect that Lin Xiaoyin actually wanted to kill them! The aunt’s family was very angry and let her go to the farm.

However, the relatives on the farm also disliked Lin Xiaoyin’s disability and incontinence at every turn, which made her stink all over. He threw her into the pig sty, and ensured that she was fed enough every day so that her life would not be in danger. If she is sick, she will be healed, and if she is injured, she will be healed.

In short, she is not allowed to die. For Lin Xiaoyin, who is deaf, blind, and even lost eight fingers, her current life can only be described as life is worse than death.

Her rebirth is meaningless, and she has no room to turn around now.

On February 20, the day of D&M’s autumn and winter conference.

Li Chuan drove to pick her up from the downstairs of Su Qin. As soon as the little girl came out of the unit building, she was like a Cinderella at midnight, which made Li Chuan’s eyes bright.

Her short ear-length hair was deliberately trimmed and trimmed, her small face was modified by hairstyle, and her delicate face was like a person in a picture, impeccable. Her thin curved eyebrows were delicately drawn, and the gentle eyeliner style outlined her eyes black and bright. She was wearing a blue star tube top skirt, walking step by step, as if wearing the Milky Way stars on her body.

Beneath her collarbone is a **** breastbone, and her arms are tight and white. Because of these ten days of exercise, Su Qin has changed a lot in terms of complexion and body temperament. The thin body gradually develops into a healthy body, becoming more energetic, and adding an indescribable charm.

Li Chuan also specially prepared a dress for her, but she was already on the spot when she was dressed up. The skirt Su Qin was wearing was much prettier than the dress he brought.

The dress on Su Qin’s body is worth millions. It is a new style of luxury goods counter. It was borrowed by Su Qin from Lin Rui. Of course she wouldn’t be so extravagant as to spend millions on a dress, it was unnecessary and too wasteful.

Although she is not cheap now, she does not have much cash on hand. It is better to buy a villa if you buy a dress for one million.

On occasions like the D&M conference, there are bound to be big crowds, and as Li Chuan’s female companion, she naturally can’t lose face to Mr. Li.

In order to match this skirt, Su Qin deliberately bought a pair of high heels and matched it with a handbag.

Su Qin stepped on the high heels and walked towards him, and Li Chuan extended his hand to her in a gentlemanly manner. She put her hand on the man’s hand, and the man held it lightly with his fingers, and gently kissed the back of her hand.


Boofang is looking at the following scenarios, stunned, excited: “Ah, ah, kiss your pro! Actually pro!! 天 啦 我 我心 心!”

“What are you kissing? Su Su kisses Teacher Li again? Why does this **** keep eating Teacher Li’s tofu?” Wang Lin just pressed her face to the window, and Li Chuan below had already finished kissing.

She grabbed the binoculars from Bobo’s hand and looked downstairs. Even Su Qin and Li Chuan could clearly see the expressions.

Li Chuan still looked like a kind gentleman, but at this time, Su Qin grabbed Li Chuan’s ear, stood on tiptoe and kissed the man on the chin.

Wang Lin slapped her thigh and hated that iron was not steel: “I knew this girl would kiss Teacher Li again! Thanks to Teacher Li’s good temper! If it were me, I would have cut off contact with her long ago.”

“No, Aunt Wang, what I saw was Teacher Li kissing Su Su, probably because of our Susu beauty today!”

“Obviously it’s Mr. Su Su Qinli, are you dazzled?” She continued to hold the binoculars and saw that Mr. Li took the initiative to wrap her arms around her daughter’s slender waist.

Wang Lin: “!!”

Bobo giggled: “How about Aunt Wang? Do you believe in Susu now? She and Teacher Li are really dealing with each other. She didn’t deceive us, nor did she deceive herself.”

Wang Lin put down the telescope and said after a moment of silence, “I can already think of their ending, hey.”

“…” Bobo was speechless and asked her, “Aunt Wang, shouldn’t you write a novel about the people around you and send it to Jinjiang?”

Wang Lin: “Hey, I’m just worried about Susu. If she breaks up in the future, she will look down on no one. She experienced too good people when she was young, and she is destined to see who is the greasy pig’s trotter in the future. We Susu may In the end, I want to be an older leftover girl. It is also a misfortune to have such a good first love.”

Bobo: “…Aunt Wang, are you thinking too much? Why can’t Su Su go to the end with Teacher Li?”

Boeing: “…”

Flying Leopard: “Wow!”

——Grandma thinks too much too, right?

