Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 38

Chapter 38: Hongjun can’t leave, go to Zixiao in Haotian Jade Pool

Chapter 38 Hongjun can’t leave, the purple sky under Haotian Jade Pool

Let’s talk about the Red Cloud matter first.

The chaos does not remember the year. On this day, Haotian who was in retreat was summoned by Hongjun, so Haotian hurriedly ran to the front hall with Yaochi.

As soon as the two entered the front hall, they saw Hongjun sitting on the high platform. Hongjun looked at Haotian with scorching eyes, as if he wanted to see something from Haotian, but Hongjun’s eyes were very faint. Haotian didn’t let Haotian find out.

Haotian Yaochi walked in and came to pray: “See the master, the master has no bounds for life!”

Hongjun said blankly without making a sound. After a long while, Hongjun said, “You two know what will happen to you when I come here?”

The two of them were puzzled, even Haotian’s face was puzzled, “I don’t know the two, I hope the master will solve the puzzle!” The two men said.

“Well, this time I recruited you two, because there is something to tell you to wait!” Hong Jun said.

“Master, please speak!” Haotian Yaochi said.

“It has been a long time since I got that good fortune jade butterfly. I found the way of enlightenment that belongs to me. You two and I have a predestined relationship with me. Haotian originally existed in the chaos and was acquired by me. Your foundation is strong, and you will be immeasurable in the future; Yaochi, you are innate, inferior to the Haotian foundation, but you are considered to be the best, but your foundation has been destroyed, your Taoism magic power and your transformation time have not reached Requirement, but Haotian can still fill your shortcomings. I have achieved the Attainment Status. If I want to go one step further, I will have to retreat for countless years. I will not say anything else. You two will be ready after a while. Zixiao, go into the wilderness!”

The two of Haotian Yaochi looked at each other, a little dazed. Haotian reacted quickly and pulled Yaochi to bow and said: “Master, I did not do anything wrong. I don’t know where you are upset. I hope you will think twice. !”

“Chier ah” Hongjun rarely revealed this helpless look, “I am not saying that you are forced to drive away, but you two will have great achievements in the future, so let you two experience the prehistoric times.” Hongjun road.

When Haotian heard this, he knew it was not easy. Then he thought about the journey of the Jade Emperor in the Journey to the West, which means that Haotian (that is, the Jade Emperor) had more than 1,700 calamities. He was robbed for 129,600 years. From this point of view, this can be regarded as an investigation of him. Whether he can be qualified for the position of Jade Emperor, it seems that Hongjun has been planning for a long time.

Besides, no matter who it is, saints or other great supernatural powers, they are dissatisfied with the Lich races. These two races rely on their own great cause, they are defiant, rebellious, and do not respect them, so they have to find another race. The substitution of, it is easy to master, this is the birth of the human race, and it is easy to master.

I’ll talk about this later, after Haotian thought it through, he bowed: “Follow the decree of the master”, Yaochi hadn’t argued for a long time, but when he saw Haotianzhong this way, he responded.

Hongjun looked at Haotian, it seemed that he understood what he meant, and nodded secretly, “In that case, you two should pack up what you want and leave in more than a hundred years! After you two leave, I will seal Once I am in the Purple Cloud Palace, I cannot easily return to the Purple Cloud Palace without my summons.” Hongjun said again.

“Yes, sir!” Haotian Yaochi replied, and the two of them were about to leave.

Just when Yaochi got up, Hongjun said again: “Haotian, you stay, I have something to tell you.”

Haotian didn’t know what Hongjun wanted to say to him, so he stood up again and listened to Hongjun’s words. After Yaochi left, Hongjun looked at Haotian with focus, and Haotian felt that Hongjun’s gaze trembled, “Master, what’s the matter with you?” Haotian asked.

“From the time I enlightened you, I saw that something was wrong with you. Later, your words and deeds were all under my nose, which was in line with my intentions. In addition, I calculated that Haotian’s original numerology was not like this, but now it is It’s changed. I already know something from Heaven’s Dao, and I don’t point it out either. Hello, do it for yourself!” Hongjun said with no expression on his face.

When Haotian heard this, a cold sweat broke out on his head, and he wondered if Hongjun knew that I was a person of later generations? What does God say to Hongjun, right? Although he has Chaos Beads to cover up, after all, Ren Hongjun is the number one saint. It takes minutes to kill himself. In order to survive, he said: “Master, although you know a little about me, I will not destroy it. What? I hope you can rest assured!”

Seeing how careful Haotian is, Hongjun said: “Well, there is a ray of life under the number of days. I am the spokesperson of the Heavenly Dao. Since you are here, don’t do anything out of the ordinary. Otherwise, you understand? Yours. I won’t tell other people about it, so you don’t have to worry about it!”

“Thank you, sir!” After that, Haotian retreated outside after a bow.

Hongjun looked at Haotian, whose figure was drifting away, closed his eyes, and went out of the sky.

Walking out of the front hall, Haotian found that his whole body was sweating coldly. People said that his companion was like a tiger. This Hongjun was fierce than a tiger. He could eat people without spitting out bones.

Haotian didn’t want Hongjun’s words anymore, since Hongjun had said so, he also had to trust others. Haotian came to the apse and found Yaochi. Yaochi was packing up some of the things she took away. Most of what she got was some of her own common magic items. Haotian quietly walked to Yaochi when she saw that she was tidying up. Behind him, he hugged him, and Haotian said, “Good sister, what are you still packing up?”

Yaochi was taken aback by Haotian. He turned around and found that it was Haotian. The current situation of the two of them was only the last step. Yaochi didn’t say much, so he nestled in Haotian’s arms. Haotian also hugged Yaochi, Yaochi said. : “Take a few things that should be taken, baby, otherwise! I won’t have to take it in the future.”

Haotian said: “Hey, what is there? If you want to take it, take it with you!”

Yaochi said: “There are too many things to take, just take this as an example.” He pointed to a glazed lamp hanging in front of the window, which was given to Yaochi by Hongjun, and Yaochi was very happy.

“It’s okay, it’s okay to take it with you. What year will it be when you come back in the future?” Haotian sighed again after he finished speaking.

“Master let us leave for more than a hundred years, but I don’t know how many years I have been here, so I’m a little bit reluctant,” Yaochi cried.

Haotian hugged Yaochi tightly, and whispered: “It’s okay, we will be back, don’t worry!” As Haotian said, he stroked Yaochi’s shoulder with his right hand. The appearance of Yaochi is so pitiful and beautiful. There are two tears on his face.

Haotian comforted the two Yaochi and said the words sticking to themselves. This time seemed to Haotian to be really slow, but it was also very cool and comfortable.

After   , Haotian told Yaochi the time when the two were planning to leave.

In this way, decades have passed, and the day set by Hongjun is about to come to an end. Haotian and Yaochi are ready to leave. When they stand in the apse that they have just blocked, their hearts are extremely complicated. After all, they are leaving here. Haotian was still pulling Yaochi towards the front hall. The front hall door was closed tightly. Haotian and Yaochi knelt down and knocked three heads towards the door, got up and left.

When he walked to the barrier between Zixiao Palace and Chaos, Yaochi couldn’t help but turn his head. Haotian felt it and turned his head. He looked at the square where people gathered in front of the Zixiao Palace when they heard the Tao, and looked at the familiar ones. Building, sighed inwardly, and finally took Yaochi away and entered the chaos. The two of them once again went to the Zixiao Palace, and the Zixiao Palace had disappeared near the two of them.

The two sighed deeply, then turned and flew towards the wild land.

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(End of this chapter)

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