Realm of Monsters

Chapter 79: Late Night Visit

Feli knocked on the stable gate, “Hello, is anyone there?”

There would normally at least be one person on night duty at the stables.

A brunette popped out from the back, “Good evening, I’m Gwen. How can I help you?”

She raised her room key, “Hi, my name is Feli, I’m at room 305. I just wanted to check on my fiancé’s centaur, Rhian.”

“You must be Stryg’s fiance, then?” Gwen opened the gate.

“That’s correct.”

“Right this way, please. I have to say I’ve never seen such a pristine centaur up close, I promise I’ll do my best to take care of her. She’ll have my full undivided attention,” Gwen prattled on.

A few of the nearby centaurs complained. Gwen made quick bows of apology. She felt bad for the others, but Rhian deserved all the attention she could spare.

They finally arrived at one of the last stalls. Rhian lay on the floor, her back resting on some hay.

“Sorry, there is only hay, the stable didn’t have anything else left. I promise I’ll bring some proper blankets tomorrow,” Gwen fidgeted.

“Thank you,” Feli nodded.

Rhian looked up at the visitors, “Miss Gwen, who is this woman?”

“This is Miss Feli, your master’s fiancé,” Gwen opened the stall door.

Rhian stood and bowed, “Forgive this One for not recognizing you, Mistress.”

“Not at all. Wow, you really are gorgeous, I love your black fur, it's so sleek,” Feli stared with bright eyes.

“Her hair even more so,” Gwen chipped in. “She doesn’t have any spots on her coat either. Most centaurs have discoloration in their coat. The fact that all her coat is jet black is a testament to her incredible pedigree.”

Rhian did a little twirl, “Indeed, I have been raised to be the pinnacle of my species.”

Feli’s mouth twisted as she held back a laugh, “I like you.”

Rhian smiled, she knew she could win people over in seconds. Stryg was just an anomaly.

“Gwen, can you give us some privacy for a bit, please,” Feli closed the stall gate behind her.

“O-of course. I’ll be at the other end of the stable if you need me,” Gwen bowed and left.

Feli’s smile disappeared. She walked around Rhian, eyeing her closely, “I can see why Stryg chose you.”

“Because, I am the best,” she grinned.

“At least in one department, that’s for certain,” Feli eyed her enormous bust.

The jacket did nothing to hide Rhian’s breasts, instead it accentuated them by squeezing them together.

“May I ask how this One can help you, this evening?” Rhian tilted her head. Was the human looking for comfort? She was only prepared to do such activities with her Master, but she didn’t think she could turn down Feli, either.

“I need you to promise me something,” Feli said with a cold voice.

Rhian swallowed, “What is it?”

“I need you to protect Stryg.”


Feli clasped her hands behind her back, “Stryg is a prideful individual and he is prone to fighting. I don’t know what you will face outside the city. I know it’s dangerous. ...Stryg almost died once. I can’t let that happen again. But, I’m not strong, I don’t have magic, nor am I a warrior. So, I need your help.”


Feli bowed deeply, “I know it is selfish of me, but please, protect Stryg. Even if it is dangerous, do not let him die. Even if you are scared of death, you must value his life above all others including your own.”

Rhian’s jaw dropped. She had never seen a human bow to a centaur or anyone bow to a centaur for that matter. She was a beastkin, an incredible creature deserving of praise, for certain. But deserving of respect? To this degree? It was unheard of.

Rhian grabbed Feli’s hand hesitantly, “Mistress, please there is no need to bow. I am afraid you misunderstand. I am not suited for battle, if we ever encounter even the slightest hint of danger you can be sure I’ll run away. No one is as fast as me. I will not let Master be injured. You do not have to worry.”

“Thank you. Although, I'm not sure Stryg will let you run, please do try to keep him away from danger if you can,” Feli rubbed her eyes.

“You can count on me,” Rhian grinned broadly.


