Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 4 - Yunfei

“Oh, that’s it.” Li Xiangli said with a smile: “Our conditions here are very difficult. Tomorrow I will ask the villagers to send some new quilts to the teachers, so that the teachers can sleep soundly at night. I also If you have something to do, just leave first, and I will pick you up at noon tomorrow.”

“Yeah.” Li Chuan got up and escorted the mayor all the way to the door.

Lin Xiaoyin, who came to the mountain village to teach at the same time, held the book and suddenly jumped in from the door with a “wow”, intending to scare Li Chuan.

However, the man just glanced at her lightly, returned to his seat without saying a word, and began to grade the homework for the students.

Due to the limited conditions in the mountain village and the difficulty of washing, the boys who came with him became sloppy, but Li Chuan was the only one who insisted on going to the kitchen to boil water to take a bath every day. He changes into a clean shirt every day and takes care of himself clean and fresh. In front of those unkempt children, he is like a white gardenia with a clean temperament.

Walking past him, even the wind he brought over seemed to have a refreshing fragrance.

Li Chuan sat in front of the humble desk, holding a red pen in his hand, his head drooping slightly.

Looking at him from the side, the man’s Adam’s apple, the straight bridge of the nose and the thick long eyelashes have become the big killers to attract girls.

Li Chuan was called Li Shen, mainly because of his learning career. High school was exceptionally admitted to Qing University, 21 years old has graduated from graduate school. In addition, his appearance is not bad, not only girls have a crush on him, but also boys have confessed to him.

Lin Xiaoyin pulled the bench and sat in front of him, propped her head on her hands, and said to him, “Li Shen, I have heard what you just said to the mayor. You are too contemptuous of people, aren’t you? The first prize in the Children’s Palace. Tomorrow, I will go with you too.”

Hearing this, Li Chuan held the pen for a while, then turned to look at her, “You can’t go.”

Li Chuan’s tone suddenly cooled down, and his expression was serious, which was completely different from the peacefulness he had just talked with Li Chuan.

Lin Xiaoyin is beautiful and her family is in good condition. This time she came to support teaching because of Li Chuan.

In the previous life, Lin Xiaoyin chased Li Chuan for more than ten years. Li Chuan had already told her very clearly that she would not divorce or marry any woman other than Su Qin, but Lin Xiaoyin was determined and said that as long as she lived one day, she would never give up.

Li Chuan taught at NTU, while Lin Xiaoyin also stayed at NTU.

Lin Xiaoyin put on makeup and smelled strong perfume. She blinked at Li Chuan and asked him, “Why? Oh…I see. You’re worried about my tiredness, right? Li Shen, don’t worry, I’m fine.”

Li Chuan, who has experienced the tragedy in his previous life, is no longer the same as in his previous life, and he treats people and affairs with a gentle attitude.

“Student Lin misunderstood.” He frowned directly and said, “Although you are a woman, none of us is obliged to take care of you and accommodate you. Please be self-aware, classmate Lin, and stop trying to hold you back.”

The girl raised her eyebrows and swore with two fingers, “I promise not to hold back the army!”

“Huh.” After being reborn, Li Chuan seemed to have become impatient.

He remembered the words that the students often said, and he blurted out: “Will it hold you back, you don’t have any pressure in your heart?”

Although the words were ugly, he hoped that he could leave a bad impression on the girl.

In Lin Xiaoyin’s heart, even though Li Chuan didn’t like to be nosy and always kept his distance from female classmates, he was very polite to others. She was obviously frightened by the “swear words” that suddenly burst out of Li Chuan’s mouth.

This is a popular Internet term N years later, which is now spoken by Li Chuan and has become the most powerful word against girls.

The girl’s eyes reddened, her mouth deflated, and she cried while covering her face. Originally thought that Li Chuan would comfort her, but he didn’t expect the man to leave half of his revised homework and get up and go out.

The man had already left the office, and the girl stopped crying. She rubbed her red and swollen eyes, looked in the direction Li Chuan was leaving, and bit her lip.

