Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 24 - Sign up

When Li Chuan was helping her get a chance to take the exam, he had already explained her situation to the principal.

The principal sympathized with her experience and gave her a chance to take an exam. However, there must be some admission procedures, such as household registration books and ID documents.

Su Qin knew that this step would be reached a long time ago.

Difficulties are always faced. She wants to be an independent household, but it is impossible now. A single independent household needs to own her own property when she is an adult, but now her situation is not satisfied.

Su Qin thought about it for a long time, found a daytime time, and made a phone call at home.


Hearing her daughter’s voice, Wang Lin was stunned, and her eyes were red: “Susu, you finally called back. You haven’t heard from you for the past few months, and I thought you were… Mom worried to death, you were there. Are you doing well?”

Su Qin sighed.

Thinking about worrying about her now? What did you say at first?

In order to raise the third child, the mother asked her to go to work in a coastal city. At that time, why didn’t she worry that she would be abducted and trafficked again?

Mother Wang Lin was a sad existence in her previous life.

Because she did not have a job, she took care of her children full-time at home, her husband’s business failed, she endured hardship with her husband, and never had a single complaint. Her daughter was abducted and sold, and her status in the family was completely lost. The husband believed that it was her fault that her daughter was missing, that she did not take good care of the family, and that she did not take good care of her daughter.

Later, her husband brought back a child from outside. She didn’t dare to say a word. In order to get a “good” from her husband, she began to treat the son wholeheartedly.

But what about later? The son was rebellious in adolescence, disobedient, and went out to fight to cause trouble.

The husband’s business has improved, and the family is gradually getting better, but the woman who is dedicated to her husband has breast cancer, and what she finally gets is just a divorce agreement.

Her illness is not cured, and she doesn’t want to spend money on it. All she asked was for her husband to accompany her through the last journey of her life.

In her last days, her daughter Su Qin accompanied her.

As a housewife, her mother Wang Lin has no source of income and no status at home. She has been centered on her husband all her life and has no ego. What her husband says is right, but in the end, do you get these values?

At the last moment of her life, Wang Lin was lying on the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling with her eyes open.

Su Qin felt that her mother in the previous life was hateful and pitiful. When she came back this time, she not only wanted the household registration book, but also planned to have a good talk with her mother.

The words her mother once said to her, although hateful, she is also a poor person, and she has paid a lot for her. Even in consideration of her kindness, Su Qin was obliged to have a good talk with her.

On the phone, she briefly talked to her mother about the need for a household registration book to be admitted to Yunzhong.

Mother was stunned at the other end of the phone, and then asked her, “Susu… Didn’t you go to work in a coastal city? Why are you still in Yunyang? You even got into Yunzhong? Susu, are you lying to your mother?”

Su Qin said: “Mom, do you remember the girl who was kidnapped with me? Her sister opened a clothing store in Yunyang and was just recruiting workers, so I went. Dad didn’t think I would be ashamed of him by staying at home? I dare not tell you. Mom, don’t tell Dad about this, okay?”

Wang Lin subconsciously blurted out: “Then how? If your dad knew about this and I kept it from him, he would kill me! Susu, since you have all been admitted to Yunzhong, you should also tell your dad about this. , after all, being admitted to Yunzhong is a big event, and your father will definitely be very happy. What do you think?”

Su Qin had guessed that Wang Lin would have such an attitude. She was silent for a while and then said: “Let’s talk face to face, you send Su Wu to Aunt Wen’s house next door for a while, and I’ll come to you right away. Don’t tell Dad about this first, okay? ?”

The moment she hung up the phone, the tears in Wang Lin’s eyes overflowed, she wiped it, but she didn’t know what she was crying for.

The little boy was sitting on the sofa playing with toys and said to him, “Mom, I want to eat bubble gum.”

“Xiao Wu, mom goes out to buy you bubble gum, you can go to Aunt Wen’s house to play for a while, okay?”

