Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 51 - revenge

That night, Su Qin was almost sleepless, with complicated emotions in his heart. Sweet, anxious and worried.

She didn’t know what she was waiting for, was she waiting for Li Chuan’s confession and explanation? However, if the other party really proposed to be together, what should she do? Go with the flow with him?

Regardless of whether Li Chuan was a “new life” under the butterfly effect, or was penetrated by a soul, Su Qin knew that apart from his appearance, this life’s Li Chuan had nothing to do with his previous life’s Li Chuan.

Teacher Li’s personality and behavior are completely opposite to those in the previous life. Now Li Chuan is a brand new existence. Even the relationship between the two is re-established, and has nothing to do with the previous life.

If she married the current teacher Li, the child she gave birth would most likely not be a bag anymore.

Thinking of this, Su Qin’s heart was stabbed, and it was a little uncomfortable to hold the pillow. Obviously, from the beginning, she never planned to bring a bag to this world again. What is she sad about?

There have been many changes in this life, and she thought that even if she changed her mind and had the courage to bring a bag back to this world, there is a high chance that the child she gave birth would not be a bag anymore, and it would be very uncomfortable.

She started to feel sad.

She curled her body up, thinking of her daughter from the previous life, grabbed her fingers with her chubby little hands, and shook it gently: “Susu, you love bags so much, in the next life, the bag will still be your daughter, okay? “

She said, okay.

Bag covered his mouth with his fat little hands, giggling.

She asked, “Why are you giggling, girl?”

Bao Bao said with a serious face: “I will still be Susu’s bag in the next life. In this way, the father of the bag in the next life will still be a string. As long as the bag thinks like this, it will be very happy.”

Silly girl.

In this life, the factors, process, and time of her being with Li Chuan were wrong. It is almost impossible to reproduce the bag.

That night, Su Qin couldn’t sleep, thinking about many things, from Professor Li to Teacher Li, and then to the bag.

If she accepts Teacher Li in this life, it means that she has to say goodbye to the relationship between her husband and wife in her previous life. In this way, it is fair to Teacher Li. But if she chooses to accept Teacher Li, is it unfair to Professor Li in her previous life?

After all, she and Professor Li are husband and wife, they have a daughter, and they live happily.

After all, Professor Li rushed into the sea of ​​​​fire for her and the bag, and she was with “another” man before she succeeded in revenge. Is this really fair to him?

With these entanglements, Su Qin fell asleep when it was about to dawn and had a dream.

In the dream, it was a fiery purgatory, and she was so hot that she was covered in sweat. There was no one here, so she walked around with dry mouth, and finally saw a little girl in white clothes squatting not far away.

She walked over and asked, “Hello, where is this place?”

The little girl turned around, Su Qin saw her face clearly, it was actually a bag.

The fire on her body was burning her tender skin, and her voice was crying: “Susu, the bag is so painful, it hurts, it hurts…”

She pointed to her burned ears, cheeks, and her heart: “The bag really hurts. Susu, Auntie Lin is good or bad, Auntie Lin is a badass. Susu, the bag hurts…”

Su Qin wanted to rush over and hug her daughter, so that she would not be afraid, and wanted to tell her that her mother was here, so she was not afraid. But there seemed to be a barrier in front of her, and she couldn’t rush past it.

She reached out to her daughter: “bag, come here quickly, come to my mother, and my mother will take you out of here.”

“Hey, don’t, don’t, there is fire in the bag, Su Su, don’t come over, the fire is very painful, will be hot to Su Su.”

Bao Bao’s tender white face gradually turned black, and the fire devoured the tips of her hair little by little. Even though she was in pain, she still didn’t throw herself into her mother’s arms and act like a spoiled child.

Su Qin’s heart was almost shattered. She knelt on the ground, tapped the transparent barrier, and cried, “Baobao, come here, will you come? Come to mother, mother is not afraid of pain, not afraid of fire, you are here. Mom, come here, and mom will take you out of here. You are obedient to the bag, you are obedient, come to your mother’s place, okay?”

The little girl shook her head, pursed her charred lips and said, “Baobao loves Susu and Chuanchuan, and is willing to stay here for you. But Susu, is it not good for you and Chuanchuan to have a blind date? Chuanchuan is Susu’s string, always.”

