Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 53 - Beasts (1)

“Did you make a mistake? What is suspected of murder?” Lin Xiaoyin woke up from a sleep, looked at the group of unfamiliar policemen, struggled in a panic, pushed the policeman, and said angrily, “Did you police arrest the wrong person? ?”

“You’re Lin Xiaoyin, right? Yes, that’s right.” The policeman at the head waved his hand and asked his colleagues behind him to carry Lin Xiaoyin away.

Lin Xiaoyin was taken away, she was reported to deliberately set fire to kill, and deliberately pushed people into the water, suspected of murder.

Police are still vigorously salvaging Lin Rui’s body.

Early this morning, two people, with different IDs, released two videos on different video websites.

In the first video, the first scene that appeared was Lin Xiaoyin’s nervousness, and even frantically stepping on the computer screen. From the lens, you can clearly see the ghostly picture on her computer screen.

She threw the computer away, yelled “there’s a ghost”, and threw the computer out. Not long after, her assistant brought in a Taoist priest, and the conversation between the two was clearly captured in the video.

Lin Xiaoyin was obviously a little flustered, and even admitted that she set the fire and that Lin Rui’s child was killed by her.

In the second video, the picture was shot with an infrared camera. The whole picture was black, and there were many reeds and weeds next to the lens, which clearly captured the picture on the water bridge.

On the water bridge, Lin Rui quickly appeared. She stood on the bridge and asked if anyone was there. Then, a woman wearing a mask and a peaked cap walked over to her and handed her a file bag. Just when Lin Rui was picking up something, Lin Xiaoyin pushed her into the water while she was not paying attention.

Lin Rui was struggling in the water, and there seemed to be a creature swimming with her below, but because the light was too dark, she couldn’t see clearly, she only vaguely saw Lin Rui drifting to the center of the reservoir and disappearing into the camera.

Soon, the woman on the water bridge came down.

She squatted on the rocky beach under the water bridge, and the photographer who was hiding in the aloe vera turned the camera a little, because there was a little movement, which attracted her attention.

The photographer held his breath and dared not move. Lin Xiaoyin thought it was a wild animal, so she continued to bow her head and do her own thing. She took off her cap, mask, clothes and gloves and burned them all. After doing this, she got up and went back to the cabin.

It was precisely because she took off the mask and cap that the camera captured her face.

These two videos were posted on the Internet and were forwarded by the famous “Su Su Ma” in the world, which quickly attracted the attention of netizens.

The conflict between Lin Rui and Lin Xiaoyin did not happen overnight, and there were also many posts about the two of them. After these two videos were released, they quickly aroused heated discussions, and at the same time pushed the program team into an embarrassing situation.

The guests had an accident in the program group, but no one found out? Will there be stars who dare to participate in this kind of show in the future?

Websites such as Tianya, Douban, and NTU’s campus forum were all screened by this incident, causing a lot of public outrage.

Because it was a video that came out in the early morning, newspapers with keen news immediately destroyed the newspapers that had been printed that day, quickly replaced this incident with headlines, and reprinted them. In the early morning of that day, the incident spread throughout Yunyang City, and the headlines were very eye-catching.

“Lin Rui was killed! The Murderer is a guest of the program group! 》

“Lin Rui miscarried due to fire, the murderer was actually her! ? 》

“Lin Rui was killed video exposure, baby spirit revenge? 》

Citizens were angry and actively followed up on the forum, demanding that the police immediately arrest the murderer and bring him to justice! And be shot immediately!

1st floor: “This incident is too bad! It must be arrested and shot. Lin Rui is a star anyway, but this woman dares to openly murder a star? Is there a law??”

2nd floor: “What was the person who shot the video doing at the time! Why didn’t you stand up to stop her behavior! That’s a human life, isn’t human life less important than the video breaking the news?”

3rd floor: “The first video of the Taoist priest was released by me. I am a staff member of the program group. Our entire group has a separate room, and we can sit in the room and see the situation of each guest in the bedroom. The guest is in When I take a break, I turn off the camera by myself, but I don’t know what happened that day. The camera hanging on the ceiling in the corner was turned on remotely. At that time, the people in the house didn’t know, and we didn’t know what was going on. We didn’t have permission to turn on the camera remotely. A few colleagues and I watched gossip for a while, but the more I listened, the more wrong it became. Originally, there are all kinds of weird things in the show group. This circle is not as beautiful as you think. , including Lin Xiaoyin winning the championship, are also shady. This video was quickly deleted by our boss, but I kept an eye on it and copied a copy. The video by the water bridge was not posted by me, but Xiu Village There are a lot of wild animals there. It is not ruled out that someone filmed wild animals there, and then filmed the scene by coincidence. Probably the program team did not expect that Lin Xiaoyin, who is so vicious, would kill Lin Rui because of the words of the Taoist priest. , Lin Rui accident, the program team must take full responsibility.”

