Realm Wars

Chapter 146: Plan 1

"Marcus, aren't you going to do something about it? If this keeps up, everyone will starve!"

Marcus sighed and ruffled his hair. "If I could, then I would have done something about it. The thing is, we still need him."

"No, we don't."

All eyes went to Seraphina.

Ryu almost spat his water when she spoke. Since when did she dislike a person so much that her voice was so serious?

"Actually, we do," contradict Marcus, "He is the only one who's a Rank-A merc next to me. And though he's indeed a bastard, his strength is almost comparable to mine. We would need him if we wanted to search for the exit."

Ryu looked at Marcus. "Do you honestly believe that he will find the exit if he can't even bring in simple food?"

".. ." Marcus couldn't say anything to that.

"So what do you suggest? We kick him out?" Claire asked. "I don't mind since he's pretty much useless if he can't even do his task."

She then grumbled. "At times like this, I wish I was another race who didn't need food and water to survive."

Claire sighed into the heavens. "I wish I was an angel instead."

"A demoness, you mean," Echbert muttered to the side, which earned him another knock on the head from Claire's fist.

"What do you want to do since you're the leader of this camp? Seraphina asked Marcus and added, "Honestly, Ryu could just lead the scavenging team."

Ryu and the others' eyes snapped at Seraphina.

"What?" Seraphina questioned, baffled by everyone's stares. "Ryu is strong. At least he is stronger than Althord."

Ryu grumbled when Seraphina put him in the limelight.

"Is it true?" Marcus inquired, eyes shining.

"Hmm?" Claire obverse Ryu, not believing one bit of what Seraphina said.

Echbert blinked and nodded. "I, for one, prefer sir Ryu over Althord anytime."

"You can do it, right?" Seraphina questioned with sparkling eyes. However, her voice was final and undisputed.

Ryu was thinking about it. He could do it if it were just hunting and gathering food supplies in preparation for searching the exit.

"Yes," he said.

"You sure?" Marcuse was still doubtful. "The beasts in here are mighty and strong."

"Don't worry, I'll go with him," chimed Seraphina.

Claire almost choked on her water, "Eh? You will?" she thought that Seraphina preferred to stay inside the protective zone since who wanted to venture outside where you could die anytime?

Seraphina nodded. "We're a team. And besides, I can use simple healing magic. I'd rather be outside than stay here and pour water in the well."

Marcus looked guilty, and he shifted to the other side when Seraphina's eyes settled onto him. He was indeed planning for her to stay in camp where she was safe because her water magic was important.

"Frankly, I'd rather you stay here," said Marcus, "but if you really wanted to go, then I won't stop you."

Seraphina nodded, and she looked at Ryu with a big smile on her face. Ryu didn't say anything. He'd rather have Seraphina go with him where he could see her. And besides, her magic was indeed helpful in case something happened.

At Ryu's silence, Marcus took it as he agreed. "So let me get this straight. I'm going to change the leader of the scavenging team to Ryu while I'll have Althord stay here?"

"Why don't we just have two scavenging teams? It's much faster that way," Ryu suggested.

Marcus was silent for a moment before he said, "Hmm. .. I'd rather you have someone experienced in your group if you really wanted to venture outside. Sadly I can't leave the camp for long."

"Just pick one that knows the terrain and the monsters," Ryu said and added, "I think it's much easier that way than a big group that would just slow us down."

Marcus was baffled as to why Ryu and Seraphina were confident. A halfbreed and a Rank-A mage. Was their confidence steamed from coming out from the First Islet alive?

"Ryu is right," Seraphina seconded. "The both of us already knew each other's strong points and weaknesses. Just someone who knew the terrain and monsters would be sufficient."

"You guys are nutz. Only someone who had a death wish would venture out there." Claire chugged her water and cursed for it not being booze. "Once you saw what's out there, you'll know."

Seraphina beamed at Claire. "Thank you for your concern. We'll be extra careful."

Claire swallowed her choke, and she snapped to the side with a reddened face. "Hmp! whose concern with who? I'm just worried about the water since if you're dead, then that means we're dead too."

"The monsters and terrain outside the protective zone are harsh. Are you really sure you want to venture out there?" Marcus asked in seriousness.

Seraphina and Ryu nodded with determined eyes. "Yes."

"We are going to search for the exit eventually, so we might as well," said Ryu.

"Speaking of the exit," Seraphina swallowed a piece of crab meat and continued, "What's your plan about it?"

Marcus looked at the burning wood of the bonfire. The day was hot while the night was cold. Such was the life in the desert. "Once we accumulate enough food. I'll arrange another team to search outside."

Ryu shook his head. "It's best if we accumulate food, distribute it to everyone, and abolish this camp to search for the exit."

".. ."

".. ."

"Huh!" Claire and Echbert shot to their feet, garnering eyes towards them.

Realizing that they attracted attention, they immediately planted their butts on the rocks. Claire leaned and hissed, voice soft with an edge, afraid that someone might hear and it'll cause a panic. "Are you crazy? Most of the residence here don't know how to fight. If we suddenly abolish this group then––"

"No," Marcuse interjected. His face was severe as his voice. "The truth is. .. I've been thinking about it."

"Marcus!" Claire couldn't believe her ears.

"Let me finish first," Marcuse said and explained, "This group is weak, and we can't protect it forever. Guys like Althord will come here to take advantage of everything, and once they have their fill, they'll leave and join the other groups."

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