Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 15 - rescued (1)

Whether she is an adult or a child, her sleeping position is so helpless.

Li Chuan was no longer sleepy, got up from the ground, took off his down jacket, and put it on Su Qin.

Su Qin had a very light sleep and was awakened by his movement. He sat up subconsciously, saw it was him, and rubbed his hair randomly.

Li Chuan gave her a “shh”, motioning her to move slightly.

Carrying the backpack in the corner, he walked outside to the entrance of the hole, and Su Qin followed.

Li Chuan inserted the flashlight on the stone wall, sat down against the stone wall, put the backpack on his lap, took out a saber dagger at any time, and handed it to Su Qin.

The girl took the knife and was stunned.

The man whispered: “At critical times, you have to use a knife, and the devil will not tell you sympathy.”

Half of the man’s voice was sucked away by the stone wall and half taken away by the sound of water, so the people resting in the inner cave could not hear it.

Su Qin sat down next to him, holding the black dagger case in his left hand, and pulled out the dagger in his right hand. Under the light of the torch, the blade flashed a cold, cold light.

“Why did you bring these things when you came to teach?” Su Qin’s voice was weak, like a little girl.

Admiring the dagger, she asked him.

In her previous life, she met Li Chuan five years later. At that time, although Li Chuan sympathized with her, he did not dare to protect her and take her away from the villagers. What he dared to do was go to the police for help.

In this life, she knew Li Chuan five years in advance, and she clearly felt that his personality at this time was different from five years later.

He did not look forward to the future, and in his heroic momentum, with a fearless bravery, he faced the enemy with cold eyes.

Could it be that he was too young now, and his youthful spirit made him ignore the danger and accompany them here?

“Mr. Zhang’s.” Li Chuan continued to explain, “Mr. Zhang is a criminal police officer. He was suspended because he did something wrong. He was bored in the city, so he came here with me to cultivate himself.”


Su Qin put away the dagger and leaned against the stone wall in a daze.

After being silent for a while, the man next to him took out the medical supplies from his backpack and pointed to her calf: “I’ll clean up your injury for you.”

“Oh, if you don’t say I almost forgot,” Su Qin rolled up his trouser legs, revealing the shocking scar. She turned her face to face the man, stared at the iodophor in his hand and said, “Mr. Li, myself… come on?”

Li Chuan took out a chocolate from his backpack and handed it to her: “You have something to eat, I’ll come.”

In addition to self-defense items in his backpack, there are compressed biscuits, chocolates, and candies, which are all things to satisfy hunger and replenish energy.

Su Qin tore open the chocolate, broke off a small piece, put it in his mouth and took a sip.

At the same time as the sweetness melted between the teeth, there was a stinging pain from the wound. Su Qin frowned and made a “hiss” sound in his mouth.

Li Chuan didn’t stop, and continued to clean up her wound. After gauze was attached, he carefully lowered her trouser legs for her, “It’s alright.”

The man is as gentle as ever.

Li Chuan’s character is like this, he is good to everyone, but he can’t get angry with anyone. It is precisely because of such a gentle personality that Lin Xiaoyin has been entangled for many years in the previous life.

It’s not that Su Qin has never complained, but she can’t say it and knows how to digest herself. She knew very well that she could be with Li Chuan for so many years, precisely because she would never get angry with him.

But Su Qin, who had lived a whole life, suddenly felt that his previous life was suffocating and useless. Sometimes she really should have a big fight with him to make him realize the seriousness of the problem.

She should have slapped her directly when Lin Xiaoyin was entangled.

Today, Lin Xiaoyin was beaten by Li Yunzhen. She did not deny that there was an element of revenge in it, and she could completely save Lin Xiaoyin from the beating.

After reliving her life, her way of thinking has changed, and even her personality has changed.

If Li Chuan still offered to be with her in this life, would she still agree? She thought about it carefully, and it seemed that she would not.

In this life, she will not be willing to be ordinary and be a little tailor.

Although she married the best man in her previous life, her life of respect and respect was too bland, and there was nothing exciting at all. She also thought of Lin Xiaoyin’s previous life, in front of her daughter, who asked her to divorce Li Chuan, and the woman’s arrogant appearance made her feel sick.

Li Chuan has a gentle personality. If he refuses women to say something harsh, Lei Ling is popular, and Lin Xiaoyin will not be bothered for so many years.

On second thought, Lin Xiaoyin dared to do whatever she wanted because she was rich.

In her new life, Su Qin doesn’t want to be so useless anymore. Whether it is at home, school, workplace, or marriage, she must become stronger and stand in a position that no one dares to shake.