Su Qin burst into tears and begged her: “Baobao, you are obedient and come to mother’s arms, okay? Mother swears to protect you and prevent you from being hurt again.”

The fire on the little girl suddenly went out. The charred skin turned white and tender again, and the charred lips returned to rosy. The little girl’s eyes also turned black and bright, like the most dazzling stars in the night sky.

The sea of ​​fire turned into a sea of ​​clouds, Su Qin’s knees turned into soft clouds, and a seven-color rainbow appeared behind Bao Bao.

She waved at Su Qin, sucked her snot, and said in a milky voice, “Susu, the bag has been waiting for you here for a long time, but the bag doesn’t regret it at all. Don’t be afraid, the bag will turn into a rainbow. , protect you and Chuanchuan. Susu, you have to work hard, I will protect you with Chuanchuan. Susu, wait for the bag, wait for the bag to come back, beat your shoulders, braid your hair, you must wait for the bag what.”

The little girl stood on the Rainbow Bridge and took her to disappear to the end of the cloud.

Su Qin shouted: “bag, don’t go, mom doesn’t want your protection, mom protects you! Don’t go, mom takes you home!”

The little girl continued to wave at her, getting further and further away.

Three poles in the sun, the sun squeezed out of the gap in the curtains and fell on Su Qin’s cheeks, slightly hot. She opened her eyes, the pillow was wet and her eyes were sore. She sat up and looked at herself in the full-length mirror, her eyes red and swollen.

Thinking of that dream last night, Su Qin’s heart still ached, and she grabbed her chest, as if a piece of flesh had been cut off, and the pain made her unable to breathe.

She sat beside the bed for a while and received a text message from Bai Yu.

Bai Yu settled in Sangzao Town and has already started to manage his own contacts. This man is very efficient and has already entered the bar to work. After all, Bai Yu is in the Dao, so naturally he can get in touch with some reliable informants, and these informants collect money to do things. Of course, they also have principles. If it is about their own life safety, unless the price is sky high, they will not speak even if they know it.

The informant Bai Yu found for Su Qin has been in Yunyang City all the year round. Su Qin wanted him to investigate Lin Xiaoyin. She not only wanted to know Lin Xiaoyin’s previous family, but also wanted to know Lin Xiaoyin’s current situation. The more detailed the better.

The informant’s code name is “Jack”, and Su Qin got in touch with him via text message yesterday afternoon. Su Qin didn’t expect that in just one night, the other party had already prepared the information she wanted.

Jack sent her a text message about Lin Xiaoyin’s past and current situation, and sent her all by email.

Su Qin turned on the computer and browsed the information page by page.

As Li Chuan said, Lin Xiaoyin’s family was indeed ruined, and the case of her parents was very involved, and a group of officials were sacked. After the accident at Lin Xiaoyin’s home, she disappeared for a while, and then reappeared as President Wei’s woman. This President Wei smashed a luxury car for her, and bought millions of bags if he wanted to. It shows how much President Wei loves her.

However, it is not difficult to find out these things. You can almost find out about these things by asking someone in the circle. But Su Qin didn’t have that circle and could only get news from Jack.

In addition to these well-known things, there is one more that few people know about.

This Boss Wei is actually very attentive. He plays with all kinds of women, and is very cruel to women. When he gets tired of playing, he will kick him out. Mr. Wei’s last girlfriend was a little star in the circle and was pregnant with Mr. Wei’s child. Just when President Wei was going to share with this little star, Lin Xiaoyin appeared.

The starlet’s home caught fire and nearly burned to death. She was rescued, but the fetus in her womb was gone.

Su Qin saw this, his eyes widened, and he clenched the mouse tightly.

She found out that this female star is called Lin Rui, who played the heroine of the unit drama in last year’s Xianxia drama, and has attracted countless fans as an infatuated fox demon. But she doesn’t have a popular physique. The heroines of other unit dramas have more or less obtained good resources after this Xianxia drama exploded, but she is the only one who is tepid and doesn’t even have a decent advertisement. received.

