Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 41 - new year

The man came over, and Su Qin clearly felt the murderous aura on him. She rubbed the dog’s head and asked Li Chuan, “What’s wrong, Teacher Li?”

Li Chuan grabbed her arm and lifted her in his direction.

Su Qin’s body was held up by the man, his body slammed into the man’s arms, and then was stabilized by the man’s strong arms. That sense of security made her girl’s heart flutter.

The girl’s ears were inexplicably red, and her heart beat faster.

Su Qin quickly realized that something was wrong with him.

Good guy, her 30-year-old soul can actually be blushing and shy? She had seen the man in front of her naked, but she just slammed into his arms. As for her blushing and rapid heartbeat?

This is… not very scientific, is it?

After Su Qin stood firm, Li Chuan took her behind him, protected her with his tall body, and stared at the male dog very cautiously.

The German Shepherd didn’t know what happened, nor why the other party was so vigilant. Could it be that it… looks too fierce?

In order to let the two relax their vigilance, the dog “oooooooooo” at them for a while, and then tried to fold back the two majestic ears. Seeing that the two still ignored it, he turned two more on the ground. roll.

It was belly up, its front legs hooked, and it stuck its tongue out at the two of them.

“Mr. Li, what’s the matter?”

Li Chuan stared at the dog who was trying to be cute, and said in a serious tone: “These two German Shepherds are the dogs of the fugitive Liugang.”

Su Qin was startled, and then took a closer look at the German Shepherd who was trying to be cute.

“No wonder I think you’re so familiar, we’ve seen your feelings before, right?” Su Qin stood on tiptoe and looked at Li Chuan with a pair of eyes from behind his shoulders, “You’ve done a lot of bad things for the bad guys, right? You’re done, wait for jail time. .”

The male dog seemed to understand Su Qin’s words, turned over, and lay on the ground with a sad face. It rested its chin on its front paws, and moved its beak ears aggrieved.

Su Qin looked at the dog who had given up resistance, poked Li Chuan’s waist, and whispered, “Mr. Li, this dog is very humane and very affectionate. Although it can’t tell right from wrong, it’s not necessarily true. A badass dog. What do you think?”

Li Chuan frowned and said “hello” at the dog.

The German Shepherd lifted his eyelids to look at him, still looking aggrieved.

The nurses at the pet hospital had already brought the dog cage. Because they didn’t know the dog’s character, they didn’t dare to rush forward, so they could only put the dog cage in the middle of the corridor.

Li Chuan took Su Qin to one side, raised his hand and pointed to the dog cage behind him, “If you want to prove that you are not malicious, go in by yourself.”

The German Shepherd looked at him with his head tilted as if he couldn’t understand what he was saying.

It thought that Li Chuan was letting him climb the one-meter-high iron cage to show his charm.

The dog got up, shook the long hair all over his body, rushed towards the iron cage like the wind, easily jumped onto the top of the iron cage, and sat majestically on it. It called Li Chuan “Wang Wang” twice, as if asking for credit.

The dog sat high and looked at them with a contemptuous attitude.

Su Qin was frightened by its two “beeps”, and his body couldn’t stand the tremor.

The fierce dog is worthy of being a fierce dog, with a strong bark, very penetrating power, and the majesty of a beast. If this is a dog controlled by a gangster, it is unknown if it knocks down a person and bites off a person’s neck.

Only then did Su Qin realize that the dog was just “pretending” from beginning to end.

Li Chuan took Su Qin back, taking every step carefully. They didn’t dare to step too far, worried that they would stimulate the animalistic desires of the two dogs.

German Shepherd moved the two back and wanted to follow. At this time, Zhang Xing and several colleagues walked out of the elevator with the suspect, the thin man.

When he saw the dog, he stepped back in fright and pushed the suspect forward.

The thin man was wearing handcuffs, turned to face the German Shepherd, and called out “Flying Leopard”. The German Shepherd named “Flying Leopard” immediately jumped out of the cage.

The thin man gave it an order: “Sit!”

Feibao sat down obediently, and did not hesitate to execute the order, like a well-trained soldier.

The thin man pointed at the iron cage and gave an order: “Enter the cage!”

Feibao immediately turned around and entered the iron cage, staring at the thin man, waiting for him to continue giving instructions.