Seeing her shaking her head, Li Chuan was puzzled and asked in a low voice, “What are you shaking your head for?”

“I’m thinking about how the relatives and friends around us will look at us after we go back.” Su Qin leaned on the back of the stone wall and sighed: “Honghong has become like that, what can we do after we go out, she …”

Li Chuan was silent. After a while, he put his hand on her shoulder and pressed it as a sign of comfort, “These people will have retribution.”

Su Qin showed a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth and whispered, “I hope.”

These three words came out of her mouth lightly, but they weighed like a thousand jins and pressed heavily on Li Chuan’s chest.

Stupid villagers, **** traffickers.

Li Chuan thought of his wife and daughter who died in the sea of ​​fire in his previous life.

It was probably the blow of the fire in his previous life that made Li Chuan understand something.

The students appraised him as “Professor of Warm Man”, but this title of “Warm Man”, given to a husband, is not another kind of scum?

As a man, husband, and father, his tenderness should only be given to his family, not to those who don’t matter.

He should not blindly tolerate and tolerate Lin Xiaoyin, and be selfish when he should be selfish.

In the previous life, he lived too much “the Virgin”. In this life, he will live his life selfishly, not only for himself, but also for Su Qin and their future children.

The next day, Yun Fei went up to the temple to deliver food as usual, opened the door and saw a mess inside. When he saw Li Yunzhen tied to the chair, he looked flustered and hurriedly loosened her bindings.

Li Yunzhen grabbed his wrist weakly and said, “Feifei, hurry up, go back to the village and call someone, your daughter-in-law ran away.”

Yun Fei heard the words, his eyes were red, and he bit his lip and ran down the mountain in tears.

He staggered into Zhang Xing’s house, grabbed Zhang Xing’s wrists and cried, “My daughter-in-law ran away, my daughter-in-law ran away.”

Zhang Xing got up early and wanted to send Li Chuan out of the village, but he didn’t see anyone else. When he heard that the woman in the mountain temple ran away, Zhang Xing immediately realized that the situation was serious, and gathered the villagers to go to the mountain temple.

Yun Fei followed behind the army, crying heart-to-heart.

The aunt who came with him patted his shoulder to comfort him: “If you are good, if you don’t cry, your daughter-in-law can’t run away. Our village is strictly guarded, where can she run? Don’t worry, your brother Xing will definitely take care of her. My daughter-in-law will find it for you.”

Yun Fei pouted, raised the back of his hand and wiped the swollen eyes: “I want a daughter-in-law, a daughter-in-law…”

He sat on the ground with his buttocks, kicking his legs and playing, clamoring for a daughter-in-law.

Zhang Xing had someone send the injured old mother down the mountain, and asked a few men to go up the mountain with him to look for it. He glanced at Yun Fei, who was sitting on the ground and crying, and said, “Feifei, go home, and I will definitely bring you back my daughter-in-law! Okay?”

“No! I want to go with you!” He snatched the hatchet from an uncle’s hand, his stupid face full of stubbornness: “I’m looking for a daughter-in-law! If I can’t find a daughter-in-law, I won’t go home!”

“Okay, okay, whatever you want.” Zhang Xing led a group of men up the mountain and began to search along the mountain road.

In the evening, they found nothing, and someone proposed to go to the Yanbi Mountain to have a look.

Some propose, some oppose.

The uncle who went with him said: “There is almost no road in that area, and there are bears and blind people. They can’t go. Let’s go to other places to look for it first.”

Zhang Xing lowered his head and thought for a while, then said, “Because no one is going to that area, we’re going to have a look. Maybe they’ll be there.”

Yun Fei’s heartbeat accelerated, but on the surface he had to pretend to “approve”.

The soldiers came to block it, and the water came to cover it, so Yun Fei had to follow them and continue to move forward.

When they reached the part of Yanbi Mountain, there were many thorns, and they continued to walk in.

Because this mountain is full of wild bears, villagers rarely come. Two days ago, Zhang Erwa disappeared, and Zhang Xing asked Yun Fei and her son to come and look for it.

The wild bear’s attack was so fast that Zhang Xing had lingering fears as he walked in front. He took a few steps, stopped, turned his head and said to the fool behind him, “Feifei, you are familiar with this piece, and you will lead the way.”


Yun Fei nodded and walked in front obediently. When he was about to reach Yanbi Mountain, Yun Fei who was walking in front suddenly shouted “Wow” and turned around and ran back.

Others didn’t know what was going on, and they turned their heads and ran back with a “wow”.

