Pretending To Be Gilead's Prince and Master Wizard

Chapter 147: The Devastating News

I cannot believe what I am hearing just now. Maybe that would be the most accurate solution to answer all these questions inside my head, but this is the captain of the magic army we are talking about! I can't just walk inside the castle and talk to him. There are several protocols to be followed here!

Sighing, I looked at Mr. Coope and said, "Yeah, sure. Like that would be an easy job to do."

But he only smiled at me meaningfully and stated, "As they say… there is nothing impossible in this world, isn't there?"

I pursed my lips together and thought of a possible way for me to get a one-on-one talk with that guy, then that's when the shiny, light bulb started lighting above my head as an idea suddenly pops inside my head.

"You know what? I think you are right, Mr. Cooper," I declared, smiling back at him as the idea keeps on circulating inside my head.


On Monday morning, I went to school with a very pleasant mood as I saw my friends already in their seats when I pushed the doors of our classroom open. When I walked in towards my seat and they started greeting me with a series of "Good morning" from the three of them, I immediately shot the question right towards them.

"I saw this news in a newly-published newspaper just Saturday that the castle will be holding its annual Christmas Ball inside. Is this true or what?" I eyed each of them with a curious look on their faces as I looked at the three of them.

Ariella was the one who answered the question for me, "Yes, it's true. But that ball is exclusive only for the very important guests consisting of some of the powerful monarchs from the other nations, men and women from the elite class and so on. "

I was nodding my head to her words when she suddenly asked, "Wait, don't tell me you are thinking of going there yourself? Because, there is no way for us to get invited there. No offense to you."

I immediately shrugged and waved my hand off of her. "No, silly. I am not that crazy to go to an event that is not intended for commoners like me." which is actually a lie though.

The Royal Castle would be opened for their guests outside the country. I am very much aware that more guards would be sent out to protect their precious visitors from the other country, but more maids would also be needed for that very special day. 

Since their holiday break is nearly approaching, (and that would take place on the 10th of December), I would very much take this opportunity to apply as one of their chamber maids for the said event. Then, I would use that opportunity to slip in and (hopefully) have a conversation with the captain of the magic army himself.

And I hope that my efforts would actually pay off by getting answers to the questions that kept on bothering me for the past couple of days already so that I would totally have my peace of mind.

But first of all, what I really hope is for all my plans to actually work…

Suddenly, my mind goes back to reality when Maggie starts snapping her finger right in front of me. 

"Hello, earth to Kris… earth to Kris. Is our friend still in there or what?" she repeatedly said, which I immediately brushed her hand off.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?"

"What I said is that there is this new store in Central Town that opened just now, and maybe we could hang out there after class? What do you say about that?" Maggie repeated her question for me, which I instinctively rejected on the spot. I am really not that type of person who likes to spend a lot on certain things. That must be the reason why I have that huge sum of money under my bed the other day.

"I thought you can move freely now since your grandmother is in heaven already," Maggie pouts, but I only gave her a blank face. Grandmother? 

I remember my favorite grandmother on my mother's side was long gone when I was eight years old. Meanwhile, I haven't met my grandma on my father's side since she was long gone even after I was born and my father was married to my mother.

Now all my three friends are somewhat confused with my reaction. They have been like this for the past few days already. When they mention something that I do not even remember saying out loud, they would give me this look that I have grown a third eye in my forehead or something like that.

"Seriously, Krisella… did you hit your head on something? You tend to forget things that you have already mentioned to us, and now you can't even remember your own grandmother!"

I scratched the back of my head. "No. Never did I recall hitting my head on something. But I do feel cramps inside my head occasionally. That only happens if something just flashes back in my memory on a whim…"

All three of them went mute afterward and just stared at me blankly.

"You better check your head on the infirmary as soon as possible Kris. We are starting to get worried about you."

I sigh. "I know, and I am so sorry for that."

When classes for today are over and I started walking down the hallways, alone because my friends have to do their share as part of the cleaners today, I happen to came across students who looked like they are close with one another the way they drape their shoulders with one another as they walked in front of me.

One was this tall guy who has really curly hair, broad back and dark skin complex while his buddy is a little bit shorter than him with straight sleek hair, scrawny features and a really nice fair skin complex.

I was just about to stop myself from staring much into them and mind my own business when they mentioned something that immediately piqued my interest.

"... It's really sad for our buddy Dexter to just die like that. I mean, man… that was so out of the ordinary." The one with the dark skin complexion said out loud with a hint of genuine sadness into it.

I can't help but ask, 'Who is this Dexter that they are pertaining to?'

"Yes. And we already planned to go to the magic army training together. All three of us. And now… he is gone. For good." his buddy standing on the right said quite emotionally, I must add.

I can't take the curiosity any longer. Out of the blue, I stretched out my hand and reached for the guy in the right's shoulder, making him stop in his tracks for a bit and instantly spun around to see who it was. His buddy also follows, their eyes full of confusion for my sudden action.

"Hi. Sorry to bother you but I just heard your seemingly loud conversation over here." Then I pause for a moment and take a moment to breathe in before I proceed. "I am Krisella Lancaster, by the way, who is a very good friend of Dexter Woods. May I know who is that Dexter you are referring to just now?"

"Oh, you must be his childhood friend!" The dark-skinned guy exclaimed in which I smiled upon. But moments passed and his energy died down sooner when he suddenly declared, "It was him that we are talking about just now. I'm so sorry for your loss."

My loss? I thought Dexter came here before me to study magic? Come to think of it, I have never seen him since I stepped foot in this academy. I wish I could see him now though and say my greetings to him.

Confused, I responded. "Wait, what do you mean? I thought…"

"Dexter Woods died in a tragic way after being shot in the chest by someone's arrow last week. It was not yet known who is the owner of that weapon who killed him though."


After hearing that devastating news from the guy, I immediately went off to the newspaper stands and bought the recent issues for the last week. There, written on bold printed letters, was the headline stated: A Gilead Academy Student found dead after being shot with an arrow.

The article didn't really state what really happened. All it did was to narrate the witnesses' point of view that all they've seen that time was a group of bandits going after my friend, whom they believed did something wrong and now they wanted his head for it. Investigation of what really happened is still ongoing, but with the lack of evidence and witnesses, the case would soon be closed any time soon.

I could feel my hands shaking and my body going numb as I read that particular article. No… I said to myself. This can't be happening! This isn't right!

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