The thin man tied the small door of the iron cage, turned around and said to the charter, “Officer Zhang, it’s alright.”

Zhang Zhang walked over and grabbed the thin man’s arms with his colleagues to prevent him from escaping.

“Mr. Zhang, what will you do with them?” Seeing that the danger was lifted, Su Qin stepped forward to ask him.

The charter said: “These two dogs have no record of injury, and they have been trained, so they are good dogs. We will let colleagues bring them back to the police dog base, and there will be special police to domesticate them. Of course, if they are not suitable for Police dogs can only be adopted by someone. If no one adopts them, the police force is not obliged to adopt them, and they can only be handled humanely.”

Su Qin glanced at the flying leopard in the cage, saw the other party’s nose sticking on the iron cage, and looked at her with pitiful eyes.

She asked the suspect brought by the charter: “What’s the name of that bitch?”

The thin man didn’t expect a little girl to ask this, and after a stunned he replied: “Boeing. These two dogs are a pair, very smart, the smartest dog I have ever tamed. Feibao seems to like you very much, if Adopt it if you want.”

Zhang Zhang slapped the thin man on the back of the head and scolded, “You want to kill the little girl, don’t you? Be honest, don’t try to do it again.”

The thin man is in charge of dog training in the gang. Although he has no feelings for these two dogs, but for professional reasons, he is very shy about his talents. He hopes that these two dogs will survive. After all, the overall quality of these two dogs is one in a thousand, and it is a pity that they are so humane.

The hospital has been taken over by the police. Li Chuan sent Su Qin home and asked her to study hard, so as not to affect the final exam because of these trivial matters.

Li Chuan brought Su Qin to the door, and Su Qin took the initiative to give the driver 100 yuan, so he could refund more and make up less.

Li Chuan got out of the car, caught up with her, stuffed 100 yuan back into her down jacket hat, and said, “I will review at home tomorrow, so don’t come to me. If you are free at night, make a video.”

Su Qin took out the 100 yuan in the hat with his backhand, stuffed it back into his pocket and put it away. “Yeah”: “By the way, Mr. Li, are you wearing a scarf?”


Su Qin smiled and said, “I’ll just ask.”

“Occasionally.” Li Chuan touched the little girl’s head, “Go home quickly and say hello to my aunt and me.”

Su Qin nodded, waved at him, and turned upstairs.

Li Chuan stood for a while, stared at the little girl and disappeared around the corner, and then got into the taxi.

Li Chuan has been so busy lately that even sleeping is a luxury every day. It is not easy to spend a little time with the little girl.

Their company has recently successively developed several softwares such as “31 Browser”, “31 Tester Master” and “31 Full Driver”, all of which are free.

The 31 browser is very fast, and the home page interface is also well set. In addition to the bookmark function, there is also the theme function to change the skin. Apart from these, the best function is its cloud function. After logging in to your account, your bookmarks will still be synced even if you switch computers.

31 Test Master, as the name suggests, is a software that helps test computer configuration, which is more suitable for girls. You can use this software to run points when you buy a computer. The higher the score, the better the overall performance of the computer. This software will also give detailed performance analysis according to the user’s computer configuration.

31 full driver, known as an all-round driver software, any computer can find the corresponding driver in it.

All of Li Chuan’s “31” software entered the market for free, but he made no less money and placed a lot of advertisements. Their company mainly relies on online advertising, games, the Internet and value-added services for revenue.

The full name of Lichuan Company is “Suofeng 31”, abbreviated as “31”.

His company has grown extremely fast, like a prairie fire that devoured the entire Chinese market before anyone could react.

Not only that, Li Chuan also acquired several small mobile game companies. Although mobile games are not popular now, it does not mean that they are not making money. He asked his game company to develop some puzzle games, mainly for users of the Saipan system.

You know, it’s still the Nokia era.

At this time, in fact, everyone is not optimistic about mobile games, so Li Chuan also bought the mobile game copyrights of more than a dozen classic martial arts novels at a relatively cheap price. Most of them are lifetime buyouts, and a few are copyrighted for 30 years.

But these 30 years are enough for him to wait until the mobile game market explodes.

