Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 38: Unexpected Moment

{Merry Christmas everyone! I would like to dedicate this chapter to WIERD for your paragraph comments on this book. Your insights inspired me to write more when I was feeling down at that time. Thank you so much! :D}


After all the worrying I spent regarding the written exams, I ended up knowing that I worried for nothing-- at all!

The next day, the results of our written exams have already been revealed, as well as those students who will be advancing to the next level.

Mr. Pumpkin clutched the piece of paper in his hands as he is now about to announce the names of those who passed on the first part of the magic skills test. The classroom was filled with heavy silence as everyone patiently anticipated for his announcement.

Even I was fidgeting from my seat-- looking like a total idiot right now!

He cleared his throat first then pressed his lips-- which added to our anxiety-- before proceeding to what needs to say.

Geez, I almost rolled my eyes with his actions. Can he just directly announce the names of the students who passed... instead of us having to go through with these dramatic effects?

"I am happy to announce that all of you passed the written exams!" Finally! Mr. Pumpkin had decided to announce this in his cheery tone.

His happy announcement made some of our classmates exclaim in delight as they heard this very great news from our adviser. I am also happy to know that I was able to get through it with a passing mark.

But, I know it doesn't end here yet…for this is just the beginning of our suffering for the upcoming second part of the test.

"We will begin the execution part in just a few minutes. So I will ask all of you now to gather around the cultural hall of the school, for I'm afraid our panel, as well as our audience, are all waiting for you there."

That almost made my eyes round in bewilderment.

Did he just say AUDIENCE?!

"You mean, most of the students were asked to gather around to watch us making fool out of ourselves? Is that it?" said one guy classmate of mine from the back. I don't know if he intends it to be a joke or a plain statement.

That caused a fuss inside the classroom as my classmates exchanged statements with one another. Like me, they were also shocked by the second part of our adviser's announcement.

Well, there are a few lucky students who seemed calm and didn't show any signs of astonishment upon hearing this news.

Of course, you have probably guessed that I was pertaining to our air-headed class president Mr. Wilford, whose first name I haven't know yet. (Don't ask me why!)

"If you don't execute the spells properly, Mr. Hesse…" Our adviser shot a glance at the classmate who just spoke up all of a sudden. "... then I believe that's the time that you will-- indeed-- make a fool out of yourself. Tell me… do you want that to happen?"

There was a brief moment of awkward silence first before that student found his courage to answer.

"No, Mr. Pumpkin." he finally said.

"Good." The teacher gave his half-hearted smile before continuing. "Now, off we go to the cultural hall children. Chop chop."

We immediately stood from our seats as we heard that clapping sound from our adviser's hands and went out of this classroom.

As I was walking down the hallways leading to the said school facility, I can't help but worry about the things that might happen. There are these certain questions that popped out in my subconscious mind all of a sudden.

What if I fail to do even just one single spell? What if I can't do all of them? What if I flunk my grades in this very important subject that serves as my ticket to achieving my childhood dream of becoming a master wizard?

Yet I also recall what Mr. Pumpkin had said just a while ago.


"Do you want that to happen?"


Thinking about it… of course, I don't want that to happen! Then I guess I will just have to do my very best for me to get past through this with a passing mark and an advanced wizard rank at the end of the magic skills test!

Yes, that's right Krisella! You can do this!

After minutes of walking down the hallways, we finally arrived at the school cultural hall where I know all important school events are being held annually. I never thought this particular test is one of those events though.

Seeing this huge crowd of students gathered around this dome-shaped school facility in their respective seats at a high-end grandstand from both sides, I think I might want to change my mind about what I said just now.

On second thought… I think I can't do this!

Not with this crowd in front of me!


"Focus, you dummy!"


I gasped out of nowhere.

I think I heard the voice of that heartless, cold jerk just now… or was I imagining things?

Anyway, I tried to focus my thoughts on what is currently going on in this particular area.

Mr. Pumpkin led us to the backstage as we walked past a set of intimidating people seated in their respective seats with a long rectangular wooden desk in front of them and some papers and pens at the top of it.

I think these people will serve as our panel for now. They are indeed scary to look at.

Yet I noticed there is one vacant seat at the very edge of the desk on the right.

Is one of our panel made his or her absence today without further notice?

I was just about to peel my gaze from them when someone caught my attention from afar and is now walking towards that empty seat that I saw earlier.

"Sorry, I was late. I had to take care of some errands…." he said, which made me stunned for a little bit.

That husky, alluring voice when he is talking with others in his kind and good boy state….

I did not know the captain of the magic army would be one of our panels for today, nor did he say something about it!


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