Protagonist?Antagonist? I Reject Both

Chapter 196 196:The Fear Of Death

Chapter 196 196:The Fear Of Death

In his world….

He was nothing.....

His presence wasn't any better than in Ant.

His grades weren't great. Neither he was athletic nor did he have a great good-looking body.

He was never able to mingle with others and used the world of fantasy to get away from reality.

He was an adept keyboard warrior and a great gamer but all this he amounts to. Fortunately, his parents loved him and we're a bit rich allowing him to stay idle so after graduating he spent most of his time within the four walls but all this changed when he was reborn here.

In this small world, the tribe of Orcs reigned supreme with goblins and other small monsters serving them.

As a lone human, his life had been full of peril but he rose against all oddity to reach here.

The feeling of getting beaten and fear had long been erased from his mind. It was something that doesn't exist anymore.

As a protagonist with a golden cheat, he is invincible and undefeatable.

He was fated to conquer the world, the whole universe, and lead a life of a Supreme ruler that one day would have made god tremble in his presence so why is this happening....just why?


"You cry too much."

To his absolute cry of denial, he just received a cold languid voice.

Avelin's world spun wildly as Leon's foot crashed into his face with bone-shattering force, sending shockwaves of pain rippling through his body. The deafening boom of impact drowned out all other sounds, leaving Avelin's ears ringing and his vision blurred.

As he struggled to regain his bearings, Avelin felt a surge of fear clawing at his chest, his breath coming in ragged gasps. The realization of his impending defeat washed over him like a tidal wave, filling him with a sense of dread, unlike anything he had ever known. At that moment, all thoughts of victory vanished, replaced by a desperate plea for mercy while trying to use his power to escape.

Shadow Blink...Shadow Blink...Shadow Blink...

To his utter dismay, the shadow blink didn't work no matter how much he tried. It seemed an invisible foreign power was interfering with the process.

"S-Surrender... I surrender..." Avelin choked out, his voice barely a whisper amidst the chaos.

But before he could finish his plea, Leon's fist crashed into his face with merciless precision, dislodging several of his teeth with sickening cracks. The world seemed to spin even faster, each blow sending shockwaves of agony coursing through Avelin's battered body.

With a sudden thought coming to his mind, Avelin used his last drop of Qi to set his body on lightning and flame.

"Leave me, Demon!"

A bluish pillar of lightning rose and rammed into Leon blowing away his clothes and burning his skin but despite this, Leon's eyes with the same fiery expression locked onto him and he swung his right and whipped his hand.

A sickening pain assaulted him but….

"The pain isn't enough..."

"Haahahahahha!This stifling pain is enough to make me step back. Struggle harder to live mongrel."


The entire place was illuminated by lightning arcs and pillars of flames creating havoc that gave Avelin some time to have some breath.

As he lay there, bloodied and broken, Avelin looked up at Leon with eyes filled with fear and desperation. But there was no pity in Leon's gaze, no hint of emotion whatsoever. His eyes were cold and impassive, like those of a predator sizing up its prey.

Avelin's fear gripped him like icy tendrils, sending shivers coursing through his body. His heart hammered against his chest with a frantic intensity, each beat echoing in his ears like a drum of impending doom. Every muscle in his body tensed, coiled like a spring ready to snap under the weight of his terror.

His breath came in short, ragged gasps, his lungs struggling to draw in air against the suffocating weight of his fear. Beads of sweat dripped down his forehead, mingling with the blood trickling from his battered face, creating a sickly sheen of desperation upon his skin.

His hands trembled uncontrollably, fingers clawing at the ground beneath him as if searching for some pretense of stability in the chaos surrounding him. But there was no escape from the overwhelming tide of fear that threatened to consume him whole.

A bluish pillar engulfed Leon. A spasming pain of contraction eroded his whole body making his muscles numb.

His internals became messed up and blood vomited out from his lips but swallowing all pain and gripping his muscles to the point of tearing them up he stuck...he stuck...he stuck until he let out all his anger.

"Thus for Ian, this for that fucker Sander...this for Vikram."

"This for them."

Leon's hands became blurred which created a whirlwind of a storm as he punched with lightning speed.

Each second, hundreds of punches were showered on Avelin.




Even though Avelin's body was strong it still wasn't able to deal with the immediate pain that affected his nerves and brain within a span of less than even microseconds.


"Mercy…Fuck that…"Leon roared like a maniac.

Even though his voice was weak and worse his body, Leon held on.

Avelin vision swam with dizzying intensity, the world around him blurring into a chaotic haze of shapes and colors. Each sound seemed amplified, a cacophony of noise assaulting his senses and driving him further into the depths of his terror.

At that moment, Avelin was nothing more than a trembling shell of his former self, his mind consumed by a primal instinct to flee from the overwhelming presence of his adversary. But even as he begged for mercy, he knew deep down that there would be no reprieve from the merciless onslaught that awaited him.

And true to his thought he was hit by a banging force.

The ground exploded and quaked violently as Leon slammed down with all his force. The dust and debris flung open all around and started to rain down.

He wanted this to stop.

He wanted the pain to cease…

But despite this, he was still conscious…

And what terrified were slow whispers of death ringing in his mind?

The wait for the arrival of the unknown greatly terrified him.

At that moment, Avelin knew that he was at the mercy of a force beyond his comprehension, a force that showed no mercy to those who dared to oppose it. As he lay there, broken and defeated, he could only pray that Leon's relentless onslaught would finally come to an end but it didn't stop as Leon went like an unyielding machine until the door of the room was flung open with a blast.

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