Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 17 - Poisonous tongue

Su Qin hesitated for a while, the door opened a gap, only half of his face was exposed, and he looked out with timid eyes.

The man wears a black sports suit, the collar zips down to the chin, and the skin looks very white.

He put his hands in his trouser pockets and stood outside the door, the suit making his legs look very long. The man’s brows and eyes are downcast, cold and indifferent, staring at the dilapidated door panel, as if thinking about something.

A timid face of the little girl appeared in the crack of the door, and his eyes immediately softened.

“Li…Mr. Li…how did you know about this place?” She was surprised.

She thought that after the separation, Li Chuan would not come to her again, just like in the previous life, the two would meet again in a few years.

At this moment, the man appeared at her door, which made her a little confused.

Li Chuan glanced at her house through the crack of the door and asked, “Do you live here?”

“Yes, yes.”

Li Chuan’s sudden concern made her flattered.

“Is it convenient for me to go in and sit for a while?” Li Chuan stared at the girl’s eyes, trying his best to be sincere, “If it’s not convenient, I can stand outside.”

Su Qin hesitated for a moment, opened the door, and let him in.

Li Chuan entered the house and found that the girl was standing at the door and did not come in.

She opened the door, put her hands behind her back, leaned slightly against the door panel, and pressed the door subconsciously.

Li Chuan thinks it’s good for the girl to have such a sense of self-protection. Even in the face of him, a man who “shares life and death, sharing weal and woe”, the little girl still has a strong sense of security.

In fact, Su Qin didn’t mean to guard against him, but subconsciously thought that it was not good for a man and a widow to live together in the same room and then close the door, which would easily lead to ambiguous emotions.

Although she is still young, she has the heart of a middle-aged woman.

cough cough.

Su Qin didn’t understand why he came here, but also realized that after his rebirth, apart from the general environment that would not change, the fate of the few of them who shared adversity in the mountain village had changed.

Yun Fei, who was burned to death in his previous life, found his father and had a family.

Meng Sisi and Wenmei, who had a tragic ending in their previous lives, also started their lives again.

She herself also returned to the city five years earlier and moved out of a home full of negative energy. She is currently working smoothly, has clear goals for the future, and has a happy life.

And the direction of Li Chuan’s line made her a little confused.

He volunteered to protect their group of girls and accompanied them to the cave, which could still be interpreted as a juvenile spirit.

But now, why would he come to her?

Li Chuan looked around her room. The room was cramped and dark, but the floor was clean. There were elementary and high school exercises on the simple table, and there were magazines and newspapers on the bed.

The milky white fish soup in the pot was tumbling, making a “gu rumbling” sound, and the fragrance was overflowing.

“You must want to ask why I came here.” Li Chuan turned around and looked at the girl at the door.

Su Qin nodded, really curious.

Li Chuan took out a several-layered newspaper from his pocket and handed it to her, “This newspaper was sent by Captain Lu. He is very concerned about you rescued girls, he asked me to find you, Put this in your hands.”

Su Qin took the newspaper from him and opened it.

The Siyang City newspaper reported that the burning of the human traffickers village attracted the attention of the local government. The local government began to thoroughly investigate nearby villages to prevent such acts from happening again.

Zhang Xing, who was arrested for multiple crimes including murder, was sentenced to death and was shot.

Zhang Feng and Zhang Shitou were involved in a criminal gang of human trafficking. Several people headed by Zhang Feng were sentenced to death, and the rest of the accomplices were either sentenced to life or sentenced to more than ten years.

This time, a large number of women and children were rescued. Because of the huge disintegration of the gang, it was reported by major newspapers in Siyang City.

After reading the newspaper, Su Qin took a deep breath and felt a lot more relaxed.

She closed the security newspaper, raised her eyes and asked Li Chuan, “How did you find this place?”

“Captain Lu learned about your recent situation from Meng Sisi. Don’t worry, let me and Xing Xing come to you and give you a little help. Xing Xing is a criminal policeman and has a wide network of connections in Yunyang, so it is not difficult to find you.” Li Chuan paused for a moment. , and said: “Su Qin, we are also considered to be friends who share weal and woe, and live and die together. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me.”

Su Qin did not deny that Captain Lu was indeed a good person. After she returned home in the previous life, Captain Lu also often called her to show her concern and act as a spiritual mentor.

When she came back this time, Su Qin did not leave Captain Lu’s phone number. She inquired about the progress of the human trafficking case through Meng Sisi.

She didn’t expect that Captain Lu would ask Li Chuan and Zhang Xing to come to her and show her concern after learning about her situation.

Very warm-hearted people’s police.

The fish soup in the pot was still cooking. Su Qin walked into the balcony, turned off the open flame, and said to Li Chuan who was indoors: “Mr. Li, I’m doing fine now. You don’t need to worry about Captain Lu. I work in a clothing store, and the lady boss is very helpful. He can train employees and is generous, and this month I received a salary of 2,500.”

