Prehistoric: The Haotian Jade Emperor

Chapter 21

Chapter 21: Haotian’s injury is good, go back to Zixiao

Chapter 21 Haotian is well injured and returns to Zixiao

When Haotian woke up, he found himself in an antique room, which was full of red sandalwood fragrance.

Haotian got up, feeling a pain in his chest, remembering that he was injured when he lost the battle with Emperor Junta that day. He once again realized that his own Taoism was insufficient, and he thought that after he went back, he would practice hard.

As soon as Haotian woke up, Fuxi and Nuwa knew about it, and they came to Haotian.

Nuwa happily said: “Ahhhhhh, wake up, knowing that you two were in a small state at that time, and you still fight. Isn’t this looking for abuse? See if you dare to be impulsive in the future.”

Fuxi smiled and said, “Friend Haotian, after this time, there will be some enlightenment.”

Haotian smiled, embarrassed, and didn’t know what to say.

Fuxi saw Haotian’s awkward situation, and stopped joking, took out a pill, but the pill was refined with a variety of healing spiritual roots, so Haotian took it, and Haotian felt comfortable after taking it. , The pain in his body is reduced, and he has to practice some time. Haotian feels that after this fight, he has some experience and can be promoted to Da Luo Consummation.

Haotian slowed down for a while, and asked, “How long have I been in a coma?” Nuwa said, “Is it a hundred years? It’s not a long time.”

Haotian thought, “A hundred years are not long, even if he was in a coma, he didn’t have a hundred years in his previous life, okay?”

Then Haotian asked again: “How long is it from Dao Ancestor preaching?”

Fuxi stepped forward and said, “There are still about two thousand five hundred years.”

Haotian breathed a sigh of relief, afraid of missing the sermon.

Suddenly Fuxi thought of something, and stepped forward to sit next to Haotian, and said, “Do you know what you did after unconsciousness?”

Haotian looked dazed, puzzled: “What did I do?”

At this time, Nuwa seemed to know what Fuxi was going to say, so she pulled Fuxi and pulled his sleeve hard, not wanting Fuxi to say it.

But Fuxi said: “After you were unconscious, Nuwa has been taking care of you. That day, you grabbed Nuwa’s wrist and refused to release it. My girl is so cheap.”

Nuwa flushed immediately, and said to Fuxi, “Brother, you hate me, so I said this.” This will be even more beautiful because of Nuwa’s charming and beautiful face, making Haotian stare at Nuwa. After watching for a long time, he didn’t come back to his senses until Fuxi laughed.

Haotian didn’t know what to say, but he knew about this incident and left a deep impression on Nuwa, and Nuwa also had a great affection for Haotian. At this time, Haotian considered that he would have strength in the future. Don’t take Nuwa?

Then Haotian shook his head and threw the bad thoughts out of his mind.

,,,,. . . .

After another five hundred years, Haotian finally healed the injury. In fact, Haotian’s injury was already healed, but he just wanted to spend more time with Nuwa.

During these five hundred years, the three of them also talked about each other and gained a lot. The relationship between Nüwa Haotian also rose like a rocket, and Haotian broke through to the realm of Daluo’s consummation. Haotian was very happy, the cultivation base was finally not bad.

Haotian counted the passage of time, thinking that it was time to return to the Zixiao Palace, and he was ready to say goodbye to Fuxi and Nuwa.

Fuxi and Nuwa listened to her, but Fuxi couldn’t give up, but Fuxi said, “If this is the case, then fellow Daoists will go back! We will preach goodbye to Zixiao Palace in the future.”

Haotian said: “Okay, see you in the Purple Heaven Palace”

Nuwa didn’t speak much at this time. Haotian knew that Nuwa did not want him to leave, but this could not help Haotian. Besides, there was still Yaochi in Zixiao Palace waiting for him, so she could only leave.

So Fuxi sent Haotian to leave. Because Nuwa was in a bad mood, she didn’t send Haotian. Fuxi knew the thoughts of these two people and didn’t break it, so Haotian flew in the direction of Zixiao Palace.

On the way to Zixiao Palace again, Haotian counted the treasures he had obtained, especially the gourd Haotian didn’t know what effect it had. Suddenly he remembered forgetting to collect the gourd vine when he arrived at the gourd. It was a good treasure and would be of great use in the future.

So with the attitude of giving it a try, he returned to the place where the gourd vine was still there, and couldn’t help but be overjoyed. As expected, God treats him not badly.

Haotian took the gourd vine, and at the same time took away the soil below it, and then freely used it.

After   , Haotian flew to the Zixiao Palace, and finally returned to the Zixiao Palace a hundred years later.

(End of this chapter)

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