Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 48

The Crazy Dog Who Became A Loyal Hound (4)  

On the autumn morning, there was already a slight drizzle. However, on such a morning, a man held onto a crutch and walked with difficulty, beside him stood a woman in a set of tight-fitting sportswear. 

Mo Ling ran a few steps, turned and looked back, clapping her hands at Jiang Zhe, encouraging: "Do your best, A’Zhe, you walked one meter more than yesterday. I believe that you’ll recover soon." 

Jiang Zhe smiled and nodded. Large beads of sweat dripped down the side of his handsome face, his eyes shining brightly like the rising sun. 

Mo Ling quietly watched him walk step by step towards her. When he got close, he gave her a big hug. 

She hooked her lips up, and her eyes had laughter within them too. 

During these days of recovery, they were together from morning to night. Mo Ling truly experienced that Jiang Zhe had really changed. 

The willfulness in the past had been kept. Overnight, he had grown up and become matured.

It’s nice. 

She pushed the man away and took out a tissue to wipe his sweat, smiling: "Today’s practice shall end here. Let’s go home, ok?" 

Jiang Zhe: "En." 

Jiang family. 

Mother Jiang had long instructed the maids to make a rich breakfast, and was waiting anxiously in the living room. 

Father Jiang looked up from his newspaper and looked at her from the side of his eyes, "What are you anxious about? Xiao Ling is watching over him, Zhe’er will be fine." 

Mother Jiang rolled her eyes at him. You’re not anxious? If you’re not anxious, then why did you get up so early? 

While the two were talking, the door opened and Mo Ling helped Jiang Zhe to walk in. 

Although Father Jiang felt heartache at how thin his son had become, but seeing that pair of bright spirited eyes, his mood instantly brightened as well. 

Now, he was working hard to recover and actively cooperated. The doctor said that although the probability of recovery was minimal, as long as he continued to maintain this good mood, and with a little cover up, he would look like a normal person. 

This was undoubtedly good news for Jiang’s family.

What's more, after the accident, Zhe’er no longer went out to fool around, and also broke contact with his shady friends. He stayed at home every day, practicing and learning. 

His effort when he was serious made him finally look like an heir. 

How could Father Jiang’s heart not feel gratified? 

The heavens didn’t treat their Jiang family poorly. Sure enough, the old saying goes, if you survived a big misfortune, there would be a blessing waiting at the end. 

It also allowed him to see how good a daughter-in-law Xiao Ling was. 

His life was really worth it. 

Father Jiang kept away his gratitude in his heart and glared at his son habitually, "Only knowing how to show off, making your mother wait for so long." 

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Mother Jiang immediately defended her son. Her son had now become so well-behaved and motivated, don’t know what that old man was unsatisfied about. 

Jiang Zhe and Mo Ling didn’t take it to heart. 

After eating breakfast, Jiang Zhe returned to the room, turned on the computer, and started to study. 

Mo Ling carried a bag and stood behind him, greeting him, "Jiang Zhe, I’m going to work." 

Jiang Zhe turned back, his mouth had a trace of laughter, and slightly nodded, "I know, go." 

Mo Ling subconsciously smiled back, turned and left. 

Such days were calm and peaceful. Time passed by unknowingly. In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the year. 

In the past, Mo Ling always celebrated the New Year at the Jiang family, and only returned to her maternal family on the third day. 

However, there were some exceptions this year. At the dinner table, Jiang Zhe suddenly suggested: "Since our home is big, why don’t we invite father-in-law and mother-in-law over to celebrate the New Year?" 

Mo Ling’s hand that was reaching out for a dish paused, and she turned to look at him with amazement. 

Father Jiang didn’t immediately express his position and asked Jiang Zhe instead: “How did you suddenly have this idea?” 

Jiang Zhe held Mo Ling’s hand. “I’m Mo Ling’s husband. Her parents are my parents. Gathering together as a family would be a lively reunion, wouldn’t it?”

Mo Ling looked down and felt the temperature coming from the back of her hand. Sourness, bitterness, sweetness and saltiness mixed together in her heart, extremely complicated. 