Li Chuan’s company has grown bigger and bigger, and his three roommates have also dropped out of school to devote themselves to work.

When Panda’s grandmother heard that he was going to drop out of school, she almost beat him to death with a feather duster. Later, when I saw that he made a lot of money, I settled down.

Chunchun’s parents have no problem with him dropping out of school. As long as his son can throw money at home, they will not have a single complaint.

Lao Zhu came from the countryside, and his sister married a man thirty years older than him in order to support him in his studies. When I heard that he was going to suspend school, I almost fainted. Lao Zhu put 300,000 yuan into her card. My sister had never seen so much money in her entire life. After counting the “percentages” several times, she finally passed out with a black eye.

Li Chuan dropped out of school, and his family objected. But this child has his own opinions since he was a child, and the family knows that it will not help him to oppose him. His grandmother supported him, secretly sending money into his card and sponsoring him to start a business.

Li Chuan’s company is on the right track and has an objective future.

The housing prices in Yunyang City have not skyrocketed yet, and a villa is only more than 3 million yuan, and it can be done by adding 4 million yuan for decoration. He went to the Nanzhuang villa area to buy a set with a swimming pool and a back garden. The location here is good. In terms of property security, it ranks first in the city. Many celebrities and government officials buy here.

Due to the lessons learned from the previous life, Li Chuan first considered safety when buying a wedding house.

During the renovation, Li Chuan asked workers to build the wall three meters high, and also added a barbed wire fence that was electrified. There are surveillance cameras all over the courtyard of the villa. Inside the electric iron gate at the main entrance, a security room is set up. At that time, the gatekeeper will be invited to monitor the security of the villa 24 hours a day.

Panda visited his villa once. Regarding the tight security system, he clicked his tongue: “Boss, are you building a prison?”

Not only that, Lichuan’s interior decoration also tries to use fire-retardant coatings, and the less wood the furniture is, the better.

The decoration design inside seems to be made for fire prevention. Even if there is a fire, as long as the owner responds, the fire extinguisher can be easily obtained. Even if the fire cannot be extinguished, there is an escape route in the room.

The bedrooms are all on the second floor, and there is a ladder outside the window, and there is an escape channel similar to a slide outside.

Tuesday morning.

Li Chuan wore a pair of heavy black glasses frames, a set of sportswear, and a student backpack, dressed like a college student.

After he disguised himself, he went to Li Xiulan’s house.

He stood at the door and rang the doorbell for a long time, no one responded, and waited outside the door for another half an hour. When the neighbor came out, he pretended to continue ringing the doorbell.

The neighbor aunt looked at him and asked, “Are you a relative of this family?”

Li Chuan, who was wearing glasses, twitched his brows, his smile was harmless, and there was a bit of nerdy silliness between his brows and eyes.

“Yes, come and find my aunt.”

The aunt was carrying the trash can in both hands and was about to go downstairs to throw the trash. She clicked and said, “Young man, don’t you know? Your aunt had an accident and was killed. She is lying in the Municipal People’s Hospital, her life and death are unknown.”

“What?” Li Chuan’s eyes were full of horror, his face pale. With a worried look on his face, he said brokenly: “I knew it, I knew she would be revenge. She posted that post on the Internet, how could Brother Hong let her go? She is so crazy, why? Can’t you think about your own safety?”

The aunt grabbed his wrist and asked in a low voice, “Young man, what’s the situation? The article reported in the newspaper was posted by Li Xiulan? Is she the lover of that Hong Kong brother?”

Li Chuan’s eyes blushed, and he held the aunt’s hand: “Auntie, don’t tell anyone about this, my aunt has already ended up like this, don’t let people know, lest she be embarrassed in the future.”

Li Chuan speaks fluent local dialect, his voice trembling and crying, making people feel sad.

The aunt comforted him: “child, don’t be too sad, go see your aunt, I won’t tell anyone about this.”

Li Chuan pursed his lips and nodded: “Then, Auntie, I’ll go to the hospital to see my aunt. Please take care of my aunt in the future.”

The aunt waved at him: “Go, go, go, the neighbors, I will definitely help.”