Su Qin also found out that on the 22nd, Lin Rui would record a reality show in a small village in Yunyang City. And this reality show is also the first reality show in China that allows stars to experience rural life.

This program is called “I am a clothing expert”. There are four resident guests in total. The unit guests are changed every episode, and one episode is recorded for three days. The four resident guests are all popular stars this year, and the unit guests and the program team will invite the most topical stars and qualified amateurs.

The village where they recorded the program is called “China Embroidery Township”, where almost every villager can embroider.

In this program, the task of the stars is to take finished fabrics with embroidery patterns and make them into clothes. The ratings of the first episode of this show broke this year’s ratings record, because the stars themselves are highly topical, and even drove the economic development of Xiu Village.

Su Qin went to Tieba to watch the next guest lineup of “I’m a Clothing Expert”. There are a total of four unit guests. Two stars, two amateurs.

Lin Rui has been a high-profile topic recently, and she was not surprised to be invited to participate in the show. What surprised Su Qin was that Lin Xiaoyin actually participated in the show as an amateur.

Su Qin remembered Lin Xiaoyin who had been in the entertainment industry in her previous life. It seems that this woman wanted to be a star at first, probably because she had plastic surgery, she couldn’t get popular, and she had no audience, so she became a producer.

Su Qin flipped a few pages of Banana Guardian’s official post and found that Banana TV was looking for assistants for two star guests in total, four in total, with a salary of 100 yuan a day. First-year students in the Department of Fashion Design are preferred, and knowledge of clothing is also acceptable. But not a costume designer.

Without hesitation, Su Qin immediately grabbed the phone and called Banana Guard.

The staff over there quickly connected and politely said “hello”.

Su Qin’s voice was gentle: “Hello, are you recruiting guest star assistants?”

“Yes.” The customer service said: “We are recruiting assistants for Lin Rui. She has strict requirements for her assistants, and she must understand clothing design. I wonder if you have experience in this area? If not, sorry.”

“I am a student of NTU. I am a freshman next semester. I have designed clothes myself, but I am not a designer.” Su Qin said.

Customer service: “Well, then, are you free on the afternoon of the 19th? You can come to Yunyang Radio and Television Building for an interview.”

“Yes, ok.”

“Okay, I’ll send you the address later.”

Su Qin hung up the phone and started putting on makeup and changing clothes.

The meeting time between her and Mr. Zhao is at two o’clock in the afternoon. It takes about an hour from the new district to the office building in the city center. Su Qin couldn’t be late. For the sake of sincerity, she had to arrive at the office one hour earlier.

She spent an hour on makeup, and picked clothes from the closet for another half an hour. In the end, she chose a white chiffon shirt with half sleeves and a more formal black hip-packed skirt. In order to have a more professional atmosphere, she deliberately took out the pair of hating sky highs from the shoe cabinet.

She put Band-Aids on her back heel and pinky to prevent the heel from rubbing the wound again.

Wang Lin was about to ask Su Qin to have lunch when she saw her coming out of the bedroom with her bag and asked her, “Su Su, are you not going to eat? Let’s go after dinner. Isn’t it two o’clock? It’s only ten o’clock now. a little.”

“I have to go earlier, so that Mr. Zhao can see my sincerity.”

When Su Qin was about to go out, Feibao and Boeing took her to the door, raised their heads and waited for her to touch the dog’s head. Su Qin bent down and touched the heads of the two big dogs, then said to Wang Lin, “Mom, if I come back too late at night, you don’t have to wait for me, and you don’t have to leave meals. I’ll just eat outside.”

“Okay, then you must also remember to eat, don’t be too busy to burn your body.” Wang Lin instructed her.

“Got it.” Su Qin pushed open the door and ran into the neighbor’s uncle. Seeing him holding his own bowl, he politely greeted him, “Hello, Uncle Lei.”

Lei Hong came over to return Wang Lin’s soup bowl. After he helped her last time, the woman came to bring him soup every three to five, saying it was a repayment. The kindness was difficult, but Lei Hong accepted it.

When he came to return the bowl, he would fill it with washed fruit and bring it to Wang Lin.

Two days ago, he sent plums, and today he sent Qingti. It was just washed, and the water was so steamy that Su Qin was drooling.

