Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 54 - in love

Li Chuan went back to the next room and waited for Su Qin to change.

When she came out, the little girl’s cheeks were crimson, her head was down, and she didn’t dare to look up at her. He rubbed her head with his hand and asked, “Have you eaten anything?”

“Um…” I was a little hungry, and when I came out, I ate a snack and drank two sips of milk.

Although the soul in Su Qin’s body is no longer young, she is still six years younger than Li Chuan. Even when he is old, in the hearts of men, Su Qin is still a little girl.

Su Qin bowed his head in an uneasy mood and followed Li Chuan out of the hotel. After getting into the car, Su Qin honestly fastened his seat belt and did not dare to say a word to him at all, as if he had done something wrong.

While wearing his seat belt, Li Chuan told her, “Okay, don’t blame yourself so much, look at the back of your hand.”

Su Qin stared at the back of his hand and turned red. She looked at Li Chuan again with a puzzled expression.

“You probably took my belt as your own. I’m sorry, Teacher Li’s hands are a bit strong. When I patted the back of your hand away, I was a little anxious and couldn’t control the strength.” The man gave her a step down. He also admitted the mistake to her: “My fault, I shouldn’t let you drink so much, I should stop you. Remember, don’t let your guard down in front of anyone in the future, not even Teacher Li.”

Su Qin burped, his mouth was full of stench, and his mouth was astringent and bitter. She raised her hand to rest on her forehead, let out a sigh of relief, grabbed the bangs in front of her forehead, and asked him, “Then my clothes…”

“The hotel staff changed it for you.”

Su Qin let out a sigh of relief and felt at ease, “Mr. Li, you were in the hotel just now, did you deliberately guide me? You really scared me to death… I thought I really gave you…”

The man looked serious and said, “Su Qin, you still think of people too simply. Human nature sometimes can’t stand the test. Last night, I almost couldn’t restrain myself.”

Su Qin was speechless. It was the first time he saw someone describe himself as a beast. She nodded: “…I remember.”

Li Chuan drove carefully, and after taking her to the downstairs of the community, he called her name again: “Su Qin.”

“Huh?” Su Qin was drunk last night, hammering his sore head, and he couldn’t remember what happened last night.

Li Chuan turned his face and asked her, “How do you want to decide our relationship?”

“I…” Even if she was drunk, she still couldn’t figure out how to choose.

Li Chuan remembered the grievances the girl had told him last night in his arms. Those words were like needles stabbed in his heart, piercing the soft heart wall with dense holes. He didn’t know how to describe the feeling, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

Because of Su Qin’s vomit after being drunk, he couldn’t fall asleep all night. He swallowed his saliva and forcibly swallowed the sourness in his heart. “I respect any decision you make,” he said.

“But I seem to remember you gritted your teeth and told me last night… Let me think about it before you speak? It still sounds like a threat? It seems that if I don’t agree, you will do what I want.” Su Qin grabbed his hair with his hand, “This I have an impression. How did I respond to you last night?”

“…” Li Chuan was choked, his old face was inexplicably hot, and he coughed lightly: “Okay, how dare Teacher Li force you? I mean… well, Teacher Li is wrong, you shouldn’t use that kind of threat. Talk to you in your tone. Allow you to hang up Mr. Li and beat him before you think about it?”

“Mr. Li’s face is getting thicker and thicker.”

It was only now that Su Qin knew that all reason would fall short in the face of emotion.

She took a deep breath, calmed down when the girl’s heart was about to be uncontrollable, and said, “Then let’s try it? If something goes wrong in the future, let’s just get together and leave, okay?”

She didn’t talk too much. Now that she has come this far, let’s try it. Teacher Li guarded her all night last night, hurting her body and kidneys. In that video, it was obviously Teacher Li who let her go down the steps.

After she was drunk, she might really be so beastly. After all, she was a 35-year-old married woman, the mother of a young child.

“Okay.” Li Chuan held the girl’s hand, stared into her eyes, and said earnestly, “Su Qin, I will cherish this opportunity you gave. I will do my due diligence to be a qualified boyfriend. Since it’s a relationship, just be good. Talking, you take it seriously, and so do I. No one is perfect, and maybe there will be things that I don’t think about in the future. If you have an opinion about me, I hope you don’t hold it in your heart, and tell me all about it. I’ll try my best to correct it. Okay?”

