Purple Romance

Chapter 334: You are not my type

''After getting discharged from the hospital, the days that followed became the busiest for both Lisa and Leslie as they tried to juggle their way into becoming parents and also Lisa taking her therapy seriously.

As promised, through it all, Leslie never left her side. He stood by her and went to their joint therapy together with Lisa. This simple act was so assuring to Lisa and she finally opened herself up for healing.

After Forke Phillips, the hospital chairman was sent to court, he was made to pay compensations to Lisa and also to all the female nurses who fell victims to his unscrupulous acts and was sentenced to 5 years in prison.

Though it wasn't a satisfying victory for Lisa, but she gained strength and consolation from it knowing that he was no longer walking freely.

Three months later.

Paula walked out of their villa and saw Mali standing at a distance. She had received a call that someone was at the main gate waiting for her so she went out to check.

''Big sis…'' Paula called out and Mali turned to look at her. They both smiled at each other. This was the first time they were meeting again after that day three months ago.

Looking at Mali, she realised her sister had grown slimmer but she still looked gorgeous because she was simply Mali, who always managed to still look elegant even in tough situations. She was always strong and never allowed her weakness show.

''Big sis'' she said again and ran to Mali, giving her a tight hug, ''where have you been? I couldn't reach you on your phone and Mom didn't also know where you went. How could you go MIA on us?''

Mali chuckled and held Paula's hand as they walked into the villa, 'let's talk inside''


'You went for rehab? Big sis, how could you go for rehab alone without informing me? I thought that you left the country already but Andy kept assuring me that you were still around''

''Yes, Andy has been of a great help to me since three months ago. He didn't tell you because I made him promise me not to tell you anything. I didn't want you to see me in my weakest state. I am your elder sister; I should always be an example to you''

''Big sis…'' Paula said tearfully.

''Oh, don't cry on me. You know me, I don't know how to console people. If you start crying now, I might be tempted to join in''

Paula chuckled and nodded her head. she wiped her tears away and looked at Mali, ''so, how have you been? Which hospital were you?''

''A few days after that day, I drowned myself in alcohol and abused it till I collapsed. Luckily, Andy came to my apartment and saw me, so he sent me to a Hope Rehab. After talking with me, I decided to listen to him and took the help that he offered. I was admitted there for the past three months and have been receiving treatment. It has helped me a lot. I have become more receptive and as much as I receive love from others, I try to give that love to others too. It has been worth it if you ask me, but I missed you the most. The memories that we shared when we were kids were what kept me going. I would often reminisce on our childhood memories and gain strength from it''

''That is such a relief. Big sis, I missed you so much''

''You are crying again. How could you still be such a cry-baby? I can't bear to part with you if you cry this way''

''Then, don't go. I don't want you to go away, please''

''I am not going anyway. I still have two more months to go at the rehab. After I am out, I will open my firm again. I will become a big sister that you are proud of, Paula''

''You don't have to be. You just have to live your life. Big sis, I want you to be happy, so do whatever you think is best for you. I will always support you''

''Alright, stop nagging me already. I have to go. I got only a few hours break from the rehab. I have to be back before noon''

''Big sis, there is still time left before you go. Let's go shopping. I want to buy something for you''

''Oh, I think that should be my line?''

''Big sis, do you remember that I promised to buy you something when we grew up? Today is that day, I will change into something, then we can go''

''Aren't you afraid that I will ask for something expensive?''

'Don't hesitate''

Mali laughed and shook her head, 'go ahead and change'' she said to Paula.

Driving out of the villa, the two sisters continued to catch up until Mali's phone started ringing.

'Let me answer this'' Mali said as they pulled over at the traffic.

'En'' Paula lowered the music playing in the background.

'What? Why is his son coming to City B? I just took a five month leave to focus on my health and he wants to close the branch here? That rude brat. I will be there right away''

''Big sis, what is it?''

Mali sighed, ''you know my firm, we have its mother company located at 9 Stars, right? The successor of the firm is the owner's son who has been at 9 Stars managing the mother branch. He suddenly came to City B and wants to shut it down because according to him, I am incapable of managing it''

''How could he think this way? You are always serious about your work. Do you have a problem with him?''

''No, I haven't even seen that rude jerk before, how could I have a problem with him?''

''Big sis, let's go there right away. It worked well that you took a break from rehab today. If that man thinks he can bully my sister, then he must be dreaming''

''Whoa, you look like you are about to kill him?''

''Let's go and meet that jerk who thinks he can take my sister's job away from her'' Paula said and drove away.

Focus Law Firm.

Paula pulled over and got down together with Mali.

''Paula, wait at the lobby for me. I will go and meet him first, he is in my office'' Mali said to Paula.

''Call me if he goes overboard. I can just beat him up and have you represent me at court''

''You still have the mood to joke. I will be back soon''

Paula stopped at the lobby and watched through the transparent glass of Mali's office. She furrowed her brows as she watched closely, prepared to rush in.

Mali entered and saw a young man sitting on her desk. She clenched her bag closely to her side and looked at the man.

''You are Mali Ankrah, right?'' the young man said and stood up. his height towered over Mali, making her feel insecure. She stepped back as the man walked out of her desk.

''You must be Mr. Brian Rodriguez. I am Mali Abdul. The head of the branch in City B. nice to meet you'' Mali didn't allow her insecurities to show as she maintained a poised smile. She stretched forth her hand towards the man.

''I didn't come here to exchange pleasantries with you. I heard you are on a five months' sick leave?'' he raised a single brow at her.

''Yes, Mr. Rodriguez. Is there a problem? I didn't receive any call from the headquarters about your coming''

''That's because I didn't tell anyone. I came personally to see the woman that my grandfather has been praising so much'' he scanned Mali from head to toe and smirked, ''my grandfather wants me to marry you''

''Huh?'' Mali was flustered. She stepped back and always fell but the man held her hand at that moment. After steadying herself, she took a step back.

''You look flustered. I thought you were aware of this arrangement? He said you are someone he trusts so much that you will be a great partner for me, but, Miss…'' he leaned closer to her face with his hands inside his pockets, ''why do you look so malnourished''

''Hey!!'' Mali screamed at him and he chuckled.

Brian Rodriguez chuckled and stepped backed, ''do you feel offended?''

''Who would be offended? Don't you know you never tell a woman that she is malnourished? I eat a lot and I exercise three hours a day. I am very healthy'' she said to him frowning, ''wait, what do you mean by old Mr. Rodriguez asked you to marry me? Do people get married like that these days without first dating or courting? You are not even my type''

''Yeah! Take that asshole!!!' Mali smirked and cocked her brows arrogantly at him.

Brian Rodriguez chuckled and looked at Mali. He couldn't believe she just said he wasn't her type. It made him even more curious. He had heard a lot about her from his grandfather and wanted to meet her. Now, it seemed he had found someone quite interesting and unusual. He had thought that she would try to curry favour with him or jump to the prospects of a marriage contract with him.

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