Professor Vampire.

Chapter 313 - 313 Voldemort was backstabbed again

Chapter 313: Chapter 313 Voldemort was backstabbed again

On the evening of September 1, 1996.

At the Hogwarts opening dinner, Professor McGonagall, as always, came to the front of the auditorium with the clean and tidy sorting hat and a round stool, ready to start the annual sorting ceremony.

But the chair in the middle of the professor's seat was empty, and no one was seen.

The new little wizards standing on one side of the auditorium and the students sitting at the four long tables all looked at the chair that belonged to the Hogwarts headmaster with curiosity, wondering why Dumbledore, who was always punctual, did not attend today's sorting ceremony.

"What did Dumbledore do today?" Ron turned to Harry and asked, "I remember he always came early, saying that he liked to admire the lively appearance of the new students."

"Not sure." Harry shook his head, "But a few days ago Dumbledore asked me to go find an old professor... Did you see the position of the Potions Professor? That's Professor Horace Slughorn."

"So he is the professor who replaced Snape?" Ron nodded suddenly, then said indignantly, "I knew Snape was not a good person. Dumbledore trusted him so much!"

"That's right I wonder who the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will be. "Harry looked at the empty chair next to Professor Flitwick with some anticipation, and murmured, "Do you think... Professor Dracula will come back?"

"I don't think so..." Ron hesitated, "I heard from my father that Professor Dracula is doing something big, and Dumbledore seems to be involved, but I don't know what he is doing."

"It's probably related to Voldemort..." Harry said uncertainly, "I hope their things go smoothly."

"You two be quiet, the sorting ceremony has begun!" Hermione suddenly lowered her voice and reminded them in a low voice.

The two then realized that Professor McGonagall had already called out the name of the first freshman with the parchment.


Dumbledore finally came to the auditorium until the end of the sorting ceremony.

He didn't even have time to sit down, so he stood in front of the big chair in the center of the professor's seat and began his routine headmaster's speech.

"Good evening, everyone!"

Dumbledore smiled kindly, opened his arms as if to embrace the entire hall, and said the same instructions as in previous years:

"Administrator Filch asked me to tell you that this year, students are absolutely prohibited from bringing any joke products purchased from Weissley Wizard Wheezes."

"Students who want to join the school Quidditch team, report your name to the dean as usual. After Mr. Lee Jordan graduated, we are still looking for a new Quidditch commentator. Those who are interested can also sign up with the dean."

Then, he showed a look of regret that looked fake at first glance.

"It's a pity that our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor last year, Professor Dolores Umbridge, will not be able to continue teaching everyone's Defense Against the Dark Arts class this year!"

There was a warm cheer from the audience, and some young wizards threw their hats up excitedly.

Especially Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, the two houses that were most targeted by Umbridge. The students of the two houses were as excited as Weissley fireworks that were about to explode.

Hogwarts has suffered from Umbridge for a long time!

Dumbledore watched this scene with a smile, and pressed his hands down. The hall gradually quieted down.

Then, Dumbledore's face became a little heavier, and he said slowly:

"Also, Professor Severus Snape... for some reasons, will not continue to serve as the professor of Potions this year. This school year, we are very happy to welcome a new professor of Potions - Professor Slughorn!"

Horace Slughorn stood up and bowed to the audience.

His bald head gleamed in the candlelight, and his big belly in a vest cast a large shadow on the table.

"Professor Slughorn is a former colleague of mine. He agreed to return to his old job and serve as the professor of Potions." Dumbledore introduced.

Except for the long table of Slytherin, students from other colleges cheered no weaker than when they heard the news of Umbridge's resignation.

The Ministry of Magic has put Snape on the wanted list. All the young wizards know that Snape is now a Death Eater and has completely become Voldemort's lackey.

Any student with a sense of justice despises Snape, not to mention that Snape's reputation in Hogwarts was already very bad... Only the Slytherin purebloods who admire Voldemort felt a little regretful, and seemed to want to become Death Eaters with their dean.

Harry glanced at the Slytherin table and did not find his long-time enemy Malfoy. He only saw the two huge bodies of Crabbe and Goyle sitting on the left and right of Theodore Nott.

He then remembered that Draco Malfoy had applied for a leave of absence and was hiding in a safe house with his father who had taken refuge with Professor Dracula.

Looking at the enthusiastic and cheering young wizards, Dumbledore's eyes showed a few traces of sadness.

"This year, Slughorn will temporarily serve as the headmaster of Slytherin College." Dumbledore sighed softly, and then said, "As for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor..."

He looked around the hall, "The position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is temporarily vacant. A new professor will come to Hogwarts Castle at the latest in a week."

Dumbledore looked at the vacant position next to Professor Flitwick, and his thoughts drifted elsewhere for a rare time-

If everything goes well, Snape's undercover career will be completely over in a few days.

At that time, Voldemort's curse on the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts professor will also dissipate, and Dumbledore can also satisfy Snape's wish to be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor and let him change his position.

Amid the noisy discussions, Dumbledore withdrew his thoughts and cleared his throat.

He waited for a few seconds to make sure everyone was completely quiet before continuing:

"Everyone in this hall knows that Voldemort and his followers are stirring up trouble again, and their power is growing."

When Dumbledore spoke, most of the students in the hall were in a tense and distressing silence.

However, Theodore Nott, Crabbe, Goyle and others did not even look at Dumbledore, but talked among themselves, as if they felt that the headmaster's words were not worth listening to.

"I need to emphasize that the current situation is very dangerous, and everyone in Hogwarts needs to be extremely cautious to ensure their own safety." Dumbledore did not pay attention to the small movements of the audience and continued to speak.

"The castle's magical defenses were strengthened during the summer vacation, and we have received new and more effective protection, but every one of our teachers and students must still be vigilant at all times and not take it lightly."