4th floor: “Then what happened in her computer is really a supernatural event? It looks scary. I probably really answered that sentence, don’t do anything wrong, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. This Lin Xiaoyin is really hateful, set fire to kill people The attempted failure killed the fetus in his womb, and now he is pushing him into the water. I want to know what happened to Lin Rui, did something really happen? God, why is this society so scary.”

5th floor: “Lin Xiaoyin is really guilty of being a thief. I watched the video back and forth several times. Her computer should have been hacked. What appeared on her computer screen should be an animation from a hacker, not real. As long as she is searching for words Enter a keyword in the bar, and the corresponding animation will pop up. Do you remember the famous panda hero last year? The hacker who helped the police solve several cases, I think this is also his handwriting, and his Most of the ‘virus’ is presented in the form of animation, and the supernatural animation is very similar to the style of Panda Hero.”

Panda Hero is very famous on hacker forums. He helped the police solve many major cases, including last year’s “mole stealing” computer virus case that swept across China, which Panda Hero helped the police solve.

The “mole stealing” virus ravages the network and can infect thousands of computers in a short period of time, causing the network to collapse. The infected computer will show a “mole stealing” animation and cause file damage. This major network virus case has caused huge losses to many companies.

Later, the panda hero cooperated with the police to capture the creator of “Mole Stealing Food”.

Subsequently, Li Chuan’s company came forward to help major companies restore computer files, remove the “mole stealing” virus, and help major companies update their corporate security systems.

In this case, not only Panda Hero became popular because of this, but Li Chuan’s company also won the hearts of the people and won the favor of many enterprises.

This panda hero has a little habit. After successfully breaking into other people’s computers, he will automatically play the animation of panda dancing and twisting buttocks on their computers. The style of painting is very cute.

Some technical netizens zoomed in on the clip of Lin Xiaoyin watching the supernatural animation in the video, and carefully compared the supernatural video with the animation of Panda Hero. The style of painting is really similar.

The discussion on the Internet was hot. Panda, who worked overtime until the early morning last night, was still sleeping soundly at home. He was woken up by a phone call from Li Chuan.

On the phone, Li Chuan’s voice was as cold as frost, and he asked him, “What did you do for Su Qin in private?”

The panda obviously hadn’t woken up yet, grabbed the back of his head and yawned, cheekily refusing to admit it: “Boss, what did you say? How could I contact Xiao Susu behind your back?”

As soon as he finished speaking, he was more than half awake.

Li Chuan called him early in the morning to question him. He must have known something. If he refuses to admit it, he will only die even worse, right?

On the phone, Li Chuan’s voice was bone-chilling: “Very good.”

Hanging up the phone, Panda chewed on what he meant by “very good”, and suddenly shuddered. Then, he received a text message from Lao Zhu and Chunchun.

Lao Zhu: “Master Panda, you can! How do you know she is the murderer?”

Chunchun: “Panda Hero, I’m going to become your fan. You are so awesome, you actually took the boss behind your back and solved the toad girl! This time, because of you, she will be in prison!”

Panda’s heart tightened and asked them, “How do you know?”

He signed an agreement with Su Qin, and the little girl repeatedly emphasized that he kept this matter a secret and could not tell Li Chuan. As a reward, the little girl would ask for a special signed book of “Susu Mom” ​​for her, which he gave to his girlfriend as a gift.

Panda looked for posts on the Internet. Unexpectedly, netizens guessed that the supernatural video was his handwriting with an animation style. What netizens can see, of course Li Chuan can see too.

Panda was in a cold sweat, took the initiative to call Li Chuan, pleaded guilty, and told him the whole thing.

Su Qin came to him and just asked him to make a video to scare Lin Xiaoyin. He didn’t expect that these two animations would make Lin Xiaoyin lose his mind and kill people.