Lei Hong handed the bowl to Su Qin: “Are you going out again? I bought a green tea to eat.”

Su Qin grabbed a small string and held it in his hand, and said to Lei Hong, “Thank you, Uncle Lei! I have to leave beforehand, you can talk to my mother!”

She trotted all the way down the stairs, Wang Lin took Zhuang Qingti’s bowl from Lei Hong and said, “Come in and sit down?”

Lei Hong: “No, I have to go to the club to deal with something. Your ex-husband hasn’t come to trouble you these few days, has he?”

Wang Lin shook her head: “No, I guess I’m afraid of being beaten by you, so I don’t dare to come. By the way, Lao Lei, when are you free, can you teach me a few tricks? I’m learning to defend myself.”

“No problem, if you want to learn, I’ll teach it for free.”

“I’m so sorry, but the fee is still charged.”

Lei Hong smiled at her and said, “Neighbors and neighbors, you’re welcome, I have something else to do, so I’ll go first.”

“Well, you go to work.”

Lei Hong went downstairs, and Wang Lin was still leaning against the door frame to watch the man leave.

Bobo came out of the back room, followed her line of sight, patted her shoulder and said, “Auntie Wang, don’t you… like that man-eating uncle, right?”

“Stinky girl, what are you talking about?”

Bobo coughed lightly: “You recently wrote a new novel on Jinjiang Original Online, what is it called “The Broken Girl and the Coach Next Door”, I read two chapters, it’s quite interesting. Could it be that you eat and drink by yourself? Uncle Ren is the prototype, right?”

Wang Lin defended with a blushing face: “That’s art processing, and inspiration comes from life, you girl don’t understand.”

Bobo: “Yes, yes, yes, whatever you say, but what’s the matter with you learning boxing?”

Wang Lin: “I’m not trying to protect you two girls?”

Bobo gave a “uh”: “Aunt Wang, you are so great! Then look forward to your learning results and protect me, Susu and Boeing Flying Leopard~”

Wang Lin: “Go, go, you stinky girl, you used to be quiet in the past, why do you always bully Aunt Wang now? Go to work and try to get double the bonus this month!”

In mid-August, the weather was unbearably hot, and it was unbearably stuffy outside.

Su Qin took the bus to the city center and walked another kilometer to the downstairs of Zhao’s head office. After Su Qin entered the elevator, he dressed himself in the mirror, put on his makeup, and the elevator door just opened.

On the 6th floor of Mingsi Capital, the lady at the front desk smiled and asked her, “Who are you looking for?”

Su Qin replied politely: “Hello, I have an appointment with Mr. Zhao to meet at two o’clock. Yesterday, Mr. Zhao verbally promised to see me today. I wonder if he is in the company?”

The lady at the front desk looked down at Mr. Zhao’s guest record and asked her, “Are you Miss Su Qin?”

“Yes. The founder of Yunyiyishe Taobao Store, Su Qin.”

The lady at the front desk said, “Please show your ID card, and I will do a registration here.”

Su Qin took out her ID card from her bag and handed it to her. When she bowed her head to register at the front desk, she took a look inside Mingsi Capital.

This office building belongs to Mr. Zhao’s assets. The 6th to 8th floors are the office area of ​​Mingsi Capital, and the other floors are leased to other companies. Zhao is always a well-known angel investor in China. He has invested in many star projects, of which seven companies have successfully gone public. Without Li Chuan’s recommendation, she wouldn’t have had the chance to meet Mr. Zhao.

After registering at the front desk, he took her to the reception room and asked her to sit on the sofa for a while. After asking her opinion, the front desk poured her a cup of green tea.

Su Qin arrived an hour and a half early. During this period, she took out her mobile phone and checked a lot of information about Lin Rui. Knowing oneself and knowing the enemy is the only way to survive a hundred battles. If she wants to successfully apply for Lin Rui’s assistant, she must have a deep understanding of her.

This Lin Rui is a grass-roots star. She is beautiful and has good acting skills. She and President Wei were very spiritual before, but after the miscarriage of the fire, her whole personality changed, and she was a little depressed and lethargic. Because of the fire and miscarriage a while ago, Tianya discussed her more, so the program team invited her to participate in the program.