The villagers ran halfway up the mountain in one go before stopping.

Zhang Xing stopped on the spot panting heavily, and stood on the stone to count the number of people. When he found that there were not many people, he breathed a sigh of relief and asked Yunfei: “Fool, did you see the blind bear just now?”

“I… I don’t know.” Yun Fei said timidly.

“Then you run ass!”

Yun Fei lowered his head and said hesitantly while playing with his fingers, “I… I just saw a big python wrapped around a tree. I’m afraid…”

Zhang Xing: “…”

It was getting late, and they didn’t bring torches, so they couldn’t stay in the mountains any longer.

The villagers knew in their hearts that they could not escape from the mountain village, and it was only a matter of time before they found them.

Not sure, when they ran out of food, they went down the mountain by themselves.

Zhang Xing took the villagers back home, and went from house to house to greet the villagers who lost their “daughter-in-law”. He patted his chest and made a promise to the villagers that he would definitely get them back!

Su Qin and his party, staying in the cave can’t go anywhere, counting seconds like years.

In the afternoon, Meng Sisi couldn’t sit still, and began to panic again. The excitement that escaped last night was gone. She said, “What if the police didn’t come and we were taken back?”

Wenmei was making a fire to bake dry buns, she was stunned when she heard the words, and subconsciously looked at Su Qin who was dragging bamboo at the entrance of the cave.

Hearing this, Su Qin raised his chin and pointed to the cliff waterfall at the end of the cave, and said, “If you have to, just make a desperate attempt and go down from there.”

Lin Xiaoyin raised her eyes to look at the end of the hole, and subconsciously shouted, “Are you crazy? Do you want us all to die?”

“I didn’t let Teacher Lin dance with you. You can stay in the village and be a daughter-in-law to the villagers. You are beautiful as a flower. At most, they will dig out your eyeballs, and they are reluctant to interrupt your hands and feet,” Su Qinhua said. In the morning, she and Li Chuan chopped down a lot of bamboo. She said: “We use these bamboos to make bamboo rafts. When we have to, we use bamboo rafts to rush down the cliffs and waterfalls. The chances of death should not be very high. “

“It’s so high… the probability of death should be high, right?” Meng Sisi’s heart skipped a beat.

“Listen to me,” Su Qin took out a bamboo raft design drawing from his pocket and handed it to them: “Well, the size of the bamboo raft we are going to make is about the height and width of a human body, and then we will put the sheets on it. Tear it into strips of cloth and tie the bamboo raft to the back. We are washed down by the current, and when we reach the river below, we will be carried up by the buoyancy of the bamboo raft and float for a while. When we reach a place where the current is not so turbulent, we can swim. ashore.”

“By the way, you all can swim, right?”

Everyone nodded in unison.

“…This method sounds good, but…is it really feasible?” Wenmei was slightly puzzled, “and…we won’t make bamboo rafts.”

“I will.” Su Qin was trapped in a mountain village for five years in his previous life. Of course, these manual farm work is not a problem. She paused and said, “However, this method is just my conjecture, and it is dangerous. We can’t use this method unless it is absolutely necessary.”

Rather than being drowned, they were more afraid of being taken back, having their hands and feet broken, and becoming like Honghong.

Su Qin began to build a bamboo raft, Li Chuan helped her chop bamboo, and Miss Lin began to help tear up the cloth strips in order to survive.

At first, Su Qin’s movements were a little jerky when he was tying the bamboo raft, but when he got to the back, he started to get started.

Li Chuan had been with her for so many years, but he didn’t know she would still do this, so he couldn’t help but admire this little girl.

In the evening, all five bamboo rafts were tied up. According to the original plan, Su Qin planned to tie the disabled girl to himself and jump off with her.

Li Chuan stopped her from doing so, frowned and said, “You have limited physical strength, I will do this kind of thing.”

Meng Sisi also questioned: “Teacher Li, it’s not that we underestimate you, teachers like you who are powerless, can you really have enough physical strength? You can’t even do a few push-ups, right?”

Li Chuan, who was questioned, replied seriously: “One hundred is no problem.”

“Cough…” Su Qin, who had the memory of his past life, blushed, and inexplicably flashed past Professor Li and her first night.

Professor Li’s physical strength…is…very good, there is no doubt about that.

Li Chuan belongs to the type that looks thin in clothes and fleshy when undressed. Although he has a warm personality, he has been exercising since he was a child, and he has learned a lot of self-defense moves. Fencing and Muay Thai are his ways to release pressure.

After all, they were still in the enemy camp and did not dare to relax for a moment.