When the little boy heard that he had bubble gum to eat, he nodded in agreement and followed Wang Lin to Aunt Wen’s house next door.

The little boy was only four years old. He thought that Wang Lin was his biological mother. He cried out one after another, milky and milky, very pleasing to women. This is also the reason why Wang Linken promised her husband to persuade her daughter to go out to work and give her younger son money to go to school.

After all, the daughter has finished junior high school, but the youngest son is only four years old and has to go to kindergarten. In this situation, the family can only afford one child to go to school. In addition, what happened to my daughter again, even if I read a book, will I be able to marry a good family in the future?

Wang Lin sighed and felt that her daughter would be like that in her life. It is better to go out to work and save money at home. She thought that she would not be sad when her daughter went out, but when her daughter left without saying goodbye, she still suffered for a long time.

After all, it is a piece of meat on his own body, after all, he was brought up by himself. After suffering like that and being persuaded by them to go to work in a coastal city, I feel sad for my daughter when I think about it.

But how? In this family, only her husband Su Zhenguo has the right to speak, and she and Su Qin have no right to speak.

Su Qin left without saying goodbye that day, and Wang Lin had nightmares for several days in a row, as if she had returned to the days when her daughter was just lost.

When Su Qin’s father woke up in the middle of the night and saw Wang Lin crying, he kicked up impatiently: “cry? It’s just like she disappeared and didn’t come back? You have a son now, and I’m afraid no one will give it to you. Retirement?”

Wang Lin was kicked out of bed, she said weakly, “Susu is also your child, why don’t you feel bad about it? It’s your fault that your daughter leaves without saying goodbye.”

“Take her dead a long time ago. You take good care of your son for me. If you dare to lose your son, I will break your leg.”

When Su Qin came back, Wang Lin was cooking lunch and cooked three dishes. She deliberately took out the preserved pork trotter that had been frozen for half a year in the refrigerator and simmered it with kelp and white radish.

She went to open the door and saw her daughter wearing a plain white dress at the door, and the breath in her heart instantly fell.

Wang Lin took her daughter to sit on the sofa and asked questions with concern. Su Qin went directly to the topic and said, “Mom, I’ll come back to get the household registration book.”

“This… Susu, let’s discuss this matter when your father comes back, okay? Going to Yunzhong is a big deal. You are admitted to Yunzhong, how much is your father’s face? He will definitely help you to go to Yunzhong. “Wang Lin held her daughter’s hand.

A sneer sneered on Su Qin’s lips.

Wang Lin was taken aback by her smile, and a chill ran down her back. She was accustomed to her daughter’s submissive appearance. The first time she saw her like this, she suddenly felt that her daughter was very strange.

For the household registration book, Su Qin could find an excuse for “work use”, but she didn’t. After all, she is a minor now, and she has a lot of inconvenience. Even if it is the first time to get a household registration, what about the second and third time?

She remembered Wang Lin’s past life. She came to see her in a mother-daughter relationship.

She hoped that her mother would see her father as a human being as soon as possible, get out of this unfair marriage, and no longer have to be obedient to men and no longer obey her husband.

She also didn’t expect Wang Lin to support herself and study for herself, she only hoped that she could have her own life.

Su Qin glanced around the room and made sure that the child was not at home, and said, “Mom, you can listen to me today and send the child away temporarily, which shows that you still have me in your heart. As a daughter, I have to say something.”

The girl’s expression was solemn, and her tone was mature at this age.

“First of all, you have to figure out that the son you gave up your daughter to raise is not your own. He was born by Dad outside with other women and is the child of a junior. Second, raising a child can’t prevent old age. Pay for Dad? Or pay for Xiaosan? Under Jiuquan, Xiaosan should be very happy, right? Xiaosan may feel relieved that there is such a stupid woman in the world, who doesn’t care that she robbed her husband and helped her raise her children. “

Wang Lin didn’t expect her daughter to say these words, but it was precisely these things that she avoided. Her hands were trembling, and she took out the words of self-comfort on weekdays, trying to brainwash her daughter: “Xiao Wu doesn’t know these things… He takes me as his own mother.”