Father Jiang smiled heartily, “Deal, this year we will invite our in-laws over. Zhe’er is right, our one family should gather together.” 

Jiang Zhe’s lips hooked upwards. He buried his head and ate silently. 


In the original soul’s memory, Father Mo was ambitious beyond his capability, looking high and far away. After being forced to quit gambling, his heart died, and he watched his days pass in a daze. 

Mother Mo was timid, without any opinion of her own, and very quiet, the kind of person that couldn’t be found in a crowd. 

However, when Jiang Zhe really saw the two, he discovered that the original soul’s evaluation of Father and Mother Mo was biased. 

Rather than saying that the two were timid, it was better to say that they had a general public mentality*. 

When they walked into such a rich house, they were definitely clumsy, unable to adapt to the sudden change in environment. Coupled with Father Mo’s previous lesson from his failure, it was naturally difficult to have a good impression.

Jiang Zhe followed Mo Ling and personally picked up the two, making the old Mo family couple surprisingly flattered. 

In the car, Mother Mo took out a live chicken from a woven bag, scaring Jiang Zhe. 

"Son, son-in-law, I heard Xiao Ling say that your legs aren’t well yet. This is the chicken I bought from the countryside. It can nourish you." 

Mother Mo stuttered, holding chicken, but not having any spirit like the chicken. 

At least the chicken was still clucking, voicing its happiness. 

Jiang Zhe: …………… 

Mo Ling's face slipped a little, advising: "Mom, what can't the Jiang family buy? You don’t need to trouble yourself to bring it." 

Mother Mo tried to explain, "This is a little gift of sincerity." 

"This chicken, is one that your father found someone to inspect." 

Father Mo sat by the side, looking down and minding his own business. Of course, if his hands weren’t trembling it would be more perfect.

Mo Ling was very tired emotionally. She knew that her parents had good intentions, but Jiang Zhe may not think so.

She cleared her throat and tried to regain some dignity for her parents, "A’Zhe, my parents they" 

"Thank you for Mom and Dad’s good intentions, I like it very much." He suddenly voiced out, interrupting Mo Ling's unfinished words. 

Father and Mother Mo sat even more properly, an embarrassed smile on their faces, looking like primary school students who had just been praised by their teacher. 

Mo Ling: (⊙x⊙;) 

Never mind her mother, after all she was especially self-deprecating and couldn’t listen to praises. But why is her dad also… 

Jiang Zhe was more clear than Mo Ling. Thinking about why Father Mo started gambling, it was nothing more than the difference between reality and his ideals causing him to lose his confidence. They didn't need an especially materialistic lifestyle, they only needed a little praise to regain their confidence. 

Alright, it also depended on whose affirmation they received. 

The original soul didn’t like Mo Ling much before, let alone respect her parents. The huge contrast now thus made the two feel flattered, liking it a lot. 

When they got off the car, Jiang Zhe was inconvenienced by his legs. Mother Mo picked up everything and pushed her old man, “Go help our daughter to support our son-in-law. Son-in-law is still injured but he still came to pick you up.” 

Father Mo happily gave a "hehe" and didn’t get annoyed. Together with his daughter, one on each side, they helped Jiang Zhe out of the car. 

Jiang Zhe: !!! 

A line of people entered the house, and the maid served tea. Jiang Zhe turned his head and asked, "Father-in-law, what would Mother-in-law like to drink?" 

Father Mo smiled and waved his hand, "Nothing special, anything will do." Mother Mo hurriedly agreed. 

Jiang Zhe looked at Mo Ling. 

Mo Ling placed a fist to her mouth, covering the smile on her lips, "My dad likes to drink green tea. My mom likes to drink orange juice." 

Jiang Zhe: "Alright. I’ll have to trouble Aunty Ning to bring a cup of green tea and a cup of orange juice." 

Father and Mother Mo became more embarrassed, but smiles remained on their faces. 

Father Jiang saw this and raised his eyebrows. Looking at the situation, Zhe’er had really become sincere.

