Purple Romance

Chapter 303: A saved cripple

''I think I got the right person, seeing how flustered you look just now?'' the man insisted and held Lisa's wrist tightly making her stop in her strides.

Looking at how tightly the man held her, Lisa became angry. What she hated the most was someone touching her without her permission.

''Let go'' she said to the man and he laughed.

The man let go and stuffed his hands into his pocket and said mockingly, ''I knew it was you the first time I saw you receiving guests at the entrance. Is the groom or bride someone you know?''

''Look here, I find it rude that you are talking to me with that tone when I don't even know who you are'' Lisa said to him.

''Are you pretending to not know me or you simply don't want to remember me because you think I am an insignificant person? I am Henry, I used to work at the emergency room at Hill Hospital. We were in the same department and you don't know me. How long has it been since that time? Three years, right? Since your licence was revoked for inappropriate conduct''

Lisa looked at him and chuckled.

''Did you just laugh? What's funny?''

''You… you are what's funny. I noticed you the moment that you arrived here. Looking at me lustfully when I'm not paying attention. I'm pretty sure you must have undressed me a number of times in your head already, but what to do? You are not my type. If you are looking for a woman, she isn't me''

''Hey, look at this free pass that the director tossed away after using? Aren't you ashamed of yourself? Sleeping with a man who was old enough to be your father?''

''Did you see it?'' Lisa asked and folded her arms around her chest.


''You said I slept with the hospital director. Did you see it with your own eyes? Do you have evidence to back your claim? Which eye of yours saw me sleeping with him?''

''Hey, you little slut. Everyone knows that you slept with the director and his family ousted you out. How dare you try to play smart with me, you useless bitch?''

''Slut? Well, you could say that because I indeed sleep with different men but you know something, even if there is no more men for me to sleep with and you are the only one left, I will go and become a nun''

''What? You little…'' the man raised his hand, about to hit Lisa when a larger hand held him back.

Leslie pushed the man back and twisted his hand in the process and he screamed. Lisa looked at him and clenched her fists. She couldn't look at him. She didn't know why but he was the last person she wanted to find out about her dark past. She couldn't let him know about her scandal no matter what happened.

''Hey, who are you?'' the man screamed at Leslie.

''Me? I belong to her. I am your pet'' Leslie replied and held Lisa's hand.

''What? Hey, do you even know who she is? This woman is a…''

Leslie turned and placed his hands on Lisa's ears, covering them from hearing whatever the man was saying. She looked at him shocked but he remained calm as he stared at her.

''That is the kind of woman she is. Do you still think that she is worth your time? People like her are only good for a wild night. They had nothing else to offer''

Leslie's gaze remained on Lisa for a while after the man finished speaking. He took off his hands and removed the hands free set from his neck and inserted them into his ears, increasing the volume before he kissed her cheek and turned to face the man who still had a smug look on his face.

''Let me reframe what I said earlier. This woman here. I am not just her pet but she is mine and anyone who insults my woman don't get to leave freely''

Two men walked from the side and pulled the man away. Because they were at a far end, nobody saw what was happening at their side.

Leslie turned and looked at Lisa. He smiled and removed the hands free from her ears, ''Paula is looking for you. You should hurry on'' he said to her.

''You…'' Lisa looked at his smiley face with a complicated gaze. She didn't say anything else and turned, walking away.

When she was a distance away, Leslie turned and walked away towards the area that the man was dragged to. His eyes held a little mystery in them that made them unreadable. He had gone out to make a business call and was returning when he heard their conversation. Since the last time at the hospital, he had made someone to investigate Lisa but the person was yet to call him, so he was waiting for that person.

Today was considered the second time he was closed to finding out what kind of person she was. He knew she held a lot of secrets and he was curious about them.

Lisa turned and watched him leave, she wanted to follow him because she had a feeling that he was going to meet that man.

''Lise, what are you doing there?'' Paula walked over to Lisa.

''Huh?'' Lisa came back to her senses and turned to meet Paula, 'nothing. what are you people doing?''

''We finished taking the pictures, everyone is moving to the ballroom for refreshment''

''Oh, let's go''

''Wait, what's wrong with your hand?'' Paula looked at her wrist. She had seen it the moment Lisa held her hand.

''Nothing, I accidentally knocked over the flower vase. Let's go''

''I will get ointment later on and apply it on your hand'' Paula said as they walked away.

A man in a black hoodie appeared at the entrance. His face was hidden beneath the hoodie and he had a dagger inside his pockets. He stared at the two women walking away and murmured, 'how dare you ignore me, Lisa?''


''Hmm, this taste so good'' Paula feed Lisa with a meatball as they walked around picking their food into their plates. It was a buffet and there was no limitation to the amount someone could eat.

''Eat some'' Lisa also fed Paula.

A moment later, Andy walked over to them. the guests had all left the floor and the couple were now dancing.

''Can I have this dance, my lady?'' Andy said to Paula and she blushed.

''I will leave you to have fun'' Lisa winked at Paula and took the plate from her hands before she walked away.

''You really know how to leave me flustered'' Paula said as he walked with her to the dancefloor.

Lisa found a table and sat alone. Everyone were dancing in pairs and she didn't want to be the third wheel so she looked for a quiet place and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, she heard voices behind her and turned. She saw Jessi sitting down behind her and another young man standing in front of her.

''I said get lost. I don't remember you'' Jessi said as she ran her hand into her hair.

''We met at the UV Award night. I was the one who handed you the New Comer award that night'' the young man insisted.

''So, what do you want me to tell you? We met at the after party and you intentional took a picture with me and then handed it over to the reporters to create buzz on it. do you think I am that dense and don't know why you are trying to get closer to me? If you want to join my agency through me, then you won't succeed because my company CEO is as rude as me. She just doesn't take anyone especially those who try to get in through the back door'' Jessi said indifferently. She didn't mind that the young man was embarrassed. He was the one who embarrassed her first by making the public think that she was in a relationship with him. Because of him, there has been a scandal about her dating multiple men which wasn't even true. Dealing with these kind of people, she was done with being nice to them.

''Hey, if you keep up this rude behaviour, no one will get close to you. I just want a recommendation; do you have to be so stuck-up?'' the young man asked. He was beginning to get frustrated over her actions. He had done so many things just to get into her good books because he wanted to join her agency but she was proving stubborn.

''If you think that I am rude, then why don't you scram already? You are disturbing me. I can get you arrested for stalking me to this private wedding''

''Hey, had it not been your big brother no one would have spared you a look. You were just a cripple that got saved. What right do you have to be so obnoxious?''

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