Quick Transmigration The Prodigal Son

Chapter 38

The Single-Minded Boyfriend (1)

Jiang Zhe hugged the crying Pei Yun, continually comforting her. After half an hour, he finally coaxed her to stop crying. 

Jiang Zhe wiped away the tears on her face, "Look at you, you’ve cried yourself into a spotted cat." 

Pei Yun glared at him, "Isn’t it your fault." 

"Yes, yes, it's my fault. I promise that this will be the last time I make this mistake. There won’t be any next time." Jiang Zhe continually showed his loyalty. 

Pei Yun said suspiciously: "Really?" 

Jiang Zhe almost raised his hand to swear to the heavens, "Really, truer than real gold." 

Thinking about it, he continued: "I used to be confused, always feeling that we will be together forever, so I unintentionally neglected you many times. This time, your determination to break up with me really scared me. A’Pei, you can observe me. I really, really will not commit the same mistake again, so don’t break up with me ok?" 

He looked with anticipation at Pei Yun, his eyes full of sincerity. 

Pei Yun awkwardly turned her head away and coughed, "It depends on your performance." 

Jiang Zhe nodded heavily, " Right, I just received my salary a few days ago. I remember the last time we went shopping, you liked a bag, let's go buy it today." 

Pei Yun: "Ah???" 

Really going? 

Jiang Zhe had already pulled her to the side of the road. He stretched out and stopped a taxi. After getting on the taxi, he said to the driver: "I’ll have to trouble you to go to Times Mall." 

Driver: "Alright." 

The aircon in the taxi was just nice. Pei Yun had just vented her emotions, and with the right temperature now, she lay down on the seat and became drowsy. 

Jiang Zhe reached out to hold her, and Pei Yun suddenly opened her eyes wide. 

Jiang Zhe: "I think you’ll be more comfortable leaning on my body." 

Pei Yun pressed her lips together, stared at him for a while, but still gradually leaned over. 

The fare calculator on the taxi increased regularly. If the original soul was here, he would probably have been distressed by it.

Jiang Zhe’s face was expressionless as he secretly calculated how much money he had left. 

The original soul did indeed just get his salary, but he had treated it as small cash and spent it all on his close female friends.

Not a single dollar was left for his actual girlfriend and his parents.

Not only that, the original soul’s parents had to add on some living expenses for him every month. 

Jiang Zhe: …………… 

He really shouldn’t have any expectations for this scum. 

On the original soul’s card now, there could only be at most a hundred dollars left. And there was still half a month left to the next salary payout.


Jiang Zhe: "System, do me a favour." 

System: "Sorry, the user you are calling is not available." 

Jiang Zhe: ……… 

Jiang Zhe: "……… I was wrong, I shouldn’t have been fierce to you the last time." 

System: "Hmph ╯^╰" 

Jiang Zhe: "The system is considerate, kind, cute, clever and big-hearted, the number one system in the system world. Unparalleled in the heavens or on earth, humans love you upon seeing you and flowers bloom upon seeing you. As soon as you appear, all hosts will trip over their feet for you." 

System: "o(*////▽////*)q" 

System: "Jiang Zhe, you’re too much, blindly saying such big truths, how annoying ~~ " 

Jiang Zhe’s mouth twitched. 

Jiang Zhe: "System is the cutest in the universe, can I ask the cutest for a favour?"  

The system said arrogantly: "Speak." 

Jiang Zhe: "Can you help me convert the gold bars in my space into money in this world?" 

System: "Can. But I have to charge a fee." 

Jiang Zhe had an ominous premonition in his heart. 

System: "I won’t cheat you. Your gold bars, how about I use $15 per gram to calculate?"

Jiang Zhe silently swallowed a mouthful of blood and smiled: "Thank you." 

System: "You’re welcome, after all, you are my host (#^.^#)." 

Jiang Zhe: = = 

Jiang Zhe exchanged two kilograms of gold bars, but he only received a measly sum of $30,000. 

He wiped his face. Forget it, it’s difficult to buy emergency supplies in times of need even with a thousand gold. Having $30,000 is not that bad. 

An hour later, they arrived at the Times Mall. Jiang Zhe paid the bill before gently shaking Pei Yun awake. 

Jiang Zhe said softly: "A’Pei, we’re here. Let’s go." 

"Oh." Pei Yun subconsciously touched her wallet, but Jiang Zhe stopped her, "I’ve already paid the fare." 

Pei Yun found it a little strange, but still held back and didn’t say anything, following Jiang Zhe into the mall. 

Today was Tuesday, there were not many people in the mall. Jiang Zhe followed the route in his memory, and found the bag shop that they were interested in previously. 

Regretfully, that bag had already been sold. 

Pei Yun secretly pulled on Jiang Zhe’s clothes, "Forget it, let's go. I don’t want it any more." 

Jiang Zhe patted her hand and scanned the bags in the store quietly, before finally walking over to a small black shoulder bag. 

He turned back to the staff: "I’ll trouble you to pack that bag for me." 

The staff smiled widely, "Yes, sir." 