D&M’s conferences in previous years were all in Paris. But this year, they firmly set the location in the city of design, Shangcheng. This year’s autumn and winter conferences are mainly based on Chinese style. The show has been built in the style of the ancient Chinese court. As soon as you enter the venue, there is a kind of domineering of the court’s extravagance.

The 2008 Olympic Games will inevitably drive the Chinese wind fever, and the designers of D&M have also grasped this point. The show can accommodate hundreds of people. For such an international famous show, the space is limited. There are four first-line female stars in the first row, and four first-line male stars. Also sitting in the first row is the editor-in-chief of China’s No. 1 fashion magazine “Qifengshang”. The others are all friends of Ms. Si Bojia.

D&M is affiliated to the Sibojia Group and is also the main clothing brand under the group. The chief designer of D&M this year, Chu Ming, is the idol of Su Qin in his past and present life. It’s a pity that when Su Qin in the previous life entered D&M, the chief designer had already created her own brand and left D&M, so she could not communicate with him.

Ms. Si Bojia is a pinnacle figure in the Chinese fashion industry and even the international fashion industry. She has created a great fashion empire. Under the banner of Sibojia Group, there are internationally renowned luxury brands, as well as the internationally renowned fashion magazine “Qifeng Fashion”.

It can be said that the domestic fashion circle exists because of her.

On Si Bojia’s left side sat Ye Xuan, the editor-in-chief of “Wonderful Fashion”, while the three seats on the right side were vacant. The media present today all wanted to know who the three people sitting on Si Bojia’s right would be.

The actor and actress were not present today, is it prepared for them? But who is the one with the extra position?

Speaking of Ye Xuan, the editor-in-chief of “Fantastic Fashion”, this woman is called the devil of the fashion industry, and it is no exaggeration to say that she dominates the fashion industry.

Li Chuan and Su Qin arrived later, while Grandma Li arrived earlier.

Grandma Li, wearing a black cheongsam with an embroidered shawl on her shoulders, sat down beside Ms. Si Bojia. Although she is over eighty years old and her face is old, her eyes are still clear and bright.

She sat next to Ms. Si Bojia, and the two began to whisper.

Ms. Si Bojia is also seventy years old, her silver hair is meticulously combed, and her figure is still slim. The makeup on her face was exquisite, her eyes were bright and clear, sitting there, her temperament and splendor overwhelmed every junior on the scene.

She really interprets what it means to be beautiful for a lifetime.

She whispered to Grandma Li: “What? The family didn’t come?”

Grandma Li said with a smile, “My grandson will come over later. He specifically asked me for a ticket, saying that a friend also wants to come to the show. This kid doesn’t know how expensive tickets are.”

Grandma Li’s words are true, the tickets are really expensive, and it is hard to get one after the sky-high price of hundreds of thousands. There are many stars standing behind, and there are many first and second line in the circle.

As soon as the two old men finished speaking, a young couple next to them came holding hands and sat down beside them.

Grandma Li turned to look, and her grandson actually brought a girl to the show. The girl has clear eyes and beautiful eyes. She looks like a girl. She should not be a female star.

But she seems to have a more capable temperament than everyone else’s.

Li Chuan put his arms around grandma’s shoulders and introduced to Su Qin, “Su Su, this is grandma.”

As soon as Su Qin sat down, she noticed an old man’s inquiring gaze, but she did not expect that this handsome old man was actually Li Chuan’s grandmother!

Su Qin was a little nervous. After all, when she met Li Chuan in her previous life, her grandmother had passed away. She didn’t know what kind of person she was. She blushed and nodded to her grandmother, and whispered, “Hello, grandma, my name is Su Qin.”

“Yeah.” Grandma looked at the well-behaved and exquisite girl with a smile. She was very satisfied with the girl’s appearance, but she didn’t know what she was doing, what identity and background she was.

Li Chuan took Su Qin’s hand and introduced to his grandma, “Grandma, this is Su Qin, the little girl you’ve been talking about and want to see.”

Grandma nodded and hummed, but she didn’t show her satisfaction.

Ms. Si Bojia was talking to Editor-in-Chief Ye next to her, and Su Qin looked at her from the corner of her eye, her heart jumping to her throat. If it is said that the chief designer of today’s show is Su Qin’s idol, then this lady Si Bojia, who established a fashion empire in China, is her, and even the goddess of all Chinese fashion designers.

And she is a goddess worthy of support.

Ms. Si Bojia’s aura was very strong, and Su Qin only dared to watch silently and look at it secretly. She also saw Editor-in-Chief Ye next to Ms. Si Bojia. This Editor-in-Chief Ye, Ye Xuan, is also a figure at the pinnacle of the fashion industry.

