Realm of Monsters

Chapter 37: A Loveless Deal

Stryg sat up in the tub, “Are you coming in or do I need to get out?”

“It’s not that simple,” Feli smiled. “Not that complicated either. All we have to do is have some solid commitment, marriage.”

Stryg was quiet for a while in contemplation. 

He sat forward, his arms on his knees, “Someone once told me about different species getting together, because of something as crazy as love. I don’t really understand the concept, but I know it’s some kind of mutual respect born from a long time of being stuck with one another… I think.”

“I don’t understand what you’re getting at,” Feli said. This goblin wasn’t just barbaric, he was weird too. 

“From what you’ve explained a diverse marriage is one of submission to the primary spouse. You don’t love me Feli. I don’t expect you to, but I do understand willingly submitting oneself to another. It wasn’t very uncommon in my tribe. The weak would submit to the strong in order to get something. So, what do you want exactly?”

Feli bit her lip and looked away.

“You can either tell me or I can leave,” Stryg sighed.

Dammit, this was getting complicated, Feli lamented. He wasn’t giving her much of a choice. “As a mage you have high prospects of achieving great wealth and prestige. If we get married then so will I.”

“That’s it? You did this for money?” Stryg tilted his head.

“You wouldn’t understand,” Feli glared at him. “But, yeah, if you’re asking, then you’re right, I don’t love you. But if you get me out of this damn district, then it doesn’t really matter how I feel about you, does it?”

Stryg narrowed his eyes, “What are you trying to get at?”

Feli laughed in scorn, “Clearly, you have no feelings for me either. After all, you only want to fuck me, right?” 

Feli grabbed her breasts, “Everyone wants to fuck me. I see how you all look at me. That’s all I’ll ever be seen as in this city, just another pretty face. The doors of opportunity are closed to someone like me. A mage like you has everything. But, me? I have to spend the rest of my life serving men who only see another common wench to be fucked. But, fine, fuck it. If that’s the case I’ll use it to my advantage. I’ll sell myself to the highest bidder. I’ll only serve one and I’ll rise above the rest. And when I’m in the villa district, laying in a bed of silk sheets, sipping on fancy wine, then those very same people will be the ones to serve me. I know you don’t love me, Stryg, just this body. That’s what you want right? Well, you can have it, for a price.”

“Huh.” Stryg hadn’t expected her to say so much. She was right, he didn’t understand her. But, he did understand her offer and why she made it to him. “I’m your best bet aren’t I?”


“There aren’t any other magi around here. I’ve noticed, or at least I’ve been told. I’m your best bet to get to the villa district, aren’t I?”

“What’s your point?” Feli frowned.

“There are a lot of things I don’t understand about this city. Like marriage. I need to read up on it. But, I do know I want you, and not with anyone else, just for myself. So, let’s call this a trial period.”

“So, an engagement. I’m okay with that,” Feli nodded.

This could work for her. It would give her more time to make him fall in love with her. Now that all the cards were on the table she could put all her focus on winning him over.

“I don’t need your love,” Stryg said.

“Neither do I.” Feli didn’t need love to seduce him, just her body.

“I do demand respect, however.”

Feli nodded, “Done, if you follow through with your end of the deal.”

“If all goes well, I will… marry you.” Stryg needed to read into exactly what that entailed.

“That’s all I need,” Feli made a half smile.

“Then from today on your mine.”

“We have a deal then,” Feli stepped towards him.

Stryg didn’t wait for her. Like a snake he snapped forward in a flash. He grabbed her by her bottom and with alarming strength, lifted her and pulled her into the tub with him. He didn’t hesitate nor waste time. Stryg shivered in pleasure as he entered her.

Feli cried out softly in pain. She hugged him tightly, her nails digging into his back. Stryg laughed, did Feli think she could make him submit with just a little pain? Stryg’s fingers gripped her butt cheeks firmly and he began to piston his waist back and forth. She arched her back and moaned, her hands gripping his shoulders. Stryg took the opening to suck on her nipple, he had wanted to from the moment he touched her breasts. 

“Y-you’re being t-too rough,” She groaned.

What was she saying? Did she really think he was going to go easy on her. You never went easy in a battle. He definitely wasn’t going to in his first battle of sex. His small, yet sharp fangs lightly bit into her as his tongue played with her nipple. Feli yelped in a mix of pleasure and pain. She pushed him away as far as she could in the small wooden tub, but they were still connected.

“T-take it easy, we have all night,” Feli panted.

“I won’t surrender that easily,” Stryg flipped her around before she could protest. 

He knew women had the advantage in nightly affairs, they could last far longer. It didn’t help that Stryg was inexperienced. His only chance to win was to overwhelm her with stimulation.

“I’m not going to let you win,” Stryg gripped her waist and pushed all the way back in.

Feli gasped at the intrusion, “This isn’t a game.”

Stryg struggled to not climax. He needed to stay focused. His left hand clutched her breast from behind and massaged her nipple. He wrapped her lovely purple hair around his right hand and pulled her head back. He leaned in, licked her ear, and whispered, “You’re right. This is a mating challenge. I won’t give up.” 

The water began to slosh out of the tub as he began to thrust his waist with twice the speed.

“You win! I give up!” Feli moaned. She wasn’t about to fight him. What was wrong with him?

Her words coupled with the overwhelming sensation was too much for Stryg to bear. He heaved one last time and came deep inside her. He fell back into the tub and pulled Feli with him. Her butt falling into his lap, his girth still inside. Feli quivered and leaned her head back on his shoulder. Stryg sighed in satisfaction, he had managed to win his first mating challenge, just barely. He needed a lot more practice.