Panda realized that he had made trouble, and was scared to become crazy, and while wiping his sweat, he asked Li Chuan tremblingly, “What should I do, boss? Should I turn myself in? After all, the toad girl was killed because of my prank animation. It’s a big responsibility.”

Li Chuan fell silent on the other end of the phone.

This matter has nothing to do with Panda. After all, it is Su Qin who planned the supernatural animation. He wondered why Su Qin would do this? Is it because of what happened that day, to get revenge on Lin Xiaoyin?

If this is the case, then he will really start to re-examine Su Qin. This girl is not as simple as he imagined. She killed an innocent life in revenge against Lin Xiaoyin.

The reservoir of the Xiu Village Water Bridge leads to the big river outside the village. After receiving the report, the police arrested the criminal suspect Lin Xiaoyin and used a lot of manpower and material resources to salvage Lin Rui’s body.

This incident caused a stir in Yunyang City. The chairman of Lin Rui’s support group organized hundreds of fans to pray for Lin Rui on the water bridge in Xiu Village. They wanted to watch the police salvage the idol’s body with their own eyes. , to send the idol one last ride.

At around twelve noon, Li Chuan finally got in touch with Su Qin.

Su Qin answered the phone, and the lovesickness was finally released. She took a deep breath and happily called out “Mr. Li”.

The man’s voice on the phone was cold, dampening her excitement.

“Where are you?”

“I’m dealing with a little thing in Xiu Village, and I’ll go back to Yunyang at night. Teacher Li, I saw your text message. Sorry, the program team took my mobile phone, and I can’t reply to your message. Are you back now?”

“No.” Li Chuan asked her over the phone with deep eyebrows, “Su Qin, what did you do? Do you know that you killed an innocent person because of your willfulness?”

“Ah?” Su Qin quickly reacted, “Panda… have you told me?”

She was worried that Panda and Li Chuan would leak their mouths, so she specially signed a non-disclosure agreement with him. But what would Li Chuan know? This panda, so unreliable? Even the agreement can’t bind him?

Panda expressed injustice, as a well-known hacker, he is absolutely confidential to the customer’s information. Even if it is the King of Heaven, it is impossible to get any information about customers from him. It’s not what he said about the supernatural video, he was just picked up by the supernatural netizens…

Su Qin knew that it would be meaningless to hide Li Chuan at such a time, and planned to tell the other party about it: “Let’s talk about it after you come.”

But as soon as this happened, Teacher Li would have doubts about her. He is a smart person, and she also understands how disappointed Li Chuan would be if he knew that she planned the whole incident.

After all, in Li Chuan’s eyes, she and Lin Xiaoyin only had some disputes, and there was no blood feud.

In his eyes, she was just a sensible girl who helped her mother and worked hard to make money. It’s not a scheming woman who tries to kill each other because of a dispute with someone.

She hung up the phone and told Lin Rui her worries.

Lin Rui caught a cold last night, and she will have a high fever.

Hearing the little girl’s worries, she smiled and said, “Su Qin, you are really a scheming little girl. But yes, if you don’t have any means, how can you get on the big boat of Li Chuan? I have never heard of this person. It’s easy to settle, you are really not easy.”

After hearing Su Qin’s plan and her purpose last night, Lin Rui began to re-examine this girl. Last night, she and Su Qin acted together in a play, there were three of them.

She, Su Qin, is a photographer.

Su Qin got the video of the conversation between the Taoist priest and Lin Xiaoyin. After Lin Rui watched it, she could not wait to slash the woman with a thousand swords.

If that woman didn’t want to kill her, then she wouldn’t end up like this either.

Last night, Su Qin hid under the bridge for a long time. When she fell into the water, she dived into the bottom of the water and pushed her to swim to the center of the reservoir.

There is a building in the center of the reservoir, which was originally a water table. Because the water flow in this season is too large, the column-shaped building is submerged. There is a thick soil layer on the building, so many reeds grow around it.

The reeds blocked them, and Su Qin took Lin Rui out and hid in the reeds, daring not to move. They held onto the iron chains of the building and floated on the water, and did not swim ashore until Lin Xiaoyin left.

Last night, they were not only frozen to death, but also bitten by mosquitoes in the reeds.

They lived in a homestay in the village, which was rented by Su Qinhua at a high price.

Now, there are only Su Qin, Lin Rui, and the wildlife photographer who helped shoot the video last night.

Lin Rui sneezed again, wrapped the mattress tightly, and sniffed.