At such a time, Yun Fei couldn’t go up the mountain, and he couldn’t give them any advice. All they could do was to prepare themselves.

Before going to bed, Su Qin and Li Chuan agreed that everyone should tie the bamboo raft to their bodies to sleep.

Once the villagers find it while they are sleeping, they can react quickly and jump off the cliff waterfall.

Although Su Qin is a little girl, she can think about everything. The more cautious she was, the more Li Chuan felt sorry for her.

If she hadn’t been bullied and stimulated in the village, why would a 15-year-old girl have such a sensitive mind?

At noon the next day, the village was in chaos, and Zhang Xing brought the police to the village, including the family members of the abducted girl, there were about two dozen people.

Meng Sisi’s father brought four bodyguards, and the disabled girl’s brother also came to the scene.

Zhang Xing was shocked when Zhang Xing brought the police. Being deceived, he was so angry that he wanted to chop him with a knife: “Zhang Xing, I treat you well, but you actually betrayed me?”

Zhang Zhang coughed: “Hey, hey, talk well, why do you tell me to betray you? I’m a people’s policeman, this is called undercover, do you understand? You quickly bring out the imprisoned girls, frankly and leniently, resisting and obeying. Yan, I’ll leave you with a whole corpse!”

The army team gave Zhang Zhang a roll of eyes and reminded him: “Xiao Zhang, pay attention to what you say, you are still on suspension.”

“Yes, yes, Army Corps, you talk, you talk.” The charter stepped back and acted like a dog’s leg.

Captain Lu asked Zhang Xing, “Are you the village chief here? Zhang Feng and Zhang Shitou from your village are suspected of abducting women and children. We need to take them back. In addition, we also need to take the girls who were abducted and sold. take away.”

Outside the yard, the villagers were already surrounded.

It was also the first time that the villagers saw the police coming to the village, and they all felt strange.

Zhang Xing stared at his round eyes and shouted, “What kind of girl was kidnapped? We don’t have one here.” He raised his hand and pointed to the crowd, and said, “Our daughter-in-law here comes from a few villages next door. Ming media is married. Police officer, don’t listen to this man’s nonsense, we really don’t have any girls who are abducted and sold here. Besides, give us ten courage, we don’t dare to buy it, we are all good citizens who abide by the law. “

The young guy who came with the police rushed out and grabbed Zhang Xing by the collar: “Where is my sister? Hand over my sister!”

The man raised his hand and was about to beat him, but was pulled by the police.

Zhang Xing straightened his clothes and said, “We really don’t have any girls who have been abducted and sold here. If you don’t believe me, search them!”

The villagers gathered at the door of the village chief’s house, and you spoke to me.

“Yeah, our village is full of clean girls, where is there anything that has been abducted and sold, comrades police, don’t wrong good people.”

“No, Zhang Feng did something illegal, doesn’t it mean we did it too? Go catch Zhang Feng!”

“Yes, comrade police, our village is so big. If you don’t believe me, go search!”


When everyone said something to me, Yun Fei rushed into the crowd.

He went straight to Captain Lu and said, “I know where the abducted girls are, I’ll take you there.”

Zhang Xing and the villagers looked at the fool in a daze, and an aunt came to pull him: “What are you talking about, fool? What girl was kidnapped? There are no girls who were kidnapped in our village!”

Yun Fei took his arm out of his aunt’s hand, pushed it away, and said to the burly Army Corps: “Uncle, my mother was also kidnapped. I will take you to find those girls, and you must also promise to take them with you. Let’s go out.”

There was an uproar in the crowd, and everyone looked at this fool in disbelief.

Zhang Xing was furious, and the veins on his forehead burst: “Fool, what nonsense are you talking about! Officer, don’t listen to his nonsense, he is a fool, a fool in our village, you must not believe what he says.”

The army team glanced at Zhang Xing who was anxious, looked at Yun Fei with a solemn expression, and asked him, “Can you really lead us to find those girls?”

Yun Fei nodded and said, “Yeah.”

Meng Sisi’s father was a middle-aged man in his forties, slightly overweight and wearing a mountaineering suit.

He took a step forward, put his hand on Yun Fei’s shoulder, and patted: “Young man, as long as you take me to find my daughter, I will not only take you and your mother out of here, but also give you a sum of money, please, young man. “

Yun Fei nodded, ready to take them up the mountain.

The Army sent two policemen to protect Yunqin.

The villagers went home and took hoes and hatchets and came out, blocking the mountain pass up the mountain, preventing them from crossing the road.

