Purple Romance

Chapter 314: Mali 2

''He is a good man. He is good to me and respects me a lot'' Paula said proudly.

''Really? You must like him a lot. How about this, when I get enough rest, you can call him out and we will have dinner together tonight. Let big sister analyse him for you''

''I will find out his schedule first. he is a busy man''

''Whoa, alright. Just let me know in advance when he is free''


''Right, I hope you use protection when you sleep with him? You are too young to settle down''

''Big sis, we just started dating a week ago. We haven't gone that far yet'' Paula flushed.

''Is my little sister still a virgin? Whoa, I am so proud of you, little girl'' Mali tussled Paula's hair gently as they laughed.


After helping Mali to settle in her new home, Paula left her alone to organise herself while she went to the hospital.

Mali took the luggage bag that Paula had dropped off in the hall and went into her bedroom. There, she placed it down and walked to the giant picture of her 22-year old self and her boyfriend at that time. They looked good together and in love.

''They placed it just were I wanted it to be'' she murmured and went closer to look at the picture. ''I can't believe it's been 10 years already. You still look that same. I should shower first before I go to look for you''


''Oh, Andy. What are you doing here?'' Paula got down from the car and walked towards Andy who was waiting for her at the hospital's car park.

''I called you several times but you didn't answer'' Andy replied as he pulled her into a hug and kissed her.

''I'm sorry. I kept it on silent because I went to the airport to pick my elder sister who had just arrived. Did you wait here for long?''

''No, let's go in. I will say hi to Lisa and leave with Leslie. There is a meeting, both of us have to attend''


''Your elder sister came back?'' Andy asked as they walked in, holding hands.

''The only daughter my mom acknowledges. She is the perfect daughter while I am just a disappointment''

''You are not a disappointment. You are my miracle'' Andy wrapped his arm around her waist making her blush as he kissed her ear.

''Stop doing that, we are in the hospital. A public place''

''I don't care. I want everyone to know that you are my woman''

''My sister wants to meet you. I told her about you''

''I thought you two weren't close?''

''We aren't but, she is still my elder sister right? She said she wants us to become close. I don't want to act stuck-up. she asked us to meet for dinner, her treat and I told her I had to find out from you first''

''I am free tomorrow evening. You can let her know''


''Why is your sister back? Didn't you say she was a lawyer there?''

''She is still a lawyer but something about wanting to get back with her ex-boyfriend whom she dumped 10 years ago. I don't really care much because that is her life and her business''

''If she left him 10 years ago, what makes her think that the man will be waiting for her?''

''She is he is still single even after 10 years, so he might be waiting for her''

''I wouldn't wait for someone who left me for 10 years''

''Don't even think about leaving me for someone who left a year ago. I will kill you''

''I wouldn't dare do that'' Andy said and opened the door. They saw Leslie feeding Lisa with light soup provided by the hospital.

''My darling, did you missed me?'' Paula went over to hug Lisa.

Lisa took her notepad and wrong on it before showing it to Paula, ''I missed you but Leslie allowed me to play a few games, so I am fine''

''I'm jealous. He gets to spend a lot of time with you and I don't''

''Don't worry, when I get discharged, we can spend lots of time together'' Lisa wrote on the notepad.

''That's more like it''

''Lisa, how do you feel?'' Andy asked and Lisa smiled and started writing.

''I am getting better thanks to you and your brother''

''That's great. Continue to get well fast so that you can leave this place'' Andy replied and Lisa smiled, nodding her head.

''Lisa, I will leave you with Paula. There is a meeting that we must attend. I will be back in the afternoon. When I'm coming, I will buy you some ice cream''

''And meat'' Lisa quickly wrote and showed it to him.

''The doctor said you can eat meat after three weeks. You can only eat liquid foods and a little ice cream. When you get better, I will buy a lot of steak for you'' Leslie tried to convince her and she frowned.

''Lisa, I will take you to the famous steak restaurant as soon as you leave this place which is three days away from today'' Leslie said and Lisa turned immediately to look at him with a smile. She wrote on her notepad.


''Yes, I don't break my promises. Be a good girl and wait for me, okay?''

Lisa smiled and nodded her head. She waved at Leslie as he went out with Andy.

''Whoa, you seem like a new person to me, Lisa. Have you fallen for him already?'' Paula asked when the door closed leaving both of them alone.

Lisa looked at her and smiled shyly.

''Leslie doesn't seem that bad at all. He even offered to let you stay with him during the rehabilitation period. He wants to be closer to you as much as possible''

''Leslie said that?'' Lisa asked through the notepad and Paula nodded her head.

''Yes, he did and I agreed. You need someone like him. because of my work, I will be constantly worried about you and if I quit, you would be mad at me so I decided that it was best for you to stay with Leslie. But, don't worry, I will be seeing you every day. You won't even notice my absence''

''What happened to that man?'' Lisa asked.

''He is in prison awaiting trial but this time he is done for. Leslie is making sure that he never gets out of that place. Don't worry about him, Lisa. He is out of your life for good now''

''I feel so apologetic towards Leslie. I don't think I deserve him''

''Don't ever say that. Lisa, you deserve to be happy. Right now, don't think about all the things that seem wrong and just think about how to recover. The doctor said you would be able to speak again in a few months' time. Meanwhile, I have news for you''

''Right, the call yesterday. How did it go?''

''Mali is back. she is the one I went to pick this morning from the airport''

''That bitch. What does she want this time around?'' Lisa wrote furious on the notepad and showed it to Paula.

''Relax, she isn't here to make things difficult for me. She is here to get back together with her ex-boyfriend and also to make amends with me''

''What kind of amends? Can she change your mother's perception about you? until now, your mother still blames you for the death of your father'' Lisa tussled her hair angrily. She didn't like Mali. Though the two haven't met before, after learning of the truth, she had hated what Mali did to Paula.

''Hey, is alright. No need to feel agitated. It's been so long already, I don't mind her being back at all'' Paula said but she knew deep inside her, the pain caused by that one lie was something that turned her life upside down. Made her mother to resent her and turned her into an outcast of the family. She always wondered why her senior sister who she trusted so much could put the blame on her but she had endured it for a long time.

''You are such a saint. If I were you, I would have told your mom the truth long time already. Did you think your sister would be forever grateful that you took the fall for her? She needs to be hated and treated the same way to understand the feeling clearly''

''Let's not talk about her anymore. What do you want to do?''

''I hope that ex of hers has moved on already. She is just a pretentious and selfish b***h''

''Wow, calm down. Let's play some games'' Paula picked the tablet from the table and sat on the bed closer to Lisa.

Hotel Senora.

Mali looked at herself in the rare view mirror before she stepped out of the rented car. she smiled gracefully and maintained a poised look as she walked into the hotel's lobby.

She smiled to herself, knowing the attention she was getting from the looks of the people. Mali was beautiful and she knew how to use it to her advantage. She walked towards the reception and was about to speak to one of the receptionist when she heard someone call her name.

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