Su Qin counted the good medicines and handed them to her together with a cup of hot water: “I can’t stand the murder of the murderer at ease. Having said that, in the eyes of the law, a baby does not count as a life, even if it is confirmed that the fire was indeed set, the crime of arson She won’t be sentenced for long. But her crime of attempted murder is not a light one. Now that the city is full of trouble, she should be allowed to stay for a few years. Of course, if you don’t feel relieved enough, you can spend more time in the prison. I heard that the prison I am most afraid of getting sick…”

“Why do I feel that your hatred with her is deeper than her hatred with me?” Lin Rui laughed: “Okay, you have helped me a lot this time, and you can come to me if you need help in the future. Don’t worry, wait for Mr. Li to come over later, I will tell him that this matter has nothing to do with you, you are just my assistant, you help me find a hacker, and you, from the beginning to the end, do not know the plan of this incident .”

“Then, thank you first.” Su Qin smiled at her and added, “However, I really need your help. I want you to be the spokesperson for our Taobao store. Our offline store is in Qianda Plaza. Opening soon. Sister Rui, are you interested in helping me on the platform? “

According to Su Qin’s original plan, Lin Rui had to hide here for a few days, and then she would appear again when the heat of the matter subsided.

Lin Rui was “killed”, and in the next period of time, the whole country will inevitably have reports about her. During this time, Lin Rui hid here. When the heat was about to subside, he returned to Yunyang City to hold a press conference. At that time, there will inevitably be another wave of craze, which will make her go to the peak of traffic completely.

This matter can not only solve Lin Xiaoyin, but she can also step on the shoulders of Lin Xiaoyin, a slut, and win social topics. Once she has traffic, getting good resources is not a problem.

And all of this was Su Qin’s suggestion. She felt that this little girl was unfathomable, not simple, and even had a little fear of her. Judging from her phone call with Li Chuan just now, she has a very close relationship with Li Chuan. This girl is young, but she is definitely not in the pool.

Lin Rui has been in the circle for so many years and is familiar with the rules of the circle. This kind of capable girl must not be offended, otherwise, if she is not careful, she will not know how she killed her.

This girl doesn’t belong to her circle, and it doesn’t affect her interests. Being friends with her is the best choice right now. Advocating for her to shoot advertisements and platforms has little effect on her, and maybe she still needs her help in the future.

Moreover, now that they have each other’s handle in hand, the two have to travel together in different boats.

Thinking of this, Lin Rui happily agreed to her.

After half an hour, someone knocked on the door.

The photographer, who was playing with equipment in the yard, went to open the door. He saw Li Chuan at the door, and his face was full of surprise. He not only shared a room with big stars, but also met the youngest richest man in China.

Li Chuan’s eyes swept lightly on the photographer’s face and asked, “Is Su Qin there?”

A wildlife photographer like him, who shoots wild animals in the wild all year round, can’t make a lot of money. He was still worried about the funding for his next trip to Tibet, probably because God sympathized with him and asked Su Qin and Lin Rui to send him a huge sum of money.

On this trip, he not only saved the big star and got a sum of money, but also met the youngest rich man in China, and the sense of accomplishment can be imagined.

The photographer turned to one side and let Li Chuan in: “Yes, they are all inside, come in with me.”

When Li Chuan came in, the photographer carefully closed the courtyard door, put it on the chain, and led Li Chuan to the bedroom on the second floor.

The bedroom door on the second floor was closed, and the photographer knocked on the door and said to the two girls inside, “Miss Su, Miss Lin, and Mr. Li are here.”

“Come in.”

After Li Chuan entered the door, he saw Lin Rui sitting on the carved wooden bed, and glanced at Su Qin with sharp eyes: “What’s going on?”

Su Qin briefly explained the plan to Li Chuan. She looked at Li Chuan cautiously, her voice soft as a mosquito: “This is the general situation…”

Lin Rui sat on the bed and nodded at him: “Hello, Mr. Li.”

Li Chuan nodded politely to the woman, stretched out his hand and pulled Su Qin to him, looked at her carefully, and asked her, “Are you injured?”

“No…how could I be injured? It’s Sister Rui, I fell into the water and caught a cold yesterday. I’m fine.” She raised her head and looked at the man, her thick eyelashes fluttering, and asked him carefully: “That…Mr. Li, you won’t I’m mad at you, asking for help from panda, right? I don’t dare to tell you about this kind of thing, after all, Sister Rui and I had an agreement before, so I’m really sorry. “

Li Chuan glanced at her and held her hand, “Go home.”

