Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 13 - hit the chest

Early the next morning, Uncle Wen went down the mountain, coughing all the way to Zhang Xing’s house.

He just stepped into the courtyard door with his front foot, and bumped into the students who were sitting in the courtyard and drawing. As soon as he entered the courtyard, the students turned to look at him.

Zhang Xiuxiu is painting Teacher Li sitting under the eaves reading a book.

The man was wearing a black shirt, sitting there and reading the book carefully, with a gentle temperament and a style of his own.

Seeing grandpa coughing and entering Zhang’s yard, Xiuxiu immediately put down the pen in her hand, got up and rushed over, grabbed the corner of grandpa’s clothes, raised her head and asked him, “Grandpa, what’s the matter with you? Are you feeling unwell?”

Xiuxiu had not seen her grandfather for several days, and now she saw her grandfather hunched over her waist and coughed, her eyes reddened with distress.

A little boy also rushed over, came to the grandfather, and stood still.

Uncle Wen reached out and touched the girl’s head, and whispered, “Dear Xiuxiu, go to class with your brother, I’ll talk to the village chief about something.”


Zhang Xiuxiu was very obedient, she took her brother back to her seat and started the class.

During the whole process, Li Chuan just looked up and nodded politely at Uncle Wen.

When Uncle Wen entered the house, Zhang Xing was reading the genealogy and counting the men in the village.

Recently, the county has issued circular letters to all major villages, requiring the population of each household to apply for an ID card. Zhangjiagou and the nearby Lijia Village are blocked by traffic, and villagers rarely leave the village.

And only those young people who want to go out to work will have ID cards. And because the mountains are high and the rivers are far away, very few government workers will come to these remote mountain villages, so there are very few people in the village to apply for ID cards.

Go to the Tuling Town Police Station to apply for an ID card, and it takes four days. The journey is long, and few villagers are willing to travel for four days to get the documents.

As a result, the government implemented an incentive policy.

As long as the village chief successfully urges the villagers to apply for the certificates, a head can be rewarded with 50 yuan. Of course, those who apply for documents can also receive a 50-dollar incentive fee.

In order to get the reward money, Zhang Xing is counting the men who can come out of the village.

Uncle Wen came in from outside and called Zhang Xing.

Zhang Xing raised his head, saw him, and said in surprise, “Yo, Uncle Wen, why did you go down the mountain? Who is guarding the temple?”

“Oh, Lin Wa went up the mountain to deliver food just now. I asked him to help me for a while. I came down to ask for leave.” Uncle Wen said a word and coughed. Because he was too thin, every time he coughed, he always gave people a kind of bone. The illusion of falling apart.

Li Yunzhen came out of the kitchen and poured a bowl of tea water for each of them.

Uncle Wen coughed violently for a while, and then said, “Hey, I’m old, and my body is really useless. No, I slept on the mountain for a few days and caught a cold. Village chief, look, do you plan to go up the mountain again?”

Li Yunzhen and Zhang Xing looked at each other and didn’t speak.

Uncle Wen glanced at the children and Li Chuan in the yard, and said in a low voice, “Yunzhen, close the door of the main room, and I will say a few words to the village chief.”

“Okay.” Li Yunzhen went to close the two doors of the main room and plugged them in.

Uncle Wen sat down next to Zhang Xing, said something into his ear, coughed for a while, and his voice returned to normal: “Xingwa, I didn’t tell you, how dare you draw Teacher Lin’s attention? Hey, It’s useless to say this now, the current situation is to hide from Teacher Li and let Teacher Li leave our village quickly.”

“I see.” Zhang Xing put his hand on Uncle Wen’s shoulder, patted it, and instructed, “Uncle Wen, don’t tell the villagers about this. Tonight, I will ask my mother to guard the temple, and you can go back. Take good care of your body.”

“Well.” The old man coughed again, very weak.

In the afternoon, Li Yunzhen took the guy to the mountain temple.

She entered the mountain temple and changed classes with Lin Wa. After Lin Wa left, she plugged the door of the main hall, glanced at the three girls huddled in the corner, and walked straight to the firewood house in the backyard.

Li Yunzhen took a bull whip into the backyard, pulled Lin Xiaoyin out of the firewood room, dragged her into the main hall, and beat her hard with the whip.

Lin Xiaoyin curled up on the ground, screaming and begging her to stop beating.

Li Yunzhen was trembling with anger, scolding in her mouth: “I let you run, I let you run, see if I don’t break your legs!”

Saying that, the whip fell again.

Lin Xiaoyin cried “woo woo woo”, pulled her trousers, and begged her: “I won’t run, I won’t run, don’t hit me, don’t hit me.”

