Realm of Monsters

Chapter 77: A Centaur’s Debut

“Thank you for your patronage,” Karlok smiled as he took Stryg’s coins.

Despite only paying half-price for Rhian, Stryg’s coin pouch was almost completely emptied. He didn’t mind very much, he rarely spent large amounts of cash. He had only recently come to grasp the concept of money and though most people seemed obsessed with coins, he didn’t see much use for hoarding it. 

Karlok handed Stryg several documents, a quill and some ink, “All you have to do now is sign here, here, up there, and right at the bottom after that line.”

Stryg skimmed over the documents as Loh paid Karlok for her own new centaur, Maximus.

“Finished,” Stryg said as he signed his name on the final document.

“Wonderful. On behalf of the Swift Winds establishment, allow me to congratulate you on your first-class centaur. I assure you, she will not disappoint,” Karlok placed his hand over his heart.

Stryg looked Rhian over. “You are a member of Ebon Hollow now,” he smiled.

“This One will do her best to serve, Master,” Rhian forced a smile. 

She had believed she would be bought by an aristocrat, after all there weren’t many who could afford such an expensive show horse. While magi were often wealthy, most were part of a Named House and therefore aristocrats. Not to mention proper maintenance for a showhorse was very expensive. The chances of not being bought by a member of the high-class were very low. She would have never imagined finding herself serving a goblin, albeit a mage one.

“Well, Maximus, I hope Karlok’s recommendation of your battle prowess does not disappoint,” Loh looked the enormous centaur over.

“This One will not fail you,” Maximus bowed his head.

Stryg’s smile fell a bit, “So, he respects you, just not me then, huh?”

“That tends to happen when you throw coins at someone’s face,” Loh chuckled.

“Before you both leave, Swift Winds has complimentary gifts for customers and their new centaurs,” Karlok snapped his fingers. 

A couple of workers came running over. They carried over two small chests and presented one each to Stryg and Loh.

“Inside you will find a docility collar with a fully charged magestone ready to be applied to your centaur if you so wish. While you both were upstairs, I took the liberty to throw in a jacket. We will also deliver a month’s supply of quality centaur feed to your doorstep before the end of the day,” Karlok explained.

Stryg grabbed the simple grey jacket and tossed it at Rhian. “I’m glad we got a jacket.”

“Centaurs are normally naked, it is of no concern for us,” Rhian grabbed the jacket.

“It should be. I would rather you not be naked in front of others,” Stryg said sternly.

“...Understood,” Rhian put the jacket on. 

Show horses often wore elaborate clothes during their races and other performances. It seemed her new master at least had some semblance of understanding for what she was.

“Oh and before I forget.” Karlok signaled his workers. “The most important gift of all.”

The workers brought out a pair of harnesses and saddles.

“For all your riding needs. They are made from the finest leather in Hollow Shade,” Karlok said with pride.

“This is great. It’ll make shopping for our travelling equipment a lot simpler,” Loh said.

“Excuse me, I heard you mention something of travelling earlier, but where exactly are we going? The Night District? The Commoner District?” Rhian furrowed her brow, “Or do you mean we are travelling to the docks?”

“I thought I told you not to talk unless spoken to,” Loh crossed her arms.

Rhian’s eyes widened in fear, “Please forgive me, this One forgot her place.”

Karlok raised his hand to smack her, but paused, “Ah, you are now Mister Stryg’s pet. He will be the one to discipline you.”

She looked over at the goblin, waiting for punishment.

Stryg scratched his cheek, “Actually, I was wondering the same thing. I know we are heading out of the city, but where exactly are we going?”

“That is for you to find out.” Loh walked over and whispered into his ear. “Don’t go easy on her just because she’s pretty. She needs to learn her place, otherwise she may be a threat to you later.” 

“I’m not going easy,” Stryg frowned. 

He just didn’t see the need to hit her for asking a simple question. Rhian would learn her place soon enough. She was a beta of the tribe and he was the alpha, the chief. Stryg doubted Rhian would try to challenge him for leadership of the tribe. If she did then he would not hold back.