“I don’t know?” Su Qin said with a hint of coldness in his tone: “A four-year-old child, even if he doesn’t notice anything wrong now, are you sure he won’t notice when he grows up?”

Seeing Wang Lin’s silence, Su Qin said again: “You married your father when you were a teenager, and you are a full-time wife at home, bringing him children and doing housework, so that he can work outside without worries. But what did he give you in return? I’m not happy. Then he beat you, and his work was not going well, so he used you as a punching bag. You gave him a daughter, but he cheated outside and gave birth to a boy with another woman. The daughter was missing and abducted, and he immediately picked up the little boy return.”

Wang Lin has no confidence: “I was idle at home, I didn’t go out to make a penny, he made money to support his family, he was stressed and almost tempered, and it was right. When I brought Xiao Wu to my house, I thought you would not be able to find it, so …”

“Mom, you have to figure it out. As a housewife, do you pay less than him? He earns thousands of dollars a month, and he really regards himself as the supreme emperor. What does he think of you? You are in his eyes, Not a wife, just a tool for fertility and anger, a free babysitter.”

Her daughter’s words made her think of the days when she was beaten and scolded by her husband.

Over the years, the most frequent thing my husband has said to her is: “You should have listened to me back then, this loser shouldn’t be born!”

At that time, the husband had an acquaintance in the town hospital, and he learned that the wife was a girl and suggested her to remove it. At that time, Su Qin was five months old and formed in her belly. How could she be willing to cut this piece of meat?

Su Qin added: “Mom, I know that you don’t dare to resist, and I also know that in your heart, your husband is the heaven and the supreme king. You don’t dare not to do what he tells you, and you don’t dare to do what he means. Defiance, but is this man really worth what you pay for?”

does it worth? Wang Lin has no idea in her heart.

She was very happy when she learned that the police were going to send her daughter home. Anyway, her daughter came back with good hands. But her husband asked her to discuss with Su Qin that she should go out to work instead of staying at home.

She is a housewife with short-sightedness. He dares not go against her husband’s wishes. She also thinks that her daughter’s high school may not be able to be admitted to university. Besides, she has experienced such an experience, and she is afraid that she will not be able to marry a good man in the future, so she goes to talk to Su Qin. Open that mouth.

But she didn’t expect her daughter to leave without saying goodbye the next day.

Now the words that her daughter said in front of her were so precious that she was choked up and speechless.

Su Qin fed his mother a mouthful of poisonous chicken soup, and then gave him a sweet jujube: “Mom, Dad treats you like that, it’s time for you to plan for yourself. You can consider divorcing Dad.”

Wang Lin shuddered when she heard “divorce” and stood up like an electric shock: “Susu, are you crazy? I divorced your father, what should I do? Going to collect the rags?”

Su Qin’s Naoren was in pain, took a deep breath, and said patiently, “Mom, even an underage girl of mine can find a job and earn a living. You are only in your early thirties, why can’t you go out and find a job to support yourself? Don’t you know how the world is developing now? It’s very popular for women to go out to find jobs. The basic salary for opening a clothing store is 800 yuan. If you earn 1500 yuan to support you, why can’t you support yourself?”

“Think about it for yourself, if you have money and can support yourself, are you still afraid that he will beat you and scold you to vent? You earn your own money, spend it yourself, and live a comfortable life without anyone When the nanny is angry, you don’t want to live an independent life? Do you have to live this dark and bitter life?”

Wang Lin was not assertive, and her daughter’s remarks made her feel up and down.

“But… who raised you?”

Su Qin thought it was ridiculous: “will you support me? Dad will support me? Are you still daydreaming? Mom, how about I make a bet with you? Once you get sick, not only will he not take care of you, but he will ignore the past. Love abandons you and divorces you.”

