Professor Vampire.

Chapter 310 - 310 What will be the last Horcrux?

Chapter 310: Chapter 310 What will be the last Horcrux?

Bellatrix and Regulus avoided the Aurors who were searching, slowly found the boundary of the Anti-Apparition Charm, and then disappeared into the bushes together.

The next moment, the two appeared in Diagon Alley.

"Listen, Bella," Regulus pulled Bellatrix to a hidden corner and whispered, "You must cover your face. Now the Ministry of Magic's wanted posters are posted everywhere, and others can easily find you."

"What if they find out?" Bellatrix said disdainfully, "This group of people poses no threat to us at all."

"But they will expose our situation here, and the elite Aurors will come at any time!" Regulus emphasized, "In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, at least change your appearance."

He was worried about his carefree Death Eater cousin.

Before Voldemort's Horcrux was obtained, Regulus had to ensure that Bellatrix was not caught by the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic, otherwise the Horcrux would definitely not be obtained, and his plan would be in vain.

This feeling of being in an enemy camp but having to protect the enemy is not very pleasant indeed.

Under Regulus's persuasion, Bellatrix finally covered her face with a scarf, and the two walked together to Gringotts Wizarding Bank on the north side of Diagon Alley.

Originally, wizards with their faces covered were very common in Diagon Alley. After all, the adjacent street was Knockturn Alley, where all kinds of groups mixed together. Many wizards who did illegal transactions, dark wizards who studied black magic, and even dark creatures such as ghouls and liches did not like to show their faces.

However, now is a time of war. After Amelia Bones came to power, Aurors were arranged to stand guard in places with extremely dense wizard populations such as Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley to check the masked wizards in the alley at any time.

Fortunately, the Aurors in charge of the inspection were not elite, and were easily deceived by Regulus's Confusion Spell, and Bella let Luca go.

The two walked all the way to the tall snow-white marble building in the north.

The door of Gringotts Wizarding Bank faces Diagon Alley, and a white stone staircase leads to two shiny bronze doors. Next to the door stood a goblin in a scarlet and gold-studded uniform.

Unlike the heavily guarded Diagon Alley, Gringotts claims to be the safest place in the entire wizarding world, claiming that no one can steal anything from them, so the order here is as usual.

In addition, the goblins in the bank don't care whether the people who come here to withdraw money are heroes or criminals.

They have only one attitude towards wizards - that is, customers of different levels.

Sure enough, the goblin guarding the bronze door didn't even look at Bella, who was masked, and directly let her and Regulus into the bank.

After entering the first door, there was an inner hall. The two continued to walk in, passed another silver door, and then entered a tall marble hall. ƒгeewebnovё

Hundreds of goblins sat on high stools behind a long row of counters, weighing coins with copper scales, examining gems with eyepieces, or hastily recording in large account books. There were countless doors in the hall, leading to different vaults.

Regulus and Bellatrix walked towards an older goblin, who was examining a thick piece of gold through a lens.

Bellatrix stepped forward.

"I want to enter my vault." She pulled off her mask and said coldly.

"Oh, you are... Mrs. Strange!" The goblin seemed to be startled, her face was very surprised, "I thought you were wanted now..."

"Does my being wanted have anything to do with whether I come here to withdraw money?" Bellatrix said coldly.

"Of course it doesn't matter!" The old goblin hurriedly said, "You are a distinguished platinum member of Gringotts, and you can enjoy Gringotts' most extreme service at any time."

As he said that, he took out a narrow feather pen and began to register on a piece of parchment.

"Do you have... identification?" The old goblin asked as he wrote.

Bellatrix handed over her wand.

"Oh, yes, I see," said the old goblin behind the counter, looking down at Bellatrix's wand, "It is indeed your wand, in that case..."

He clapped his hands, and a slightly younger goblin came over.

"I want to use the jingle piece," the older goblin said to him.

The young goblin left quickly, and soon brought a small leather bag to the older goblin, which seemed to be full of jingling metal.

Jingle pieces are a magical instrument unique to Gringotts-

High-security vaults in banks are usually guarded by dragons. These dragons have been "trained" to reflexively associate the sound of jingle pieces with the pain they have suffered and leave the vault they are guarding.

Grillotts' goblin employees use this method to enter specific vaults.

"Okay, then please follow me, Mrs. Strange." The older goblin said, jumping off the stool and being blocked by the counter. "I'll take you to your vault."

A moment later, he appeared at the end of the counter and trotted towards them, the contents of his small leather bag still jingling.

The old goblin led Regulus and Bellatrix into a side door, and sat on a small car on the track, turning around along the maze-like corridor, turning sharply between various large and small stalactites, and speeding deep underground.

After passing a thief-proof waterfall and reaching an unknown depth underground, the old goblin began to shake the jingle.

A huge fire dragon was tied in a fairly wide space, preventing people from approaching the four or five deepest vaults there...

The noise of the jingle echoed between the stone walls, amplified many times, making people's ears hurt. The fire dragon let out a hoarse roar and trembled backwards.

The old goblin didn't seem to like the sound very much. He frowned and hurried to a crack in the wall, and pressed his palm on a wooden board beside the metal vault door. The vault door disappeared, revealing a hole.

The hole was filled from the ground to the ceiling with gold coins and golden wine glasses, silver armor, furs of various exotic animals with spurs or wings, potions in bottles, and a skull still wearing a crown.

"This is..." Regulus looked at the countless treasures and couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Have you robbed the Black family of all their wealth... How can a married woman like you get so much?!"