Celebrities with topics equals traffic.

According to Su Qin’s understanding of Lin Xiaoyin, Lin Rui’s accident must have been deliberately done by Lin Xiaoyin. Only by getting rid of Lin Rui can she succeed in ascending the throne and become the apex of President Wei’s heart. This President Wei is really ruthless. When he treats a woman who has conceived a child for him, he will break it up without showing any affection. In a blink of an eye, he will smash a luxury car and spend a lot of money to pursue another woman.

Su Qin’s current financial resources and status can’t confront Lin Xiaoyin head-on, but she can’t let go of any opportunities that can be used.

As a grass-roots star without any background, Lin Rui has some means to be like this today. If she knew that the fire was caused by Lin Xiaoyin, how would she take revenge?

At two o’clock in the afternoon, Mr. Zhao pushed the door on time and came in, and Su Qin immediately got up to greet Mr. Zhao.

Mr. Zhao looked at the girl in front of him, it was hard to imagine that the girl in front of him was only 17 years old. She doesn’t look like a 17-year-old girl in terms of temperament or mature dress.

Mr. Zhao smiled and said: “Miss Su came very early, take a seat.”

Su Qin sat down and answered Mr. Zhao with a smile: “I was afraid that I would be late, so I arrived early. Mr. Zhao, have you read the plan I gave you?”

“Well, I’ve read it carefully.” Mr. Zhao looked at her and asked, “Are you really only 17 years old? I heard from Li Chuan that you are an employee of this store. But I read the information that you are the founder. one?”

“Yes, Mr. Zhao. I have never dared to tell Mr. Li about my entrepreneurship, for fear that he would think that I was fanciful and would delay learning. Of course, I hope Mr. Zhao can keep this matter a secret for me for one year. I used to work part-time in Sister Chen’s store and wanted to earn more tuition fees. I built this Taobao store by accident. Now its monthly profit is beyond my imagination. Mr. Zhao, although I am young, But my experience is no less than that of a freshly graduated college student. I went out to the society earlier, and I have been working and earning tuition fees before high school. If you can trust me and cooperate with me, I will definitely create greater value for you! You have to believe that in the future , in the hands of young people.”

Mr. Zhao patted his knee “haha” and said with a smile: “A good future is in the hands of young people, and Li Chuan’s students are really no worse than him. You hide it from him, why? You want to be out of the blue, and find an opportunity to scare him to death in the future. ?”

“There is such a meaning, so Mr. Zhao, please fulfill my little hobby.”

Zhao Qingxin took a close look at Su Qin’s project last night. This girl is very knowledgeable about the future development of e-commerce. She needs funds to build a physical store in the mall. She carefully analyzed several major clothing brands in the mall, and wrote out the advantages of her own brand in detail.

Zhao Qingxin doesn’t understand the clothing market, but judging from the popularity and sales of Su Qin’s Taobao store on the Internet, this company is worthy of his investment.

As for how much to invest, he is still deliberating.

Mr. Zhao and Su Qin talked for a few more hours about market issues. Su Qin analyzed the future clothing market one by one, and even pulled out several clothing brands under the Sibojia Group for a detailed comparison.

Su Qin and Mr. Zhao talked from two o’clock to seven o’clock in the evening, and finally settled. The first round of financing that Yunyiyishe received was US$1 million, and Yunyiyishe will also be included in Taobao history, becoming the first Taobao brand to receive financing.

After successfully obtaining the funds, at eight o’clock that night, Su Qin called the management to hold a meeting.

Chen Meixin has many friends, so the offline physical store is handed over to Chen Meixin. Chen Meixin spent some money to clear up the relationship, and on the 15th, she took Su Qin to the investment promotion meeting in Qianda Plaza.

In the afternoon of the same day, they set up a shop at the entrance of Gate 1, more than 200 square meters, with a monthly rent of 50,000.

When Chen Meixin signed the contract, she hesitated and asked her, “Susu, our store has the best location on the first floor and the most expensive rent. The traffic in the new area is so deserted, will we lose money?”