Su Qin didn’t understand why he said these words, and asked with doubt: “Mr. Li, did I say something last night?”

“You’re drunk, and your pronunciation is unclear, how can you talk to me?” Li Chuan held her hand and his strength gradually stabilized, “Although I have never been in love, I have learned from Panda, Laozhu, Chun From Chun, I learned some ways to love. In the future, when we become a couple, we will definitely be more intimate than before. We will spend more time together in the future. Conflicts are essential. Couples must go through a period of running-in. It takes a process. So, if you have an opinion on Teacher Li, we can all spread it out, okay?”


For some reason, Su Qin heard his words and his eyes became a little hot.

Lovers should be like this. If there are some contradictions, they should tell them to each other. If it accumulates for a long time, something will go wrong one day.

Su Qin held Li Chuan’s right hand with both hands, turned his body slightly, and said, “Mr. Li, thank you.”

“Su Qin, I should thank you.” Li Chuan put his arms around her neck, put his forehead against hers, and said in a low voice, “Thank you for giving me this opportunity. Keep your current state and don’t think too much. You If you want a career, then work hard. If you need help, please tell Teacher Li. I am very satisfied that we can go with the flow and get to where we are today. I don’t expect you to love me like a girl forever, but I will Cherish every day you spend with me, and I also hope that when you encounter difficulties, you can tell me so that I can advise you.”

His words made Su Qin stunned. The heart seems to be tied by something, and there is a sweet feeling in the suffocation.

What Li Chuan said today was not a rhetoric, but a man’s most sincere expression to a girl. Li Chuan didn’t plan to tell Su Qin his identity. He felt guilty for her, and he didn’t want her to stay in the past. He wanted her to have a fresh start, and he wanted them to have a fresh start.

After breaking through the shackles of that layer of obstacles, Su Qin became more courageous. He let it go, put the tip of his nose against the tip of the man’s nose, raised his hand, grabbed the man’s ear, rubbed his earlobe with his fingertips, and said in a low voice :”I see.”

The girl’s breath splashed on the man’s face. He also went with the flow, raised his chin slightly, and touched the girl’s lips lightly with his lips.

The man’s lips felt slightly cold, which made Su Qin’s scalp tingle. She shrank back as if electrocuted, opened the car door and said, “Mr. Li, I’ll go first.”

“See you tomorrow.”

“No, no, don’t see you tomorrow.”

“??” Li Chuan wondered.

Su Qin’s teeth trembled nervously, and quickly said: “Last time Sister Yun asked me to go to an appointment, but I didn’t go. I will be a guest at Sister Yun’s house tomorrow. I will start school in two days. If I don’t go tomorrow, I’m afraid I won’t have time to go. already.”

Li Chuan nodded: “Okay. Shall we call?”

“Okay, call!” After that, Su Qin ran upstairs with a hug.

When she got home, as soon as she opened the door, Feibao and Boeing rushed towards her and kept licking her face. Su Qin pushed the two dogs away with a look of disgust, and went into the house with a bag on his back.

Wang Lin was working in her bedroom. When she heard her return, she asked her, “Susu, why didn’t you answer the phone call last night? If you don’t text me, I’ll call the police.”

“I slept at my high school classmate’s house. She was sleeping at that time, and I couldn’t make phone calls.”

“Which high school classmate?”

“It’s that… Yu Wen.”

After Wang Lin typed a string of words on the computer, she turned to look at her, “Susu, why is your face so red?”

“Ah? Is that so?” Su Qin covered his hot cheeks with his hand and said, “Well…it may have been the sun outside just now. By the way, Mom, when will we renovate our other house?”

“That house, I’m looking for a designer, let’s take care of it. Then build a big doghouse on the big balcony and plant flowers and plants. The two largest bedrooms will be given to you and Bobo, the smallest I’ll live in that room. Our TV background wall should be made more beautiful, next door to your Uncle Lei’s house, the TV wall is beautifully painted, and then we’ll let your Uncle Lei paint it!”