Stryg studied Feli’s sleeping face with intent focus. The sun’s rays were just beginning to peek out above the horizon. He would soon have to leave. He probably wouldn’t see her face for months. The thought bothered him more than he imagined possible. He did not want to leave Feli behind, but he knew he had no choice.

Someday, he would have enough power to make any choice he wished. He wouldn’t have to give up anything. He’d even erase the aching pain in his chest. He wouldn’t lose anyone again.

“Someday,” he swore.

Feli’s lips twisted, her eyes opened blearily. Stryg gently brushed away her violet hair and caressed her olive-toned cheek.

“Hello,” he whispered.

“What time is it?” Feli mumbled.

“Time for me to head out,” Stryg kissed her on the lips.

“Already? What about your clothes and gear?” She sat up.

“I already packed my clothes and a few other things. Loh will bring the rest of the gear,” he headed towards the door.

“Stryg, wait a second!” Feli ran up to him and hugged him tightly, his head tucked in between her chest. “Take care of yourself and please, don’t be too rash.”

Stryg slowly wrapped his arms around her, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, savoring her scent. “I’ll be back soon and more powerful than before.”

“Prioritize your safety first, okay? A mage with a broken arm is as weak as they come.” Feli smirked.

“It was one time,” Stryg rolled his eyes. He stepped back, grabbed his backpack, and turned to leave.

Feli watched from the bedroom as he reached the front door. With the softest of breaths she whispered, “I love you.”

Stryg’s sensitive ears caught the confession. He paused for a brief moment, but didn’t look back. He turned the knob and left.


Gwen was busy brushing Rhian’s coat with fervent dedication when Stryg stopped by.

“Good morning, Master,” Rhian smiled brightly.

“Oh, good morning, Mister Stryg,” Gwen made a quick bow. “I know I didn’t ask, but Rhiannon is a very well groomed centaur, so I thought I might as well give her a morning brush. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Not at all,” Stryg shook his head.

“That’s good to hear,” Gwen sighed in relief.

“She’s been a wonderful caretaker, a bit of a greenhorn, but she makes up for it with enthusiasm,” Rhian judged.

While others may have taken offense at the critique, Gwen could not be more honored. She smiled, “Will you be taking Rhiannon out for a ride?”

“That’s right,” Stryg nodded.

“I’ll get her saddled up right away,” Gwen put the brush down and scurried off.

“I heard Feli went to see you last night, did anything happen?” Stryg asked.

“Just a little chat. She was quite nice, if a little surprising. But, I must say she is quite pretty, a suitable Mistress,” Rhian pointed out.

“Why are you talking about pretty looks? You're stuck with me as your rider, not her,” Stryg crossed his arms.

“But, Master is quite handsome himself, so it works out either way. Actually, cute would be more of an apt term,” Rhian cocked her head.

“What the hell are you talking about? Just because I’m small doesn’t mean I’m cute,” Stryg frowned. He hated when people tried making fun of him.

Rhian studied him with her grey eyes. “That’s not what I meant. It’s your cheeks, they still have a bit of baby fat. Your button nose completes the ensemble, anyone with eyes could see your cute. Actually, how old are you?”

With a nimble step Stryg jumped up in front of Rhian. His other foot landed on her abdomen and his left hand gripped her shoulder for balance. His right hand shot out and wrapped around her throat, his claws pricking at her skin. His face was only an inch from Rhian’s stunned face.

“Call me cute one more time,” Stryg hissed.

Rhian swallowed. “Is that a threat or a command?” Was her Master into sadism play? If so, she was going to have a painful trip.

Gwen cleared her throat.

Stryg’s eyes snapped towards the door.

“Am I interrupting something? I can come back later...” Gwen blushed.

Stryg released Rhian and landed on the floor, “Stay. I need you to get the saddle on as soon as possible, I have a meeting to keep.”

“Of course,” Gwen nodded and went to work.