“Sister Chen, don’t be afraid. The subway will be built in about 10 years, and the traffic here will definitely pick up. And I have done a survey. In our new area, the newly built communities have also been completed, and many communities are holding house handover ceremonies. In half a year, the traffic here will definitely pick up. The rent here is cheaper than the old city, and the newly opened shopping malls have great discounts.”

The buildings of Qianda Plaza are very iconic, including commercial centers, urban pedestrian streets, five-star hotels, office buildings and apartments. There are shopping on the first and second floors, restaurants and delicacies on the third floor, and Qianda Cinema and KTV on the fourth floor. This style forms an independent business district.

After all, it is a big company. The investment promotion on the first and second floors of Qianda Plaza is very strict, and there are requirements for the brands to settle in. Although Yunyiyishe does not have an offline store, it is a well-known online brand with good sales and meets the requirements for investment promotion. Moreover, because this is a new area, the traffic is not very convenient, and many well-known brands dare not invest too much here, but Su Qin did the opposite.

The investment promotion discount for newly opened shopping malls will not increase the rent within the period of the business contract. Except for Su Qin, all other businesses are less than three years old. Once Qianda Plaza is not as expected, they can retreat in time. Therefore, other businesses thought Su Qin was crazy, and Chen Meixin was beating the drum in her heart, thinking that she might go bankrupt.

The reason why Su Qin dared to sign for ten years is because this area will become the traffic center of Yunyang City in the future. In the second half of the year, a shopping center in the form of an open block with ancient architectural features will be built opposite Qianda Center – Yunyang Li Cloud Daji Road.

Daji Road is dominated by ancient buildings, like an ancient town, which gathers international first-tier luxury brands and first-tier clothing, as well as Michelin-star restaurants and domestic and foreign cuisines. It will become a tourist street and luxury street in the city. Foreign tourists come to Yunyang to travel, this will be their first choice.

Although the construction of Liqingdaji Road has not yet started, Qianda Plaza has been completed, and the two are only one street away. In the future, the traffic of Daji Road will inevitably drive the traffic of Qianda Plaza.

After the shopping mall was settled, Su Qin asked Li Xian to design the style of the store, the window, the door, and the image of the front desk of the store. As for the decoration of the store, Su Qin found Li Xian, a classmate who specializes in tooling design.

For the next two days, Su Qin and Chen Meixin have been in the company conference room picking out the store’s main clothing and finalizing the autumn and winter clothing. The company has another design department. Although they are all intern designers, the clothes they design are quite aura.

Chen Meixin and Su Qin, who had stayed up for almost two nights, could finally sleep in and take care of their skin that was in very poor condition after staying up all night.

Chen Meixin stayed up all night for two nights, her skin was dry and itchy, and she even developed acne. But Su Qin’s face was as smooth as ever, and her whiteness was blushing. She was envious to death, and felt that it was good to be young.

Originally, Su Qin had invited Yunqin to dinner this weekend, but she forgot about it when things came to an end. Because of the busy shopping mall, Su Qin had to find an excuse to be sick, let Yunqin pigeons go, and changed the time to eat with her.

Su Qin got busy and didn’t recognize her six relatives. After that night, she didn’t take the initiative to send a message to Li Chuan, but Li Chuan took the initiative to call her and asked her to eat and watch a movie, but Su Qin refused.

She is, really busy, and really doesn’t have time to think about dating.

After being refused to meet by Su Qin for the sixth time, Li Chuan realized the seriousness of the problem. This girl, won’t be angry because of what happened that night, and plan to cut off contact with her and draw a clear line?

The more Li Chuan thought about it, the more he felt that this was wrong, so he called her again to ask her to meet on the 18th, but… was rejected again.

Although Su Qin knew that the teacher rejected Teacher Li, it was not very good. But she couldn’t help it. Recently, she was really out of control. She was very busy, so busy that she almost forgot what happened that night.

On the morning of the 18th, Su Qin took a nap, got up at noon and simply ate something, chose simpler clothes, and went to Yunyang Radio and Television Building to interview the temporary assistant.

The program was recorded on the 22nd, and today the producer must appoint Lin Rui’s temporary assistant. Although the salary is not high, many people should come for the interview because of the possibility to meet the stars.

The number of interviewees was less than Su Qin imagined, only more than 20. The number Su Qin got was 12, and the rhythm of the production interview was faster than Su Qin thought, almost one per minute.