Rhian wasn’t paying attention to the exchange. Her heart was pounding in her chest. Outside the city? The goblin had said they would be travelling outside the safety of the walls. That meant potential attacks by bandits or worse, raiders from savage tribes. Even if they didn’t encounter such attacks, she’d still be subjected to muddy roads and grassy plains. Those conditions didn’t suit her, she was meant to stroll down the finest of cobblestone walkways, not trudge through the mud like some common draft horse!

“My employees will take care of saddling Rhiannon and Maximus,” Karlok said.

The two aides took his cue and proceeded to get started.

“No need for me, I plan on riding back on Ruby,” Loh held out her hand. “I think my apprentice may need some help though.”

“Right away ma’am,” one of the aides said.

Even if Rhian was 3 feet shorter than Maximus, she was still 3 feet taller than Stryg. The height difference hadn’t been so apparent as it was now, as he stood right next to her, looking straight up. 

A small part of Stryg realized he didn’t like to be reminded that he was smaller than almost everyone around here. Most people underestimated him because of it. If he was back in the Blood Fang tribe, he would probably be the tallest around. 

Karlok’s aides placed the saddle on Rhian and tightened the harness’ straps around her waist and chest.

“She is ready to ride, sir,” an aide bowed her head and stepped away. 

“I see,” Stryg looked up at Rhian questioningly.

“Go ahead Stryg, she won’t bite,” Loh chuckled.

He took a deep breath, “Right.” He jumped, twisted his body, and landed on the saddle. “Easy,” he chuckled nervously.

Rhian’s jerked from the sudden weight on her back. Yet, she was surprised and impressed at the physical feat of one so small, until her new master wobbled on the saddle and almost fell off. She turned her waist as her hand shot out in reflex and grabbed his arm before he tipped over.

“Are you okay, Master?” She asked with a slight hint of concern. 

She couldn’t have her rider falling over, especially on the first day. Her pride as a centaur wouldn’t allow it.

Stryg cursed under his breath.

“Like I said, Rhian’s the best, just look at those quick reflexes,” Karlok smiled from ear to ear.

Loh ignored the breeder. “Stryg, are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Stryg grit his teeth.

“I’ll teach you how to properly tie these later,” Loh strapped Stryg in.

“Thanks,” he nodded.

Loh patted his leg, “Rhian, you will be his first proper mount. He doesn’t have riding experience, so keep him safe and make sure he doesn’t fall off.”

Rhian’s face twitched. Her master had no riding experience!? It was bad enough that her master wasn’t an aristocrat, but that he couldn’t even ride? The gods must have been playing a trick on her.

“I will try my best,” Rhian smiled wryly. 

“I don’t want you to try. I want you to succeed. His safety is paramount.” Loh’s eyes narrowed.

“Understood,” Rhian swallowed.

“Good.” Loh looked over at Stryg, “Are you gonna be alright?”

“Of course, this’ll be easy,” Stryg laughed anxiously.

“Confident as always,” Loh grinned. She handed the harness and other gifts to Maximus, “Hold this. I have another centaur right outside. You can follow us to the market and carry the gear and whatever else I pick up. I should probably pick up a weapon for you, too. What are you most proficient with?” 

“A battle axe, mistress,” Maximus bowed.

“Then let's find you the largest and sharpest one we can,” she pointed at his muscular arms.

Loh headed towards the large double doors, “Stryg, I’m going to go pick up whatever else we need for the trip. Take Rhian home, your building has some stables near the back. Once you're there, just let one of the stablehands handle setting her up for the night. I’ll meet you in the morning in front of the academy. Say goodbye to Feli, we head out tomorrow and we’ll be gone for a month or two.”

“Tomorrow?” Stryg asked in surprise.

“A month,” Rhian whispered in horror.

But, Loh was gone and Maximus followed in her steps.

“Here you are,” Karlok handed Stryg the small complimentary chest. “Is there anything else I can help you with? Perhaps a bridle? While their purpose is to direct dumb centaurs, I find that many aristocrats enjoy using them on the handsome or pretty centaurs. For aesthetics and pleasure,” he winked.