When Li Chuan went downstairs, the aunt’s expression changed instantly. She put the trash can at the door of the house, pushed the door back into the house, and said to her husband, “Lao Wen, did you know? Li Xiulan is the lover of the trafficker Gang! Her lover is A human trafficker, she must be a personal trafficker too! I really didn’t expect that there was a human trafficker living next door to our house! Lao Wen, aren’t you going to play poker this afternoon? Let your poker friends pay attention, and you must take a detour when you see Li Xiulan when you go out. .”

The man was fighting the landlord, and he was surprised to hear that. He immediately put the mouse down, got up and said, “Really?”

“Of course it’s true. If I put it out of his nephew’s mouth just now, it won’t be fake!”

The man pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose and said solemnly, “It’s a big deal. As the representative of the owner of the community, I must tell this to other owners with children in the community. Didn’t Lao Zhangtou’s grandson lost a while ago? Maybe Li Xiulan kidnapped him!”

The aunt nodded: “Yes, this matter must be known to others!”

In the evening, the incident spread in the community.

A group of owners held a meeting in the community, and hundreds of heads were crowded in the community square.

In the crowd, I don’t know who said something: “I heard that this Li Xiulan was involved in abduction and trafficking. The police had no evidence, so they arrested her and released her. These traffickers really don’t deserve to die! The law can’t cure her, we’ll deal with her. Can’t she be!”

“Yes, let’s treat her! Who doesn’t have a child yet? It’s just to resist this kind of trafficker! Let them know that they will be punished for doing evil! In the future, my pork will not be sold to her again!”

“Yes, my supermarket doesn’t welcome her either!”

“I’ll go to the vegetable market later to talk to those bosses, and tell them not to sell vegetables to Li Xiulan in the future!”

“Okay, let’s do it like this! Take her photo out and post it on the streets and alleys to let everyone know that she is a human trafficker!”

This is a development zone. There are not many newly built communities, and the surrounding construction is not fully equipped. There is only one vegetable market nearby, where residents buy vegetables.

At this time, Li Xiulan did not know that she was boycotted by the owners of the community.

Li Xiulan was out of danger, but she had a pair of ears cut off and a few long centipede-like scars on her face, which was quite terrifying. She was afraid to look in the mirror at first, but slowly, she began to accept herself like this.

Every time Li Xiulan looked in the mirror, a trace of hatred appeared in her eyes. She became so miserable because of Su Qin and Wang Lin. If it wasn’t for her, Brother Gang would not have cut off her ears and scratched her face.

The hospital fees are too high for Su Zhengguo to afford. He and Li Xiulan went through the discharge procedures in advance and were ready to be discharged.

When Su Zhengguo walked into Li Xiulan’s ward, she was sitting on the hospital bed with a headscarf wrapped around her head.

He threw a divorce agreement beside her and said, “You have what you are today, it is all your fault and your own cocoon. Li Xiulan, let’s not live any longer. Let’s get a divorce.”

Li Xiulan wrapped her headscarf for a while, turned her head, stared at him coldly, and said nothing.

Her resentful look made Su Zhengguo uncomfortable. He said, “What kind of look are you looking at? My son and I were almost killed by you, why? Seeing that our father and son are not dead, do you still want to persecute us again? If it wasn’t for you to provoke it. That Hong Kong brother, I won’t be nearly stabbed to death! Li Xiulan, I won’t mention the dirty things you did yourself, this divorce agreement is signed, and we are half of the house. “

The house was bought by Li Xiulan, of course she would not agree to divide the property. This man hasn’t paid a penny, and still wants to divide her house? Why? With him out of a chicken?

Li Xiulan grabbed the agreement and smashed him in the face: “You are dreaming!”

With a hoarse voice, the woman pointed at him and said, “Su Zhengguo, do you think it’s my retribution for what I’ve become like this? It’s all because of your good daughter and ex-wife! I didn’t post that post at all! It’s your good one. Daughter is a good ex-wife, it must be them!”

Su Zhengguo said angrily: “Enough is enough! Su Su is still a student, how could she be able to post that post? As for Wang Lin, don’t you know what kind of person she is? Don’t say post, she is afraid that she even has a computer. You can’t even drive! Besides, she’s going to die from cancer, so you still want to slander them? You vicious woman, tell me honestly, did you let someone kidnap Susu?”

When Li Xiulan was yelled at by the man, she laughed instead of being angry, like a lunatic.

