Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 42

The Single-Minded Boyfriend (5)

Jiang Zhe’s changes during this period of time were most obvious to his roommates.

They were no longer awakened by his phone ringing in the middle of the night or a man’s weirdly accented comforting voice. 

On the contrary, Jiang Zhe became even more disciplined than them, getting up and sleeping on time. 

It was another regular afternoon. Jiang Zhe had just eaten his takeout meal, and was just about to go back to work when someone walked up behind him.

Jiang Zhe looked back. It turned out to be his roommate, Li Fei, nicknamed Airplane. 

Li Fei was unprepared when their eyes met. He felt slightly uncomfortable and shifted his eyes away, quietly saying, “Jiang, Jiang Zhe.” 

Jiang Zhe: "Yes?" 

Li Fei: "I heard that you sold a piece of software a few days ago." 

Jiang Zhe raised his eyebrows. He didn’t expect this piece of news to spread so fast.

He was very low-key when he sold that software.

In fact, Jiang Zhe misunderstood. That day, Li Fei coincidentally saw him and a man wearing a western suit walking out of the café, talking and laughing. His heart felt that it was suspicious, and after listening to his friends in the computer science field, he found out that recently, someone sold a piece of software in their field and earned big bucks.

On top of that, Jiang Zhe had been staying in the dorm during this period of time, busily typing away on his computer. With this connection, he inferred this conclusion with around 80% confidence. 

Asking Jiang Zhe today, is only to gain more confirmation. He had already thought it through. If Jiang Zhe denied it, how should he rebut, however… 

Jiang Zhe was unexpectedly happy, nodding: "Yes, I sold it." 

Li Fei: "You don't have to… …wait, what did you just say?" 

Jiang Zhe: "I said that I sold a piece of software a few days ago. Is there any problem?" 

Li Fei: !!! 

He waved his hand and said quickly: "No, no."

After a while, he seemed to be talking to himself, but at the same time, he seemed to be deliberately saying it for Jiang Zhe to hear. 

Li Fei: "We’ve already been roommates for three years, yet I never knew you were so amazing. I couldn’t tell previously, haha." 

Jiang Zhe’s fingers continued typing furiously, while saying carelessly, "I used to be confused and couldn’t tell what was important. Not to mention my dropping grades, I almost lost my girlfriend.” His voice trailed off at the end, bringing a sense of self-mockery and unconsciously making others believe his words. 

Li Fei was stunned. Looking at the atmosphere getting colder, he gave a “haha” and avoided the topic.

Li Fei: "Aish, it’s not too late to change now. Look, you’ve been self-studying these past few months, yet you can compete against people who’ve studied for two to three years. This talent is simply unmatchable." 

Jiang Zhe smiled and didn't answer. 

Only the sound of his keyboard typing reverberated around the room. Li Fei glanced at Jiang Zhe. The other party didn’t even have any superfluous movement. He rubbed his nose in embarrassment and left. 

Jiang Zhe was left alone in the bedroom. He stopped typing and rubbed his forehead. 

He doesn’t know why, but there’s this persistent feeling that this matter isn’t over yet. 

Just as the holidays were approaching, the school held a social gathering. Jiang Zhe wasn’t interested, but Pei Yun’s roommates wanted to go. Helplessly, she went along. 

Even his girlfriend had gone for it, could Jiang Zhe just sit there? 

Everything went smoothly. Jiang Zhe accompanied Pei Yun, the two of them perfectly blending into the background. 

Seeing the end of the gathering, Jiang Zhe wanted to leave with Pei Yun, but were stopped by people. 

A seemingly familiar face, a familiar environment, Jiang Zhe’s heart jumped. 

"Brother Jiang, you’re really ruthless!!" The woman’s complaint rang in the quiet and peaceful place. The people who were about to leave also gradually came over.

Pei Yun glared at Lin Yue, fire almost coming out of her eyes. Jiang Zhe’s face twitched, his hand was really hurting from A’Pei’s grip ah QAQ 

Jiang Zhe coughed lightly, putting on a serious face: "Classmate Lin, we’re not familiar with each other, why would you accuse me of being ruthless?"

Lin Yue’s lips curved downwards, looking like she was about to cry, but she still didn’t speak. The surrounding crowd didn’t know what was happening, and began to whisper. 

Jiang Zhe felt his head throbbing. He never expected the other party to play smart this time, only speaking halfway and leaving the other half to people’s imaginations. 

Jiang Zhe: "Everyone!" 

Onlookers: ??? 

Jiang Zhe: "Can you be quiet? Thank you." 

Without the surrounding noise, everything became very quiet. Jiang Zhe held on to Pei Yun’s hand, raising it up for everyone to see. 

"This is my girlfriend next to me. We have been together from the first year of college." 

"But I’m, um, how should I put it, in today’s words, I had a slight “central air conditioning” problem previously, not wanting to see girls suffering.” 

“I usually treat the female friends around me very well, so these classmates misunderstood. My girlfriend also couldn’t stand it any longer, and we almost broke up. I naturally didn’t want to, so no matter how much it hurt, I was determined to change my ways." His tone was serious, but somehow it was humorous in a different way, making many people press their lips together to hide their laughter. 