Noon the next day.

Township Chief Li came to the school with someone carrying a backpack to help Li Chuan and Zhang Xing carry things.

Li Chuan didn’t bring many things, just a few changes of clothes and toiletries, and the rest were paints and drawing paper for the students.

When they counted their good things and were about to go upstairs, Lin Xiaoyin rushed out of the dormitory wearing thick-soled boots and carrying a brand-name shoulder bag, and waved to them from afar: “Wait, wait, Teacher Li, Teacher Zhang, wait for me, I am going too!”

Lin Xiaoyin ran out, stopped in front of them, took a breath, straightened her back and raised her eyes, staring at Li Chuan’s chin: “Li Shen, I’ll go too, really, I promise not to hold back! I must have… “

Li Chuan and Zhang Zhi looked at each other.

The charter pulled Li Chuan aside and asked him, “Dude, what’s the matter with you? We haven’t rescued one yet, and sent them another one? You didn’t tell her about the situation in that village?”

“If I tell her, she will believe it?” Li Chuan raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows.

Township Li glanced at Lin Xiaoyin, then went to see Li Chuan and the constitution, and asked, “Why? Teacher Lin also wants to go up the mountain? Mr. Lin, you don’t know how to draw. What are you doing up the mountain?”

Lin Xiaoyin puffed out her chest. She was already wearing a low-cut collared sweater. When her chest was raised, the white ball flickered.

She said, “Who said I can’t paint anymore? I’ve won awards for my paintings.”

Li Xiangli looked straight, and quickly turned his eyes to Li Chuan: “Mr. Li, didn’t you say that other teachers have no painting skills?”

Li Chuan turned around and looked at Lin Xiaoyin: “The mountain road is rugged and long, and jackals and wild boars run rampant in the mountains. Isn’t Mr. Lin a girl afraid?”

“I’m not afraid! With you and Teacher Zhang, besides, there’s the township chief. What am I afraid of?” Lin Xiaoyin looked at the township chief and smiled, “Is that the township chief?”

Township Li thought it would be good to have one more teacher, and it might be possible to shorten the children’s class hours. It might be finished in less than a week, so she left her.

The villagers respected the teachers who went to the countryside to support teaching, and Lin Xiaoyin was brought over by the village chief Li personally, so it is estimated that the villagers would not dare to attack Lin Xiaoyin’s idea.

Li Chuan and Zhang Zhan didn’t stop her anymore, and kept a distance from her all the way.

Su Qin slept with Yunqin at night. Due to the tossing of the past few days, she slept until nine o’clock.

Rural people are used to going down to the fields to do farm work before the sun rises. When she woke up in the morning, Yunqin had already taken Feifei to work in the fields, and she was the only one left at home.

She got up, scratched her hair randomly with her fingers, and tied it into a ponytail.

When I came out and passed through the main room, I saw the leftovers on the square table in the main room, which were buckled with a dustpan. She lifted the dustpan, and inside were two boiled sweet potatoes, a small plate of pickles, and a bowl of mung bean porridge.

She is really hungry. Last night, because I was suspicious of Yunqin, I didn’t eat a few mouthfuls of rice. I would pick up the sweet potato and devour it and stuff it in my mouth. I was choked.

After eating, she put away the tableware and went to the kitchen.

The kitchen is next to the pigsty, you have to go out from the main room first, then go straight along the right side, and at the end is the kitchen.

In the kitchen there is an earthen stove, and a neat pile of firewood is piled around the base of the wall. Su Qin poured two scoops of water from the water tank, washed the dishes, and came out. Seeing a few children standing in the yard, he was looking at her with a smile.

Seeing her coming out, the children shyly hid behind the tree.

The two little boys grimaced at her, threw stones at her, and laughed, “A fool’s wife is ugly, and the children born will be ugly! Lol lol lol lol…”

The stone hit Su Qin’s face, causing her to slap her tongue in pain.