Su Zhengguo took his son home and found that the neighbors saw him and took a detour. Forced to be helpless, he sent his son back to his hometown and let his grandparents take him with him.

Li Xiulan was rumored to be a heinous trafficker, and her bad behavior had already been passed on to Su Zhengguo’s unit. Therefore, Su Zhengguo lost his job.

He stole Li Xiulan’s passbook and transferred the 30,000 yuan in her card to her parents’ account.

Li Xiulan went to the supermarket and canteen at the door to buy things, but they didn’t sell her at all, and spit on her face, calling her a “trafficker” and a “slut”.

She went to the vegetable market to buy vegetables, and found that her photos were posted everywhere, with the words “trafficker” in bold below. Someone in the vegetable market recognized her, not only did not do her business, but also cursed her to “cut off children and never grandchildren”.

After staying at home for a few days, Li Xiulan had had enough and planned to live in another place. But when she was about to leave, she found… the balance of the passbook had become zero!

She went to Su Zhengguo for the theory, and the other party not only punched her, but also hit her wound several times, which made her injury aggravated. Because there is no money to change the dressing, the wound becomes inflamed.

With nothing to do, she went to the police station to find the police, and told Su Zhengguo for violence and stealing her money. It is difficult for honest officials to cut off housework, and the police only play a mediating role in the end. Under the intervention of the police, Su Zhengguo paid Li Xiulan for treatment.

The husband and wife are not divorced, just like that. Li Xiulan had no money, the original factory did not accept her, and her ears were cut off, her hearing was damaged and ugly, no one was willing to ask her to work.

Under the pressure of Su Zhengguo, she went to beg under the overpass. Because of her miserable appearance, she could ask for dozens of dollars a day.

Although the human traffickers transit station was all over the place, there were still human traffickers lurking everywhere in the city. However, because of the tight limelight, they did not dare to attack serious girls and boys, so they spent all their energy on the homeless.

The New Year is approaching, and Su Zhengguo is short of money to go home for the New Year.

This afternoon, he went to pick up Li Xiulan, who was sitting on the roadside begging for money, under the overpass as usual. He had just parked his bike on the side of the road when a short man stopped him.

The dwarf asked him, “Brother, I’ve been watching you for a long time. The one who wants money is your daughter-in-law?”

Su Zhengguo nodded and sighed, thinking that the other party was here to chat with him about family affairs, and said, “Yes, that mother-in-law has lost her ears and face, so she can only come out to beg, otherwise what else can you do?”

The dwarf smiled and said, “What about me, there is a deal here, I don’t know if you can do it?”

Su Zhengguo looked up and down the dwarf and asked him, “What business?”

Shorty glanced in Li Xiulan’s direction and whispered, “I’ll give you 10,000 yuan, and you will sell me your daughter-in-law.”

Su Zhengguo was startled and wanted to call the man in front of him a lunatic. But soon, his conscience was blinded by ten thousand yuan. He opened his mouth and asked, “10,000 yuan? What do you guys buy it for? You’re so old, you can’t give birth, and you can’t…”

The dwarf grinned, pointed at the beggars who were sitting next to Li Xiulan asking for money and said, “Understood? The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and we need manpower just in time.”

Looking at the disabled beggars with broken hands and feet, Su Zhengguo shuddered and said quickly, “No, it’s impossible, she is my daughter-in-law no matter what, how could I do that?”

He growled, shaking uncontrollably from anger. After all, Li Xiulan is also his son’s mother. What should he say when his son asks her for his mother?

When he got home in the evening, Su Zhengguo cooked two dishes for her and said to her, “Tomorrow morning, go early and take a good seat. Also, when people pass by, you lie on your stomach, and you can give more when you look at poor people. some money.”

Li Xiulan had been resentful in her heart these days, and when she heard him say so, she poured a bowl of hot porridge at him. Fortunately, Su Zhengguo hid quickly, and dressed thickly in winter so that he would not get burned.

He angrily said, “What the **** are you doing crazy?”

The woman threw the bowl on the ground: “Su Zhengguo, do you really want me to eat for the rest of my life? When my son comes back, how will you explain to him? No matter how I am, Li Xiulan, I have never treated you badly. Ask with conscience, have I treated you badly?”

