Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 33 - revenge

The bbs of NTU is very popular, and the traffic has not been low. This time someone broke the news of Li Chuan, and the gossip female students were attracted to the past. Even the teachers and leaders in the school paid great attention to this breaking news post.

A post titled “Genius PhD student Li Chuan harassing minors” appeared on the NTU bbs ​​homepage.

This post quickly attracted the attention of the classmates, and a person named “Anonymous” broke the news.

An anonymous person posted:

“Let’s break the news for everyone today. Li Chuan, a 22-year-old genius doctoral student in our school, has a very poor personality. It is well known that he often abuses female classmates in public. Moreover, Li Chuan has a special hobby. When he was teaching, he met a girl. student, and then harassed the underage girl student on the pretext of tutoring the underage girl student, deceived and guided the underage girl to associate with him, and even brainwashed the underage girl. Originally I didn’t want to break the news to everyone, love is Everyone’s freedom, but this girl is only in the first year of high school, and Li Chuan is really good at it. Also, Li Chuan takes this first year girl in and out of our school, the cafeteria, and goes to the back street to open a house in a high-profile manner.”

This post quickly attracted onlookers, and there were even many photos of Li Chuan and Su Qin eating together in the cafeteria. Su Qin’s face was clearly photographed.

It doesn’t matter if Li Chuan’s love object is an adult, the girls who like him at most cry privately, and this is the end of the matter. But his object is actually a minor? Or a freshman? And take the little girl to open a room? ? Is this too much? ? ?

The discussion on BBS is very hot, and in less than an hour, there are already hundreds of threads. This forum is a mixed bag. It is said to be a campus forum, but in fact there are also social figures.

“If I were a high school student, I would actually feel very happy to have such a big brother and boyfriend. But looking at things from the perspective of an adult, I feel that Li Chuan has done too much. As an adult, he used the first year of high school. It’s terrifying for a girl’s unsound mind to take advantage of a girl’s ignorant vision of beautiful things.”

“Yeah, even if this girl is interested in him, as an adult, he should be measured, right? He even took the girl to open a room? My God, I instantly felt that this “genius” was very scary, with the potential of a perverted murderer. .”

“Well… let’s put morals aside, it’s really a bit perverted. Is it possible to find a high school student girlfriend to satisfy your vanity? If that’s the case, that’s fine. But taking a child to open a room is really too much. I always thought Li Chuan was wrong. Cannibalism, but now I know it’s a pervert. A high school girl, she’s only 15 years old, right? Landlord, please tell me which school this girl is from, and save this girl!”

“After reading this gossip, I think Li Chuan is so perverted. We even regard him as a male **** in our dormitory. It’s really golden and jade, but it’s all bad inside. 55555555…”

“He’s a genius, and he’s handsome enough, but where can there be a perfect person in this world? Alright, alright, the big guys are gone, geniuses like minors, and they have special hobbies, what does it have to do with you? What? What are you making a fuss about here? I think you girls are busy and gossip all day long. I think this post is also made up. I saw someone opening a room? Where’s the evidence? Which room is it?”

“Hey, upstairs, are you Li Chuan himself? Or it’s his classmate.”

In the post, there is a lot of quarrel.

After working all night, Li Chuan was resting in the office. While sleeping, the panda slammed into the door and yelled, “Boss, it’s not good.”

Li Chuan’s head sank slightly, rubbed his eyebrows and opened his eyes, looking lazily at the panda who rushed into his office: “Huh?”

Panda came in with a laptop, placed it on the desk in front of him, pointed at the screen and said, “Someone scolded you, saying that you are a pervert and a minor to open a room.”

Li Chuan took the notebook and glanced at it roughly. The vicious speculation and vicious words in it were disgusting.

“Should this post be hacked?” Panda asked him.

Li Chuan waved his hand, “Help me do something.”

He was very calm, and his expression didn’t fluctuate, but the calmer he was, the more terrifying Panda felt, thinking that this person was going to hold back.

Panda swallowed and asked, “Old… boss, what are you going to tell me to do?”

Coming out of the back street, in order to find out the situation, Su Qin asked Li Xian to help find out what happened.

Li Xian asked a classmate to inquire, and when he came back, he said to her, “A classmate in our school posted a post on BBS. Do you know Li Chuan?”


“There’s an Internet cafe in front of you, let’s go, I’ll accompany you to take a look.”