Rhian rubbed her neck and shoulder. Her Master hadn’t broken her skin, from the quick exchange she knew that his sharp claws could have easily torn her flesh. Despite his quick turn to anger it seemed he showed remarkable precision. She stared at Stryg who sat crossed-legged outside the stall, his eyes closed.

“Are you okay?” Gwen whispered.

“I’m fine,” Rhian tied her hair in a ponytail. Her Master kept surprising her, she was beginning to doubt that was a good thing.

After a few minutes Gwen was finished. Stryg walked back in and looked Rhian over. The showhorse, accustomed to the treatment, spread her arms out and turned in a circle, so as to give the most optimal viewing.

Gwen noticed Stryg’s eyes lingered on Rhian’s massive bust. The jacket really did nothing for her modesty. Although, from Rhian’s smirk it seemed she liked the attention.

“Are you ready to go?” Stryg asked.

“Yes, Master,” Rhian bent her legs.

Stryg reached over and hopped on with ease. The difficult part was trying to stay on the saddle. With slight hesitancy his feet found the stirrups.

“Are you ready, Master?”

“Of course.”

Rhian shot to her feet, Stryg cursed silently at the jostling movement. Gwen smiled in sympathy.

“When should I expect your return? Later this morning or in the afternoon? If the latter, I’ll stop by my house to bring some extra blankets for Rhiannon,” Gwen offered.

“I’ll be back in a few weeks, probably. Let’s go,” Stryg said.

“Eh,” Gwen’s smile fell.

Rhian trotted away.


For once, Loh was on time. She watched Stryg ride up on Rhian, with only a bit of nervousness on his face. He’d get the hang of riding, eventually.

“You two look well rested,” Loh noted.

“Let’s hope that’s enough,” Stryg said as he gripped the reins.

Maximus wore platemail over his upper chest and held a long two-sided battle axe in both hands. Stryg could barely make out his eyes through the steel visor. The centaur was one of the most intimidating creatures he had ever seen, it made Stryg uncomfortable if not a tad hostile.

Maximus had to turn his tall frame in order for Stryg to even see Loh. Rhian walked up next to Maximus so that their riders could speak face to face.

“I didn’t know we could bring armor,” Stryg complained.

“Relax, I brought some leather armor for Rhian and you, it’s in one of my packs,” Loh patted one of the various packs Maximus had tied around him.

“Why leather armor?” Stryg narrowed his eyes.

Loh wagged her finger, “Rhian would struggle travelling long distances while having to carry around your weight and two sets of plate armor, not to mention all your other gear. Besides, magi don’t wear heavy armor, it’s cumbersome, and that’s especially true for orange magi, like us. And don’t even get me started on gauntlets, they meddle with our spell casting more than you’d think.”

“Looking like a true warrior, Max,” Rhian tapped his ironclad shoulder. “You know I’m not made for this kind of stuff. I’ll trust you to take care of all that barbaric fighting stuff, while we watch from afar.”

Maximus took Rhian’s arm and pushed it away, “You may not have been born for battle, but it has chosen you just the same. Do not dishonor yourself with cowardice.”

“...Right,” Rhian curled her lips.

"Oh, that reminds me,” Loh grabbed the lance hanging from Maximus’ side. “This is for you Rhian. I know you're not trained in weapons, but I figured it’d be easy enough to use. Just stab them with the sharp end and if you miss just swing and whack them with it.”

Rhian grabbed the lance hesitantly, “Thank you?” Did they really expect her to fight?

Loh reached to Maximus’ other side and grabbed a spear, “And this is for you Stryg. I remembered it’s your preferred weapon of choice.”

Stryg grabbed the spear with care, he looked it over with bright eyes. He had only been practicing with mock spears at the academy, but this was the real thing. How he missed actual spears.

“The shaft is made of white ash and the spear head is steel. It may look simple, but it’s quality work,” Loh explained.

“It’s perfect,” Stryg said in admiration.

“Great, then let’s get going,” Loh stretched her arms. “Dusk Valley awaits.”

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