Wang Lin started talking, Su Qin quickly changed the topic: “Then when are you going to take the driver’s license test?”

“I’m going to take the test for subject one in two days. Don’t worry, my mother will definitely live up to her expectations and pass the driver’s license test!”

Su Qin nodded and cheered her on: “Mom, come on!”

She took the notebook from the desk, went to the living room, and sat on the sofa to start work.

I owe a lot of work in the past two days. Li Xian drew a few sketches of the front of the brick-and-mortar store to show her, and Su Qin chose the most concise one. Li Xian’s friend also sent Su Qin the floor plan of the brick-and-mortar store. She looked at the partition and asked the designer to produce a rendering.

Because the company expanded, Chen Meixin found a larger office.

Now the company is gradually on the right track. In the future, Bobo and Wang Lin will also go to the company to work. Bobo is already the head of the customer service department, and Wang Lin’s marketing department has expanded into a five-person team.

This month, the sales of Taobao stores are good, and Su Qin’s cards keep coming in, and the more her pockets grow, the more confident she is.

Su Qin sent Bai Yu a message and asked him how he was going undercover in the bar.

Bai Yu replied to her at night, saying, “I found out that Brother Gang and Wang Zhen are living in Sangzao Town, but I don’t know their exact location. When the location is confirmed, I will contact Officer Zhang. Also, recently It seems that the wind is tight, they did not dare to commit crimes, I will continue to guard.”

“Oh, then be careful.”

After Su Qin and Bai Yu finished chatting text messages, they immediately deleted the text messages. The same goes for Bai Yu. The two of them communicate with each other using a separate mobile phone card. After the information is communicated, they will be deleted without leaving any traces.

This Hong Kong brother and Wang Zhen are still alive, which means that the criminal group should accept them again. Moreover, the two of them may still be doing things for the criminal group, secretly doing something.

Su Qin can only wait patiently for Bai Yu’s news, all she can do is provide him with funds.

Su Qin changed the number card back, and as soon as the phone was turned on, he received a message from Li Chuan.

Early the next morning, that kid Yunfei called and asked her, “Susu, the driver and I are downstairs, come down quickly! You are not allowed to let my pigeons go this time.”

“Okay, don’t let your pigeons go. I’m changing clothes. You wait for me for ten minutes, and come down immediately!” Su Qin was busy packing up, she didn’t expect this kid to come so early.

Yun Fei complained on the other end of the phone, “Girls are trouble!”

Su Qin was on the speakerphone, and when he heard the boy’s complaint, he could not laugh or cry. She quickly packed up, shaved her hair at will, and went downstairs with her bag.

I haven’t seen Yunfei for almost a month, and the young man has grown a lot taller. He was tall and slender, and his hair was cut into an inch. He was wearing a T-shirt from the Su Qin Taobao store. After getting in the car, he raised his chest and asked her, “Su Su, I’m handsome in this dress, or is Teacher Li handsome?”

“You are handsome, you are handsome.”

Seeing her perfunctory answer, Yun Fei was a little unhappy and said with a sigh, “Susu, I also think the gap between us is getting bigger and bigger. You are a college student now, do you think I am very naive?”

“Feifei, I don’t mean that. You don’t have to compare yourself to someone who is more handsome and who is better. Be yourself, you are the best.” Su Qin patted his shoulder and said, “Come on, study hard, don’t let Sister Yun down I heard from Sister Yun, you have been tutoring this summer? How are the results of the tutoring?”

“It’s very tiring to start studying after eating every day. But I did learn a lot of new things.” Yun Fei said to Su Qin with emotion: “Su Su, I suddenly feel that the wider one’s horizons are, the more things people understand. The more you do, the more you realize how ridiculous the small pattern in the past was.”

Su Qin asked him, “Why do you suddenly feel this way?”