“Oh… what about Sister Rui?” Su Qin held the man’s wrist and whispered to him, “Sister Rui is ill and needs someone to stay and take care of her. The less people know about this, the better.”

“The one outside is a dead person?”

Su Qin was frightened by the man’s cold tone and shrank his neck, hesitating: “That…”

The photographer standing at the door interrupted them and interjected, “Miss Su, just follow Mr. Li. I’m here, don’t worry.”

Lin Rui also coughed for a while and said, “It doesn’t matter, I won’t be terminally ill. You go back first and we will contact you by phone. As for the endorsement, I will take it to heart, and I will find time to deal with you when I go back. already.”

Su Qin was held by Li Chuan like an innocent little white rabbit. She waved at Lin Rui and the photographer with a reluctant look: “Then, I’ll go first and call.”


“Miss Su, walk slowly.”

Li Chuan parked the car outside the house. He dragged Su Qin out of the yard, opened the car door, and stuffed her into the car.

The car started, and slowly drove out of the winding and narrow alleys of Xiu Village. It was not until the car reached the viaduct that he raised his handsome eyebrows and said, “Why did you go with Lin Rui? Why does she trust you?”

Knowing that a man would ask this, Su Qin whispered, “that night, Lin Xiaoyin found out that I was Sister Rui’s assistant and came to trouble me, but Sister Rui helped me block it. After learning about my holiday with her, Sister Rui said I want to help me, but also want to take revenge for my unborn child. I thought that Sister Rui just wanted to scare her, but I didn’t expect these plans. Teacher Li… I was too selfish. Seeing her end like this, I I’m actually very happy. You, do you think I’m scary?”

“She?” Li Chuan snorted coldly, “It’s not a pity to die.”

Su Qin turned his head to look at the man, and saw that he was looking straight ahead, his eyes cold and cold.

The man caught a glimpse of the little girl looking at him from the corner of his eye, still staring straight ahead, reaching out and rubbing her head, sighing: “Mr. Li doesn’t mean to blame you, just thinks that you should tell me about this kind of thing first. Weird, it’s not worse than the entertainment industry, if you can get my advice, wouldn’t it be better? Su Qin, you have Mr. Li’s bargaining chip, why don’t you use it? Do you know how many people want to use Mr. Li?”

Some things, he hoped he would do, he didn’t want Su Qin to take risks by himself. She was still young, and he hoped that the little girl would act coquettishly with him, relying on the relationship between them, to use him to do those things.

Su Qin looked at the man and felt guilty for cheating on him.

“Okay, sleep for a while, and I’ll call you when I get home. You can go back to wash up later, and go out to dinner with me at night, okay?”

Su Qin nodded: “Okay, as long as Teacher Li is happy.”

Last night, Su Qin slept almost all night, leaning on Li Chuan’s car and slept very deeply.

When the car stopped at the expressway rest stop, Li Chuan deliberately lowered the back of her seat to make her more comfortable. The temperature of the air conditioner was slightly lower, so he went to the trunk to get a blanket and put it on her. Worrying that the little girl would be thirsty and hungry when she woke up, she went to buy bread and water and put them in the storage box in front of the co-pilot.

It was four o’clock in the afternoon when we arrived in Yunyang City.

When Su Qin woke up, she was already on the central avenue of Yunyang City. She rubbed her eyes and looked at the city buildings. She felt a good sense of happiness when she went home. Li Chuan drove the car downstairs to her house and asked her to go upstairs to wash and clean up, and accompany him to dinner at night.

After getting off the car, Su Qin asked him, “Mr. Li, why don’t you go upstairs and wait for me?”

Probably because he was guilty of being a thief, Li Chuan did not dare to go upstairs. He was afraid that Wang Lin and Bobo would find out.

After all, Su Qin is not yet eighteen years old. Even though she is very mature, in the eyes of her family, she will always be a baby. He is very worried about being beaten by Su Qin’s mother.

When Su Qin left, Li Chuan sat in the car and thought about things. He always felt that something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out the weird point.

Why did Su Qin get on with Lin Rui? That’s what he was suspicious of. Although Su Qin gave him an explanation, he felt it was far-fetched. Lin Rui was born with grass roots. She must be very smart if she can achieve today’s achievements in the entertainment industry. How could she trust a yellow-haired girl so easily?