Su Qin nodded and followed the man into the Internet cafe to open a machine. Li Xian logged into BBS, and as soon as he entered the page, he saw the slanderous post on the top.

Li Xian pulled down one by one, and then looked at Su Qin by comparing the photos.

The girl in the photo has long ponytail hair and fair skin. And Su Qin has short hair and dark skin, and is more mature than the girl in the photo.

Other than that, it’s really the same.

Li Xian asked her, “This…is your twin sister?”

Shouldn’t it be alone? Otherwise, how to explain one with long hair and one with short hair, one naive and one mature, one with fair skin and one with dark skin?

Su Qin rolled the central axis of the mouse without speaking, but just scrolled down page by page. She frowned more and more hard, and even guessed who posted the message.

It mentions “female students known to support teaching”, besides Lin Xiaoyin, who else is there?

Originally thought that after being attacked by Li Chuan last time, this girl could completely stop her thoughts on him, but she didn’t expect that out of love and hatred, she would actually use this method to attack a doctoral student. Not to mention whether this post can reach her school, just causing a sensation on the campus of NTU is a big shock to Li Chuan.

Su Qin asked Li Xian: “In addition to affecting his own reputation, will this post affect his graduation?”

Li Xian is a graduate of NTU after all, and he has a good understanding of the school rules. He nodded and said, “Yes. Their doctoral students do research and projects every day. If this is true, the supervisor will definitely consider handing over important projects to others. It’s still quite old. But a freshman in high school… things like opening a house… let’s see how old you are. If you’re under 14, you’re breaking the law and you’re going to go to jail.”

“… The first picture, the content is all made up. Do you really believe this kind of nonsense? Are you really a top student?” Su Qin was almost mentally retarded by the anger of this group of Nan University.

Su Qin got the contact information of the leaders of NTU from Li Xian, and sent an email to the leaders of NTU in the tone of a parent.

“Hello, I’m the mother of the girl in the BBS “Genius Doctoral Student Li Chuan Harassment of Minors” in your school. An anonymous person in your school broke the news, and it seriously hurt my daughter. Teacher Li was a volunteer teacher in Dashan. , saved my daughter, sympathized with my daughter after returning to Yunyang City, helped her make up classes, and helped her get admitted to Yunyang Middle School.

After all, the age difference between Mr. Li and my daughter is only six years. When he was tutoring my daughter, he was very careful. He was worried that the neighbors would gossip, so he set the location of the supplementary class in a public place, your school’s library and laboratory. and so on. These, you and your school students will know after a little inquiries.

Teacher Li tutored my daughter in her busy schedule. This is a public welfare act and a kind act, but it has been distorted by the students of your school. I am really sad. I hope you handle this incident properly, minimize the damage to my daughter, thoroughly investigate and severely punish the anonymous poster. “

After sending this email, Su Qin told her mother about the general process, and asked her to go to NTU tomorrow to ask the school leaders to put pressure on her.

Wang Lin slapped the table with anger when she saw the rumors posted on the Internet: “These people are going too far, and they actually slander Teacher Li. What a good person Teacher Li is? This person is really a black heart.”

“Oh yes.” Su Qin took a hundred yuan from under the pillow and stuffed it into his mother, “I will call a newspaper reporter tomorrow. When you go to NTU, stop by the advertising company across the street to make a pennant for Teacher Li. Send it over to praise Mr. Li’s public welfare behavior, and thank Mr. Li for rescuing us from the mountains, so that all the students of NTU know that Mr. Li rescued a few of our girls. Well, and my name can be mentioned, Sisi Hewen Don’t mention Mei’s name. If a reporter interviews you, you should focus on mentioning that Lin Xiaoyin is also one of the rescued girls.”

Wang Lin was puzzled: “Why do you want to mention Lin… He Yin?”

“Lin Xiaoyin, a student of NTU, one of the teaching teachers.”

Although I don’t understand why I should focus on “Lin Xiaoyin”, in Wang Lin’s heart, Su Qin is already a big girl, and she has her own decisions. Even if she asks clearly, she may not understand some things, so she simply doesn’t ask.

Early the next morning, Wang Lin took the pennant to NTU and entered the school leadership office. When she arrived, the reporter of “Southern Weekly” also arrived, and the two walked into the leadership’s office together.

The director who received them was surnamed Zhao.

Director Zhao asked the reporter and Wang Lin to sit down and made them a cup of tea.