Yun Fei shook his head, didn’t say why, just said: “When I was in the mountain village, I used to pretend to be crazy and sell stupid, and I almost forgot that I was a normal person. In the village, except for children, I don’t think there is a good person. Including you first When you came to my house for the second time, I also suspected that you were the undercover agent they sent to my house. After I came out of the mountains, I made a difference in making friends, and I also thought that the world was so big. After I went out to China once, I realized that this world There are too many unknown areas. After I came back, my father kept telling me that he was the most powerful man. He was omnipotent. , He is worried that I will not be able to support myself after a hundred years of age. Susu, this is my misunderstanding of the world view after being trapped in a mountain village for more than ten years.”

Su Qin looked at Yun Fei, as if he had grown up a lot.

She asked, “Yunfei, what happened to you recently?”

The boy shook his head: “No, I just think that people can’t rely on others all their lives. I can’t always worry about people who love me, so I plan to study hard.”

“It’s good that you have such an idea.”

Yun Fei smiled at her and said, “Susu, I will try my best to catch up with you, and I can’t embarrass you.”

“Good boy, my sister is also very happy to have such a good and sensible brother like you. If you need help in your life in the future, call me, you know?”


When they arrived at Yunfei’s house, Yunqin brought the family dog ​​out to greet her.

Yunfeijia’s single-family villa covers a lot of space, not only has a swimming pool but also a basketball court. There were also basketballs on the court, and it could be seen that Yun Fei often played on the basketball court.

Yun Qin took her into the room and sat down on the sofa. She held Su Qin’s hand and said, “You girl, you have lost a lot of weight, is it really hard? I heard Yun Fei say, you have all been admitted to university? Or Nantah? Girl, you haven’t seen Sister Yun for so long. If you didn’t meet at Lao Zhao’s birthday party that day, would you not want to see Sister Yun for the rest of your life? How is it? Has President Wei troubled you recently? “

“No, with Sister Yun and Teacher Li protecting me, who would dare to trouble me? Don’t worry, Sister Yun’s woman will not admit defeat!”

Yunqin was amused by her, she quickly regained her stern face, and said, “I saw the news recently. That Lin Xiaoyin is so cruel, she dares to kill someone! Fortunately, we were all there that day, otherwise, why would she not be sure about you? Well, I’m really scared to think about it.”

Yun Fei sat next to him, wondering: “Mom, what happened?”

“Go, go, go, the children. Didn’t you say you want to cook for Susu? What are you doing sitting here? Cooking.” Yunqin yelled at her son.

“Oh…” Yun Fei got up and went to the kitchen. He stood in the dining room while wearing his apron, listening to the two women in the living room chatting.

Yunqin talked a lot with Su Qin, from how Su Qin came out of the house, how she was helped by Teacher Li, how she was tutored by him, and how she was admitted to Yunyang Middle School.

Hearing what happened to the little girl, Yunqin was shaken in her heart and asked her, “You are in trouble, why didn’t you come to see Sister Yun? We share weal and woe, in a sense, we can be regarded as a family. You, a little girl, have endured so hard. It’s been a long time, it’s really… I’m so distressed, well, if you have any difficulties in the future, you must come to me.”

Yunqin hammered her chest.

Su Qin took her hand and said with a smile, “Sister Yun, isn’t it okay for me? Don’t worry, I’m fine. I’m doing pretty well now, my mother’s career is booming, and I’m not worried about food and drink. Just study hard.”

Yunqin chatted with her for a while. Yun Fei came out from the kitchen with a pot of soup and told them to eat.

Mo Zongyang was out on business and was not at home. There were only three of them at the dinner table.

Yun Fei kept adding vegetables to Su Qin and his mother’s bowls, listening to the two women chatting or not, he didn’t interrupt, just listened silently.

He secretly looked at Su Qin, but after a month of not seeing him, Su Su became much prettier again.

He thought that he must become very good in the future, so he won’t look small in front of her, right?

Yun Fei had to make up lessons in the afternoon and could not send Su Qin home. He sent Su Qin to the door, reluctantly, grabbed her sleeve and said, “Su Su, can you give me a lucky hug?”

“That’s not good, men and women don’t have a relationship.” Su Qin patted him on the shoulder and cheered him up: “Come on for tuition, I’ll see you when I’m free.”

“So? When are you free? You seem to have said the same thing before you left last time.” Yun Fei looked at her with his arms crossed: “You sister, you are not very competent.”