Su Zhengguo was splashed with porridge, and he was furious: “Who is to blame for what you are today? I lost my job because of you, because you had to go to another district to buy food, and now I go out to buy a cigarette, and no one is willing to sell it to me. Me. Who do you blame?”

“You shameless beast!” She frowned, and the scars on her face were twisted together, “Su Zhengguo, I really regret it. I should have let someone sell your daughter abroad to become a prostitute, and thousands of people are used to it. Sleep! Make her a lifeless success, and no one will collect her body when she dies outside!”

Su Zhengguo’s expression changed immediately, and his voice sank: “What did you say?”

“Your daughter and your ex-wife are not a thing! Sooner or later, you will be like me! No, you will be worse than me!”

Su Zhengguo’s head seemed to have been poured over with boiling water, and his eyes were bloodshot. He raised a slap and swiped over, picked up a ceramic basin, and slammed it on her head with a bang.

How can a woman be a man’s opponent? Being hit by this, he fainted directly.

Li Xiulan disappeared, and no one knew where she went.

There are rumors in the community, probably can’t stand this day, and hide in other places.

On February 6, Su Qin went back to school to get the transcript. Those things about Li Xiulan did not affect her studies. Not only did her ranking not drop, but she entered the top 30. Su Qin was the only student in the ordinary class who was in the top 30. Teacher Tang was very pleased with this.

Even for exam review, Su Qin insists on posting a fashion matching post every week. After this period of raising an account, her account has become a well-known “fashionista” in the forum.

Su Qin’s “predicting trends” in fashion posts is also very accurate. Her December post predicted the trend of fashion week in February. I didn’t expect that the trend from popular colors to popular styles would not be much different from what she predicted.

Not only Su Qin, Wang Lin’s account in the forum also has a certain number of fans. She began to write some **** family stories in the forum, her husband cheated, his wife cheated… She also wrote the stories of several divorced female employees under her. After polishing, all kinds of inspirational life made netizens watch with enthusiasm.

After Wang Lin had a certain number of “fans”, she began to softly implant her clothes, which helped them advertise their brand virtually.

Su Qin and Wang Lin are also considered contemporary “Internet celebrities”. With the help of their two accounts, the income of Taobao store has gradually increased. Su Qin can get at least 40,000 yuan every month, and quickly pays off the money borrowed by Chen Meixin.

Wang Lin is now the director of the marketing department, and the salary is not low.

Before the Chinese New Year, the mother and daughter added some simple furniture to their new home, and they finally had a decent home. On the 9th, they moved to a new home together.

This year is February 15th. As in previous years, Wang Lin filled the sausages, marinated the bacon, and hung it on the balcony of her new home to dry.

On the 13th, Su Qin went to the market with her mother and Bobo to buy New Year’s goods. The three women didn’t like sugar, so they bought more fruit. Fruits in this season are expensive, and they are usually reluctant to eat them. Take advantage of the Chinese New Year, buy more, and spend money with peace of mind.

February 14th is Valentine’s Day. Su Qin has never celebrated this festival before, and has no idea about this festival.

In the afternoon, Yunyang City began to snow.

There is no heating in Dongchuan Province, and there is no heating indoors, and people sit in the house with cold limbs. Su Qin was sitting on the sofa, wearing plush slippers and half gloves, knitting a scarf.

She is good at weaving scarves, and carefully selected wool to match Li Chuan’s temperament. This scarf has begun to finish. From the general point of view of the knitting, whether it is color, style or comfort, it is not worse than the market.

She raised her eyes and looked out the window, and the snow began to fall outside, and she couldn’t help sneezing while sitting indoors.

Yun Fei just called her. The boy and his family went on vacation abroad, and he was reluctant to buy her a bunch of cosmetics, saying that he would bring them back to her.

This kid is buying things for girls more and more.

She lowered her head and carefully closed the needle, and when the last needle was completed, she received a call from Li Chuan.

On the phone, the man’s voice was low and magnetic, and he asked her, “Are you at home?”

“Well. Are you home yet?” Su Qin put the phone between his shoulders and ears, and folded his scarf while listening.

Li Chuan also gave a low hum: “I’m going to go home. I’m passing by here to see you. I’m downstairs from your house.”