He paused and emphasized: "Especially the first three days after school starts - this is the most impetuous time for all of you."

"I require you to strictly abide by every safety rule set by the teacher, no matter how annoying those rules may be - especially the rule that you must not get up and go out after lights out."

"I urge you to report to the faculty immediately if you find any abnormal or suspicious situation, whether inside or outside the school. I believe that you will restrain your behavior for the safety of yourself and others!"

Dumbledore's blue eyes swept across all the students, and the serious expression on his face turned back into a faint smile.

"Well, your beds are waiting for you, as warm and comfortable as you expect. Your top priority now is to get a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's class."

"So, let's say 'good night'!"


Three days later, nearly a hundred miles southwest of London, Stonehenge.

The dawn sun is slowly rising from below the verdant horizon, illuminating the endless green plains inch by inch, and the red-orange light drives the dark blue night from the sky, bringing bright skylight.

In the distance, ant-sized figures appear one after another on the edge of the endless grassland.

Although these figures are extremely small compared to the Stonehenge, which can reach tens of feet in height, they gradually gather into a vast ocean, as if to submerge all the boulders.

"Who is it! Who is it!"

In the magic shield in the middle of Stonehenge, Voldemort roared angrily at his sleepy subordinates around him.

As soon as he woke up from his sleep, he realized that something was wrong. He tried to Apparate to a distant place to investigate what happened, but found that the entire Stonehenge was covered by the Anti-Apparition Charm. freēwēbηovel.c૦m

Obviously, the other party came prepared.

"Why! Why did Dumbledore know our base?" Voldemort roared helplessly and furiously, "Tell me, how many Dumbledore's undercovers are there among the Death Eaters?!"

The Death Eaters suddenly woke up from their sleep, and their faces showed confusion and fear.

They didn't understand why the Dark Lord started to get angry early in the morning, until they heard the iconic "bang" sound of the Apparition getting closer and closer, and then they realized that the danger was approaching...

The enemy used the Anti-Apparition Charm to restrict the Death Eaters from escaping, but they could come to the battlefield to support them through the corresponding Apparition.

The Death Eaters could not escape, and could only watch the encirclement on the plain become thicker and denser...

Voldemort couldn't figure it out.

It was clear that after being backstabbed several times, he carefully checked all his subordinates countless times with Legilimency, and did not find any Death Eaters who were unfaithful.

However, he had just driven away a large number of Muggles at Stonehenge, and the base he carefully built was easily discovered by Dumbledore again.

Voldemort originally planned to gather all his allies together to raid Hogwarts Castle and catch Dumbledore off guard - now, this plan has basically failed.

He felt like a clown, with every move under Dumbledore's surveillance, but he still couldn't find the undercover hidden among the Death Eaters...

"Master, I have investigated, and Dumbledore brought a lot of people." Snape strode to Voldemort's side and reported to him, "The Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, the Order of the Phoenix, the International Confederation of Wizards, and even Dracula's vampire clan, the werewolves led by Lupin, and a giant..."

"I think they are likely to start a decisive battle with us."

Voldemort glanced at Snape, and there was a trace of relief in his eyes.

Fortunately, he still has a capable and reliable subordinate like Severus, who can make people feel more at ease when doing things.

Since Bellatrix Lestrange and many Death Eaters who were dispatched in previous operations were captured by the Ministry of Magic, Snape has become Voldemort's most trusted and relied-on subordinate.

After all, this Death Eater who had been lurking in Hogwarts for more than ten years had proved his loyalty by personally reciting the Killing Curse to Dumbledore! And his excellence is obvious to all!

Even the most loyal Death Eaters, not everyone has the courage to attack Dumbledore, the great wizard.

"Give orders, let everyone prepare for battle!" Voldemort nodded and said viciously, "The forces we have attracted are no less than those brought by Dumbledore!"

He looked at the boulders crawling on the vast plain around him, with a sinister smile on his lips.

If you don't pay attention, perhaps no one will notice.

These big stones crawling on the ground in the Stonehenge are rising and falling from time to time... as if they are breathing!


Just when the battle near the Stonehenge was about to break out, a tall figure with light golden hair appeared on the top of Mount Olympus.

Grindelwald, who had restored his image to that of a middle-aged man, stood proudly on the snow-capped peak shrouded in mist, with a wild smile on his face, staring at the magic circle hidden in the mist in the sky.

That was the entrance to the secret realm built by Andros.

Grindelwald stretched out one hand to tidy up his long light golden hair that was blown by the mountain wind, and in the other hand he played with a scepter of ancient shape, with a particularly conspicuous teasing on his face.

Suddenly, the mountain wind stopped.

He waved his hand suddenly, and a powerful spell blasted towards somewhere in the mist.

The next moment, a hexagram magic circle surrounded by circular light appeared at the place where Grindelwald's spell was bombarded, and it kept turning.

Grindelwald tossed the scepter in his hand and stepped into the magic circle leisurely.


While Dumbledore and Grindelwald were in their respective positions, Dracula appeared in the Death Hall of the Department of Mysteries, the British Ministry of Magic.

On his pale and slender left index finger, he wore a ring inlaid with a diamond-shaped black gemstone, and in his right hand, he held an elder wand with seven protruding branches.

Dracula's figure was hidden under an invisible cloak, and his shadow could not be found in the Death Hall.

With his sight unimpeded through the invisible cloak, Dracula looked at the dark gray curtain swaying gently in the stone archway in front of him, with an unprecedented seriousness and solemnity, which was completely different from his usual indifferent and casual appearance.

"There is still half an hour left, Albus, Grindelwald, you two must not let me down..."

Dracula took out a pocket watch from his pocket, glanced at it, and said softly.

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