The army directly pulled out the gun and fired a warning shot at the sky.

The villagers were taken aback by the loud gunshots.

Taking advantage of their large numbers, Zhang Xing stood on the steps with a **** and shouted: “Folks! After this group of police wants to kill us, we can’t let them succeed! Let’s go together, they dare not take us. What! The police dare not shoot at the people!”

The villagers were ignited by Zhang Xing’s remarks and rushed towards the police.

The Army Corps scolded “Fuck” and yelled at the crowd: “Are you blatantly resisting the law! Are you trying to attack the police!”

Zhang Xing ignored the warning from the army team, picked up the **** and rushed towards the charter, hitting him on the forehead.

The charter made a “hooh”, jumped back, and escaped dangerously.

The villagers also rushed over, picked up their belongings and started smashing a group of police officers and the family members of the abducted girls, causing chaos.

The army team fired several shots into the sky, but the villagers still didn’t stop.

Zhang Xing was shot in the knee, and the blood flowed nonstop. He held his knee and lay on the ground screaming “Wow”.

The villagers stopped immediately and dared not move forward.

The police pointed their guns at them, and the Army Corps roared: “They’re all **** law-blind, right? Squat down for me! Hold your head!”

The villagers who participated in the fight squatted down obediently.

The Army Corps asked these people to go home, and they were not allowed to come out. They also sent people to see the entrance of the village, so that no one was allowed to leave the village. Shocked by the ignorance of the villagers, he sighed as he walked on the mountain road: “These group of scoundrels! Not one of the people who participated in the fight just now can’t be spared! All of them are taken back for education!”

After about two hours, they arrived at the cave.

Su Qin and the others thought that the villagers came in and were about to jump off the cliff and waterfall. Fortunately, Yun Fei roared in time to stop them from jumping off the cliff collectively with bamboo rafts on their backs.

When Hong Hong’s brother saw her, he almost didn’t dare to recognize her.

My brother couldn’t believe that this disabled girl who had her hands and feet cut off and her tongue cut off… was his sister.

educate? Is education enough? It’s not a pity to be stabbed to death!

The elder brother held Honghong in his arms, opened his mouth wide, and cried silently, his heart aching like a knife, as if the flesh on his body had been cut off inch by inch.

Meng Sisi threw herself into her father’s arms, and the tears that had been held back for days finally flowed out.

Dad Meng glanced at the disabled girl, and then at the well-mannered daughter in his arms, feeling a little relieved. At least… the daughter’s body is intact.

The police escorted Zhang Erwa, Zhang Feng, Zhang Xing and other related personnel down the mountain. Since there were too many people who participated in the crowd fight and assaulted the police, the police were not staffed enough to **** them back one by one. The army sent people to stand at the entrance of the village, waiting for the county police station to send people to support.

Not only the girls who were abducted and sold, but also Yun Fei’s mother and son were brought out of the mountain.

They temporarily stayed in Tongluo Township for one night, and the next morning, Honghong and her brother disappeared.

They continued on their way, and it was another day’s journey to Tuling Town.

The brick bungalows in Tuling Town have been replaced by self-built small buildings, and the environment is much better than that of Tongluo Township.

They arrived in the town, and after a while, the town police station drove over and sent all relevant personnel to the Nanyi County police station.

It was already eight o’clock in the evening when they arrived in Nanyi County. The police sent the villagers who had taken the lead in attacking the police to medical treatment, and arranged for Su Qin and others to go to the hotel.

The accommodation in the county is not as good as in the city, and there are no five-star hotels.

When everyone was eating around the table in the evening, Father Meng touched the back of Meng Sisi’s head and sighed: “Sisi, I will order tonight, when I get back to the city, I will go out later, Dad will let you stay in the best hotel, go home, Dad Take you to the best food.”

“Dad.” Meng Sisi was burying his head in the rice. Hearing the words, he put down the bowls and chopsticks and looked up at him: “Dad, the accommodation and food here are already very good. We eat cold and stale corn buns these days. It’s been a long time since I had hot white rice and meat.”

When Father Meng heard this, his eyes turned red, and he turned his face away and secretly wiped away his tears.

Captain Lu reached out to pat him on the shoulder and comforted him: “Brother, don’t be sad, your daughter is back with good hands and feet. You can look after him in the future.” He raised his chin and looked at Meng Sisi: “And your little girl. , in the future, don’t be self-willed, don’t play anything and run away from home, the most important thing in this world is sinister people. Hell is empty, and the devil is shaking.”

Meng Sisi lowered her head and bit a piece of lotus root, and made a muffled “um”.