Su Qin said “um”: “That’s right, I have something for you here. You are waiting for me in the pavilion in the community, and I will come down immediately.”

She hung up the phone, and before she could change her clothes, she ran downstairs with the scarf she knitted. Wang Lin came out of the kitchen and asked her, “Susu, where are you going? It’s time to eat!”

“Go downstairs to deliver something to Teacher Li, and come back right away!”

Because of the weather, the snow foam melted after it hit the ground. Su Qin walked out of the unit building and ran in the direction of Li Chuan on the wet ground.

The cold wind was biting outside, and soon, Su Qin was frozen to the tip of his nose and his face flushed.

Li Chuan stood in the pavilion, holding a cardboard box in his hand. He stood up straight on the spot, without shrinking his head or shoulders, as if he didn’t know the cold.

Su Qin rushed into the pavilion and shrank his neck.

Li Chuan was wearing a woolen coat with a shirt collar showing at the neckline, probably not wearing long johns. Su Qin suddenly shivered for him: “Mr. Li, are you not cold?”

Li Chuan bent his lips and shook his head, his eyes full of kindness: “It’s not cold.”

Su Qin shook his hand at him, “Come on, bend your neck.”

Following the girl’s instructions, the man bent down slightly and stretched his neck.

Su Qin tied the scarf for him and tied it for him familiarly. She patted the hanging scarf on his chest, pressing it down, revealing a sweet girly smile: “Okay! Teacher Li, a warm scarf, I hope you will like it.”

Li Chuan said with a smile, “So you asked me last time if I was wearing a scarf, were you planning to give me a warm card?”

Su Qin whispered like a young girl, “Well. Teacher Li, this handmade scarf, even if you don’t need it, can be used as a blanket to cover your legs and shoulders. The cervical spine must not be very good, pay attention to protection, don’t catch cold.”

Su Qin couldn’t think of a New Year’s gift for him. She bought it with money. Even if he received it, he would not be happy. He would educate her not to spend money indiscriminately. So she thought of the warm brand scarf.

Li Chuan pursed his thin lips and handed her the cardboard box in his hand, with a gentle voice: “Just right, I also have a New Year’s gift for you.”

Su Qin took the gift from the man, shook it, puzzled: “What?”

“Go back to dismantle.” Li Chuan raised his wrist to look at the time, and rubbed her head habitually: “It’s cold outside, go upstairs. I’m leaving too, and I have dinner with grandma.”

Su Qin nodded heavily while holding the gift box: “Okay, bye Mr. Li!”

“New year, goodbye.”

At noon on New Year’s Eve, Su Qin made dumplings with his mother and Bobo. Because of the lack of salt, in the end, only Su Qin, who made the most ugly dumplings, went downstairs to buy them.

Many commissaries and small supermarkets on the street were closed, and Su Qin ran for two whole streets to find an open commissary. On her way back, she passed the construction site outside the community, and suddenly a dusty German shepherd emerged from the inside.

Su Qin jumped back in fright, thinking that the dog looked familiar. Not long ago, the dog had intercepted her in the same spot.

Immediately following, the three-legged female German Shepherd also came out.

The two hungry dogs looked up at her with extremely pitiful eyes.

Flying Leopard walked slowly towards her dog, patted her knee with its paw, “Ow~”

Su Qin: “…”

Su Qin came out without the key. She knocked on the door, and it was her mother who came to open the door.

Wang Lin saw her daughter standing outside the door and didn’t come in for a long time, and smirked at her. She said, “What’s wrong, Susu? Come in quickly, it’s cold outside.”

As soon as she finished speaking, two dog heads stuck out from behind the door, looking at her pitifully.

Wang Lin jumped back in fright: “Susu, why did you bring two dogs back! Quick! Quick! Get out! It’s dirty!”

Feibao and Boeing squeezed in through the crack of the door, and followed Su Qin to the restaurant very obediently.

Two gray-faced dogs sit in a row at the dining table, looking up at the three women and the table full of… meat.

Invisibly, the two dogs swallowed their saliva.

The author has something to say: Su Qin: “Wow, winter is the best time to eat dog meat hot pot~ Hee hee.”

Boeing and Flying Leopard: “…”

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