The reporter had done his homework before he came. He learned that the “heroic teacher of the support teaching” was deliberately smeared on the campus bbs. In addition, the heroic teacher of the support teaching was still the top student of the college entrance examination and talented student who made headlines in Yunyang. When there was an explosion, I came to NTU for an interview.

Director Zhao has also been paying attention to the post these days, and ordered the teacher to check the matter. It was indeed found that Li Chuan often took the little girl to and from the campus.

When Director Zhang was about to “warn” Li Chuan to restrain his behavior, he received the email from Su Qin.

After reading the email, Director Zhang fell silent and was thinking about how to deal with this matter when the reporter and the girl’s mother came to the door.

This thing has obviously become a big deal.

The reporter asked Wang Lin: “Ms. Wang, have you read all the BBS posts? Have you ever doubted the relationship between your daughter and Li Chuan?”

Wang Lin herself is not very good at speaking, after all, she has been a housewife for many years. Su Qin taught her a lot of things last night, and she kept them all in her heart. Facing the reporter at this moment, she straightened her chest and said:

“My daughter has a clean relationship with Teacher Li at present. The two are just teachers and students. Teacher Li is a good person. My daughter is already sixteen years old. Even if she admires Teacher Li, it is normal. Man, it is too outrageous to say it. Saying that Teacher Li took her to a hotel for the night, saying that Teacher Li is a pervert? This kind of thing is completely false, I know my daughter, and I know whether she has spent the night outside. “

The reporter asked again: “Then if your daughter really falls in love with Li Chuan, would you object?”

Wang Lin: “My daughter is sixteen years old and has her own mind. She will tell me what she thinks. If she really thinks about Teacher Li, I will guide her to study hard first. If she really likes it, Then it’s not too late to fall in love after going to college. I came here this time just to want the school to give Teacher Li justice. Such a good child is so slandered. As a parent, I really can’t stand it. Teacher Li originally My daughter was one of the four girls rescued from the mountains. One is a student of your school. Her name is… Lin Xiaoyin, to Lin Xiaoyin. Even if your school does not praise this kind of hero, it is still slandered by people. “

The more Wang Lin spoke, the more angry she became, and the reporter was also angry.

Director Zhao frowned, comforting Wang Lin and said: “Ms. Wang, don’t worry, our school will investigate this matter thoroughly, and the post will be deleted as soon as possible, so as to give justice to Li Chuan. The pennant you sent will also be handed over to Li Chuan. classmate.”

After seeing the reporter and Wang Lin away, Director Zhao was thinking about how to investigate the matter when a teacher knocked on the door of the office.

Director Zhao looked at the teacher who knocked on the door and asked, “Mr. Zhang, what’s the matter?”

Mr. Zhang was still holding a laptop in his hand. He pointed to the computer and said, “The anonymous person who spread the rumors and posted it has been found, Director Zhao, you must take a look at this matter. This is a disgrace to our school’s reputation!”

Director Zhao beckoned and asked Teacher Zhang to bring the computer over, frowning as he looked at the breaking news posts.

Teacher Zhang slapped her hands and said, “This “toad plastic surgery girl” is a student of our school’s first grade, and her behavior is bad, so she must be expelled!”

The campus BBS was attacked by hackers, and a line of words floated on the top of the advertisement: The Panda Hero cuts the evil and eliminates the evil, and explodes the toad and the female monster.

The top post “Genius doctoral student Li Chuan harassing minors” became “Toad plastic surgery female kindness and revenge”.

The content is very simple. It roughly talks about Lin Xiaoyin being “abducted” in the mountains and then rescued by Li Chuan. Then the “Panda Hero” hacked Lin Xiaoyin’s computer, exposed the evidence of her posting, and found several candid photos of Li Chuan from her computer, with thousands of photos, comparable to stalking perverts.

Here are a few more top posts:

“Toad plastic surgery female high-profile chasing school grass, but opened a room with 4 different men within a week”

It’s normal for adults to have needs, but while she is opening a room with someone, she also pursues Li Chuan in a high-profile manner, and even posts slander and revenge for kindness, which is too much.

Panda Hero hacked Lin Xiaoyin’s computer and exposed all the evidence he could find.

The school forum was hacked, and one stone stirred up a thousand waves. The classmates who had previously scolded “Li Chuan perverted” were slapped in the face at this moment. They looked at the evidence exposed on the Internet, but did not respond for a long time.

The author has something to say: Toad was actually harmonized, and Toad expressed dissatisfaction! Panda is naughty…

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