Professor Vampire.

Chapter 308 - 308 Snape’s Choice

Chapter 308: Chapter 308 Snape's Choice

"End this battle quickly, be careful they call for other support."

The Auror Captain waved his wand at a Death Eater, rolled on the ground to avoid a spell, and came to Tesla and said.

His left arm was hit by a spell from Bellatrix, and it hung weakly on the side of his body, but his spirit was very excited.

"No problem!" Tesla nodded.

He spread his wings and flew into the air, opening his hands downward.

A circle of red light slowly spread across the venue.

Then, Tesla looked at Cedric, "Cooperate with me, Cedric, your blood is purer!"

Cedric has not changed his habit of using magic for so many years, and is still using his wand to cast various magics he learned at Hogwarts. He only remembered his current identity when he heard Tesla's reminder.

He quickly raised his hand, and a brighter red light spread from his hand, brushing over the heads of all the vampires present.

The low- and middle-level vampires seemed to be injected with chicken blood, with red light flashing in their eyes. They became extremely excited in an instant, and their physical fitness was also greatly improved.

The Death Eater camp, which was still struggling to hold on, finally couldn't withstand the sudden surge of pressure and was instantly defeated. Countless figures were knocked to the ground and unconscious...

Amelia Bones put down her wand and walked to Bellatrix who was tied to the ground by the Binding Curse.

"We have gained a lot. There are many confidants of the mysterious man here." She said to an Auror beside her, "Take them back to the Ministry of Magic. Maybe we can get some secret information."

"I tell you, Bones, you can't get anything!" Bella stared and roared angrily, "The Dark Lord will come to rescue us at any time, and then none of you can escape!"

"Don't worry, the Ministry of Magic will keep a good watch on all of you." Amelia said indifferently, "We won't let you continue to do evil."

However, at this moment, the anger in Bella's eyes suddenly disappeared, and an ecstatic smile appeared on her face.

Amelia's alertness suddenly aroused, and she turned her head subconsciously.

She saw a black mist falling from the sky, landing on the ground, and turned into a bald, noseless skull-like image.

"I heard... the Ministry of Magic will keep a good watch on my servants?" Voldemort said to Amelia with a gloomy face, "So the Ministry of Magic is indeed mixed up with Dracula's disgusting vampire forces, right?"

"Voldemort..." Amelia tightly grasped her wand, her face extremely solemn.

A person's reputation is like a tree's shadow. When Amelia personally faced this dark demon that the entire magic world feared, it was impossible not to feel extremely nervous.

She never thought that it was not enough for Voldemort to send his confidants to intercept her, but he actually chose to come to the scene in person to confirm whether the operation was successful...

Facing such a powerful dark demon, they could not take away the core Death Eaters, and it was a problem whether they could get away safely. It was more likely that Voldemort would catch them all in one fell swoop.

"Mr. Tesla, take Cedric away first and tell Count Dracula about the situation here!" Amelia took two steps back and shouted, "I will try to stop him, and the others will choose different directions to retreat. As many as can leave!"

Tesla's eyes were also very solemn.

He pulled Cedric with him, ready to use the vampire's unique Apparition method to break through the surrounding anti-Apparition spell and leave the scene.

"No one wants to leave!" Voldemort's gloomy voice sounded first.

Without seeing Voldemort move, Tesla found that his body seemed to be out of control, and he could not cast any magic or make any movements.

Cedric was a vampire transformed by Dracula himself, and his situation was slightly better, but he was far from grown up. He could only turn his arm with difficulty and hold the wand upright in front of him, but he could not recite any complete spell.

"This vampire looks familiar," Voldemort walked to Cedric leisurely, with a bit of curiosity in his eyes, "The boy who went to Riddle's grave with Potter?"

His malicious scarlet eyes narrowed.

"I see, Dracula turned you into a vampire, right?" Voldemort laughed sinisterly, "He is indeed a hypocritical guy, on the surface he is your professor, but in fact he is selecting talented subordinates for himself..."

