Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 19 - Taobao

Su Qin forgot that Li Chuan was still studying for a Ph.D. at this time, not working, and of course not buying a garage. Bicycles are his only means of transportation.

A man is skilled in driving and is more stable than driving a car.

The old town in 2006, the streets are dilapidated, the houses are dilapidated and crowded. At this point, roadside stalls for supper are also set up.

Li Chuan drove her around the streets and alleys. Su Qin looked at the fragrant snacks and started to drool.

Ten years from now, this old town will cease to exist, as will the old-fashioned candied haws, yeerba, cold dipping, ice powder and other snacks on the street.

I really miss the snacks of this year.

As if he knew what she was thinking, Li Chuan stopped in front of a stall.

The man pushed the bicycle and the slender Su Qin walked forward for a while.

Seeing him getting out of the car, Su Qin also wanted to jump down, but was stopped by the man: “Don’t jump, sit down, there is water below.”

Only then did she notice that there was standing water under the wheel, and Li Chuan’s feet were stepping on the standing water. Su Qin remembered that he was a bit clean, and felt a sense of guilt in his heart.

Li Chuan pushed the cart to the street vendor, and the girl jumped down, straightened her clothes, and stood behind him.

“The ice powder here is good, do you want to try it?” Li Chuan turned his head and asked her.

Su Qin didn’t want him to waste money, looked at the bowl of ice powder but involuntarily swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then shook his head.

Li Chuan was amused by the girl’s duplicity, and handed the boss three dollars: “Two bowls of ice powder, please, thank you.”

“Okay.” The boss started to make ice powder, with quick hands and feet. Seeing that Li Chuan was handsome, the boss added a little more hawthorn and raisins.

The moment he took the ice powder from the boss, Su Qin felt that he owed him a little more.

The old street is old and the street lights are dim. The two of them just stood on the side of the road and ate ice powder, like a harmonious picture of a brother and his sister coming out to find a late-night snack.

When Su Qin and Li Chuan were together in the previous life, he was already a mature man. He would be a little burdened in suits and leather shoes every day, and he had never stood on the street with her and sucked ice powder, a street food.

This is the first time.

On a summer night, eating a bowl of ice powder when your mouth is dry can really sweep away the fatigue of the day. Su Qin took a few bites of ice powder, raised his eyes to look at Li Chuan secretly, but was caught by the man’s eyes, and their eyes met.

Su Qin was caught upright, his face blushed inexplicably, and he quickly lowered his head.

Gee. Her soul in her thirties would actually blush at Mr. Li in her early twenties? This unscientific.

However, a big boy with a tall face and long legs, taking a girl to eat ice powder on the roadside, is really flirtatious. If she is really a girl, maybe she will really have a crush on him.

After eating the ice powder, Li Chuan carried her on the road.

The boss waved goodbye to them: “little brother, come here often in the future, I will give you a bargain!”

“Okay.” Li Chuan didn’t look back, he held the handlebar with one hand, and waved goodbye to the boss with one hand.

On the way home, the two talked less, and apart from studying, they didn’t know what to talk about at all. When approaching the Suqin community, Li Chuan suddenly said, “Suqin.”


“You are 16 years old. Girls your age have a lot of thoughts. If you have something to do in the future, you can tell me.”

The man’s tone was like a father educating his daughter.

She was still feeling that Li Chuan’s tone was mature, and Su Qin almost choked on his saliva for the next words.

Li Chuan paused for a moment, then said, “Do you know why, can I get good grades in high school and even skip grades?”


Is there any other secret to this?

Li Chuan said: “When the students around me followed the trend and fell in love with each other, I devoted all my mind to my studies.”

Su Qin is not stupid, why can’t he hear what he means?

Teacher Li is educating and guiding her. Tell her that puppy love hinders her studies, and that puppy love will affect her development of dreams.

– But Mr. Li, how can I fall in love with a child when I am an old aunt who is almost forty? You are thinking too much.

Su Qin had PHS and exchanged phone numbers with Li Chuan.

Since Su Qin doesn’t plan a lot of phone bills every month, she doesn’t take the initiative to call anyone. Usually, others call her.

Meng Sisi would call her every day and ask her about her recent studies. Li Chuan usually writes papers in addition to company affairs and product research and development.

There is only one short message, and it is not convenient to type on the phone. Su Qin doesn’t reply to his text messages very often.

Li Chuan sent three messages, and she replied one.

In the next month, Su Qin’s life was quite fulfilling.

She wakes up at 5 o’clock every morning to cook, starts to memorize words and articles, has breakfast, and there is an hour left before work, she will use this time to dictate words and articles.

At noon, she would also take out the words and memorize them.

Seeing her serious look, the proprietress sighed and said, “Qin Er, I know you are such a capable girl, and you won’t be stuck with it. What’s the matter, are you planning to go abroad by memorizing words?”

Su Qin closed the vocabulary book, lowered his head and took a sip of rice, shook his head and said, “No, I plan to go to Yunyang Middle School.”

“Are you going back to high school? Or Yunyang Middle School?” Chen Meixin put a chopstick of chicken thighs in her bowl and said, “Qiner, do you know how difficult Yunzhong is to get into? Being admitted to their school will change your life. It’s half the battle.”

“I’ll try my best.” Su Qin looked at the boss apologetically, “Sorry, Sister Chen, no matter if I can get into Yunzhong or not, I’ll go back to school. With you, it probably won’t last long.”