“No, I’m alright,” Stryg shook his head. 

It was bad enough having to learn how to ride properly. He didn’t wish to add any extra equipment into the mix. 

“Well then, have a wonderful day, Mister Stryg. If you ever have any other centaur-needs you know where to find us. I’ll be happy to personally assist you once more. May the moon bless you on your journey,” Karlok made a flourishing bow.

Stryg’s lips curled at the familiar saying. “And may the stars light your path.”

“Are you ready to go, Master?” Rhian asked.

Stryg wrapped his hands around the reins, “As ready as I’ll ever be.”

The aides pulled the double doors wide open. Rhian looked back one last time at the home she had known her entire life. She’d probably miss it, but not anytime soon. Now was the time for a new chapter in her life, her debut as a showhorse was about to begin. She made a quick bow to Karlok and trotted out the doors.

The sun shined down brightly on the trade district, it was a beautiful day. People walked all around, going about their daily lives. She took a deep breath of fresh air. Stryg squinted at the bright light.

“Where to? Your home in the Villa District? The Bourge District?” Rhian tilted her head back.

“The Scholar District,” Stryg answered.

Rhian stretched her legs, this was her debut to the world. It didn’t matter if she didn’t have an amazing rider behind the saddle. She wouldn’t let that stop her from showing the world how amazing she was.

“Right away, I’ll ride like the wind,” Rhian trembled with excitement.

“Wait, what?”

She dashed off with all the strength and speed she could muster. Stryg shouted in surprise. People all around yelled in shock as they scurried out of her way. Others watched in wonder as the beautiful centaur sped past in a blur of black and grey. 

Rhian couldn’t hold in her laughter, this was it. The wind on her face, the sun shining down on her glossy ebony coat, the crowds watching her in awe. This was what she was trained for, to dazzle all.

She gasped and skidded to a halt as her reins were yanked back in full force. 

Stryg held the reins tight and panted heavily. His eyes were wide open, his pupils thin slits. His ash-grey hair was frizzy from the wind. He hunched over the saddle as if to shield him from some invisible force.

“Master?” Rhian coughed.

“What. The. Fuck. Was that?”

“What are you talking about? You wanted to get to the Scholar District, yes? My training included a detailed layout of the city’s streets. I assure you this is the correct route.”

“I know where we are going. But, why in all the bloody Realms are you going so damn fast. I almost fell off because of you,” Stryg sneered.

Rhian scrunched her brow, “Do you want me to go slow?”

“Obviously,” Stryg huffed.

“But... I am a showhorse. We are meant to go fast. How can I impress anyone if I don’t show them what I am capable of?” Rhian frowned.

“I don't care what you were raised for. You are now part of my tribe. That means the only one you need to impress is me. I know you can run fast, I saw you on the obstacle course. I don’t need you to almost throw me off the saddle to demonstrate your speed,” Stryg chastised.

“...I see,” Rhian turned away and looked forward, “This One was mistaken.”

How could she have been so foolish? Even if she was groomed to be the finest of centaurs, she was limited by her mundane rider. The world would never know her true talent. The gods had cursed her to a wretched fate indeed.

“You said you’d win me over in seconds,” Stryg looked at the back of her head.

“What?” Rhian didn’t bother to turn around.

“Back at Swift Winds, you told Karlok you’d win Loh and me over in seconds,” Stryg laced his fingers around her dark hair.

“How did you hear that?” Rhian asked, confused. She had been on the other side of the obstacle course when she had whispered that to Karlok. She didn’t recall seeing the goblin use any magic. 

Stryg pulled her hair, her back bent backwards, her face an inch below his own. “If your way of winning me over is not even looking at me while talking then consider yourself a loser.”

Despite the minor pain, Rhian found herself grinning, “I haven’t lost yet.” 

Perhaps this rider wasn’t as mundane as she had thought.

Stryg found himself returning the grin, “Is that right?”

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