Quite good. 

During the idle chat afterwards, Father Jiang deliberately avoided some professional problems and turned to recall the past with Father Mo. 

Two people, like the most ordinary old man, sat together reminiscing. 

Mother Jiang dragged Mother Mo to chat. The four people talked about their own topics, extremely lively. 

At lunch time, Father Mo looked like he still wanted to chat more, but compared to the original soul’s impression of his dead appearance, there was more energy and smiles in his eyes and face. 

Mo Ling secretly turned her head away and quickly wiped her eyes. Jiang Zhe held her hands and gave her a soothing look. 

The meal was eaten in happiness. 

After the meal, Father and Mother Jiang took the Mo parents out for a walk in the garden. When they were tired, they moved some chairs over and sat there, drinking tea, chatting and enjoying the scenery, very comfortable. 

Jiang Zhe pulled back Mo Ling who was watching from the window, and kissed her forehead gently. 

"Don't worry, Mom and Dad are very good people." 

Mo Ling nodded heavily. Her eyes were red and she clung to the man in front of her, choking out: "I know. Thank you, A’Zhe." 

Jiang Zhe patted her back and sighed, "Silly, you said that we are husband and wife. Husband and wife are one, why would you need to say thank you." 

Mo Ling sniffed and replied: "En." 

For Father Jiang to reach such heights today, other than his own personal efforts, he also had the support and help of his good wife. Both of them were people with high EQ. 

As long as they had the intentions, the average person would feel heartfelt pleasure when talking to them. 

Under the Jiang parent’s urging, Father and Mother Mo stayed till the fifteenth day before returning.


Jiang Zhe and Mo Ling personally sent them back. When they separated, the Mo parents even gave their daughter a big hug. 

Father and Mother Mo: "Xiao Ling, your father-in-law, mother in-law and A’Zhe are all good-hearted people. You have to get along with them in the future, understand?"

Mo Ling nodded.

Mother Mo was pleased, "Knowing that you’re doing well, Mom can also rest assured." 

Mo Ling: "Mom…"  

While the mother and daughter were talking, Jiang Zhe pulled Father Mo to the side, chatting quietly. 

On the way back after saying goodbye, Mo Ling asked Jiang Zhe: "What did you say to my dad?" 

Jiang Zhe was serious: "Nothing." 

Mo Ling: ……… 

Do you think I’m blind? 

Forget it, seeing that her parents' mood was so good, she was also relieved. 

At most, she could call her mother to ask when she got home. ╮(‵▽′)╭

However, the face slapping came too fast. 

No matter what she said on the phone, her mother denied it. 

Mo Ling couldn't do anything. She hurriedly hung up the phone. On the other end of the phone, Father Mo secretly asked Mother Mo, "You didn’t say anything right?" 

Mother Mo: "No. Hu, how dangerous. I didn’t know Xiao Ling was so smart, I almost couldn’t resist." 

Father Mo’s face was serious, "If it’s like this, I’ll answer the next time Xiao Ling calls. Wait till we’ve prepared the things, then we’ll give her a big surprise." 

As for whether she would be more surprised or happy, it was a matter of opinion. 

On the Jiang family’s side, Jiang Zhe had mostly recovered. Father Jiang specially customized shoes for him. The shoes worn on his left foot were covered with a layer of thick velvet. When he walked, he was no different from others. 

Under Father Jiang’s urging, Jiang Zhe finally entered the company. His body was perfect, and after this period of hard training, his arms and lower abdomen had vague muscle lines, tall and slim. When he wore an expensive tailored suit and proudly walked through the company's door, he shocked many employees and their jaws hit the floor.

The employees' inner thoughts: FMLLLLL, that proper, intimidating and spirited man was their little Jiang boss, that ignorant and incompetent second-generation. Oh my god, the world was becoming unreal!!!


*General public mentality – Examples include: Calculative, only caring about the benefits to themselves, bully the weak but afraid of the strong, always using money to look at things, lacking in goals, narrow-vision, short-sighted. More or less putting themselves first before anything.

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