“You girl, why are you sorry? Do you know how good my performance has been since you came? I calculated your salary this month, plus commission, it’s almost three thousand and two. Your… space The marketing is doing well, keep working hard. Even if you don’t work in my store in the future, you can continue to help me with space marketing. Give me a ps, make my face small and my legs long to make me look international supermodel.”

The proprietress’s words reminded her of the e-marketing that is currently in vogue.

If she remembers correctly, 2006 will be a milestone for Taobao, and Taobao will soon become an indispensable basic element of life for our people.

It is more appropriate to open a Taobao store at this time.

“Boss, have you considered…opening a Taobao store? You don’t need to expand your storefront. By then, people from all over the country can buy our clothes. If you have channels for purchasing goods, and you have a good eye for choosing styles, you will definitely be able to build Taobao. of.”

Chen Meixin has also learned about Taobao. The things on it are cheap. She has bought things there, but opening a store… She doesn’t know anything about it.

Su Qin sold his original clothing on Taobao in his previous life, invested 2 million, and lost all of it. In her era, the competition was too great, and her team was poached by her former partners. In the end, her shop could only end in failure.

However, she has experience in opening Taobao and has a thorough understanding of electronic marketing.

Su Qin put down the tableware, held the hand of the proprietress and said, “Sister Chen, you don’t have to worry about this, you can leave the goods on the shelves to me. However, I still need Sister Chen to be a model, don’t worry, I will definitely take you Become a great beauty! There are only two people in our store now, and we don’t have any extra money to hire models and artists for the time being. You come to the models, and I will come to the artists.”

Chen Meixin was so shocked by the little girl that she was speechless: “Qin’er, what else is there that you don’t know? You are too magical, right? But even if you have all these, what about the source of customers? Where does the source come from?”

“You don’t have to worry about this, leave it to me, I will be responsible for drainage and marketing.”


“Yes. I will lead the customers of the space to Taobao, so that they don’t have to call us every day to ask how much money we have and how much we have in stock. They can see clearly on Taobao. We will wait for the credibility of Taobao. As we accumulate it slowly, more online customers will notice our store. Of course, we only facilitate customers in the same city in the early stage. As for customers in other places… We have to take it slow and not in a hurry. Sister Chen, I am here. After a few days online, I learned about the development trend of Taobao. In the future, each of us may have a Taobao, and we may all need to shop on Taobao. If we build Taobao now, in the heyday of Taobao, we can also make money. A sum. When we do this business, we have to look forward, not just the present.”

In this year, Taobao is synonymous with “low price”, and the camera pixels of this conference are still 5 million, and delivery is also difficult. Su Qin himself knows that Taobao is not the best century, but it doesn’t matter if they have physical stores, Taobao stores are just doing it incidentally.

Now they are doing Taobao, which can make it more convenient for the users accumulated in the space. What they do now are regular customers.

The little girl seemed to know the truth, and Chen Meixin suddenly suspected that this girl was not a human being, but a god! Seems to know everything at a young age.

At such a time, she could only sigh with emotion – the children of the poor are in charge of their homes early.

The Taobao store quickly applied for it, and Su Qin started to stock up.

Su Qin and Chen Meixin took pictures together in the evening. In the week when Taobao opened, Su Qin had almost no time to study except in the morning.

On Monday, when Li Chuan taught her in the library of NTU, he found that she had not made much progress. It seemed that she had not been serious about self-study in the past week.

Li Chuan also knew that she was under a lot of work pressure recently and was very tired.

At this time, even if Li Chuan couldn’t bear it, he still frowned and said cruel words to her: “Su Qin, if you don’t want to learn, you don’t have to. You can support yourself by concentrating on selling clothes, so why waste my time? “

“…Mr. Li…I was wrong.” Su Qin acted cute and coquettish with him, raised **** and swore, “Next week, next week, I will definitely show you my progress.”

She was wrong about this, and Li Chuan was right to be angry.

Mr. Li frowned, looking very unfriendly. She tugged at her ears with both hands and sincerely admitted her mistake: “Well, Mr. Li, in order to punish me and let me have a long memory, tonight, I will take you home, okay?”

Li Chuan: “…” Is he shameless?

Su Qin only slept for four hours a day, and spent all his time studying and Taobao.

Because of her clear goals, she was like a chicken blood every day. Even if she didn’t get enough sleep, she was not sleepy at all during the day.

Two weeks later, the “Yunyiyishe” Taobao store was officially launched.

When Chen Meixin opened her Taobao store, she was shocked when she saw the photos inside.

Every model picture is very delicately repaired. Chen Meixin never knew that she still has the potential to be a model?

Seeing these pictures, Chen Meixin felt that she was so beautiful, she held her chest out confidently, took a breath, and shrunk her belly in.

She decides to lose weight, maybe she can become a model?

Of course, Chen Meixin is not stupid. She listens to half of Su Qin’s words, and only believes half of it.

This Taobao store is indeed convenient for customers who have accumulated space. Those customers can place an order online and pick it up at the store themselves, which saves them from calling every day to ask about the price and whether there is any stock.

At this time, Chen Meixin looked down on Taobao, and felt that all Taobao stores were whimsical and unemployed.

The author has something to say: Professor Li: “How can I make my wife not addicted to making money?”

Dacao: “Hack her with money! Hit her with money! Wake her up!”

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