He has also seen the online video, and now netizens and citizens unanimously demand that Lin Xiaoyin be sentenced to death. This toad girl is bound to be imprisoned for not less than three years but not more than ten years. But Li Chuan still felt that this kind of punishment was too light for Lin Xiaoyin.

Li Chuan thought that it was running, and his slender fingers kept tapping the steering wheel.

Su Qin, Zhao Zong, Wei Zong, Lin Xiaoyin, Lin Rui…

Li Chuan in his previous life was also a genius, but when he was 17 years old, his talent was limited to learning, but he didn’t have any talent for work. He has tutored Su Qin and understands Su Qin’s qualifications.

Isn’t it strange that Su Qin is able to navigate between these people at a young age? And even though she was helping her mother, she was able to impress Mr. Zhao with her plan. Isn’t this even more strange?

If she didn’t write the plan, why would Wang Lin let her negotiate with President Zhao again? Obviously none of this is logical. It was always a coincidence that she could settle Zhao, but could it be a coincidence that she won Lin Rui’s trust?

With these doubts in mind, Li Chuan sent a text message to Mr. Zhao and Mr. Shi, who was tutoring Su Qin. He wanted to know what method Su Qin used to impress Mr. Zhao and get financing. I also want to know what method Teacher Shi used to help her learn the three-year high school curriculum in a short period of time.

When these doubts were left alone, Li Chuan thought it was the butterfly effect and didn’t think about it carefully. But when these doubts were combined, Li Chuan thought of a possibility.

At seven o’clock in the evening, Li Chuan set up a restaurant on the top floor of the Pearl Tower in the city center. There is the top restaurant in Dongchuan Province, and the top floor of Mingzhu Building overlooks the city night view.

This Brazilian art restaurant is famous for its local natural ingredients in Brazil, not only the rare Arapaima, but also edible ants from tribes in the Amazon River Basin. Although appalling, their food is delicious and unique.

In order to go to the appointment, Su Qin deliberately wore a black tube top and suspender skirt, with light makeup and the charm of a little woman.

In her heart, Li Chuan in this life has changed too much, whether it is the butterfly effect or the soul wear, he has been cut into two different people in the past and present.

Professor Li is Professor Li, and Teacher Li is Teacher Li. They are very different. And what she likes is Teacher Li in this life.

She didn’t know the purpose of Li Chuan asking her to watch the movie, and she had a vague expectation in her heart that she wanted to appear in front of him in the most beautiful way.

When Su Qin painted lipstick on the mirror, she kept thinking, is she cheating? Are you worthy of Professor Li?

In the end, her conscience still couldn’t resist the swollen girl’s heart, she simply took a deep breath, didn’t think about anything, and let everything happen naturally.

Li Chuan drove the little girl to the restaurant.

After parking the car, he got out of the car first, walked around the front of the car, and opened the door for the girl in a gentlemanly manner. Su Qin landed on his feet first, but before his hips left the seat, his shoulders were pressed by the man outside the car: “Wait.”

Li Chuan went to the trunk to get a cardboard box, squatted down in front of her, opened it, and took out a high heel from it. The man held her ankle and started to put on her shoes: “Well, the size looks just right.”

“Bought it for me?” Su Qin asked him.

“It’s your fault.” While Li Chuan was talking, he had already put on another one for her: “You little girls, you are young, you like to wear these. Okay, go for a walk and see if your feet will be rubbed. The salesperson They say that as long as their shoes are the right size, they won’t rub their feet, and they don’t know if they’re true or not.”

Su Qin put it on and walked a few steps, it was really comfortable. D&M’s high heels are every woman’s dream, not cheap, beautiful and comfortable.

Li Chuan still squatted on the ground and looked at her, raised his head and asked the little girl, “How is it?”

“Good, very comfortable.”

Li Chuan got up, closed the car door, walked towards her, stretched out his hand to her, and said, “Beautiful girl, can I invite you to dinner?”

Su Qin looked at the slick man in front of him, couldn’t hold back, laughed out loud, the moment his little hand touched his palm, he was immediately clenched by the man.

Li Chuan led her into the elevator and took her to hold his arm.

Su Qin did not deny that he could not resist the temptation of this man tonight. She was holding Li Chuan in a suit and leather shoes. The elevator mirror reflected the figures of the two of them. Their temperaments and heights matched well.