“Susu, what are you talking about? Is your father like that?”

“Dad will definitely not agree with me to go to the cloud, so what are your plans now? Listen to Dad, or give your biological daughter a chance?”

Wang Lin was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, “Susu, your dad is not that kind of person… Your dad didn’t let you continue to high school, firstly because there was no extra money at home, and your original school was not good, and it was difficult to pass the test. Go to a good university. Second, you have suffered like that. If you don’t get into a good university, it’s hard to find a good husband’s family. But now it’s different. You are admitted to Yunzhong, and the admission rate of this school is 99%. Your dad Breaking the pot and selling iron will also let you read it.”

“You’re very naive.” Su Qin’s voice lowered a little, “I’ve saved enough tuition fees by working part-time, so I don’t need Dad’s sponsorship. Let’s just give me the household registration book first, don’t tell Dad about this. Wait for me to report it. Now that you’re famous, come back and explain this to Dad in person, and you’ll see how he reacts?”

Although Wang Lin has always instilled in her daughter the idea of ​​”a good husband”, deep in her heart, she was loosened by Su Qin’s words.

She handed over the household registration book to Su Qin, and stuffed 20 yuan into her hand. “Mom can’t pay you tuition. This is the pocket money saved by mom. Take it and don’t starve yourself.”

Su Qin in her previous life probably inherited Wang Lin’s Ruanuo character, and she always thinks about others first.

She sighed and put the twenty dollars back into Wang Lin’s hands: “No, I have money. You have to treat me as your daughter. Don’t tell my dad about my return today. Otherwise, I will I won’t recognize your mother.”

Wang Lin nodded.

A few days later, Su Qin and Yun Fei made an appointment to go to Yunzhong together.

The time for the senior high school entrance examination has not yet come. Those who have obtained this batch of special examinations are all top students from various schools in the province. The students who are admitted to the cloud have arranged to pay the materials and tuition fees in advance, so as to prevent these outstanding students from being poached by competing schools.

Su Qin and Yunfei went to the Politics and Education Office to pay the fee. Before leaving, the teacher who paid the fee stopped her: “Are you Su Qin? If you are free now, go to the language group office to find Teacher Tang.”

“Mr. Tang?” Su Qin wondered.

The charging teacher smiled and nodded at her: “Yes, Mr. Tang explained it specially, go ahead, she is your class teacher in the first year of high school.”

Su Qin was stunned for a moment. Don’t you have classes yet?

Yun Fei didn’t worry about Su Qin alone, always afraid that she would get lost on campus, or even get lost, so she would go with her.

Today is Monday and the students are in class.

The two walked into the teaching building, and in the corridor they heard the teacher lecturing and the students chanting words. Su Qin had not felt this kind of atmosphere for a long time, and felt nostalgic and moved for some reason.

She went to high school in her previous life and was twenty years old. At that time, no one in the school wanted to play with her. Although she went to high school, she did not enjoy the youth that a girl should have.

In the office of the language group, the door was tightly closed, and she knocked on the door panel.

A woman’s voice came from inside, “Come in”. She pushed open the door, probed in, and saw that there were five desks, but only one female teacher.

She asked timidly, “Hello, I’m Su Qin, are you Teacher Tang?”

Teacher Tang put down the pen in his hand, got up, smiled and waved at her: “Su Qin, right? Come, come here.”

With this wave, even the little tail behind Su Qin also came in.

Teacher Tang didn’t care so much. She moved stools for Su Qin and the little tail behind her, and let them sit in front of him.

She asked Su Qin, “do you know how many marks you got this time?”

Su Qin shook his head and said he didn’t know.

Teacher Tang said: “I have read your information. I used to be in Chengnan No. 1 Middle School, and it is really good to be able to get this score. Also, this time your composition was modified by me. It is very good. Your composition is also very good. significance.”

“Huh?” Su Qin wondered.

Teacher Tang is in her early forties, wearing a pair of black-rimmed glasses, with short hair that matches her ears, so she looks like a very capable woman.