Li Chuan followed and walked into the balcony, looking at the humble stove on the balcony, his eyes fell on the gas tank: “Don’t go to school?”

“Yes, but not now.” Su Qin said while serving the soup, “Mr. Li, I don’t have the money to go to school now, so I can only work for a year and retake high school next year.”

Su Qin brought the fish soup to the small table outside, took out two bowls from the sink in the corner of the bedroom, turned around and asked him, “Mr. Li, do you want to taste the fish soup I made?”

If Li Chuan remembered the date correctly, today should be her birthday.

He came in a hurry, didn’t bring anything, and couldn’t directly say “Happy Birthday” to the girl, it would be very abrupt.

He sat down at the dining table, nodded and asked her again, “How old are you? Are you over 16? The boss invites you, which counts as child labor.”

“No, no, Mr. Li, I’m 16 years old, so I don’t count as child labor.” Su Qin deliberately took out his ID card from under his pillow and showed him: “Here, Mr. Li, look at the age of 16.”

Li Chuan glanced at his ID card and said, “Today is your birthday?”

“Yeah.” Su Qin filled a bowl of fish soup and pushed it in front of him, “so I invite you to drink fish soup. You came at the right time.”

The fish soup is milky white and delicious. Su Qin has always been confident in his craftsmanship, but he still looks forward to asking him, “How is it? Is it delicious?”

Li Chuan nodded: “Well. Not bad.”

He knew that Su Qin was good at cooking, and thought that she had practiced it in the countryside for a few years. Now it seems that her craftsmanship should have been forced out by the unreliable parents at home.

“happy Birthday.”

“Thank you, Teacher Li.”

The little girl squinted at him, showing a small mouth of tiger teeth when she smiled.

“You don’t have to call me Teacher Li in the future, just call me by your name, Li Chuan.” After drinking the fish soup, he cut to the chase and asked her, “Su Qin, are we friends?”

The man suddenly asked such a question, which made Su Qin feel strange.

Aside from the husband and wife relationship in their previous life, in this life, they share adversity, and the identity of a friend is worthy.

She nodded and looked at him with bright eyes: “Forget it. Li… eldest brother, you are not only my friend, but also my benefactor. When I make money in the future, I will definitely repay you.”

Li Chuan smiled in relief, shook his head and said, “No. Since you are a friend, if you are in trouble, I should help. Listen to me, go back to school, and I will sponsor your tuition.”

“No, no, no, no.” Su Qin waved to him quickly, in awe, “Mr. Li, I know your family is in good condition and you are my benefactor, how can I accept your sponsorship. If I really need someone to sponsor my tuition, I have long accepted Sisi’s father’s kindness. Teacher Li, with my current salary for three years of tuition, I can earn enough in three months. You really don’t have to worry too much about me.”

Seeing her insistence, Li Chuan was about to speak again when the little girl interrupted him directly: “Well, Mr. Li, you graduated from Yunyang Middle School, right? If you really want to help me, can you help me find out, 9 After the first month of high school starts, can I still go to their school for exams? I have been in the first year of high school for half a year, and my grades in junior high school were not bad… I want to try and go to Yunyang Middle School.”

It’s only April, if she can go directly to the exam, she doesn’t need to go back to the third grade. She can earn a few more months, and by the start of September, she will be able to earn enough tuition for three years.

Li Chuan asked her, “How many marks did you get in the high school entrance examination?”

“Well… 610 points, the first place in Chengnan Middle School at that time.”

Su Qin deliberately mentioned the first place, maybe Yunyang Middle School will give her a chance to take the exam for her first place.

However, Li Chuan, the **** of learning, frowned directly: “No, the score is too low. The gap between your score and Yunyang Middle School is too big, and Yunzhong will not accept the scumbag. Even if you pay for it, you can only hang the back of the car. “

Su Qin: “………………” A mouthful of old blood was stuck in his chest, and the sense of superiority of being the first in the exam was completely wiped out.

Soon, Li Xueshen, who was staring at the people, raised his brows and said in a low voice, “I know the current principal of Yunyang Middle School. I’ll ask you for help and let you know the result.”

The man’s eyes fell on the pile of study materials she bought, he reached out and took it, flipped through it at will, and frowned again.

Seeing him frown, Su Qin groaned in his heart, thinking that this guy was going to start poisoning again. Sure enough, the man said in a calm voice, “Just looking at these things, you still want to go to Yunzhong? Su Qin, are you living in a dream?”

I rely on… Su Qin looked aggrieved. Why didn’t she find out before that her husband was so vicious? She finally knew why Mr. Li had good looks and good studies, but he had no first love.

Seeing the little girl’s eyes full of grievances, Li Chuan realized that his truth seemed to hit her a little, and his tone immediately softened: “If you don’t want to accept my financial sponsorship, then spiritual sponsorship is always accepted, right?”