Su Qin: “…the National Day must come to see you, okay?”

“Okay, that’s it.”

On the 28th, Su Qin went to NTU to report, because someone was a public figure in NTU after all, so she didn’t dare to ask him to send him.

She was very familiar with NTU, and after reporting the news, she found the girls’ dormitory with ease. Their freshmen all live in the old dormitory building, and the environment is not as good as that of the sophomore and junior sisters.

As soon as Su Qin entered the dormitory with his luggage, he saw three girls chatting inside.

A girl with a height of 1.6 meters and a visual weight of over 150. A short-haired, black and thin girl with glasses frames.

There is also a girl in fishnet stockings and a miniskirt. As soon as Su Qin walked over with her luggage, she could smell the strong smell of Liushen Hualu water on her body… Strictly speaking, it should be a strong and pungent smell caused by spraying too much of some brand-name perfume.

The three girls looked at her. After Su Qin put down her luggage, she spoke first and said, “Hi, hello, my name is Su Qin. Please give me more advice in the future.”

The little fat girl nodded at her: “Zhang Li.”

The short-haired, black and thin girl pushed the frame on the bridge of her nose and said, “Changqing.”

Su Qin’s eyes fell on the girl in fishnet stockings, and the other party looked at her with his arms crossed: “You are the girl who didn’t come to military training, aren’t you? Aren’t you healthy?”

“Cough… I’m not feeling well, I just recovered.” Su Qin explained.

The girl in fishnet stockings took the basin and went to the bathroom. After she left, Chang Qing said to Su Qin, “Her name is Mao Tian. She is very good. She often goes to bars and is a socialist. Don’t mess with her if you’re okay.”

“Oh, I see.”

If you can get into NTU, these roommates are definitely not bad, and discord is inevitable. She is not RMB, and it is unlikely that everyone likes her. It’s okay if you don’t like it, just don’t bother her.

In Su Qin’s class, there are fewer boys and more girls. The boys look soft and weak one by one, and the girls have good looks and a lot of good figures.

As a fashion designer, Su Qin looked at so many good-looking beauties in the class, and had the illusion that he wanted to enjoy happiness.

Su Qin chose fashion design and engineering, which is more practical. The fashion design department is more inclined to applied arts.

The reason why she didn’t go to the fashion design department at the beginning was because this major required art exams, and she had no art exams because of tutoring. Because the courses in the university are open, in order to improve her design concept, Su Qin will also take courses in the fashion design department, so in the dormitory, she has become a loner.

University is a paradise for love. The three girls in the dormitory had already taken off their orders during military training. Every day Su Qin went to the cafeteria to eat alone, and occasionally some classmates in the same class saw her and greeted her.

Su Qin went to the boiling water room to fetch water every day, with a bucket in his left hand and a kettle in his right, stunned the girls in the same bed.

Living in Su Qin and getting out of bed, Chang Qing asked her: “Su Qin, why don’t you find a boyfriend? It’s great to have a boyfriend to help you turn on the water and cook for you. Look at the boys in our class. I usually rush out of the classroom and run to the cafeteria to grab food for my girlfriend, and I don’t know that I think our school lacks a cafeteria.”

Mao Tian in fishnet stockings sat cross-legged on the bed and nibbled melon seeds, feeling inexplicable superiority: “Su Qin, if you can’t find a boyfriend, can I introduce you to one?”

Su Qin was sitting cross-legged on the bed, looking at the drawings sent by the two designers, and replied casually, “Who said I don’t have a boyfriend?”

She had just finished speaking when she received a call from Li Chuan.

Li Chuan asked her on the phone, “Have you eaten on time tonight? University life, are you used to it?”

“People are iron rice and steel, how could I not eat? I’m used to it, the curriculum is compact, but it’s easy to get up, and it’s less stressful in high school.” Su Qin used the phone between his ears and shoulders, freeing up two empty hands to type , and reply to the designer’s message.

Li Chuan was a little absent-minded when she heard her call and asked her, “I happen to be doing errands near your school at noon tomorrow. I’ll pick you up at noon and have dinner together?”

