Realm Wars

Chapter 166: Abby

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Everyone was silent as they stood in front of the Metallic Door. Even without speaking, everyone knew what the other was thinking.

The oppressive aura of whatever inside was leaking out, and thanks to that, all sorts of beasts and creatures stayed away from it.

"A-are you sure this is safe?" Seraphina asked, peering at Ryu under her long lashes.

"Whatever is inside couldn't go out from that door. So I think this is the safest spot," Ryu answered, ignoring everyone's doubt.

How did he even know? Ryu was not sure either. He just had to rely on his instincts.

Without arguing anymore, they laid Abby on a bedding while Seraphina took care of her. Marcus prepared their food while Halfjack watched the tunnel for any signs of beasts or approaching treat.

At the side, Ryu was studying the Metal Door. It wasn't sealed, nor was it lock and it seemed to open at any time, but whatever was inside couldn't do so.

Could it be like Nereid? Ryu thought. Another boss besides Tiamat?

If so, Ryu shuddered. Due to luck and whatever reason, he managed to avoid fighting Nereid and probably more because of Tethyt's. But he couldn't exactly tell the same about whatever was inside the door.

Who knew if whatever was inside there had a grudge against Tethyt's for locking it for hundreds of years?

*cough. . .

Everyone's attention was stolen when Abby coughed. The first sound of life from her dry lips after an hour. Thanks to Seraphina's healing magic, some color returned to her face.

"Agh. . ." Abby groaned, and her eyes fluttered open. Her long ears flinched, and she gasped and shot to a sitting position only to feel dizzy by her sudden movement.

Seraphina held her shoulders and steadied her. "Easy now. You're safe."

Abby was disoriented for a moment before she shook her head and croaked, "W-what happened?"

"You didn't remember? We found you stuck in the ceiling in the Giant Spider's lair." Marcus was a little annoyed now that the halfbreed was awake. He didn't forget that they stole their provisions and the reason why they were in this predicament.

Abby looked at Marcus and was shocked at seeing him. "G-group leader. . ." Abby then lowered her head, and her eyes watered. "I'm sorry. We had no choice. .. but they. .. the soonest we left, the Right Oasis attack us and killed more than half of us."

Abby sobbed and cried harder, "We shouldn't have left. .. *hic. .. and maybe the others might still be. . ."

Seraphim, Ryu, and Halfjack all peered at Marcus with dead eyes.

What? Marcus was taken aback. He didn't mean for her to cry. "Ah. .. I don't exactly blame you." He lied and cleared his throat. "Anyway.  What happened after that?"

Abby covered her tear-stricken face and hiccupped. "The rest of us managed to run in the danger zone. And then we stumble upon a giant-looking beast, and we were teleported near a ruin. And when we ventured inside, we were suddenly attacked by thick webs and 

.. . I don't know the rest after that."

Ryu and the others could somehow picture what happened.

Abby then clutched Seraphina's hands. "Please! You have to rescue the others! Canaan and the others are still. . ."

Abby paused when she saw Seraphina and Marcus's faces. "No. . ."

Abby tried to get to her feet, but Seraphina stopped her.

"Let me go. I must rescue them."

"By what?" Ryu asked. "By storming in the Giant Spider's Lair and get eaten?"

".. ." Abby turned to stone, and she went on her knees, crying as she said, "you have to help them. .. I'm sure Canaan and the others are still. . ."

"I hate to break it to you. .. but the others are probably dead. It was even a miracle that you alone somehow managed to survive. With the lack of oxygen inside that thing. . ." Marcus trailed off.

Abby grew weak with grief, and her face went blank at the sudden realization that Canaan and the others might indeed be dead. How long were they trapped inside a cocoon? She shook her head and stared at everyone with pleading eyes. "If I could make it. .. then the others might also. .. Please. .. you have to help them!"

Marcus wanted to ask why they would risk their life all for halfbreeds that betrayed them. It was alright if they could contribute to something like Halfjack. But the bunch of them were useless. They couldn't fight and were baggage in the desert.

Marcus pressed his lips tight and remained quiet in consideration to Ryu and Halfjack, but the sourness of his face said that he was not keen on the idea of saving the other halfbreeds who they didn't even know if alive or dead.

Seraphina broke the silence and said seriously, "What you're asking is dangerous. We don't even know if your companions are still alive, and yet you're asking us to risk our lives for them."

Marcus nodded. Since Seraphina was against it too, he thought that Ryu would support her, and so he added, "Not only that. Those Giant Spiders are bad news. They came in flocks. What would happen if they woke up and attacked us? And what if Tiamat heard all the commotion?"

Abby was dumbstruck before her long ears flopped to her side, and her dilated eyes melted into pools of water. That was right. .. they were just halfbreeds. .. not worth saving. .. she was already lucky that they even saved her when they could have just left her for dead.

"The fish."



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