He almost exposed the fact that he had seen the Black family's vault not long ago, but fortunately he reacted in time - the Black family vault is now controlled by Sirius Black, and has contributed a lot of operating funds to the Order of the Phoenix.

Bellatrix must have been angry about this.

"I can't find you, and Sirius Black, that traitor of the family, doesn't deserve the family property!" Bellatrix said disdainfully, "So isn't it natural for me to go to the old house and take some things to offer to the Dark Lord?"

Regulus frowned, and was very angry in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface.

He reached out to one of the golden dinner plates, vaguely remembering that this kind of tableware used to be everywhere in the old Black house, but now there are few of them.

"Don't touch it, especially you!" Bellatrix suddenly shouted and slapped Regulus's outstretched hand back.

"What's wrong?" Regulus frowned and looked at her, "I, Regulus Black, can't touch these family inheritances?"

"I don't care if you touch these useless things or not, I'm afraid you will die here!" Bellatrix said angrily, "It is cast with a fire spell and a replication spell, anything that touches it will burn and replicate."

"You are a corpse with a physique. If you are drowned by the things that the replication spell turns into, I'm afraid you will be burned into a mummy by the fire spell!"

Regulus took two steps back in fear, away from the deadly treasures in front of him.

Fortunately, Bellatrix personally brought him to this vault. If someone else came here to look for Horcruxes, they might be buried in the treasure by the two spells of duplication and fire if they were not careful...

"Don't stand so far away, come and help me." Bellatrix said irritably, "It's really troublesome. I have to recite the breaking spells on these things one by one. I don't know when I can get the things that the master gave me."


Two hours later, Regulus and Bellatrix walked out of the bronze door of Gringotts tiredly.

"What are your plans next? Where do you want to put the master's things?" Bellatrix asked nervously, holding a golden cup tightly in her arms, "I think we can hide it in our abandoned bunker..."

However, before she finished speaking, a group of wizards appeared in front of her unconsciously, and surrounded the two siblings in the center.

Bellatrix looked at the wands held tightly in the hands of those wizards and the uniform uniforms on their bodies, and suddenly realized that something was wrong.

"You leaked my information?!" She turned her head and looked at the old goblin who sent them out, and screamed angrily, "Why did the Aurors of the Ministry of Magic come here to block us?"

"Don't be angry, honorable Mrs. Strange, weren't you safe inside Gringotts?" The old goblin put on a weird smile on his face and said sarcastically, "We Gringotts only guarantee financial security, but we don't guarantee that customers will be safe after leaving the house..."

"If you want to blame, you can only blame your unreasonable Ministry of Magic... If we don't agree to cooperate with them, Gringotts will be forced to close."

Bellatrix's face turned blue, and she angrily pulled out her wand from her sleeve and pointed it at the Aurors who surrounded her.

"I should have thought that these cunning goblins never thought about keeping their promises!" Bellatrix said bitterly, "Regulus, let's rush out together before the top fighters of the Ministry of Magic arrive! These Aurors can't stop us!"

"No problem." Regulus nodded and also pulled out his wand.

A Stunning Spell shot out from the tip of his wand-

The next moment, the spell hit Bellatrix's back squarely.

Bellatrix opened her eyes wide in surprise, and used up her last bit of strength to turn around and saw Regulus nodded to the Auror Captain in front of him, and then walked in front of her.

Bellatrix could no longer control her confused brain and closed her eyes. Before she completely fainted, she felt a cold hand pulling out the golden cup that she had been holding tightly against her chest...


"Is the Horcrux in Bellatrix Lestrange's hand really Helga's cup?"

In Dracula's castle, Dracula played with the exquisite golden cup in his hand.

There were two finely processed pure gold handles on this golden cup, and a beautiful little badger was engraved on the cup.

"Thank you for your hard work this time, Regulus." Dracula looked at Regulus Black who was sitting next to him and smiled at him, "It's not easy to deceive Bellatrix Lestrange, right?"

"It's okay, after all, I rescued her from the Aurors at the most dangerous moment." Regulus shook his head.

Then, he asked curiously: "Mr. Dracula, you seem to have guessed that Bella is holding the Hufflepuff cup?"

"It's easy to guess, actually." Dracula said happily, "It's easy to tell from the Horcruxes found before, Rowena's crown, Salazar's locket, the Gaunt family's resurrection stone..."

"Even that relatively ordinary diary has a very unique commemorative significance. I asked Tom Riddle, who was born in the diary, and he said that it was that diary that recorded the whole process of him discovering that he was a descendant of Slytherin."

"Obviously, Voldemort likes to collect souvenirs. He likes to collect powerful souvenirs. Magical and historically significant items. His pride, his sense of superiority, his determination to gain a stunning place in the history of magic, all prove that Voldemort would carefully select his Horcruxes, preferring items worthy of this honor..."

"What's more, he has obtained the souvenirs of Rowena and Salazar. I don't think he can resist looking for Helga's things to make one of his Horcruxes..."

"If I didn't know that Godric's sword was in the belly of the Sorting Hat, I even think Voldemort would make that sword into a Horcrux."

Dracula looked at the golden cup in his hand that he hadn't seen for more than a thousand years, and suddenly raised the corner of his mouth with some playfulness.

"Voldemort is really in a difficult position. He presented all the things of his old friends to me. Not only that, he even let Albus collect the three Deathly Hallows."

"Let me count... We have got Riddle's diary, Rowena's tiara, Salazar's locket, Helga's gold cup and the Gaunt family ring, a total of five Horcruxes."

"If Voldemort wants to divide his soul into seven pieces, then there is still one Horcrux left to be obtained..."

"What will be the last Horcrux?"

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