Little girl confused face.

Li Chuan coughed lightly and asked her, “When do you rest every week?”

“Only Monday, when it’s a holiday, you can’t rest.”

Li Chuan nodded: “Just right, I’m free on Monday afternoon, you are not far from NTU, you can come to NTU to find me every Monday afternoon, and I will help you with your homework. Don’t think it’s hard, your current level, you want to take the test Yunyang Middle School, it’s impossible. With me to help you, your success rate will be much improved.”

He is still studying for a Ph.D., usually doing research and writing papers, and planning to set up a company. It is not easy to spare an afternoon for her to make up lessons.

Of course, in this world, only she, Su Qin, can have this kind of treatment. Change someone else and want to waste his time? Oh, dreaming.

Although Li Chuan’s speech was shocking, he was telling the truth. Su Qin’s middle school entrance examination was 30 points away from Yunzhong’s score line. In her previous life, she only got into the college entrance examination.

In her current situation, there is no problem in taking the ordinary high school, but if she wants to take the Yunyang middle school, she is indeed overestimating her ability. Since Li Chuan agreed to help her with her homework, she couldn’t miss this opportunity.

She was not at all worried that Li Chuan would be interested in her. Professor Li was like a wolf on the bed and obviously liked girls with **** and beautiful appearance.

However, she is now… hehe… just like a stunted little flat. QAQ

From the perspective of his previous life, Su Qin had to admit that Li Chuan was a good man and a good husband.

But when she was reborn, she didn’t really want to have any emotional entanglement with Li Chuan. The two were not from the same world at all, and there were very few common topics in life.

The husband has a high education and a high income, and the wife has a junior college degree and a moderate income. The common topic is the life of the firewood, rice, oil, salt, and daughter.

Aside from Lin Xiaoyin, the two of them have had hidden problems for so many years.

One was aggrieved and didn’t say anything, and the other was too old and good, just like two lumps of cotton, powerless to beat anyone.

Their husband and wife respect each other like guests, and there is no conflict, but it does not mean that there is no conflict, it is just accumulated and never broke out. Once it breaks out, I am afraid that there will be no peace in the family, and only the daughter will suffer in the end.

Thinking of her daughter, Su Qin’s heart aches.

In her last life, the bag was burned to death with her, and it became a knot in her heart that could not be solved. If she marries Li Chuan again and gives birth to Bao Bao, if the accumulated conflicts between the two break out, Bao Bao will suffer.

Anyway, she didn’t want to think about these headaches at all.

Now that they are all reborn, of course, they want to make their life a little more exciting.

Even if she doesn’t choose to marry Mr. Li, she must make Mr. Li as a friend. There are many resources around this man.

After that day, she began to call the army every three to five to greet him that he was well. Team Lu was still quite puzzled, and boasted that the girl had a heart.

The work unit of the charter is in the area of ​​Suqin, and he also comes to see her every three or five times, and will bring her some fruit and coconut milk by the way.

At first, Su Qin refused to accept these things, and politely said: “How can I make you spend money when you come to see me?”

The charter put the fruit and coconut milk on her dining table: “I’m so poor that only money is left, and I don’t spend any money. You can eat these things, and I’ll give them to you in two days.”

Su Qin: “…”

Charter is a good and warm-hearted cop. In her previous life, she heard Li Chuan say that the monthly salary in the charter was not enough to buy things for the families of the victims and criminal suspects.

After reliving my life, I actually experienced being loved by Master Zhang. Really… special, very moving. QAQ

There is a canteen downstairs in Su Qin.

This day, when Su Qin came back from get off work, the uncle of the canteen stopped her: “Su Su, a gentleman put a box of things here for you.”

Su Qin was startled for a moment, thinking that the charterer came to give something again. Carrying things upstairs and opening it, I was relieved to see a box of study materials inside.

She took out the book and sorted it out. When she went downstairs to throw out the garbage, she went to the canteen to call Li Chuan.

On the other end of the phone, Li Chuan told her that the principal of Yunyang Middle School promised to give her a chance. In early June, she could go to Yunyang Middle School to take the exam.

Su Qin held the phone and said excitedly, “Really?”


At this moment, Su Qin can’t wait to hug Mr. Li and kiss him.

“This opportunity is not easy to come by, you should cherish it, remember, come to me to report every Monday, this kind of opportunity is not for everyone.”

The man’s voice came out of the telephone receiver, with a bit of seriousness and texture.

Su Qin suppressed his excitement and solemnly said thank you to him.

The man on the other end of the phone frowned, and his tone became gentle again: “You’re welcome. You have to be mentally prepared. I will help students, very serious.”

The author has something to say:

Professor Li: “I am like a wolf like a tiger?”

Su Qin: “Oh…the person who is like a wolf like a tiger here…is someone else?”


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