When it was Su Qin’s turn, she was brought in by the staff. There were three people inside, including a woman wearing a mask and a peaked cap, sitting on the side with her arms folded. The other two interviewers looked serious, and one of them, an older woman, asked Su Qin to stand in the middle.

The interviewer asked her, “How old are you this year? What job do you do now? Why did you come for the interview?”

Su Qin has learned about Lin Rui’s information and experience. As a female star, she must not like her assistant to be too beautiful and not too good. The girls in front of her just now, all of them were well-dressed with designer bags and brand-name clothes. They were obviously not here for salary and long experience, but to meet the stars in the show group.

She was silent for two seconds and said, “My name is Su Qin, I’m 17 years old this year, and I’m about to be a freshman at NTU, majoring in fashion design. My mother makes original clothing, and I’ve heard about it since I was a child, so I have a certain understanding of clothing design. I came for the interview because I like Lin Rui, and being her assistant will be a valuable experience in my life.”

The interviewer asked again: “Everyone who came to the interview said that he was a fan of Lin Rui. Then, how much do you know about Lin Rui?”

Su Qin replied: “I have liked her since “Happy Family”. The role of Bai Xiao is lively and cute, and she has a lot of aura. I also like the fox demon Xiaodie played by her in “Xianjian Qiwen Lu”. She is charming and charming. It’s not vulgar. It is very different from Bai Xiao’s character. She plays a role like a role, and she is very good. If you change the actor, the role of Xiaodie, the fox demon, will not become a classic. I came to interview her this time. Temporary assistant, I want to play a role in helping her, I will let her shine in this program and help her design good works.”

Su Qin handed a few pieces of A4 paper to the interviewer: “This is my design work, please take a look at the interviewers.”

The interviewer flipped through the works she brought and said in surprise, “You designed this?”

Su Qin nodded: “Yes.”

Lin Rui, who was wearing a mask and a peaked cap, also glanced at her work, snapped her fingers and said, “It’s up to you.”

The girl was plain-faced, with a simple temperament, and her works were good, so Lin Rui decided to settle for her. The interviewer asked Lin Rui in a low voice, “Sister Rui, do you want to interview other people? Maybe there are better ones?”

“No, she’s the only one who can win the eye. It’s not a long-term assistant. It’s enough for a temporary assistant to meet the requirements.”

Lin Rui got up and left the interview hall, leaving Su Qin and two interviewers behind.

The interviewer said: “Okay, congratulations on passing the interview, the program was recorded for three days, although we have strict requirements, but your responsibility is to take care of Lin Rui’s trivial life these three days, and then help our sister Rui to find design inspiration. If there is no problem, you have signed this agreement, and you will enter the crew on the evening of the 21st.”

“Okay thank you.”

At noon on the 21st, Li Chuan drove outside Su Qin’s community and asked her to go downstairs to meet him.

The girl couldn’t get through on the phone. After about five minutes, the girl sent him a message.

“Mr. Li, I’m sorry, I’m not at home, why don’t you go upstairs to get a glass of water? My mother and Bobo are at home. You can also go up and see Feibao and Boeing. They miss you too.”

Li Chuan quickly edited the text message: “I’ll wait for your return.”

Su Qin: “Don’t wait for me, Mr. Li, I won’t be back until three days later. I’m recording a show in Xiu Village, and I’m working as a temporary assistant for Lin Rui. I finally came in for an interview. I want to work hard!”

Embroidery Village? Lin Rui? So this girl went to the reality show “I’m a Costume Expert”?

Li Chuan has been sending people to stare at Lin Xiaoyin recently, and he also knows something about the show.

Lin Rui and Lin Xiaoyin have deep grievances. Li Chuan inserted someone in Li An of the program group, and wanted to draw out the contradiction between the two. It is best to let Lin Rui know that the fire was set by Lin Xiaoyin.

How did Su Qin go to this show? Didn’t she know that Lin Xiaoyin also participated in this show? Li Chuan is on vacation the day after tomorrow, so he can rush over tomorrow night.