In the corner, Wen Mei was terrified, grabbed Su Qin’s elbow and asked, “Su Su, do we want to help her?”

“When it gets dark, the whip will at most make her suffer a little bit, so she won’t be disabled.” Su Qin glanced at the sky outside, and it gradually darkened, but it was not completely dark.

In the main hall, the mountain **** has kind eyes and kind eyes, and the candlelight flickers on the incense table.

It didn’t take long for the sky to get dark, it was about half past seven in the evening, and no one would go up the mountain.

Li Yunzhen was also tired, sitting on the bench, gasping for breath.

Su Qin winked at Meng Sisi and Wenmei, and the two understood, holding the hatchet and the stone in their hands respectively.

Su Qin got up, went to pour a glass of water for Li Yunzhen, and said in a low voice, “Aunt Li, drink some water, don’t get angry, it’s not good for your body.”

Li Yunzhen took the tea bowl from her hand and turned to look at her.

The girl was thin, with a cloth covering her head, with only one pair of eyes showing. She was surprised: “Are you the fool’s daughter-in-law?”

She nodded and hummed, “Thank you Aunt Li. If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have met such a good husband.”

Li Yunzhen turned her face, “Gu Long” took a sip of tea, moistened her throat, and said to Lin Xiaoyin, who was curled up and shivering on the ground, “When the fool’s daughter-in-law first came, she knew more about current affairs than you. If you are obedient, If you listen to us, will I be willing to hit you?”

Lin Xiaoyin had disheveled hair, held her head, and looked at the girl and Li Yunzhen through her disheveled hair.

She pursed her lips, didn’t dare to speak, didn’t even dare to pant loudly, and every inch of her body was burning with pain.

Su Qin poured another bowl of hot water for Li Yunzhen, and said, “Aunt Li, when can we go home? I… think about it.”

The girl’s voice was thin, and there was a shy girl.

Li Yunzhen is someone from the past, how could she not understand the girl’s tone? She said “oh” and squinted at her: “How long have you been with a fool? Just miss him? You little girls, tsk tsk…”

The woman said, holding the tea bowl with both hands to her mouth, biting the edge of the bowl, and gently blowing the steaming tea with her mouth.

Before taking a sip of water into his mouth, Su Qin smashed the iron teapot with boiling water on the woman’s head with a bang.

When the hot water poured into the top, Li Yunzhen cried out in pain, “Wow”, and couldn’t open her eyes for a long time.

Although the water is not as hot as it was when it was just boiled, it is still enough to make people hurt. Li Yunzhen’s scalp and face were wrapped in hot water, and her skin turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye. She subconsciously held her head, her facial features were hideous, and she screamed terribly.

“It’s now!”

Su Qin picked up the long whip on the ground, went around Li Yunzhen’s body, and put her hands on her head so that she couldn’t struggle.

Wenmei took a stone and threw Li Yunzhen on the head, trying to knock her unconscious. Meng Sisi climbed under the incense table, took out the straw rope inside, and tied Li Yunzhen’s feet.

While Li Yunzhen was struggling, she kicked Meng Sisi’s face, the little girl groaning in pain.

Meng Sisi picked up the hatchet and hit Li Yunzhen’s calf with the bladeless back: “Move again, I’ll chop off your legs!”

Being smashed so hard, Li Yunzhen’s leg bones went numb, and she didn’t dare to move.

Meng Sisi threw the hatchet on the ground and continued to tie her with straw ropes.

Li Yunzhen’s head was severely hit, and she was unable to struggle. Her whole body was in a state of chaos, tied to a chair and motionless.

Lin Xiaoyin, who was lying on the ground, sat up, glared at Li Yunzhen, picked up the hatchet, pointed the blade at Li Yunzhen’s legs, and was about to chop it down.

Fortunately, Su Qin found out early and kicked her away with a kick.

Lin Xiaoyin was in pain, and the machete in her hand fell to the ground. When it fell, the blade brushed Su Qin’s left leg, and she immediately saw blood.

Su Qin crouched down, covered his calf, and said angrily, “Are you crazy? Are you trying to kill someone?”

“Heh.” Lin Xiaoyin clutched the lower abdomen that Su Qin had kicked, and looked at her coldly: “Kill her? I can’t help but hate her if I chopped off her hands and feet!”

Wenmei lifted Su Qin’s calf and said “Yeah”, “Susu, you’re bleeding.”

“I’m wearing thick clothes, the wound is shallow, and I’m fine.” She stood up and told everyone, “Let’s go, let’s go up the mountain. Meizi, you and I are responsible for carrying the red and red, Sisi, you take the burden and the quilt.”