She helped her glasses frame and said, “Teacher, I want to take your composition as a sample essay and send it to the publishing house, where it will be published together with other full-scoring compositions to make “2006 High School Entrance Exam Full-scoring Composition”. Putting this essay on school magazines and online blogs, so that more adults and students can see this model essay. I don’t know if you agree or not? Of course, the teacher will make it anonymous, and the manuscript fee will also win you more.”

Su Qin hardly hesitated and nodded, “Okay. Thank you, Teacher Tang.”

She probably didn’t expect the little girl to agree so readily. Teacher Tang was slightly shocked. She asked, “If it is spread in the school as a model essay, it is very likely that your classmates will dig out your identity. Are you not afraid?”

Su Qin said with a smile: “Teacher, you chose this composition, didn’t you like the meaning in it? Don’t you just want to use my composition to tell everyone that it’s not “we” that is wrong, but the devils, borrow this composition Tell everyone, people who have the experience of “us” shouldn’t be pointed at or stabbed in the spine? Teacher, I’m fine.”

Teacher Tang looked relieved, “Su Qin, I hope you will not let the teacher down in the days to come. Everything in the past is not important, the important thing is that you can work hard in the future. Your composition is well written and very upright. Energy, I believe it can encourage a lot of kids who are going through a similar situation as you.”

“You will be a student in our class 1 in the future. I hope you will work hard and go to the rocket class. As long as you enter the rocket class, NTU will be fine.” Teacher Tang patted her on the shoulder, “Probably in August Around the middle of the school, the school will have military training, and I will notify you by phone. The teacher also knows your situation. After the school starts, the teacher will apply for poverty subsidies for you. “

Su Qin put his hands together and thanked Teacher Tang: “Thank you Teacher Tang.”

Su Qin came out of Teacher Tang’s office and was in a good mood.

Yun Fei tugged at the corner of her clothes and followed behind her step by step. When she arrived at the school gate, the driver of Yun Fei’s house did not know where she drove the car.

The two called the driver, but they kept talking. They waited in the shade for a while, but no car came.

It has been a few months since Yun Fei returned to the city, but he obviously still has the thinking in the mountains, which is a bit out of tune with the current society.

Su Qin asked him, “Feifei, you have been back for so long, have you ever gone shopping near the school?”

He shook his head.

Su Qin took him to the back street of the school. At this time, the students hadn’t finished school yet, and the back street was very deserted. Passing by the canteen, Su Qin went in and bought a “Wangwang Popsicle”, split it in half, and divided it equally with Feifei.

Yun Fei liked the feeling of “you are half and I am half” very much. In this city, besides his parents, Su Qin is his only good partner.

With Su Qin, he will be very happy, he is reluctant to be separated from her, and wants to stick to her all the time.

There are many milk tea shops, bookstores and stationery shops on both sides of the back street.

Su Qin bit a popsicle and walked side by side in the backstreet with the boy, as if he had regained his missing youth.

At the age of 16, it should be like this, chewing on a popsicle and eating spicy sticks while walking, instead of being trapped in the mountains, and every day someone is urging her to give birth to a child.

Passing by a photo studio, Su Qin pulled Yun Fei in. This year, photo stickers are very popular, and you can take 20 photos for five yuan.

The boss thought the two were a couple, and recommended a set of “cute couple” base map packages for them. However, Su Qin felt that the pink and tender peach heart was too unsuitable for her and Yunfei, so she chose a set of “non-mainstream” base maps that children like now.

The twenty base maps are all black, with non-mainstream crosses, non-mainstream vampires, and non-mainstream **** images.

After picking out the base map, Su Qin pulled Feifei into the machine, and their big heads appeared on the screen of the machine together. Yun Fei opened his eyes in surprise: How cool!

In order to make their big heads into the mirror, the two heads met, and the two non-mainstreams were frozen in this way.

