Rebirth After Being Abducted

Chapter 10 - fool

Lin Xiaoyin’s brain was buzzing, and the world was spinning.

Her hand was still holding this disgusting man tightly, her heart was ashes.

The collar of the sweater was torn, and a large piece of her chest was exposed. The man covered her body and bit her **** the shoulder and neck.

Outside the cellar, someone spoke, making Zhang Xing stiff.

Li Yunzhen raised her voice: “Mr. Li, Teacher Zhang! Why did you come to the backyard?”

Li Chuan’s low alcohol voice came from outside.

“Zhengzhou will leave early tomorrow morning. I’m a little reluctant to Zhang Village Chief. I want to come to the Village Chief for a drink.”

“Two cups of fart, two bowls!” Zhang Zhang walked over to Li Yunzhen and said, “I went to Brother Xing’s room just now, but I didn’t see anyone else, so I came to the backyard to look for him.”

Li Yunzhen was just about to say that Zhang Xing was going out to run errands, but Li Chuan took the lead and said, “The sound in the cellar is so strange? The village chief is moving things down below? Do you need our help?”

Li Yunzhen’s heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly said, “Oh… oh, yes, isn’t Teacher Zhang leaving tomorrow? Our star baby, bring some pumpkins, sweet potatoes, and winter melons from the cellar, and let Teacher Zhang bring them with you. Go back to the city to eat. We can’t come up with anything good here in the backcountry, that’s all.”

“Oh, why are you being polite to me, Brother Xing, come out quickly, we two have a good drink, I think about leaving tomorrow, I feel bad in my heart, I want to cry, come out quickly, don’t move, the city I don’t need anything, I just need a brother like you, come up and drink with me quickly.”

Zhang Zhang walked towards the cellar and was stopped by Li Yunzhen, “Mr. Zhang, don’t go down, the bottom is dirty, there are centipedes and reptiles, and the smell is also unpleasant, don’t go down. Star baby, hurry up, I’ll move the dishes below. .”

Zhang Xing cursed: Damn, brother! You **** want to drink, so pick a time!

Zhang Xing took off her socks, stuffed them into Lin Xiaoyin’s mouth, and tied her hands and feet with straw ropes.

Lin Xiaoyin was rumbling in her disgusting stomach, but she couldn’t do anything. She stared at Zhang Xing viciously, wishing to kill him.

Zhang Xing pinched her face, scratched her **** again, and said in a low voice, “I’ll have a drink with my brother, and I’ll **** you again tomorrow. Give me peace, or else I’ll break your hands and feet.”

When Zhang Xing left, Lin Xiaoyin let out a sigh of relief, and just as she stood up, there was a golden star in front of her.

Zhang Xing’s slap was too cruel, her cheeks were filled with tears, and there were bursts of stabbing pain.

If it wasn’t for Li Chuan, she might have…

After a while, Li Yunzhen came down from above, and while loading sweet potatoes in the back basket, she muttered, “Don’t leave in the future, this is your home, give me a grandson, and you don’t have to go to the fields to do farm work.”

Lin Xiaoyin stared at her with wide eyes.

sky. What kind of place is this?

Half an hour ago, she saw Zhang Xing enter Li Yunzhen’s room, mother and son sneaking around.

Out of curiosity, she put on a mask and lay on the door to listen. The door was not latched, she touched it lightly with her hand, and the door “squeaked” open a crack.

After that, she was kidnapped by Zhang Xing’s mother and son, and her innocence was almost ruined by Zhang Xing…

In the main room, Zhang Xing and Zhang Zhang were two men, drinking from a big bowl and eating bacon.

Li Chuan behaved weakly in front of them, and he was incapable of drinking. Before drinking two bowls, he shouted dizzy and went back to the room.

After Li Chuan left, Zhang Xing put his arm around Zhang Xing’s shoulder, hiccups, and said, “Brother, I’ll leave tomorrow, buddy. If you have a chance, come to Yunyang City, buddy will take you to eat and drink spicy bubbles. Miss! My buddy is not bragging. In Yunyang, you only need to mention your buddy’s name, and you won’t have to pay for a girl wherever you go. Brother, let me tell you, the girls in the city are better than the others. Teacher Lin is older. Beautiful or not? Those young ladies in the city are much more punctual than Teacher Lin—hic—hey, brother, do you have peanuts? Two plates.”

Li Yunzhen has been taking care of the two men drinking, pouring them wine and serving dishes.

She was also happy that her son could make such a bold city friend. Quickly go to the kitchen to peel the peanuts and serve them fried peanuts.

The process from peeling peanuts to roasting peanuts takes at least fifteen minutes.