Thinking of being separated from Su Qin and Wenmei tomorrow, she was quite reluctant to part with it. She asked, “Sister Su Qin, Sister Wenmei, after you go back, you should keep in touch with me, I will miss you. And you, Sister Su Qin, If there is any difficulty, call us, you saved me, I owe you.”

Su Qin shook his head and said, “We are friends in need. Besides, without you, it’s not that easy to escape with my own strength, and to tie Zhang Erwa.”

Li Chuan sat Su Qin on his left, and Zhang Zhang on his right. He kept picking chicken legs from Su Qin’s bowl, and Zhang Zhang was jealous: “I said Lao Li, you are too partial, take care of the little girl, but you don’t take care of me? “

“Soon.” Li Chuan glanced at him lightly, “You should lose weight too.”

Zhang Zhang’s cheeks bulged, and he snorted proudly. He turned his head and picked out a big chicken leg and gave it to Yun Fei: “Come on, Feifei, this big chicken leg is for you. Only you who are so cute are worthy of it. Serve big chicken thighs.”

“Thank you, Teacher Zhang.” Yun Fei’s eyebrows and eyes curved, and he smiled at Zhang Zhan, revealing two cute little tiger teeth.

The charter said in disgust: “Don’t call me Mr. Zhang, call me the charter, or Brother Zhang. By the way, where are you going?”

Yun Fei took the police to find Meng Sisi, and Meng’s father gave them a sum of money as a reward. The money is not much, but it is enough for them to rent a house and settle down first.

Yun Fei turned to look at his mother, and Yun Qin took his words: “I plan to go back to Yunyang City first and take Feifei back to see his grandmother.”

Yunqin has no parents, only one grandmother. Fifteen years have passed, and her grandmother is not necessarily still alive. After so many years, Feifei’s father is afraid that he has also married and had children, and has his own family.

Thinking of this, Su Qin actually felt sorry for them.

She looked at Feifei and planned to go back and find a way to make money first, so that she could do what she wanted to do.

Over the years in the mountains, Yunqin taught Yunfei a lot of knowledge.

Yun Fei’s current level of knowledge is probably in junior high school. He should make up for a supplementary course and mix into high school. It should be no problem.

However, Yunqin may not be able to afford the supplementary tuition and high school tuition. After all, she has been trapped in the mountains for so many years, and I am afraid that she will not be able to get used to the working mode in the city.

In the previous life, Yun Fei died for her. In this life, Su Qin had to find a way to make money for Yun Fei to study, which was also considered a repayment.

After all, she is a reborn person, and the knowledge she has learned is engraved in her mind. Even if she goes back to school two years later, it doesn’t matter. At the moment, she has to solve the problem of non-non-reading first.

When dinner was about to end, the PHS of the army team sounded “toot toot”.

He answered the phone and said “hello”, “what’s the matter?”

After listening to the phone, the army team had a heavy face.

Seeing that he didn’t look very good, Su Qin asked, “Did you find Honghong and his brother?”

The army team didn’t answer, put away PHS, paused, took a deep breath and said, “The village was set on fire by a fire, and several families who bought the kidnapped girl were all burned to death. Although the other villagers were fine, but The place where I lived was burnt down.”

“Okay!” Father Meng slapped the table, “This is retribution!”

Su Qin couldn’t speak well, and his heart was very heavy. It was obvious who set fire to the village.

Zhang Zhan and Li Chuan looked at each other tacitly, and then asked, “Then… does the suspect have a result?”

“Suspect? What suspect?” The army team took a sip of wine and said, “I know what you’re thinking. Brother Honghong has alibi. After he separated from us, he stayed with his sister in Tongluo Township. The peasant woman’s home did not return to Zhangjiagou again.”

Zhang Zhi and Li Chuan looked at each other again and stopped talking.

The army team said with emotion: “But this matter is not under my control. I am only responsible for cases of abducted persons.”

The village is gone, and the three girls are lying on the same bed, but they can’t be happy.

Maybe somewhere in the world, there will be girls who have suffered the same thing as them, waiting for the police to rescue them.

Meng Si thought of something, and suddenly sat up from the bed and said, “I have decided to go to the police academy in the future, and I will fight those traffickers to the end!”

Wenmei has been out to work for many years. Her family conditions are not good. She was admitted to the university but was not able to go there. But now, she is unwilling to let it go.