Cedric's face flushed red, and the veins on his face were constantly beating.

"You are not allowed to say that about Professor Dracula!" He broke through Voldemort's suppression for a short time, and a coma spell shot out from Cedric's wand.

A trace of surprise flashed across Voldemort's eyes, and he raised his wand to remove the coma spell in front of him.

"Vampires are really interesting, they can increase the magic power of a young wizard who has just reached adulthood so much..." He said thoughtfully.

Then, Voldemort's eyes were filled with anger again, "But forget about using this power to deal with me. I am no longer the same as before. I can easily defeat Dracula even if I meet him face to face!"

"Come on, I'll send you on your way first, and soon I'll send Dracula to see you!"

He waved his wand——

"Avada Kedavra!"

At the moment the green light came on, Cedric's body suddenly moved sideways a few feet.

The light of the Kedavra curse hit a tattered werewolf behind Cedric. The werewolf's smug grin froze on his face and he fell heavily to the ground.

The Aurors and vampires present suddenly felt that their bodies could move, and the heavy pressure on their bodies disappeared...

The next moment, a ball of golden-red flame lit up. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

Dumbledore's white hair was like a clear white cloud in the dark weather covered by stratus clouds, swaying in the wind.

"Albus Dumbledore!"

Looking at the white-haired figure that suddenly descended, Voldemort's eyes widened, as if he was about to spit out angry flames.

"How is it possible? How could you come so timely! I clearly blocked all the channels of information!" He roared angrily, "Tell me, are there any undercover agents of you and Dracula among the Death Eaters!"

Voldemort glanced around with resentment and suspicion, sweeping through the eyes of every Death Eater.

All he could see was the incredible and confused eyes of his servants, not the panic and dodge of being exposed.

"Severus, is it you!" Voldemort turned his eyes to Snape, who was wearing a mask on his face.

The plan to snipe Amelia Bones was completed recently. All the Death Eaters involved in the plan stayed by Voldemort's side. The dark allies such as werewolves and dementors were notified before the action began.

In other words, there was only one person who could pass the message to Dumbledore in time, and that was Severus Snape, who had been an undercover agent in Hogwarts for a long time to prevent being exposed.

Moreover, Snape's brain occlumency was also quite good, and Voldemort knew that he could hide from his Legilimency investigation.

So the person who betrayed Voldemort was about to be revealed.

However, Snape's eyes showed a trace of confusion, as well as the grievance and resentment of being misunderstood.

He knelt on one knee and said in a firm voice: "Master, please understand, I have never betrayed you!"

Dumbledore, who was opposite Voldemort, also showed a look of surprise and anger on his face. He looked at Snape and asked: "Severus, are you on Voldemort's side?!"

Snape was silent for a while, but still slowly said: "Sorry, Headmaster, but I have been a Death Eater from beginning to end..."

"Severus, I trusted you so much!" Dumbledore shook his head disappointedly, "I didn't pursue your past as a Death Eater, and I wanted you to take over as the headmaster of Hogwarts after retirement... Unfortunately, you still didn't reform after all."

He suddenly raised his wand and shot a swift spell in the direction of Snape.

Voldemort subconsciously raised his hand to stop the spell, and his brain fell into a state of shutdown.

'So it's really not Severus who betrayed me? ' He felt a little confused and thought in confusion.

Theoretically, Snape is more likely to betray, but it is not impossible for others to betray. What if they have some advanced alchemical equipment that can break through the blockade and pass the message?

Moreover, Dumbledore seems to be really angry. If it is just acting, he should not use such a powerful spell on Snape, and Snape should not have a quarrel with Dumbledore in public...

With such a true statement, he has completely lost the opportunity to continue to be a professor at Hogwarts.

Voldemort couldn't figure it out, so he decided to ignore whether Snape was a traitor or not, and it was more important to get rid of Dumbledore first.