It was eight o’clock in the evening when Su Qin and Lin Rui arrived in Xiu Town. When they got out of the car, the camera started to follow them. She carried her bags and luggage for Lin Rui.

Su Qin did not wear makeup, and she had no sense of existence under the camera. But Lin Rui is different, with a naturally beautiful star face, wearing film and television makeup, and very photogenic. There are four resident guests in “I’m a Clothing Expert”, they are the male star Zou Yu who became popular because of “The Legend of the Sword”, the popular little flower Qi Peipei, the ancient costume niche student He Liu, and the music rookie Chen Wenwen.

The guests of this issue are the recent topic stars Lin Rui and Xiao Qing, and the amateurs Lin Xiaoyin and Liu Yijun.

In each issue, the amateurs participate in the name of “clothing enthusiasts”, but in fact, the so-called amateurs are all brought into the group with money and have a backstage.

The architecture of Xiu Town is very distinctive. The stilted buildings are built on the water, which is unique.

Lin Rui was assigned to an independent small wooden building, and Su Qin and another assistant of Lin Rui lived in the guest room on the first floor.

Su Qin packed up his things, went out for a walk, and found out that Lin Xiaoyin lived in the building next to Lin Rui. The two buildings were only tens of meters apart, and when you opened the window, you could see the opposite window. As Lin Rui’s assistant, Su Qin went to say hello to Lin Xiaoyin’s assistant and made a few noises.

The rules of the crew, the guests design clothes, and they can brainstorm with their assistants. However, in order to prevent cheating, the program team has strict requirements on the assistants of the guests. They cannot be professional designers, but they can be students studying fashion design, but it is only limited to the freshman year, otherwise it will be considered cheating.

Therefore, every guest’s request for an assistant is Su Qin, either a freshman studying fashion design, or someone who knows clothes very well.

The guests of the unit who won the design award will be able to appear on the show again in the last issue and participate in the recording of the finals.

The next morning, Su Qin was in charge of getting breakfast for Lin Rui. On the way, he deliberately walked slowly until he arrived at Lin Xiaoyin’s assistant, Cai Qing.

The two went to the meal delivery location specified by the program team to receive the food box. In order to match the quaint style of Xiuzhen, the program team ingeniously used an antique food box, and all the meals were packed in it.

In the kitchen, Su Qin diligently packed Cai Qing’s food into the food box. Before everyone was paying attention, he pressed a note under the plate on the bottom layer.

There are no cameras in the kitchen, and no one to give them footage of these little assistants.

When Cai Qing brought the food box into Lin Xiaoyin’s bedroom, she was putting on makeup. According to the requirements of the program group, the food box needs to be opened by themselves, and the process of opening the food box must be recorded.

Lin Xiaoyin put on makeup, pointed the camera at the food box, and started to open the food box in front of the camera.

She brought out a bowl of porridge, two dishes of pickles, and two dishes of delicate snacks. When the last dish was served, she saw the folded note under the plate.

She thought it was a note from the crew, and took it apart under the camera, ready to read the words on it. When she finished scanning the above content, she was stunned on the spot, and the camera shot the words on it clearly.

“Kill your life. You set me on fire, almost killed my mother, and I want to burn you, burn you. – Wei Xiaolan”

There is a baby’s **** handprint on the paper.

Lin Xiaoyin thought of something, her scalp went numb, and she threw away the paper in her hand subconsciously. The camera not only recorded the contents of the note, but also the panicked appearance of the woman.

The other day, someone anonymously broke the news that Lin Rui had a miscarriage in that fire, which caused President Wei to break up with her. And just after Mr. Wei broke up with Lin Rui, he began to spend a lot of money to pursue Lin Xiaoyin. Isn’t it a coincidence?

Anonymous deliberately led netizens to conspiracy theories, and netizens also began to suspect that the fire was man-made, not a coincidence.

The post was very popular, and some of the staff in the program group had read it. Combined with the content of the note just now, they watched the staff who recorded the video in Lin Xiaoyin’s room the whole time. Thinking of the post, they thought that someone was malicious, but it didn’t matter. Think in a strange direction.

But Lin Xiaoyin was guilty of being a thief and was scared to death.

The author has something to say: the next chapter will let her die completely, and she will not die if she does not die.

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