Su Qin took Wenmei’s hand and said, “Meimei, if you want to do some things, just do them, nothing is impossible. You are still young, you can work part-time and make money at the same time. You can take part in next year’s college entrance examination again. You can re-enter the university and take the major you like. If we are poor children, if there is no lucky halo, studying is the only way out for us. “

“But… I haven’t studied for a long time, is it really okay?” Wen Mei fell into a state of self-doubt.

“It’s definitely possible.” Su Qin looked at her firmly: “As long as you are willing to study, you can do it. What major do you want to take?”

“I…” She blushed, a little embarrassed: “lawyer. What about you? Susu.”

“Me?” Su Qin thought about it and said, “I want to make money, make a lot of money. I also want to be famous. I think of a level where all the top stars in China revolve around me and take me as the center. By then, I can use the power of stars to incite the media, make all Chinese people pay attention to ‘anti-abduction’, and make all girls pay attention to self-protection.”

Sounds like a distant dream.

Meng Sisi was puzzled and asked her, “Do you want to be a star? But even if you become a star, it is impossible for all the stars to revolve around you.”

Su Qin smiled, reached out and touched the girl’s little head: “Silly girl, you can’t be a star. As long as you stand at the top of the fashion circle, there will naturally be stars standing next to you, and they will follow you. When taking a group photo, I will try my best to stand out and stand in the C position.”

“What is position C?” Wenmei asked her.

She thought about it for a while, and explained in a perfunctory way: “It’s… a conspicuous position.”

The life in the previous life was bumpy. In this life, Su Qin didn’t want to live in vain. She wanted to make money, to be famous, and to go to the pinnacle of starlight.

On the day Su Qin left Nanyi County, the army sent them good news.

It turned out that Zhang Xing was a fugitive murderer. He killed his ex-girlfriend and foreman in Weidong Province a few years ago.

Su Qin thought that Zhang Xing escaped after being arrested in his previous life, and reminded the army team. Captain Lu kept it in his heart, patted her shoulder and said, “Sister, don’t worry, I won’t let this murderer run away from me.”

The police arranged for someone to take the girl home, and Li Chuan and Zhang Xing also wanted to go back to Yunyang City, where they were on the same road as Su Qin and Yun Fei.

At eight o’clock in the morning, the two left Lin Xiaoyin, who was still sleeping in the hotel, and followed Su Qin’s bus.

It takes 5 hours to drive from Yinan County to Yunyang City.

Passing by the rest stop on the way, Li Chuan got off the car to rest, and saw Su Qin turned his head and looked out the window, while Yun Fei was sleeping on her shoulder.

Su Qin didn’t wake up Yun Fei and let him sleep on his shoulder.

When Li Chuan passed by them, he staggered on purpose, grabbed Yun Fei’s shoulder, and stabilized his body.

Yun Fei was awakened by him, rubbed his sleepy eyes and woke up, looking at him in confusion.

Li Chuan pressed his hand on his shoulder: “It’s okay, continue to sleep.”

Yunfei: “…”

Don’t say sorry for waking people up! Teacher Li is really rude.


When Li Chuan got out of the car, Yun Fei turned his head and looked at Su Qin with an aggrieved expression.

Looking at Feifei’s aggrieved look, she found it very funny, reached out and touched his little head, and said, “He didn’t do it on purpose.”

Yun Fei pouted, puffed out his cheeks and muttered, “That’s not necessarily true.”

Around 4 o’clock in the afternoon, the bus arrived in Yunyang City.

Su Qin and Yun Fei changed positions. The big boy put his face on the glass and looked outside with a novel look. He couldn’t help feeling the exquisite buildings here.

The bus passed through the urban area and got on the surrounding overpass. It can be seen that there are many high-rise buildings around, and the traffic flow is endless.

Yun Fei has never been out of the village. At this time, he is like an ancient person who has passed through, full of curiosity about everything.

Arriving at the station, Li Chuan and Zhang Zhi sent Su Qin and Yun Fei home respectively.

Su Qin’s parents were notified by the police and waited at home early in the morning.

Li Chuan and the police sent Su Qin to the house, sat for a while and then left.

When Su Qin returned home, he was not surprised to see a little boy in his mother’s arms. The little boy was brought back by his father from outside after she disappeared.

This little boy is the child of his father who was outside with Xiaosan. Xiaosan died of illness a few years ago, and the little boy has been living with his grandmother. After Su Qin disappeared, the father brought the little boy back, and the mother regarded the little boy as her own flesh and blood, transferring the pain of losing her daughter.

When Su Qin came home in his previous life, the little boy was nine years old, and he never admitted that he had this sister. And the parents gave all their love to this little boy.