He faced Lin Yue and said: "I said it clearly previously, and I also achieved it. These few months, I haven’t had any contact with you, so why would you say I’m ruthless." 

Lin Yue cried pitifully, "Brother Jiang ~~” 

Jiang Zhe: “Stop it.” 

“Classmate Lin, don’t put me in a spot. It wasn’t easy for me to gain back A’Pei’s feelings. Having done this, I’ll have to kneel on durians in apology when I go home.” 

“Pfft" the surrounding crowd couldn’t hold back their laughter. 

Pei Yun also huffily glared at her boyfriend. If he had things to say, he should say it properly. What was this? 

However, the death grip on her boyfriend’s hand had greatly relaxed. 

Wei Ling huffed: "Jiang Zhe, you’re really willing to draw a line with us for such a woman?” 

Jiang Zhe frowned, stressing: "A’Pei is my girlfriend. Other than my parents, she’s the closest person to me. Naturally, I will follow her wishes." 

Wei Ling gritted her teeth: "OK, I got it. I’ll return this to you; I don’t need it." Saying so, she threw a necklace at him.

Jiang Zhe thought it was a weapon. He hugged Pei Yun and dodged it. The silver necklace fell on the ground with a soft sound. 

Wei Ling’s eyes were already red from anger, "Jiang Zhe, you bastard. I hate you." 

She stomped her feet and angrily ran off. 

The other three took note of the situation, and began throwing things too. Jiang Zhe protected Pei Yun and avoided it busily. 

Pei Yun’s face had already turned black, "You actually gave out so many things." 

Jiang Zhe: Innocent, he was really innocent. 

Probably, he would have to carry this accusation around forever. 

Giant abuse. 

Jiang Zhe begged for mercy in a low voice, "A’Pei, I was wrong. I will not dare to do so in the future. " 

Pei Yun: "Hmph ╯^╰" 

Jiang Zhe: "In the future, I’ll leave the money matters to you. Without money, it’ll impossible for me to give things to people." 

Pei Yun thought about it, and found it true, "Then, I’ll let you off for now." 

No one expected that this social gathering would end with this farce. 

Pei Yun’s roommates were quite apologetic; after all, they were the ones who pulled Pei Yun into going.

To apologise, the three girls cosplayed as spies, and went around finding out why Lin Yue and her friends chose the day of the social gathering to make trouble. 

The situation had blown up rather big, and the three girls didn’t need to spend too much effort to find out. However, the results stunned them. 

In the dorm. 

The four girls gathered, ate snacks and drank coca cola while gossiping.

“I thought of many possibilities previously, but not once did I think the trouble occurred because of Jiang Zhe selling his software.” 

Pei Yun: "Why do you say that?" 

“This news started spreading from the computer science field. At the start, it only said that Jiang Zhe earned a few tens of thousands, but afterwards it became just above a hundred thousand. Passing on and on, in the end, it actually became that Jiang Zhe earned a few hundred thousand from it, enough for a down payment for a house. That was the key point, having sufficient for a housing down payment without even stepping into society." 

"Yours can’t compare to how outrageous the one I heard was, actually hearing that Jiang Zhe earned up to a million. Isn’t that a joke?" 

Pei Yun lowered her head guiltily, took a piece of potato chip and slowly ate it. 

"Lin Yue that group originally didn’t want to pay any attention to Jiang Zhe. However, after hearing those evil gossip spread by others, and seeing how our A’Pei is living so well, they instantly believed it. Aiyo, do they not use their brains? There are so many people in the computer science field. If anyone could make a piece of software and sell it for a million, then those large company bosses must be fools.” 

"Yeah, but then again, normal people aren’t able to do such things. Despite knowing that the guy already has a girlfriend, they repeatedly tried to hold on to him in public." 

"Exactly. A’Pei, don’t become distant from Jiang Zhe because of this incident, otherwise only you will hurt, and your enemies will rejoice." 

Pei Yun laughed helplessly: "How can it be as exaggerated as you said?" 

"No exaggeration, no exaggeration. In fact, strictly speaking, this trouble arose because of us. If we didn’t drag you along, you wouldn’t have gone, and you wouldn’t have lost face.” 

Her three roommates stood up, “A’Pei, sorry.”

Pei Yun didn’t know how to react, and could only stand up with them, “You all, aish. Really, I’ve never placed it in my heart. You’re making things so serious, even I’m starting to feel embarrassed." 

“Ok, ok, not serious, not serious. Let’s chat about something relaxing.” 

“The holidays start tomorrow. Are you going straight back home or staying in school for some time?"

"I’m going home. My mom called a few times. She said she misses me a lot, hehe.” 

"My dad also nags on the phone, saying how he’ll prepare this and that good food for me to eat when I go home. You also know that I can’t resist the temptation of food!" 

The few people quickly started chatting about different topics. Pei Yun looked at them chatting excitedly, her heart moved, and she sneakily sent Jiang Zhe a message. 

[When are you going home? ]

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