Su Qin is no stranger to Ye Xuan. She has a younger sister named Ye Fei, who is Su Qin’s previous boss at D&M, a female designer who copied Su Qin’s design works and forced Su Qin to leave the D&M workplace.

Ye Fei relied on her sister’s status in the fashion circle to make a fortune and never be afraid of anything. Su Qin’s work was plagiarized by her. She took the evidence to go to the director to complain, but was fired, so that she didn’t understand why she was fired.

Although Su Qin admired Ye Xuan’s skills and abilities, as well as her status in the fashion circle, she didn’t like this woman very much.

At the beginning of the press conference, the music of Chinese court chimes sounded in the show, and the slender lights made the scene resplendent.

The first show is the dress series.

When the model walked on the runway wearing a European-style tube top dress embroidered with phoenixes, the audience was shocked. The modern design concept of the long skirt is integrated with the Chinese style, which is eye-catching. The gold thread embroidery pattern above is exquisite. This series of dresses are all in the direction of high-end customization and majestic atmosphere. This entire series can be settled in a museum and regarded as a handicraft exhibition.

The second show is the regular clothes series, featuring skirts and shawls, and embroidery is a major feature.

In the sonorous chime music, the clothes on the models seemed to come alive, and each piece was extremely creative. Chinese embroidery is designed with trendy designs, and the bold creativity is amazing.

Watching the models on the catwalk up close, the visual impact and the tension shown by the models make people feel emotional and amazed. The master series is the master series, and even if she relives her life, she cannot reach such a height.

Su Qin is well aware that domestic luxury goods have been monopolized by the Sibojia Group, and he also knows that his own clothing cannot afford to go high-end, so he can only go to the low-end mass market.

Seeing half of the show, Su Qin got up and went to the bathroom to touch up her makeup. When she was standing in front of the makeup mirror to put on her lipstick, there was a woman beside her. The woman actually wore the same dress as her, but they had different styles, and they wore two different feelings.

After the woman next to her finished putting on her lipstick, she turned around and said to her, “It’s a coincidence, I didn’t expect that we chose the same dress. It turns out that it wasn’t because the design of the dress was not good, it was because it didn’t look good on me. This dress is worn on the You are so pretty.”

Su Qin gently removed the lipstick on his lips and looked at the young Ye Fei in the mirror.

Ye Fei is ten years older than Su Qin. When Su Qin joined the company in his previous life, Ye Fei was not young anymore. She is now eighteen years old, and Ye Fei is only twenty-eight. After dressing up, she is still young and beautiful.

She is very thin, her face is not bad, and her temperament is also good. When she says this, she is completely over-modest.

Su Qin is well aware of Ye Fei’s duplicitous character. She treats you well because she must think you are useful to her.

After all, Su Qin came out of the front row of the show, and every move was noticed by the audience and the media, so it was obviously no coincidence that she met Ye Fei here.

Probably, she was dipped in the light of Teacher Li, making people think that she is a great person, right? But this time Ye Fei obviously hooked up with the wrong person.

Su Qin looked embarrassed by her praise, and said: “You are too modest, I am short, obviously not as good-looking as you. Moreover, this skirt does not fit me, I also borrowed it from a friend, I am a student, and I also Can’t afford a dress like this.”

Hearing that Su Qin’s dress was borrowed, and she was still a student, her affection for her immediately dropped a degree. But when she thought that she came out of the first row of seats, she still smiled and asked her, “Miss, I think you came with Mr. Li, are you his?”

“Assistant, temporary assistant.”

Ye Fei frowned: “Oh…” It’s okay to fool others, but to fool her? Not too possible. It’s hard to get a spot in the show, no matter how Mr. Li doesn’t care, he can’t just give his spot to a little girl.

So she thought that this girl was probably Mr. Li’s little lover, not as simple as an assistant. She took the initiative to strike up a conversation, and she also thought of this level. Of course, she also came with a purpose.

Ye Fei is not interested in this Mr. Li. She knows how much she weighs, so she will not think about such big men. She just wanted to expand her network so that she could climb higher, that’s all. She knew that she could not and was not qualified to contact Li Chuan directly, so she planned to get close to Su Qin first.

The two exchanged contact information.

After Su Qin returned to his seat, he continued to watch the show, feeling that he and Ye Fei had a lot of fate, and they could all meet.

Now that you meet, then even the accounts of the previous life, make a good calculation.

After the big show, grandma asked Su Qin, “is Su Su? Are you interested in having a cup of tea with grandma?”

Su Qin glanced at Li Chuan, then nodded: “Okay…Okay.”

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