The first bottom picture is a cross, Su Qin made a “six” gesture and placed it on Feifei’s head. Feifei’s eyes are dull, and he looks very cold.

Around the two big heads is a non-mainstream base map, and a line of non-mainstream hurt text is written below.

“The world is so dirty, who has the right to say sadness.”

Yun Fei, who got the photo sticker, stared at the text on this photo and suddenly fell into silence like a depressed little prince.

Su Qin felt that in addition to stickers, adolescence had to go somewhere else.

– Internet cafes.

He took Yun Fei into an Internet cafe in the backstreet. The teenagers in it were not very old, but they were sitting on chairs breathing clouds, causing the inside to be smoky.

The two asked for an even seat and sat next to each other.

This is the first time that Su Qin has not played games since he was reborn.

She found the “Audition” icon on the desktop, clicked on the main interface, and registered an account. Entering the game lobby, Yun Fei was shocked by the gorgeous scene inside.

He opened his eyes wide and asked Su Qin, “how to open?”

Yun Fei has a computer at home, but he has only played the “Minesweeper” game in it. It was the first time that he saw this colorful game and felt novel.

Su Qin chose a slow song of 85 and said, “You watch me play it once, and you will try it yourself later.”

“Well.” Yun Fei leaned over and watched Su Qin play the game seriously.

Although Su Qin ordered a very slow tune, her hand speed was not slow. She pressed the “up, down, left and right keys” very quickly, and each round was “perfect”.

Su Qin’s character jumped out a perfect dance step on the screen, which was cool and cool. Yun Fei saw his blood boil, and inexplicably wanted to dance.

It was the coolest dance he had ever seen, bar none.

After dancing a song, Su Qin leaned over and held Yun Fei’s mouse to click on the game on the computer for him.

Yun Fei learned things very quickly. He chose a slow song with a “65” tempo, and after familiarizing himself with the operation, he began to dance the “85” song. Yun Fei jumped several times in a row, and his body and mind were relaxed, and he had never felt so happy.

The two spent three hours in an Internet cafe, during which the driver called three times. The driver found the Internet cafe and stared at the two, and they had to get off the plane.

When Su Qin checked QQ, he found that Yun Fei had changed his screen name and avatar. She clicked it and saw that Yun Fei changed her online name from “Feifei” to “Prince You Yu”, and her signature was also very distinctive:

“The world is so dirty, who has the right to say sadness.”

Su Qin: ……QAQ…It’s really not.

On the way to take Su Qin home, Yun Fei was still immersed in the joy of the game. His fingers involuntarily tapped on his thigh, imitating the action of tapping the “up, down, left and right keys” with one hand, and the “space bar” action with the other hand.

Su Qin was a little worried about bringing Yun Fei into a non-mainstream Internet addict.

She… is not a qualified sister.

When he was about to get downstairs at Su Qin’s house, Yun Fei turned his face and asked her, “Su Su, I will learn to dance and show you, okay?”

“Hip-hop? Hip-hop is very tiring.”

“It’s okay,” Yun Fei’s eyebrows curved, revealing two cute little tiger teeth: “I’m not afraid of getting tired.”

Su Qin only regarded him as a whim, and didn’t take it seriously.

The driver took her to the downstairs of the community.

Since this was her parents’ home, she didn’t let Yun Fei go upstairs and let him go home first.

Su Qin walked to the door and took a deep breath. She knew that today’s trip would definitely be the Shura Field, and she was mentally prepared.

She left a copy of the household registration book, and she didn’t have to go home to get the household registration book when she went to college. She stood at the door and put the household registration book back in her bag and knocked on the door.

“Bang bang bang-“

It was seven o’clock in the evening, her father had already got off work, and it was her father Su Zhengguo who came to open the door for her.

Su Zhengguo opened the door and saw Su Qin standing outside the door, stunned: “Su Su?”

Wang Lin promised Su Qin that she did not tell her husband about her recent situation. Su Zhengguo, who was busy with work these days, didn’t even know that the household registration book was taken away.