Honghong is the disabled girl who can’t speak.

She glanced at Lin Xiaoyin coldly: “As for you, if you want to kill people, kill them. If you want to go out and serve a few years in prison, we’re going to the mountains to escape. If you don’t want to be arrested, just follow. If you want to go back to be a peasant’s daughter-in-law, just Go back by yourself.”

Lin Xiaoyin stood there, biting her lip and teeth, not speaking, just staring at her fiercely.

Wenmei supported Su Qin and asked her, “Susu, are your legs really okay?”

She shook her head: “No problem, let’s go.”

When they packed their things and were about to leave the temple, they heard footsteps outside. Several girls hid behind the door and dared not move.

Su Qin held a wooden stick in his hand and held his breath, waiting for the man to come in.

A dagger was inserted from the outside, and the bolt was opened from the outside. The people outside pushed gently, and with a “squeak” sound, the door opened from the outside.

As soon as the man stepped in with one foot, a wooden stick swung towards his head with a “wheeze”. Fortunately, he reacted quickly, avoiding the wooden stick, grabbing the girl’s throat at a speed invisible to the naked eye, pressing his elbows on the girl’s flat chest, and pressing the little girl against the door panel.

When he saw that it was a little girl, Li Chuan immediately let go.

Immediately afterwards, Meng Sisi hit Li Chuan with a wooden stick, and the stick landed on his back, causing the man to groan in pain.

“Stop hitting, this is Teacher Li.” Su Qin coughed.

Her small body was pressed by the man’s sturdy body. At such a close distance, she could almost hear the man’s heartbeat, and she seemed to smell the man’s male hormones.

Although she knew that Li Chuan had practiced Muay Thai since childhood, she had never seen him really do it except in the gym. His reaction was extremely fast just now, the movement to restrain her throat was extremely ruthless, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he was decisive in killing.

Inexplicably, I felt that Professor Li at this moment, especially…man, was beating nonstop, like a young girl’s heart throbbing.

In the past life, she and Professor Li were very conservative people. Professor Li suddenly confessed to her, and she agreed. The two omitted the love part and got married directly. The days that followed were uneventful, and it could be said that she had never experienced the feeling of being in love.

At first, many people were not optimistic about their love, and she herself was not optimistic. She did not expect to die, and she and Professor Li would still be together.

If the man’s reaction is a little slower, maybe her neck has been broken.

In her previous life, she had never seen Li Chuan so fierce, like a little sheep, turned into a big bad wolf.

Huh… The second time she was flat-chested by her husband, she was actually wronged by honey.

I don’t know why, but she was…a little afraid of him.

Li Chuan saw fear in the little girl’s eyes, his eyes softened, and he asked her in a low voice, “Are you alright?”

Behind him, Meng Sisi roared, “You looked like you were going to strangle Sister Su Qin, how could she be fine!”

Li Chuan lowered his eyes and saw that the little girl’s trousers were rolled up, revealing a snow-white calf with bloodstains. He squatted down and gently wrapped her calf with his broad palms, “Does it hurt?”


Su Qin retracted her legs and pulled her trousers down at will. She didn’t have time to ask Li Chuan why she came here, so she quickly ordered Wen Mei: “Let’s go quickly, Meizi, let’s carry Honghong together.”

The two girls lifted the disabled girl Honghong onto the sliding pole. When Su Qin was about to lift the sliding pole, Li Chuan put his hand on her shoulder: “I’ll come.”

Su Qin was taken aback and looked at him.

The man explained: “Your plan has already been told to me, you girls, I am not at ease. Let’s go, I will accompany you.”

“No, if you are found by them, you will be burned to death!” Su Qin said.

Li Chuan reached out and touched her head, with gentle eyebrows: “It’s okay, let’s go.”

The man handed the flashlight to Su Qin and asked her to open the way in front. He picked up the disabled girls and followed them up the mountain.

It is not easy to walk on the rugged mountain road, and the night is dewy and heavy.

Lin Xiaoyin followed behind the army. She looked at Li Chuan, who was walking in front with a disabled **** her back. She felt a little cold.

The man didn’t even look at her from the beginning to the end, and didn’t even ask a question.

The author has something to say: Li Chuan: “Wife, your chest…”

Su Qin raised his chest: “It will always be big! Do you choose to kneel on durian or kneel on durian today?”

Li Chuan said with a serious face: “Well… this kind of punishment is too old-fashioned. I suggest that it is better to do push-ups on you. Take off your clothes this time, wife, what do you think?”

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