This time is enough for Li Chuan to act.

Zhang Xing drank high, and Zhang Xing’s remarks made his heart warm and his eyes were red: “Brother, why didn’t I know you earlier, you don’t know how hard I lived in the city before. It’s a person, They all hate Lao Tzu. I had a girlfriend in the factory before, and he disliked Lao Tzu being poor, so he slept with the factory head on his back.

Zhang Zhan glanced at him, then threw himself into his arms with a “wow” and cried: “Brother, the same is the green man in the end of the world! My fiancee also ran away with other men. Now, I have all the babies. It’s uncomfortable. , how uncomfortable! Brother, come! Drink again!”

Zhang Xing snorted: “Women are **** cheap!”

“Bad, cheap!”

Li Chuan turned out the window of the room and found the vegetable garden in the backyard.

He jumped into the cellar. As soon as Lin Xiaoyin saw him, hope immediately ignited in her eyes.

The man didn’t use his hand to cut the straw rope, but first looked around, his eyes fell on a rusty hoe.

He grabbed Lin Xiaoyin’s shoulders, dragged her to the wall, pointed to the hoe, and motioned her to use the **** to break the straw rope on her hand.

Lin Xiaoyin was puzzled and asked him, “I saw you have a knife just now, why…”

“I don’t want to die with you.” The man’s voice was cold, “If you want to survive, grind it yourself, you don’t have much time.”

Li Chuan wanted to create the illusion that Lin Xiaoyin had escaped.

Being inexplicably fierce by the man, Lin Xiaoyin pursed her lips and began to grind the grass rope on the hoe.

Although the **** was rusted, it was still sharp, and in less than five minutes, the straw rope was broken.

Lin Xiaoyin untied the straw rope that tied her ankles, she was about to rush into the man’s arms, but the man got up one step ahead of her, threw her a small military flashlight, and looked down at her: “Remember, the villagers can’t be trusted, you go to the mountains The temple has been hidden for two days, and no one will search there for the time being.”

Li Chuan thought carefully about what Su Qin said during the day. Since the girls can come out of the temple, the old man must turn a blind eye to the girls.

Nowhere in the village is safe now, only there.

“Mountain Temple?” The girl was about to cry, looked up at the man, and tugged at the man’s clothes: “Li Chuan, don’t leave me behind, it’s already so dark, I’m afraid.”

“Go there, find a way to hide yourself, and don’t come out if you don’t starve.” Li Chuan raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, and told her, “You have at most five minutes to escape from here. Whether you want to stay or go is up to you.”

Li Chuan suspected that she was involved in the fire in his previous life, but he never confirmed it. He saved Lin Xiaoyin because she was a girl, and because he hated scum and didn’t want scum to succeed again.

Li Chuan returned to the room, as if nothing had happened.

Lin Xiaoyin watched Li Chuan leave, and climbed up as well.

She stood in front of Li Chuan’s window and knocked on his window, her voice trembling: “Li Chuan, can you let me in, I’m so scared, I want to go home.”

Li Chuan frowned and said solemnly: “I’m sorry, Miss Lin, it is morality for us to save you, and we have no obligation to accompany you to die. If you go to the Temple of the Mountain now, maybe you can safely wait until the regulations bring the police back.

The man paused: “Death or life, you choose.”

Lin Xiaoyin’s heart was half cold, she regarded the man inside as a life-saving straw, but that man…

She bit her lip and ran towards the mountain.

Deep in the mountains, the night was cold and dewy, and in the mountain temple, several girls cuddled together and fell asleep.

The main hall of the mountain temple is burning with incense wax, lighting up the room slightly.

Su Qin was closer to the disabled girl. She felt that the girl’s body was cold, so she covered her with her quilt, hugged her, and kept her warm.

Wen Mei was not sleepy, she first heard the movement outside and kicked Su Qin with her foot.

She stopped her movements, held her breath, and subconsciously grabbed the tile in her hand.

The door was pushed open from the outside with a squeak, and a dark figure came in quietly.

The person was small and thin, not a man.

Lin Xiaoyin stepped into the main hall, closed the door instinctively, and hurriedly inserted the bolt.

She and Li Chuan rested here during the day, and learned from Li Yunzhen that there was only one old man here day and night. But she is hiding here, can she really wait until the regulations bring the police? Will the old man here give her to Zhang Xing?

she does not know.

She walked forward in the dark, tripped over by the man making the floor, and screamed.

Su Qin reacted the fastest, sat up and pulled her, covered her mouth, and whispered, “Don’t bark.”