She wanted to go back to school, but her parents didn’t allow her, so they arranged for her to go on a blind date, let her go out to work, and wanted her to leave home earlier.

She still remembers her mother’s remarks.

“Susu, it’s not your mother who told you. Although the boy was married, he has a car and a house, and he doesn’t dislike you. You are already 20 years old. You have been kidnapped and sold for so many years, and you have to go to high school. You are not ashamed. , Mom still thinks it. Listen to Mom’s words, don’t waste time studying, get married early, have children early, work early to make money, and earn tuition for your brother. “

Damn it, Su Qin still feels disgusted by that set of remarks.

When Su Qin came home and had dinner with his family around the table, no one spoke.

Halfway through the meal, Su Qin asked her mother, “Mom, when can I go back to school?”

Mother Wang Lin was taken aback for a moment, looked at her husband, put down the tableware and said, “Susu, now there is a younger brother at home, your younger brother is going to kindergarten and studying. I am afraid the family can’t afford two children. If you don’t go to school, you will have the final exam soon, so I’m afraid you won’t be able to keep up with the course. It’s better to study this way… Let’s not go to school, you can go to work in a coastal city, and it is said that the salary there is very high.”

Su Qin: “…”

She knew it would be the result.

Su Qin didn’t refute his mother’s words, put down the tableware and said, “Mom, I’m your biological daughter, and you are obliged to raise me to adulthood. Well, you give me a tuition fee for three years of high school, I move out and live, you guys It’s like I’ve never had a daughter like me, how about that?”

Father Su Zhengguo put the bowl on the table ruthlessly and made a “bang”, which made the little boy cry with a “wow”.

The mother picked up the little boy, put it on her lap, and coaxed softly.

Su Zhengguo yelled at her, “You bastard, what did you say?”

Su Qin’s heart froze for a while, and sneered: “Wow, how long have I been missing, you will bring back a son? That’s awesome.”

In her previous life, Su Qin had been missing for five years, and she was twenty years old when she returned home. Relatives and neighbors pointed at her, and her parents felt that they had no face, so they thought of a way to “drive” her out of the house, out of sight and out of mind.

Su Zhengguo: “What’s your tone? You were kidnapped and taken to the countryside as a daughter-in-law. You are already married. You, a married girl, still want to study? !”

Su Qin sneered and looked at him: “Dad, it turns out that my daughter is in my heart and is never worth mentioning?”

Wang Lin grabbed her husband and motioned him to stop talking, it was her biological daughter.

Su Zhengguo was also stubborn, and said angrily, “You should have listened to me back then, this loser shouldn’t be born!”

Su Qin continued to bury his head to eat, and after a long silence said, “Okay, I’ll go out to work. The girl who was rescued with me this time is also in a coastal city. I can go to her. The bus ticket from Yunyang to there is about two Hundred and eighty, when I go there, I need to rent a house and also need living expenses, you give me a sum of money. I will leave tomorrow to save relatives and friends poking your spine in the back and making you lose face. “

Seeing that she agreed to go out to work, Wang Lin breathed a sigh of relief and asked her softly, “Is that girl reliable?”

Su Qin looked at his mother mockingly.

How can it be unreliable?

After hearing her say this, Su Zhengguo calmed down and said, “We don’t have much money at home, we can only give you one thousand yuan.”

“ok, that’s enough.” Su Qin finished the last bite of his meal, got up and said, “that’s it, I’ll leave tomorrow, and I’m afraid of being stabbed in the spine. I’ll go into the room to pack my things, prepare the money, and I’ll stay. will come out and get it.”

Watching their daughter walk into the room, the couple looked at each other.

Wang Lin said, “Zhengguo, do you think your daughter has matured a lot? Is it too much for us to do this?”

Su Zhengguo pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and instructed his wife, “Hurry up and eat, and then go to get money for Su Su. It’s good for her to leave Yunyang, so that relatives and neighbors will not make irresponsible remarks.”

Wang Lin nodded, feeling that her husband was right.

At five o’clock the next morning, before his parents got up, Su Qin carried his bag and left the house with the money.

Wang Lin woke up first and saw her daughter’s letter on the table, her eyes were red.

In the end, it is her own daughter, and it is false to say that she is not distressed for the flesh that fell from her body.

Let’s say goodbye now, I’m afraid I won’t see her for many years. She was feeling sad and turned to look at the son born by her husband and another woman, feeling even more disappointed.

Fortunately, the woman is dead, and this little boy is now her son. When she thought about it, she didn’t seem so sad.

Fortunately, she has a son.

Su Qin did not leave Yunyang, but went to the old town to rent a

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