The men are handsome and gentlemen, and the girls are beautiful and generous.

Su Qin looked at herself in the elevator, and it took a while to realize that the girl with a slightly curved lips and a confident smile…it was her.

This restaurant is very expensive, and a meal can reach about four figures, and two people can easily reach five figures.

In the previous life, Professor Li and she were not rich, and had never been to such a place. It was also the first time for Su Qin to come here. The moment she stepped into the restaurant, she seemed to be in a film and television drama, as if she had become a celebrity.

When Su Qin worked at D&M in her previous life, she attended a “vogue” party with the director. It was the first time in her life that she met the top figures in the fashion industry and experienced the lives of high-level people.

She couldn’t understand why some people sharpened their heads and wanted to climb up, even if they were smashed to pieces and ended in failure, they would not regret it. When she saw the life of the top people and opened her eyes, she understood everything.

Whether she admits it or not, she was a loser in her previous life. Because of her failure in life and in the workplace, she had to give herself a quiet and good character for a period of time to comfort herself.

In the restaurant, the sound of the violin is melodious and melodious, making people emotional.

Su Qin drank some red wine, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were watery. She tilted her head to look at Li Chuan, and smiled: “You brought me to such a place, aren’t you afraid of hurting me? You are exposed to these flashy people at such a young age. Aren’t you afraid that I can’t bear it and become impetuous?”

Li Chuan raised the red wine glass and gently touched her wine glass, making a crisp sound.

The man’s voice was low and gentle: “I believe you won’t. Besides, I can give you anything you want.”

Su Qin’s drinking capacity is obviously not good, and after drinking a little wine, he can’t hold back: “Mr. Li, you are so tempting me, I can’t resist it sooner or later. Teacher Li, you are really unfathomable, I want to know, do you like it? What kind of girl? Do you like the kind of girl who has her own mind and purpose, and is even eager for quick success and scheming?”

“I don’t like it.” Li Chuan put down the glass and looked at her with a calm and gentle gaze: “But if the girl is called Su Qin, I will.”

Su Qin hiccups, cheeks flushed, and smiled: “Mr. Li, after you have money, you have learned to speak eloquently.”

“Really?” Li Chuan’s long and narrow fox eyes narrowed slightly, and he also smiled: “So do you trust Teacher Li’s rhetoric?”

Su Qin put down the wine glass, held her flushed face in both hands, and looked at the man opposite her with her brows bent: “Mr. Li, you still don’t know me, I’m not a good girl.”

Li Chuan thought of something and asked her, “You know about Lin Xiaoyin and Lin Rui’s plan from beginning to end?”

“I know.” Su Qin’s red lips lifted lightly, “How about Teacher Li? Do you think that you, a student, are particularly bad? You pretend to be good and lie to you, so that you can sympathize?”

Although Su Qin had been drinking, his mind was very clear, but he was more courageous for no reason, and said all the words that were kept in his heart. She is not stupid, and she knows that Li Chuan gave her luxury goods and brought her here to eat because he wanted to show her goodwill.

In line with being responsible to men, she must say these words.

Although there have been many changes in Li Chuan in this life, in the previous life, Professor Li hated girls who were scheming and surly.

Su Qin doesn’t know what a man likes about her. If a man likes her because of her usual good character, then she must truthfully explain her current situation.

She has hatred in her heart, she is not a good student and a good girl, and she is not as pure as he thought.

Su Qin thought that Li Chuan would be shocked and disappointed, but his performance was just the opposite.

Li Chuan’s unfathomable eyes were full of smiles.

“Miss Su, I like you more.”

He admitted that when he learned today that Lin Rui might drown, he had a negative sense of panic in his heart. After all, in his heart, the little girl just had a very intense conflict with Lin Xiaoyin. She had no memory of her past life and did not know that she had a **** feud with Lin Xiaoyin.

He was worried that this girl would become another Lin Xiaoyin, but fortunately, she didn’t. As her husband in the past life and her admirer in this life, Li Chuan really didn’t want her to be a good girl, and her eyes would be blinded by hatred. She is so smart and has a bright future. She can have a better future. There is no need to stain her life for a scumbag.

Su Qin’s heart jumped, and he poured himself a glass of red wine: “You…”

Li Chuan sat up straight and looked at her: “You can think I’m a rhetoric, but Su Qin, I can’t speak rhetorically to everyone.”