Jiang Zhe went to the counter to swipe his card, but it was taken from him. Pei Yun bit her lips and advised: "Jiang Zhe, I don't like the bag very much, let's go." 

She had just snuck a glance. Such a bag cost 1680, the one she was interested in previously was only around three hundred. 

Both of them were still students. A bag costing over a thousand was definitely over their budgets. 

Jiang Zhe smiled and said: "A’Pei, give me the card, I know what I’m doing."

Pei Yun didn’t move. 

The two stood in a deadlock and the staff also felt a little awkward. 

Jiang Zhe sighed and reached out: "A’Pei, give me the card." 

"Didn’t I already say it? I just got my salary. If this money isn’t spent on you, then I’ll spend it on others." 

Pei Yun’s face changed immediately, “You dare?” 

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.” Jiang Zhe waved his hand, “So give me the card. I feel good spending money on you.” 

The staff nearby also persuaded, "Miss, your boyfriend is so good to you, don't reject his feelings." 

"Yeah, if my boyfriend is willing to spend money on me, I would be so happy." 


The staff continuously persuaded her, along with Jiang Zhe’s sincere eyes, Pei Yun still returned the card to him. 

Under the staff’s happy gazes, the two people held the bag and walked out of the shop.

Pei Yun carried the bag, both happy and worried, "Look at you, spending money recklessly again. You’ll be eating dirt the rest of the month." 

After a while, she said again: "If you have no money, just tell me. I still have some money on hand. Don't save too much, it’s not good to eat poorly and ruin your body." 

Jiang Zhe held her hand and squeezed it, "Rest assured, I won't go hungry." 

"It's almost noon now, let's go to that seafood restaurant to eat." 

Pei Yun hurriedly stopped him, "Jiang Zhe, you really don’t want to live for the rest of the month?" 

Jiang Zhe: ( ̄ー ̄) 

"A’Pei, lend me your handphone for a while." 

Pei Yun was confused, but her boyfriend had just forked out a lot for her. Though she felt heart pangs because of it, but to say she wasn’t happy was definitely a lie. So, she didn’t hesitate to pass her handphone over to Jiang Zhe. 

Jiang Zhe turned his back to her and his hands moved in a flurry of motions. In a short moment, he passed it back to her.

Pei Yun was speechless, "What are you doing, so secretive." She looked down at her phone. The screen clearly showed that Jiang Zhe had just transferred her five thousand. 

Pei Yun: Σ( ° △°|||)_ 

Pei Yun: “You……” 

Jiang Zhe showed her his handphone too. The screen showed that there was still savings left, one two three four five, damn, there was actually over twenty thousand remaining. 

Pei Yun was stunned, blurting out: "Where did you get so much money?" 

Jiang Zhe raised his eyebrows, "Naturally, I earned it outside. If not, how could that small bit of cash from that part-time job be enough?" 

The emotions in Pei Yun’s heart burst out and she hugged him, "Jiang Zhe, you’re so amazing." 

Jiang Zhe patted her back and coaxed: "Can we go eat at the seafood restaurant now?" 

Pei Yun: "En!!!" 

The two walked sweetly into the seafood restaurant. They had to pay first before eating. 

Jiang Zhe spent a thousand dollars in one breath. Pei Yun’s heart was bleeding, and she vowed to eat her worth. 

Jiang Zhe let her do as she pleased, "Alright, let’s eat the expensive dishes first before eating the cheaper ones." 

Pei Yun nodded like woodpecker. She went to the counter and took two abalones, four crabs, and a plate of steamed lobsters. Jiang Zhe went to get two steaks and a bottle of red wine. 

Although it couldn’t compare to the exquisite and expensive meals he ate as a CEO, but listening to the girl vividly talking about some interesting things and tasting the cheap red wine, it also gave him a different feeling in his heart. 

They ate for a full two hours before Pei Yun finally couldn’t eat any more and left with Jiang Zhe. 

Jiang Zhe saw that she was really uncomfortable and helped her to a soft chair to rest, smiling uncontrollably: "You’re really too much. If you can’t eat any more, then don’t eat any more. Look at how your stomach hurts now." 

Pei Yun pursed her lips, not talking. 

It was rare that she got to eat such a good meal. She only wanted to eat a little more. 

Jiang Zhe gently rubbed her stomach rhythmically in circles.

Pei Yun lay in his arms, her head nodding forward a little, really wanting to take a short nap. 

Jiang Zhe coaxed her: "If you’re tired, just sleep. I’ll be beside you." 

Pei Yun: "No, it’s easy to gain weight if you sleep after eating a full meal. I don’t want to grow fat, I still want to lose weight." 

Her voice was soft and low. Jiang Zhe had to lean in close enough to hear it. 

He kissed the girl's hair and said: "A’Pei, be good. You’ll only have energy to lose weight after eating and sleeping. Rest a little. After you wake up, we’ll go exercise, guarantee you won’t gain weight." 

Pei Yun’s mind had already drifted off into a blur daze. Hearing “won’t gain weight”, she couldn’t hold on any longer and fell asleep.

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