“Is everything a fight with you?” Feli said with a tired breath.

“Not everything.” Stryg nestled his head into her shoulder, giving him a perfect view of her breasts below. “But mating challenges are. Goblins have to show who’s on top. Otherwise, we’ll seem weak.”

“I’m not a goblin and we both know you’re not weak.” Why was he so weird? She’d need to teach this barbarian some basic etiquette. 

“What are you saying? You don’t want to challenge me?”

“Let me say right here and now, that I, Feli, swear to my patron Stjerne, god of the stars himself, defeat in all future ‘mating challenges’ we’ll have.”

“I’m not sure you can do that,” Stryg frowned.

“Oh, gods, please let me concede at least,” she groaned.

“Hmm, only if you let me do this whenever I want,” He grabbed her breasts from behind and began playing with them. They were heavier than he had thought. He squeezed and pulled them up high, then let them drop back into the water.

Feli laughed softly. She already chose to trade her body for a different life. This much was nothing. She felt him hardening inside her again. 

Feli kissed Stryg on the cheek, “Gladly.”


Carla knocked on the door an hour later. The door creaked open by a small margin. 

Feli’s head peeked out, “What do you want?”

Carla scowled at her sassy tone, but said nothing. Carla heard the squeaking bed from across the hall for the past hour, she knew what the two were doing. But, she couldn’t afford to offend the mage by insulting Feli.

Carla cleared her throat, “I just came to pick up the mage’s clothes and have them cleaned.”

“One second.” Feli closed the door abruptly. 

A few moments later the door opened a tad more than before. 

“Here they are, make sure to get the blood stains off,” Feli handed her Stryg’s clothes. 

As Carla grabbed the garments Feli’s naked appearance came into view. 

Carla cleared her throat, “You know, I could help assist sir Stryg, too. I think he’d appreciate the extra help.”

Before Feli could decline a cyan hand appeared and grabbed her breast. Feli gasped as she was pulled away. The door slammed shut in Carla’s face. Feli’s laughter could be heard from behind the door. Carla sighed in frustration and picked up the clothes Feli dropped. Feli had managed to get to Stryg first and she wasn’t planning on sharing. 

“That bitch,” Carla cursed under her breath.


Stryg woke up to the sound of footsteps from downstairs. His eyes squinted at the glaring light shining from the window. Feli was still asleep, her face resting on the crook of his arm. Drool dribbled down from her mouth. Her purple hair was a mess. But Stryg thought she still seemed beautiful. She seemed more real, not unobtainable and far from his grasp. A strange feeling filled his chest. He frowned, something was off. 

Stryg had seen many goblins the morning after a mating challenge. They were supposed to feel triumphant, happy to have defeated their opponent, delighted to have made them submit. 

Stryg had climaxed plenty of times more than Feli, yet she had still said he had won. So, why was it he didn’t feel like a victor? He didn’t feel like he had beaten her. He didn’t even feel like rubbing it in her face, like was commonplace among the Blood Fang tribe. In fact, it was the opposite, he wanted to hug her and hold her tight. He wondered if she had slept well. Stryg shook his head. What in all the Realms was wrong with him? He wasn’t supposed to care about that. Was he a failure of a goblin in this regard too?

Stryg was supposed to show his dominance in the relationship. She said she’d be his wife, his own woman. A warm feeling crept up inside his heart. He smacked it right back down. 

Feli’s eyes blinked open. Her sleepy face tried to register what was happening. She glanced at the bed covers haphazardly wrapped around them. 

Her lips curled into a grin, “Good morning.”

The warm feeling rammed right back into his cold exterior. It was uncomfortable, he felt vulnerable. 

“Morning,” Stryg managed to say, his pupils dilating into large circles, almost completely covering his lilac irises.

“Did you sleep well?” He squeezed his eyes shut. Was he going soft? He needed to show he was in command, not ask how she felt. 

Feli pressed her lips on his, “I slept wonderfully, thanks for asking.” 

She liked the feeling. Stryg froze at the kiss. 

Feli leaned back and laughed, “You were so wild yesterday, yet now you can’t even return a kiss?” She placed a finger on her lips, “You know being rough can actually be nice sometimes. You had this intense look in your eyes, it was scary, but kinda hot.” 

What was Feli even saying? He couldn’t tell if she was complimenting or insulting him. Stryg didn’t understand.

Feli noticed Stryg’s uncertain look. Why did he seem regretful? Everything had gone off without a hitch last night. It seemed she needed to remind him of how lucky he was to have her. 

She looked down at his morning wood, “Let me take care of that for you.” 

Feli got on all fours. She winced slightly at the movement. She was still quite sore down there. Stryg hadn’t held back. He clearly enjoyed it rough. She supposed she would need to get used to it. 

As his future wife she needed to take care of his sexual needs and in turn he would take care of her financial needs. For now she’d use her mouth. Feli looked at his erection with hesitance. She had never given a blowjob. She pulled back the blanket, puckered her lips and kissed lightly.

“You haven’t done this before have you?” Stryg asked.

“Have you?” Feli smirked.

“I recall your absolute respect being part of the deal,” Stryg raised his eyebrow.

“Oh, please forgive me, would you grace this ignorant barmaid with your grand blowjob advice?” Feli batted her eyes.

Stryg would need to work on her deference. There could only be one alpha in a pack. One chief in a tribe. Tribe? He wasn’t a part of a tribe anymore. 

He sighed, “Carry on.”

“As you wish,” Feli took another look at the tall member. 

She could do this. She took a deep breath and opened her mouth wide.

Any thoughts running through Stryg’s mind evaporated at Feli’s unwitting insistence. 

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