The stamina of the red wine is getting stronger and stronger, and Su Qin has a headache.

She rubbed her hair and looked at the fox-like man in front of her. Her tongue was slightly numb when she spoke: “Li Chuan, I… admit that you are a very attractive man.”

Li Chuan interrupted her: “Su Qin, do you still want to reject me? After you think about it clearly, talk again, and don’t regret it.”

Su Qin knotted his tongue and said quickly, “No no no… I didn’t mean that.”

While nervous, she poured herself another glass of wine.

The little girl began to babble, without any focus.

“Li Chuan, you are really good, so good that I don’t think I deserve you. If I liked a man before, and that man was very good to me, should I first forget what that man did to me? Okay, I just accepted your love? I know I know, in your heart I must be a scheming bitch, and I must have thought: Oh, I didn’t expect this little girl Su Qin to be so thoughtful? Still want to step on two boats? Li Chuan , I’m not what you think, I’m… I can’t tell, in short, I think I can figure it out in other things, but in you, I can’t figure it out no matter what, I feel like I’m being Tuanma got tangled up.”

Li Chuan looked at her with a calm expression, watching her pouring himself a glass of wine, neither stopping nor speaking.

This bottle of red wine was worth six figures and was swallowed by her. This girl is no different from her previous life. Whenever she is nervous, she pours “water” into her stomach.

While she was chatting, Li Chuan received text messages from Mr. Zhao and Mr. Shi respectively.

Mr. Zhao’s text message is concise and to the point.

Although this little girl is only seventeen years old, she is already a small boss with seven figures, no worse than when he was 17 years old. President Zhao praised this girl to the sky.

Teacher Shi’s text messages are also very simple.

This little girl herself has the knowledge of three years of high school. She just gives her review and tutoring. She is really not good enough to give her three years of high school in a few months.

Li Chuan put away his mobile phone and raised his hand to ask the waiter to get another bottle of whisky.

Although he had guessed this possibility before, he still wanted to hear her say it herself.

It turned out that she was also reborn, and she took on so many things herself. Thinking of this, Li Chuan felt even more pain in his heart.

Li Chuan lowered his eyes, his eyes were red, he held back his emotions and poured a full glass for the girl, and toasted her with the white water in his glass: “Su Qin, since you don’t understand tonight, don’t think about it, tonight Yes, to celebrate our special teacher-student relationship, okay?”

“Okay!” The girl raised her glass, clinked glasses with him, and drank two sips of whisky in the glass.

She put down the empty glass heavily, lay down on the dining table, and suddenly burst into tears: “Mr. Li, do you also think that I am a bad woman with two boats on my feet? Yes, I also think so, how can I be so immoral, There’s no bottom line! Since I can’t forget the kindness of that man to me, why do I still like you!”

Li Chuan felt uncomfortable in his heart, but his expression was calm. He looked at her with no emotion in his voice: “What do you like, Yun Fei?”

She shook her head into a rattle: “How could it be that little brat! I can be a fucking…”

The corners of Li Chuan’s lips twitched bitterly, all the emotions in his heart were mixed, and he poured her a glass of whisky with a high degree of alcohol: “Oh?”

She took another sip, and the tears couldn’t stop flowing down: “that man is very good to me, we have a lovely daughter. He is very good to our mother and daughter, very good. Although there is no love between us, but But there is a strong family relationship. He rushed into the sea of ​​fire for me, and it was I who killed him…”

The woman was sobbing in the dining room, but luckily it was just the two of them here today.

Seeing the girl crying, the waiter came over and asked Li Chuan, “Mr. Li, do you need service?”

Li Chuan waved at the waiter, motioning her to walk away.

When the waiter left, Li Chuan asked Su Qin again, “You and that man have no love? Then do you like me?”

“Me and him… vomit…” Su Qin’s stomach was churning for a while, and he bent down and vomited out.

Li Chuan got up and picked up the girl. The girl was coiled on him like a boneless octopus, her cheeks pressed against his chest, and weakly said, “I like you…”

Li Chuan really felt angry and funny, he actually started to eat his own vinegar?

He picked up the girl horizontally, and under the guidance of the waiter, went to the hotel downstairs to open a room. He deliberately chose a couple’s room, and as soon as he carried the girl up, she put his arms around his neck and started kissing him.

Li Chuan:

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