Su Qin nodded and said, “Okay, you have the final say. I won’t tell you. I have something to do here. I’ll send you a text message later, okay?”

Li Chuan: “…We only have one phone call a day. Don’t be so perfunctory to your teacher Li, right?”

Su Qin let out an “Oops” and acted like a spoiled brat with him: “Mr. Li, do you still want your Su Qin to go to bed earlier?”

“Okay, schoolwork is important, you should be busy first and go to bed early.”

Su Qin’s business can be described as busy, everyone seems to have made an appointment, and they call her at the same time. As soon as she hung up, Lin Rui called.

Lin Rui asked her on the phone, “Are you convenient to answer the phone?”

“Well… wait for me.” Su Qin grabbed the phone and got out of bed, went to the balcony to call Lin Rui.

Su Qin was leaning on the balcony, and through the glass, he could see the movements of several roommates in the dormitory. Everyone was doing their own business and had no time to take care of her. She is very relieved to call at this location.

Lin Rui said: “I’ve already come back. There will be a press conference tomorrow. You can pay attention to the whole process. Although she admitted in the video that the fire was set by her, she just defended that she wanted to scare me. Looking at it, it may be sentenced very lightly. In the other video, she pushed me into the water and sued her for attempted murder. It is no problem. The two videos are combined, the behavior is very bad, and the sentence should not be light. More than three years, ten less than a year.”

“Hmm. I’ll keep an eye out.”

Regarding the supernatural video, Panda has already turned himself in, saying that it was just to help the idol to vent his anger, so he created the supernatural video. But I didn’t expect so many things to happen later.

Panda just played a video, and did not maliciously modify or damage Lin Xiaoyin’s computer files. In the end, the police only gave verbal criticism, fined him, and let him go.

The police also brought the Taoist priest back to the police station for investigation, and found that the Taoist priest was so rambunctious that everyone said that he would not survive tomorrow. Although the Taoist remarks were inappropriate, he did not really encourage Lin Xiaoyin to kill after all. For social influence, the Taoist priest was detained for ten days and fined.

After all, the Taoist priest was invited by Lin Xiaoyin herself, and the Taoist priest insisted not to say anything, so the police did not investigate anything.

The police also investigated the person who uploaded the video, and even called on the Internet for the person who uploaded the video of Shuiqiao to come to the Public Security Bureau and explain what happened, but no one went to the Public Security Bureau.

After Lin Rui returned to Yunyang City, she first went to the Public Security Bureau to take notes, rested overnight, and held a press conference the next day, explaining what happened that night.

Su Qin watched Lin Rui’s live broadcast from the computer and saw that her face was pale and her complexion was very bad. When the reporter asked the first question, the woman covered her mouth and cried.

She choked up as she recounted what had happened that night.

That night, she received a text message from Lin Xiaoyin. Lin Xiaoyin claimed that she had evidence of arsonists, but when she went, she was pushed into the water. She couldn’t swim and quickly lost consciousness underwater and drifted into the river. She deserved to die, and was rescued by an old couple. Because she was underwater for too long, her brain suffered from hypoxia and short-term memory loss.

The old couple had no money to send her to the hospital, so they kept her at home to slowly raise her body. It was only a week later that she remembered her identity. As soon as she was in good health, she immediately contacted her agent to take her back to Yunyang City.

After listening to her narration, the following reporters questioned her:

“Sister Rui, first the supernatural video, then the Taoist remarks, and the video of Lin Xiaoyin pushing you into the water, isn’t it too coincidental? Some netizens suspect that you planned all this and led an innocent person to kill. , and then let her be convicted of attempted murder. Excuse me, what do you think about this view?”

Lin Rui took the tissue from the manager’s hand, and she was sobbing into the microphone.

She took a few deep breaths and said, “The police have already investigated it clearly, everything is a coincidence, don’t you just have a conspiracy theory? Also, is the word “innocent” appropriate here? She has already admitted to setting fire, and I will die. , is not dead, but what about my child? He is also a life! When Lin Xiaoyin set the fire, she had already gone to this point of no return. How could anyone think she was innocent? The video clearly shows her pushing me into the water. In the picture, she really wants to deprive me of my life, isn’t she innocent only if I really die?”