Lin Xiaoyin was panting heavily and turned to look at Su Qin’s face. She had a cloth wrapped around her head, and she could not see except for a pair of eyes.

She went to see the girl next to Su Qin again.

The girl had no eyes, so Lin Xiaoyin shook her hands and screamed again.

Su Qin slapped her face directly and drank, “Shut up for me.”

The slap is warm, she is not a ghost.

Lin Xiaoyin was stunned by the beating, she was stunned on the spot, staring at the three girls sitting up with wide eyes.

Su Qin saw that it was Lin Xiaoyin, and snorted coldly.

Ah. It is really a narrow road for enemies. It was this inspiring teacher Lin again.

She still remembers the scene where Lin Xiaoyin found her and her bag in the restaurant with a stack of old photos and newspapers.

Lin Xiaoyin threw the photos and newspapers on the dining table. Su Qin in the photo is unkempt and squatting in the pigsty of Zhang Xing’s house.

It was taken by the media when she was rescued by the police. Although it was mosaic, it was not difficult to see that it was her.

Daughter Baobao pointed at the photo curiously and asked: “Mom, this dirty sister who doesn’t wear clothes looks like you.”

The delicate makeup Lin Xiaoyin snorted coldly and said to the bag: “Baobao, this dirty woman is your mother.”

Bags have cleanliness and cannot tolerate dirty things. But when she saw this photo of her mother, she was stunned for a moment, but put the photo away and put it in her small pink schoolbag.

Immediately afterwards, the bag, like a fierce little tiger, pushed Lin Xiaoyin: “Bad woman, you dirty my mother, bad woman, bad woman!”

Lin Xiaoyin pushed the little girl back, “You can figure it out, it’s because your mother is not clean. She has been a sow for five years in the countryside, but she is not clean and easy to cut. Bags, your mother is so dirty, Stop following her, come to Auntie, and Auntie will be your new mother in the future, okay?”

“Not good!” Bao Bao grabbed a small bowl and smashed it in her face.

Lin Xiaoyin was injured and ran to Li Chuan crying, accusing her of being a goddaughter.

The things of the past life are vividly in my mind, one after another, I still feel angry when I recall them.

Su Qin had a good temper in his previous life and was a soft persimmon. Professor Li is also gentle to others, and their husband and wife are a typical “gentle husband and wife”.

But after a lifetime, she seemed to want to understand everything.

Blind tolerance will only make disgusting people gain an inch.

Su Qin’s tone was flat, looking at Lin Xiaoyin, who was disheveled, and asked, “Who are you?”

Lin Xiaoyin was slapped soberly and asked, “You…you…are the girls who were… trafficked in Zhang Xing’s mouth?”

Meng Sisi asked her weakly, “You were also trafficked?”

“Abduct a ghost! I’m not like you! If it wasn’t for you, I wouldn’t have been kidnapped by that **** Zhang Xing, and I wouldn’t have been almost…” Lin Xiaoyin was angry and asked them, “Who else is here besides you? Li Chuan said that the police would come to rescue me in two days, so is it safe for me to stay here for two days?”

None of the three girls spoke.

“Speak, you are all dumb?”

Su Qin said coldly: “If you speak louder, it’s better to draw all the villagers here, and it’s better to let Zhang Xing know that you came here.”

Lin Xiaoyin immediately shut up.

Su Qin threw her a padded jacket and said, “you sleep here tonight, it is safe for the time being. Before dawn, go to the backyard firewood to hide, don’t stay in the main hall. Since Teacher Li told you that it is safe here, there is a certain amount of safety. reason.”

A cold wind came in from outside, and Lin Xiaoyin shivered. She sniffed the worn and smelly cotton jacket and frowned: “You asked me to cover this? Where’s the bed? Where is the bed?”

As soon as the woman came in, Meng Sisi said, “Sleep on the floor, little idiot.”

Lin Xiaoyin said angrily, “Who are you scolding?”

“Stupid.” Meng Sisi cursed again.

Meng Sisi and Su Qin, who were sleeping on the two ends of the floor respectively, rolled the quilt tightly, not giving her any chance to get into the quilt.

Su Qin snorted coldly in his heart.

In the past and present, Miss Lin’s temper was so unpleasant.

The author has something to say: let’s talk about roar, as I said before, the mobile phone can only use java software, so the timeline is probably about 2015, and the timeline of the male and female main career lines is pushed back from here~

There is no intention of whitewashing the female partner, and Lao Li saved her not because she was Lin Xiaoyin, but because she was a girl. Lin Xiaoyin was hateful in her past life, but she didn’t do anything here. If she dares to do anything to Su Qin in the future, Lao Li will not be as gentle as in her previous life~

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