Su Qin walked into the house, and when his father closed the door, he said directly, “Dad, I was admitted to Yunzhong.”

She calmly recounted what she said to her mother to Su Zhengguo.

As she expected, not only was Su Zhengguo unhappy, but he was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped her, angrily saying, “I have grown up to be able to do it? I lied to my family to go out to work, but have been hiding in Yunyang? Still carrying me and your mother behind my back. Go to Kao Yunzhong? Smelly girl, do you think my father is dead!”

Su Qin thought he deserved this slap.

This slap interrupted the last bit of affection between their father and daughter.

The youngest son, Su Wu, was sitting on the sofa playing with toys, staring at them blankly.

Wang Lin was cooking in the kitchen, and when she heard the movement outside, she quickly turned off the fire and pulled Su Qinhu behind her: “It’s a good thing for Su Su to be admitted to Yunzhong, what are you doing to beat her? How much face? You should be happy. Susu was admitted to Yunzhong, and she will definitely be admitted to university in the future, and she will definitely be able to find a good job and make money.”

“Fart.” Su Zhengguo was trembling with anger, pointed at Su Qin and said, “What can this stinky girl do even if she goes to college? Can she still find a good husband’s family? What does a girl go to college for? To find a good man Get married! Now, who doesn’t know her situation? Even if she gets into a good university, in her situation, can my husband’s family give us a dowry? Dreaming!”

Su Qin: “…”

Wang Lin’s shoulders trembled with fright when her husband became mad, but remembering what her daughter said to her that day, she mustered up the courage to help Su Qin and said a few words: “You want to say that in the old high school, she read that she couldn’t find a good husband’s family, I didn’t Say. But that’s in the cloud. How many children can’t get in. Su Su finally passed the exam, so you can let her read. Besides… Xiao Wu is only four years old now, so he can read it. A nearly kindergarten, put Su Su to university first, what do you think?”

“Do you know how much it costs to go to high school and college? If she can’t get married in the future, won’t my money go to waste?” Su Zhengguo sat down on the sofa angrily and hugged his son on his lap: “Okay. , Don’t say it, you are not allowed to go after the entrance examination.”

When Wang Lin spoke to her husband, her hands were shaking and she was frightened.

Su Qin shook her hand, and she regained her courage: “Zhengguo. Just let Su Su go, Yunzhong is a school for female astronauts, what if Su Su becomes a female astronaut in the future? Then At that time, she can also subsidize the family with her own money, so you can let her…”

She wanted to talk again, Su Zhengguo grabbed the enamel water cup on the coffee table and smashed it at Wang Lin. This time, it hit Wang Lin’s eye socket, causing her to let out an “ah” in pain, and she couldn’t open her eyes for a long time.

This was the first time Su Qin saw his father attack his mother, and his heart was beating wildly.

Su Qin finally knew why his mother always agreed. She was afraid, afraid of being beaten by her husband, afraid of losing her “easy” life because she was abandoned by her husband.

Although Su Qin hated her mother, at this time, she began to sympathize with her and feel sorry for her.

She hugged her mother and yelled at her father: “Dad, you are too much. Let me ask you, in the future, do you recognize my daughter?”

“Go away!” Su Zhengguo roared irritably.

Su Qin showed a relieved smile, blocked his father’s sight with his body, took out the household registration booklet, and quietly stuffed it into his mother’s apron.

She turned around and looked at Su Zhengguo: “I won’t ask my family for help in the future, Dad, I will call you Dad at last. From now on, I’m no longer your daughter, and you won’t come to me again. I will remember you. Today, I will keep your “go away” in my heart. Also, I never thought that a woman must depend on a man to live. If a woman can only live by a man, she is destined to become a maggot , I can’t see the beauty and light of the outside world.”

When Su Qin left home, Wang Lin didn’t even dare to chase out. She stared at the back of her daughter leaving, and suddenly felt a sense of sadness in her heart.