"Dumbledore, I know... Dracula is not around this time." He said viciously, "My current strength has been improved again. I will make you regret coming to me alone!"

"Whether you regret it or not, you will know after you actually fight." Dumbledore said calmly, "There is no need to involve other people. If you want to fight with all your strength, change positions with me."

Then, the two people turned into a ball of golden red flame and a gloomy black fog respectively, and flew into a deep mountain nearby.

As soon as Dumbledore's figure appeared from the flame, he immediately waved his wand and transformed the trees of the entire mountain around him into big hands, grabbing the black fog with great speed.

Voldemort's figure also emerged from the black fog.

He waved his wand, and a roaring red flame rolled out of his wand, instantly engulfing the wooden hands around him, and became larger and larger after engulfing the trees.

Soon, the Fiendish Flame reached the height of several people, and its form kept switching between giant snakes, fire dragons, evil eagles and other giant beasts. Every time it switched, its size would become a little bigger, and finally it actually formed a small hill of fire.

Dumbledore looked solemn, turned his wand, and mobilized the water of a lake at the foot of the mountain.

The lake water was all raised, and almost the entire lake was drained.

The emerald green lake water formed a water tornado that connected the sky and the ground, colliding with the Fiendish Flame.

At the same time, Dumbledore chanted loudly:


Under the dual effects of water and the breaking spell, the Fiendish Flame was gradually suppressed and did not engulf the entire hill.

However, Voldemort's figure had approached Dumbledore without knowing when, and took advantage of his unpreparedness to shoot a Cruciatus Curse at his back.

Dumbledore quickly sensed the danger from behind, and instantly Apparated to adjust his position, suddenly appearing behind Voldemort, and also shot a sharp spell.

Voldemort's eyes became sharp, and he also Apparated and disappeared.

The two people disappeared and reappeared one after another, treating Apparition, a magic that other wizards would worry about splitting up when they used it occasionally, as a common movement of body, and moved from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain in a short time.

"Is this the level of you holding the Elder Wand?" Voldemort laughed, "You should abdicate, old thing, I am the most suitable wizard to be the owner of the Elder Wand!"

"You are too obsessed with power, Tom, letting you get the Elder Wand will only harm you!" Dumbledore responded.

"I've had enough of your preaching, Dumbledore!" Voldemort shouted, "Now we are in a life-and-death duel, put away your professorial habits! Be serious!"

Dumbledore and Voldemort fought again, and the beams of magic between the two wizards were like a hail of bullets, and they actually created the momentum and light effects of two huge armies fighting.

In the end, both of them seemed to have lost the desire to test each other, and chose the life-or-death confrontation of magic power at the same time-

"Avada Kedavra!"


A green and a white spell collided with each other, and everything was silent. The sound of the whole world seemed to disappear when the two spells met...

The light in the sky also dimmed, and it seemed that only green and white light were left in the world!

Voldemort and Dumbledore's faces gradually turned pale, and their hands holding the wands trembled violently...

In contrast, Dumbledore looked calm, as if he was ready to die with his opponent; while Voldemort seemed a little flustered. He had no idea that after borrowing the power of the god of death to improve his strength, he still couldn't completely surpass Dumbledore.

The two of them were deadlocked for a long time.

At this moment, a Death Eater with greasy long hair and a sallow face walked slowly to the top of the mountain where the two great wizards were fighting with heavy steps.

Voldemort and Dumbledore noticed him at the same time.

Now the two of them have used up all their magic power and have no time to deal with others. The appearance of a top wizard can be the last straw that breaks the camel's back and end this battle completely...

"Severus, are you here to help me?" Voldemort said with difficulty, "It's time to prove your loyalty... Come on, attack Dumbledore, haven't you never betrayed me? Prove it to me!"

Snape was silent.

Dumbledore sighed slowly and looked at Snape with deep blue eyes.

"Severus, please." He said softly.

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