She frowned and was about to go back to the house when she saw a black and thin little girl about eight years old who picked up a bamboo stick and came over, chasing after the boy who threw stones at Su Qin, scolding while beating: “Let me You bully people again! Bully people again! Kill you!”

It is worth noting that the eight-year-old girl was carrying a backpack, which contained a little sister who was about one year old and babbled.

Because of the limited conditions in the countryside, the clothes of several children were dark and their hands and faces were dirty, like little beggars squatting on the roadside in the city begging for food. Across the distance, as if you can smell their body.

The boy was beaten up by his sister, and shouted as he ran: “Zhang Xiuxiu, how dare you hit me! I want to go back and tell my grandparents! Let my grandfather beat you to death, a money loser!”

The boy ran away quickly.

The girl held the bamboo stick, and the little sister who was babbling on her back walked towards Su Qin, apologized to her, and said, “I’m sorry, sister, my brother is just begging for a beating. smoke!”

Su Qin looked at the girl in front of her. She was only eight years old. She was still a child, but she carried a one-year-old child on her back. At such a young age, she took on the burden of an adult.

There are very few girls in this village. They are either drowned at birth, or when they are fifteen or sixteen years old, they are taken by their parents to exchange marriages for the boys at home.

Obviously, this girl can’t escape the fate of changing her brother’s daughter-in-law in the future.

Su Qin shook his head, said “it’s okay” to her, and then went into the house.

Back in the house, she patted her face with water. Although half of her face was still swollen, the hives had subsided a lot. From Yunqin’s closet, she turned over a piece of cloth and wrapped her head.

The hives and bruises will soon heal. She can’t let the villagers see her original appearance. Although she doesn’t look beautiful, but in the eyes of the villagers, it is normal for a fool to match an ugly girl.

If a fool is matched with a good-looking daughter-in-law, it will inevitably lead to gossip. She still has some confidence in her appearance. Although she is not a star face, she is a standout type among ordinary people.

It was almost noon, Yun Qin took Yun Fei home and brought back some herbs.

Yunqin went to the kitchen to cook, while Yunfei grinded the herbs he picked into a slurry, put them in a small bowl, and brought them to the main room to give Su Qin medicine.

Su Qin’s injuries were all on her face, and she couldn’t see it at all.

Yun Fei took a little medicine with his fingers and wiped it on her face. The movement was very light, but she bared her teeth in pain and shrank back.

Yun Fei’s tone has no warmth: “Don’t move.”

Su Qin stopped moving and looked at Yun Fei up close, still feeling unreal.

In her last life, she owed him too much. In this life, she will take their mother and son out of the mountain village and out of this **** on earth no matter what.

The first step they had to take was to persuade Zhang Xing to agree to let Yun Fei follow the village children to go to school with Professor Li.

Yunqin had already explained her life experience to Su Qin last night.

She was originally a graduate student at NTU, but was abducted and sold here about 16 years ago. You must know that more than ten years ago, there were very few college students in that era, and graduate students were even more rare animals.

But it was such a highly educated young woman who was abducted and sold to such a place. And when she was abducted and sold, she was already a month pregnant.

Yunqin was sold to a real fool, she was not as lucky as Su Qin. In order to protect the fetus in her womb, she did not dare to resist, and swallowed the humiliation. That fool was really stupid, and he treated her well, and she gave birth to the fetus in her womb smoothly. She didn’t blame the fool, because he didn’t have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but she hated the fool’s parents and everyone in the village.

It was them who ruined her life. If it weren’t for these devils, she should now have a family of her own, a husband who loves her, and a decent job.

She may be a strong woman in the workplace.

She was abducted and sold here, which not only ruined the happiness of a family, but also wasted the country’s resources.

The hardest part was Yun Fei, who had to endure hardship with her since she was a child, and she had to play stupid.

The author has something to say: Professor Li will be here soon~~ Fei Fei is superficially facing the heroine, and then inwardly: This daughter-in-law is too cute~ I will chase after her when she grows up!

However, the six-year-old professor Li…emmmmmm, I feel a little dangerous~

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