She took a deep breath, her voice had stabilized, and her words were sonorous: “I am the victim, and you are the bystanders, but is it really necessary to understand the psychological state of a demon? Whether she is frightened by the supernatural video, Still guided by the Taoist priest’s words, I don’t need to understand her, no matter what her psychological process and motivation are, she just wants to kill me again and again, I am a victim, why are you questioning me? , if you insist on questioning me, then I will ask you, will you kill people because of a supernatural video or the crazy words of a Taoist priest?”

The reporter said nothing and sat back in his seat.

Lin Rui was very excited, and after answering this question, she left the venue.

The reporter who asked Lin Rui that sharp question just now was despised and looked down upon.

What Lin Rui said made sense. She was a victim, and Lin Xiaoyin was a devil no matter what her motives were.

After the press conference, there was a heated discussion on the Internet. There is a discussion thread dedicated to this.

1st floor: “A normal person, who would kill someone because of a supernatural video, a Taoist priest’s mad words? I have a clear conscience, afraid of what the **** knocks on the door? The police have punished the Taoist priest and the panda hero, but what about Lin Xiaoyin? She set fire to it. , causing Lin Rui to miscarry, the baby is also a life, why does he have no human rights? Lin Xiaoyin pushed Lin Rui into the water, Lin Rui was submerged in the water for so long, and the brain was deprived of oxygen. There will definitely be sequelae in the future, and short-term memory loss will not Having said that, it may lead to mental retardation, motor dysfunction! Balance dysfunction! Abnormal mental character!!!”

2nd floor: “It’s so serious… I really hope that she will be sentenced well.”

3rd floor: “The most poisonous woman’s heart, fortunately Lin Rui came back alive, otherwise… Hey, it’s really a tragedy. To put it bluntly, this is a grudge of a wealthy family.”

This matter has been discussed on the Internet again, and Lin Xiaoyin’s attempted murder charge has been confirmed, and the circumstances are more serious.

In the afternoon when Lin Rui held a press conference, Lin Xiaoyin also met her lawyer.

When she saw the lawyer, she seemed to gain hope and asked him, “How is the lawyer? Can I go out now?”

“Go out?” The lawyer told her with a cold face, “I will try my best to help you get under five years.”

Lin Xiaoyin stared, clenched her fists and slammed the table: “What are you talking about! You are a lawyer, you have to keep me out! I can’t go to jail! As for Mr. Wei, you let Mr. Wei come over! Doesn’t he like me? You Let him come over!”

The lawyer looked at the crazy woman with cold eyes, and said lightly, “Mr. Wei? He said that he didn’t know you well, so he told you not to get too close.”

Lin Xiaoyin was like a blow to the head, and she was stunned on the spot: “No, it’s impossible! Lawyer, I can’t go to jail. You rescue me and I can give you as much money as you want!”

“It’s not about money. You attempted murder, and the police evidence is conclusive.” The lawyer got up and was about to leave: “Don’t worry, I will do my best to help you win.”

“Go away!” Lin Xiaoyin finally broke down, her eyes were red, and she yelled at the lawyer.

She didn’t believe, didn’t believe… She would really go to jail. I also don’t believe that I will be taken away by the police on the second day of my rebirth and face jail time.

Not to mention five years, she doesn’t even want to stay for a year. She holds the information of the future, she can rely on this, in this year, the wind is booming, why should she be imprisoned?

How beautiful was she in her previous life? Although she didn’t get Li Chuan until she died, but in the entertainment industry, she only covered the sky with one hand. Who would see her and not call out Sister Yin?

But why? Why did she come back from the rebirth, she not only met the baby spirit, but also suffered from prison.

She is not reconciled, not reconciled! Why did it become like this?

The author has something to say: Chapter 52 has rewritten the plot, and Chapter 53 has also changed a lot, adding the emotional description of the male protagonist. Originally, I wanted Lin Xiaoyin to be reborn when she was suffering in prison, but since everyone had a dispute over the heroine’s actions, they changed it and let her be reborn at 52. In any case, attempted murder is an attempted murder.

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