What the **** did she do? He forced his daughter away, but stayed by the side of a husband who was like a devil, acting as a maggot, helping him take care of He Xiaosan’s children.

What the **** did she do?

late at night.

The husband beside her started snoring. Wang Lin’s eye sockets hurt so much that she couldn’t sleep.

Wang Lin got up and went to the kitchen, and took out the household registration book that Su Qin had stuffed into her apron pocket. She found that the thickness was wrong, and when she opened it, she found that a thousand yuan was stuffed inside.

There was also a note inside, in the handwriting of the daughter.

“A mother who abandons her daughter is not qualified to be a mother. If you want to be a maggot, you stay. If you don’t want to be a maggot, you leave.”

Wang Lin was stunned, then squatted in the kitchen and cried silently.

When the results of the college entrance examination were announced in 2006, it was the time for the high school entrance examination in Dongchuan Province.

Many students who participated in the special admissions of Yunyang Middle School, in order to get a sense of achievement, participated in the middle school entrance examination again, and Yun Fei was no exception.

On the first day after the high school entrance examination, Su Qin received a QQ message from Wenmei while sitting in front of the computer chatting with customers.

[Ichimei]: Susu, I was admitted to Yunyang University, and I am the champion of liberal arts this year!

After receiving Wenmei’s news, Su Qin didn’t reply to her immediately, and forgot to type in front of the computer screen, smiling like a big fool.

The proprietress came over and patted the back of her head: “What are you doing Qin Er? Are you dating online?”

Su Qin shook his head: “No, I saw a joke.”

The proprietress didn’t believe her nonsense, so she sat down beside her and asked her, “Susu, have you thought about the part-time job? Can we talk about the salary?”

“I don’t want salary.” Su Qin said.

“Don’t want salary?” The lady boss reached out to touch her forehead and said in surprise, “You have a fever? If you don’t want salary, I can’t do such a stingy thing, right?”

Su Qin shook his head and said: “As for me, I spend my energy to build Taobao. I will come to the store to help sell clothes during winter and summer vacations, but I won’t ask you a cent of your salary. I want 30% of Taobao’s shares. When you complete an order, you give me a 30% commission, and I don’t want you to have a basic salary, how about that?”

Chen Meixin lowered her head and calculated.

She agreed to open a Taobao store initially, mainly for the convenience of those old customers who were too lazy to go shopping. First started a month, the transaction volume is really good, 30 orders can be traded in a month.

But the express delivery is not fast, and the postage is still high. The old users looked at the models and prices on Taobao and thought they were suitable, and would rather go to the store to buy them.

Therefore, Taobao sales this month is 2. Seeing such bleak sales, Chen Meixin has gradually lost interest in Taobao.

Su Qin continued: “Madam, when I started Taobao, I told you that I would build Taobao to make money for you, but now Taobao’s sales are not as good as it was at the beginning, and this is the one I ordered for myself. Go for it, Taobao, you leave it to me to handle it completely. I won’t let you lose any money for the price. If this dress sells for 100 in the physical store, I will sell it on Taobao for 125. If I make money, I will have the money to take it. To make money, I have no money to take. What do you think?”

Chen Meixin believes that the monthly turnover will not exceed 10 at most. Each piece of clothing is calculated at 100 yuan, and her commission is only 300 yuan. She works in the store for a month of summer vacation, and the minimum salary is 1,500 yuan.

Chen Meixin felt that Su Qin was crazy. Seeing that the girl was stubborn, she agreed. She didn’t have much expectations for this Taobao.

But Su Qin already had a plan in his heart.

In the afternoon, Su Qin went out to play a contract and took it back for the boss’s wife to sign.

Chen Meixin didn’t even bother to read the contract, so she signed it.

Chen Meixin felt that the girl Su Qin, after she was admitted to Yunzhong, began to swell and became whimsical.

She does not believe that she can sell 125 of 100 clothes on Taobao.

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